Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1446: Arrow in the knee

The ruins of the Tianlongxinggong are in this valley. The building community of tens of thousands of years ago still retains the original appearance, and the damage is not serious. Even if it was damaged, it was the roots of the trees that damaged the structure of the building.

In fact, if you do n’t come to the valley yourself, standing in front of the ruins of the Dragon Palace, even if you fly over the valley, it will be difficult to find it, because the plants that take root and sprout in the ruins, have formed themselves. A community covers almost the entire ruins of the palace.

"Here is the ruins of the Tianlong Xinggong Palace." Wet wood Runhua pointed to a collapsed building located in the middle of the ruins and said, "There is the main hall of the Xinggong palace, and there are some things left by the Tianlong people. You are going See? "

Ning Tao said, "Go check it out."

He came to the steps of the hall, and the gate of the hall stepped on. There were two trees and lush foliage at the place where the gate was supposed to be.

Wet wood Runhua took another breath at the wind seal of the hand, but nothing happened.

"Why isn't it working?" She asked.

Ning Tao had penetrated through the gap between the two trees.

Wet wood Runhua took another breath at the seal of the wind, but there was still no response. She looked at the seal of the wind on the palm of her heart depressed, and wanted to ask Ning Tao why it was not working, but found Ning Tao Having drilled in, she stomped angrily, and then went in between the two trees.

The hall is paved with the same stone material as the stone road at the mouth of the valley, and it is a fairly large piece. The roof of the main hall has not completely collapsed. The preserved part has a large number of carved flowers, figures, animals and some complicated and exquisite patterns. There were also several statues in the hall, some fell to the ground, lacked arms and legs, and some stood on the ground, covered with moss and vines.

Ning Tao came to a statue and reached out and pulled out the vine on the statue.

The head and face of the statue are exposed. The head is long and narrow, the eyes are large, but the mouth and nose are small. It looks like a peeled egg. The neck is also very long, at least twice that of a human, and the trunk and limbs are also very slender. At first glance, this statue is a statue of a noodle man.

"Is this the Dragon Dragon?" Ning Tao asked.

Wet wood Runhua said: "Yes, this is a statue of the Dragon Dragon. Several generations ago, the Dragon Dragon had a huge population and ruled the entire Dragon Dragon, but now they have disappeared." Then she added, " Why the Fayin you painted for me doesn't work? "

Ning Tao said: "You can only use it once a day, and tomorrow you will have wind again."

Wet wood flower: "..."

Ning Tao came to the end of the hall.

There is a stone platform at the end of the hall, with a height of ten meters, a stone ladder leads to it. He stepped up the stairs and boarded the stone platform. There were only some weeds and vines on it, which seemed empty.

"This is where the throne of the Dragon King is placed. There was a dragon chair before, but it has weathered." Wet wood Runhua's voice.

In all fairness, her guide is good, at least knowing something.

The clues were there, and the Tianlong people saw what they looked like. Ning Tao looked at his little aunt, and then said, "Runhua, I'm leaving."

Wet wood moistened for a moment, "Where are you going?"

Ning Tao said: "I actually came from the future, and I want to go back to the future."

As soon as his words fell, Wetwood Runhua suddenly rushed up, and his fist wanted to be drawn from his eyes. He reached out and grabbed her wrist. I didn't know she moved forward, and the other hand wrapped around his waist, and at that moment, the floral skirt on her body suddenly opened, releasing a hundred. Flowers and vines, wrapped around him, bound him in a blink of an eye.

It wasn't just Ning Tao who was tied up, but also the wet wood moisturizer, and the two of them became a big mule together.

"You ..." Such a posture was squeezed, and Ning Tao was stiff, and even her tongue was not spared. "You, what are you doing?"

Wet wood Runhua snorted coldly: "Tell me again where did you come from?"

Ning Tao did not hesitate: "I am from the future, I am actually a god."

"Hahaha ..." Wet wood moistened with laughter, the flowers on the flower vine trembled, the flowers were trembling.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I laugh that you are still lying and lying to you. You want to escape. It's not that easy. I will turn you into a flower fertilizer now!" Wet wood Runhua showed a very vicious look.

Is this turning into flower fertilizer?

Ning Tao already wanted to leave. He only needed to say a spell to leave this past time and space, but suddenly he heard that the wet wood Runhua was going to turn him into a flower fertilizer. He was curious in his heart, but he did n’t want to leave, and wanted to experience it. How did she turn him into a flower fertilizer?

But when he was thinking like this, he suddenly felt that the wet wood wet flower that was entwined with flowers and vines with him suddenly became wet, quite wet, and he felt like squeezing with a sponge man full of water. Together, they were drenched in the blink of an eye. Also in this process, the flower vines wrapped around him, each flower vine has a whisker coming out, and it must be pierced into his skin.

