Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1441: When something goes wrong there must be a demon

Huanhuan Xixi went back to his mother's house and came to see his father-in-law and his aunt, but his father-in-law and his aunt were gone. What is happening?

The ominous foreboding in Ning Tao's heart was getting stronger. He could almost be sure that something bad happened, but he couldn't show it. He comforted Ashibo: "Love your wife, don't worry, maybe they have moved. After all, more than 500 years have passed. They are tired of living here, so it may not be necessary to move to another place. "

"Really?" Ashibo was still worried.

Ning Tao thought for a moment and then said, "Is there a neighbor nearby, ask your neighbor and see what the neighbor knows."

A Shibo said: "The wooden house on the south end is not far from here, let's ask."

Shenzhou came through the air and asked, "What's the situation?"

Ning Tao said, "My father-in-law and mother-in-law are gone. We're going to the neighbor's house on the south side to ask. Come with us."

"Okay, then get on the ship." Shenzhou returned to the ship first.

Ning Tao and A Shibo returned to the ship and Shenzhou flew south.

To the south is a huge wetland with lush vegetation and puddles everywhere, but there are no fish and shrimp in the water, only clear water.

This is a world where the mother of wood has evolved. There are no other animals, only strange plant life, no birds in the sky, and no fish and shrimp in the water. This is nothing strange.

Under the guidance of A Shibo, Shenzhou flew to a place in the wetland, where the white waterweed was extremely dense.

However, there were only three large pits on the jade grassland, and there were no flowers and vines from the Duanmu family.

"This ..." Ashibo was dumbfounded and even more anxious. "Hualang, is there any bad thing? Where did everyone go?"

Ning Tao grabbed her hand: "Don't worry, think again, are they going on a tour, or are the Huateng people holding a meeting?"

A Shibo shook his head: "Hua Tengren never travels. This wetland star is so small. Hua Tengren is a scenery. Naturally, no scenery is scarce. Hua Tengren never meets. There is no government here. They are families. As a unit, naturally no one will host any meetings. "

Ning Tao frowned.

This is not, that is not, the possibilities he can think of have been denied, and he has no idea in his heart. But that ominous premonition was even stronger, which disturbed him.

Shenzhou touched the white beard on his chin and said: "Sisters and sisters have said that the territorial consciousness of the Huateng people is very strong. Fool, I have a bold guess ... "

He did not go on.

Ashibo said anxiously, "What are you talking about?"

Shenzhou looked at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao said a little silently: "What do you think I do, say it."

He was also anxious.

Then Shenzhou said it: "My guess is that the flower and vine people on the wetland star have encountered an accident and either have been destroyed by some powerful existence or have been abducted."

"What did you say?" Ashibo burst into tears, "This is impossible!"

Ning Tao was silent. He believed in Shenzhou's speculation.

The Huateng people have no government and take the family as a unit. If there is any strong existence or alien invasion, the Huateng people will not even have a decent resistance. If the opponents break down one by one, if you want to destroy or abduct the flower and vine people on the wetland star, it only takes a little time to achieve this goal.

"Let's look elsewhere, if we still can't find the flower vine, we will make the worst plan," Shenzhou said.

Ning Tao nodded his head, and then said to Ashibo: "Love wife, I know you are very anxious, I am also anxious, but anxiety is useless, let's look elsewhere."

"Um." Ashibo responded, but couldn't help the inner worry and anxiety, tears burst out.

Shenzhou left Duanmu's territory and continued south.

On the way, Ashibo stopped Shenzhou several times and went to check each time, but there were no people in the place where there were neighbors before, and there were only more or less large pits on the ground.

Ning Tao let Shenzhou speed up, flew for a long distance, and then continued to search for the flowers and vines, but the results were the same. Those territories only had large pits left by the flowers and vines, and no one was present.

Finally, Shenzhou returned to the territory of Ashibo's house.

Ashibo cried at the three big pits: "Dad, mom, sister, where have you been? You come out, I am Ashibo, I am back ... wow ..."

She was crying very sad and Ning Tao was distressed. He wanted to persuade her and comfort her, but in the face of this situation, he didn't know what to say to make her feel at ease. Mom and dad and mysteriously disappeared, and may even have been killed, in the face of such things, no matter what comfort and encouragement language does not help.

