Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1456: 1 reunion

The distance of several tens of kilometers was left behind in an instant, and the Thunder King hammer stopped when flying over Tianlong City.

Ning Tao then called out the golden **** cloud. When he stood on the **** clouds with his feet, he loosened Ashibo's waistline, moved his nose, and started searching for the smell in the air.

In real time and space, he and wet wood Runhua have never met, but he remembers the smell of wet wood Runhua.

The air inhaled in the nostrils smelled of earth, rock, which occupies most of them, and the smell of corpses. It was hidden deeply, but he could not escape his sensitive smell.

Is there a body?

Ning Tao frowned slightly, Tianlong City in the field of vision was empty, there were incomplete buildings everywhere, the streets buried by the yellow sand, and the rest of the buildings were relatively tall and majestic buildings. Ordinary houses were just one Piles of mounds, where corpses exist.

He suddenly remembered the metal capsules containing dried corpses found in the wetland of Xingshan's belly. The smell from those dried corpses was very similar to the smell of the corpses he now captured.

"Hualang, where are my father and mother and my sister?" A Shibo was anxious.

"Don't worry, they will find them all." Ning Tao flew to the center of Tianlong City in a cloud.

It will take a little time to find three people among the ruins of the city of two or three hundred square kilometers. Even a great **** like him.

God is not almighty.

The city center is getting closer, and a broken royal palace comes into view.

The royal palace covers an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers, and although it is dilapidated, it also gives a sense of grandeur.

Ning Tao's nose moved and suddenly caught a familiar smell.

It was the smell of wet wood.

Later, he caught the smell of wet land and mountain wood flowers.

However, there was a trace of blood in his nose. This **** smell made his heart suddenly tense, too late to tell Ashibo that he flew to the source of the odor by driving the golden **** cloud.

It is the main hall of the entire palace. The foundation is elevated for dozens of meters, and it is also a kind of stone that is not easily weathered. Therefore, it is still in good condition. Except for the roof, the walls and stigmas are fine. Standing upright.

The golden **** cloud flew into the hall.

The main hall is full of jade corpses of Tianlong people, and three flower vines are trapped in one corner of the main hall. It is the wet land, mountain wood flowers and wet wood flowers.

The wet Luodi and Shanmuhua were in the state of flower vines, and they kept spraying white pulp, attacking their dead bodies. Wet wood Runhua hid behind the couple, she was injured, she was soaked in blood and looked very weak.

"Dad! Mother!" A Shibo shouted and flung up desperately.

At the same instant, a few dead bodies jumped up and rushed into the family of three from the air.

Wet Luodi and Shanmuhua sprayed white pulp into the sky and shot down two, but the husband and wife had no white pulp at the same time, and several dry corpses were about to hit the husband and wife in a critical situation.

Just at the moment of the moment, a figure flickered by, and a few dead corpses were immediately smashed, and pieces fell to the ground.

It wasn't A Shibo that shot, but Ning Tao, who was not as fast as Ning Tao.

More corpses rushed up, opened their teeth and danced their claws, making rattling noises.

Ning Tao frowned slightly, the two groups of magical fire flew out, then burst into the air, turned into a lightening rain and flew to the group of dry corpses.

Puff puff!

A dry corpse was pierced by a magical fire, and it was burned to ashes in an instant.

However, from the several caves in the hall, there were still dead bodies crawling out from below and rushing to this side.

Ning Tao photographed it with a palm, a seal of chaos fell to the ground, and a golden energy shield enveloped this corner instantly.

One by one, the corpses smashed into the energy shield of the Mark of Chaos, and they were ignited by shattering, and the "seeds" inside the corpses were also burned to ashes.

After this series of operations, the family of Ashibo, Wet Luodi, Shanmuhua and Wetmurunhua had not had time to say a word.

Two white lights flashed, the flower vine disappeared, and the wet land and mountain wood flower appeared.

"Daddy and mother, I'm back!" A Shibo opened her arms and hugged the closest mountain flower to her, her eyes burst into tears.

The wet Luo walked quickly to the mother and son, hugged the mother and son, the family of three were together, and the three were crying with joy.

"I'm going ..." Wet wood Runhua curled up in the corner said weakly, "Sister, father and mother ... Did you forget me? You really are eccentric ... kekeke ..."

Without saying a word, blood dripped from the corner of the wet wood.

Ning Tao hurried to her.

"You, who are you?" Wet Wood Runhua asked Ning Tao with a quiver.

"I am ..." Ning Tao almost said "Augly" without holding back, but he swallowed it back to his mouth.

He and Wetwood Runhua became a husband and wife in the past time and space. He also realized the seal of death in the supernatural space of Wetwood Runhua. .

Seeing that the wet wood is still alive, Ning Tao was happy in his heart, but in the face of the situation where he didn't know each other, he could not help but feel a sadness.