He immediately understood that this is what is called flower fertilizer. Wet wood moisturizes him as a piece of mud. The favorite of plants is moist and fertile mud. When rooted in such mud, the plants will grow lush.

In the case of someone else, I am afraid that this series of operations has passed out, and his body has been penetrated by his roots, but he is a god. Such an attack is like bean sprouts to him. The roots of the wet wood moisturizer kept piercing him, omnidirectionally, but none of them could penetrate his skin and pierce into his body. On the contrary, she kept arguing and immersing in acid, and the clothes on his body were melted in a blink of an eye, becoming her flower fat.

Without the isolation of the clothes, the root of the wet wood moisturizer was tied directly to his body, and every inch of the skin was spared.


If tens of thousands of needles are attacking every inch of skin, although it is definitely impossible to penetrate Ning Tao's skin, the itching feeling is a headache. Yes, he's itchy all over, and itches into his bones.

Just now, Wetwood Runhua was still saying to stimulate him: "Ugly slave, I will give you one last chance, immediately ask for mercy, swear never to leave me, never run away, never be my slave, I will forgive You are killed, otherwise ... hum! "

I hum your sister!

Ning Tao was made to cry and laugh at her: "You have no end, I tell you the truth, I am God, not your slave, and ..."

He was trying to say that I was still your brother-in-law, but he didn't wait for him to speak out. The wet wood moisturized suddenly, the big sister-in-law fell to the ground, rolled over twice and hit a bush before stopping.

"I don't think you can see the pits and tears!" Wet wooden moisturizer yelled.

A large white flower sprayed out of the white mortar jade ground, and the root of the flower vine extended into the stone platform, so she planted herself on the stone platform.

More acid, stronger root whiskers.

But for Ning Tao, it was just an even more itchy experience. He felt as if his body was covered with caterpillars, and the feeling of itching into the bone was more obvious.

"Swear to me! Never leave me, be my slave forever!" Wet wood Runhua is even more fierce, like a little tiger.

In fact, she didn't really want to kill Ning Tao and turn Ning Tao into her flower fertilizer, otherwise she would not let Ning Tao compromise and ask for forgiveness again and again, to give Ning Tao a "last" chance.

Ning Tao could not laugh or cry: "I'm your brother-in-law, don't do this, we have something to say."

"You liar, I don't believe you!" Shimu Runhua was excited.

In fact, as soon as Ning Tao chanted the spell, he could get rid of it. He didn't need to talk nonsense with the wet wood, but he didn't chant.

Why not chant?

He didn't know it himself.

Maybe everyone has a bit of a metamorphic plot. I usually don't notice it. When I encounter it, I'm full of curiosity. I want it to continue, and then I make the result clear.

This may be the case for Ning Tao. He is curious, he wants to figure out what the final result will be.

But that was the thought, something went wrong.

He fired back.

Moreover, he never thought of a counterattack at all, it was an instinctive reaction.

You chop my thousand swords.

I'll hit you with a dagger.

But this is what happened.


"You ..." Wet Wood Runhua exclaimed.

But you can't say anything about you.

"Sorry, I didn't fight back on purpose." Ning Tao was nervous and guilty.

"I'm holding both of your hands! You liar!" Wet Wood Runhua yelled at Ning Tao: "I want to kill you!"

Ning Tao: "..."

A flower vine suddenly wrapped around Ning Tao's neck and pulled him back.

Ning Tao's waist was almost pulled into a bow by the flower rattan, and it was full of strings.

The arrow was on the string and had to be fired.


Uh ...

After a while, the flower vine loosened.

Wet wood Runhua sat on the ground in a daze.

Ning Tao wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know what to say.

"I don't allow you to go." Shimu Runhua broke the silence between the two.

There was a bitter taste in Ning Tao's heart. Here is the past time and space. Even if he didn't take the initiative to leave, it would only take a few days. Once the immortal mana passes, he will automatically leave this past time and space, and there will be no trace of everything he intervenes.

"I want you to be the ugly slave of my life!" Shimu Runhua added again.

Ning Tao sighed: "Well, I promise you, I won't go, I will stay and be an ugly slave for a lifetime. I don't want anything now, I just want you to be happy."

"Are you really a god?" Shimu Runhua asked again ~ ~ a smile was already on her face.

Ning Tao froze slightly: "How did you find out?"

Wet wood Runhua suddenly got up from the ground, reaching out and twisting Ning Tao's ears: "You ugly slave, give you a flower vine, you will be full of trees, aren't you, you still want to be a **** like this? I Pooh!"

Ning Tao: "..."

He didn't hide either, letting her grab his ear.

Although it was a passive counterattack, there were some things he was ashamed of.

But did not wait for the wet wood moisten to twist.


Uh ...

This is a real arrow, and it is not an arrow. It is a rain of arrows.

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