Moreover, he now has a new hunch that the other party is likely to be directed at the mother of wood. When Shenzhou was flying a long distance just now, he had been using the divine mind to detect and perceive the existence of Muzimu, but there was no result. This small planet is full of aura, and there are wood-based energies scattered everywhere, but those energies are very low-level, and they are not the energies of fine wood elements at all.

"Hualang, what should I do?" A Shibo looked at Ning Tao with tears in her eyes.

Women need a man to rely on at this time.

Ning Tao thought for a moment before he said, "The people on the planet have disappeared, and there is no one to question. If the wetland star is occupied by an alien race, then we should see the enemy, but until now , We haven't even seen an enemy. So, the most important thing right now is to figure out what happened. "

Shenzhou said: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The flower and vine people on one planet have disappeared ... Yes, brother and sister, besides the flower and vine people on this planet, there are other intelligent lives?"

Ashibo said: "Yes, there are big tree people who live in the forest. They are big but clumsy and don't like activities. Sometimes they take root in one place and don't want to move for hundreds of years. There are grass people, they live in swamps, they are small, they like to live in groups, and they have a strong sense of territory. "

Shenzhou said: "Then we should go to the forest or swamp to ask the tree and grass people to see what they know."

Ning Tao said: "Why bother to ask, we have passed through many forests, many swamps along the way, and I have used divine investigations along the way, but I have not seen a big tree man or a grass man. This planet, it is not moving Life form. "

Shenzhou's brow frowned suddenly: "What then?"

A Shibo's tears flowed even more urgently: "Hualang, you must think of a way."

Ning Tao said silently: "It seems to use the old method, I want to look into the past, time and space, and you will keep my weapon, do not move anything."

After explaining Ashibo and Shenzhou, he jumped into a large pit and released the long-used magic town tower from the Japanese sun gourd. There were also two auxiliary props, wooden planks and cloud ore. .

Later, he drew another immortal sign and stuck it on his forehead. A trace of forged power was injected into the immortal charm, and the immortal charm suddenly burst into shape, melting into a patch of energy into his body, rendering his body.

Although the magical tools and props are still the rookie era's magical tools and props, but the caster is already a great god, and the effect is naturally far better than before.

In the end, he took out a golden can-searching ancestor and took it directly.

It was a gift for Laozhangren, and only he himself could enjoy it.


God-level Xunzu Dan melted, and the powerful medicinal power immediately played a role.

There was an ink-like darkness in front of Ning Tao's eyes, but this time using the old method, apart from this darkness, he didn't feel a little uncomfortable. In the past, this was a very painful and even terrible process, and it felt like dead.

The dark tide generally receded, the sky returned, and the sky was white and blue, so clean that there was no bird. The earth returned, the forest was dense, the wetland was lush, and the area was full of vitality. His position is still on the hillside, but it is not a large pit under the buttocks, but a white jade ground, surrounded by white jade grass and white flower vines.

This place is still the domain of Ashibo's family, but his father-in-law and mother-in-law are still not seen, and the aunt is not here.

A Shibo and Shenzhou are gone, separated by an unknown number of years.

Ning Tao stood up from the white jade ground, looked around, and felt a little depressed. If he was lucky, there was Ashibo ’s father, mother and sister in the past time and space, but he all stepped in the time and space. But I still didn't see my father-in-law and mother-in-law.


Ning Tao couldn't help but curse.

The wooden life of a planet has disappeared ~ ~ Even an enemy has not met, this is the most strange thing he has ever encountered in his life.

But this was already the best way he could think of, and there was no other way to trace the clues.

The Town Time Tower is just a special magic weapon. If it is used together with tree boards and cloud ore, it can intervene in time and space, but this intervention is always random. Previously, he was involved in the past of time and space in order to find the South Gate to find the immortals. After finding the South Gate to find the immortals, he never used the town time tower and had no related needs.

This time involved in the past time and space of the wetland star, there must be no Dan spirit here, so he deliberately jumped into a large pit left by a relative of Ashibo and locked his position. As soon as he wanted to step in, he would appear next to Ashibo's family, but now the situation is that he has stepped in the past, and still hasn't seen Ashibo's family.

This strange thing asks you to be depressed?


Suddenly, a noise came from the direction down the hillside.

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