"That's your brother-in-law," Ashibo said.

"Brother-in-law?" Wet wood Runhua's expression was surprised, and she didn't even realize that there was a new blood in her mouth.

The response of wet Luodi and Shanmuhua was equally astonishing.

"Big girl, when are you getting married?" Shilu said anxiously.

Shan Muhua stared straight at Ning Tao, his eyes seeming to penetrate his heart.

However, Ning Tao ignored his father-in-law and mother-in-law. He came to the wet wood Runhua and said warmly, "Don't talk, keep still, I will heal you."

"I ... I'm infected, you walk away, or my sister will become a widow." Shimu Runhua said, she had a terrible pain, but she had a heartless smile on her face.

"Don't talk nonsense, your brother-in-law is a god, he will surely save you." Ashibo worried about the condition of the wet wood, and walked forward.

Wet Luodi grabbed Ashibo's hand: "Your sister is really infected, don't go there."

Wet wood Runhua said with a smile: "You see, you are still very eccentric. You have always loved your sister the most."

"Little girl, don't you say that ..." Shan Muhua covered her mouth without saying a word, tears fell down holding the thread, and there was also a choking cry from her mouth.

Shimu Runhua said, "Okay, okay, I won't say it anymore, my sister is back, and my sister will accompany you ... I feel relieved ... keke ..."

Ning Tao squatted next to the wet wood Runhua and lifted up her floral skirt, only to find that her calves had dried up, her skin began to darken, and the smell of the corpse was very bad.

No wonder she didn't enter the state of Haneda to participate in the war. It turned out that she was really infected.

Her legs became like this, that is to say that her roots were destroyed. Without roots, she could not get into the ground at all, and could not be jade.

"Hurry up, don't touch me ..." Shimu Runhua reached out to push Ning Tao.

Ning Tao reached out and grabbed a pair of wet wood Runhua's legs, and then grabbed her legs to inject the force of creation.

Darkened skin quickly turns white, and dried muscles fill up and return to normal. There was a stream of black juice in the wet wood's skin. Those juices exuded a strong odor of the corpse, and it was faint to see that something like a nematode was creeping inside.

Ning Tao picked up the Japanese sun gourd, watered the wet wood, and washed away all the dirt on her body.

The whole process lasted only two minutes. It was not until the body was soaked with water that the wet wood was revived and exclaimed, "You, what are you doing?"

Ning Tao said: "I wash away the dirt on your body so that I can avoid reinfection."

She was very excited, and her voice trembled, "Little girl, how is she, is she?"

Ning Tao nodded her head: "She is all right, I have cured the trauma and internal injuries, as well as the dirty things she infected."

"Little girl!" Wet Luodi cheered and rushed to the wet wood.

Immediately afterwards, Shan Muhua rushed up and the family of three hugged again, crying with joy.

A Shibo came to Ning Tao's side and said in a very soft voice: "Hualang, thankfully you, or I don't know what to do."

Ning Tao smiled: "Whatever kind words you and your husband say, no matter what I do for you, I will."

A Shibo got to Ning Tao's ears and said in a small voice, "You are super **** at night."

Ning Tao: "..."

The wet wood moisturized by the wet Luodi and mountain wood flowers into a sandwich suddenly looked up, and a pair of black eyes stared at Ning Tao: "Are you really my brother-in-law?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "In front of your sister, if I weren't your brother-in-law, would I dare say I was your brother-in-law?"

Wet Luodi and Shanmuhua released the wetwood moisturizer, and both of them stared at Ning Tao.

Laozhangren looked at her son-in-law, with a sense of doubt and vigilance in his eyes, for fear that his daughter, who had worked so hard, had married the wrong person.

The old mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, but the more she looked at it, the more she looked at it, and the more she looked at it, the more interesting she was.

"By the way, sister ... you just said that your brother-in-law is ... is God?" Wet wood Runhua suddenly remembered this ~ ~ and asked.

Ashibo said, "Of course, your brother-in-law is the king of immortals, the king of the gods in the east of the mountain, and the **** of heaven to send the gods, it is very powerful."

This is a typical way to add a halo to her husband.

Wet wood Runhua's small mouth opened wide and could not be closed.

Wet Luodi and Shan Muhua were also spotted on the spot, I don't know how to get along. According to the number of rituals, when I saw God was going to bow down, but this **** was his own son-in-law. How could the old face be settled when they knelt down and worshiped their son-in-law? What's more, how could my daughter be upset in the future?

Without waiting for the Luoluo and Shan Muhua to say something, Ning Tao stepped forward and bowed down: "Xiaoyu sees his father-in-law and his mother-in-law."

A Shibo smiled.

Such a good husband must be encouraged with attitude.

This **** is overdetermined tonight.

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