Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1461: High Altitude Adventures

Ning Tao did not intentionally mark the ink, but he rashly shot before it was not in his interest to understand the situation. The elders of the Shuren made it clear that it was the father-in-law and mother-in-law's family, and he must figure it out.

"Do n’t you understand the Wetland language, then you don't understand ..." I almost spoke out the universal language English, and Ning Tao remembered that the alien spoke English, and that was all in Hollywood movies. .

"Wow!" Pompeus roared, and suddenly twitched a giant axe twenty to thirty meters long and slashed at Ning Tao.

Just now, Ning Tao was thinking about things and didn't start, but he seemed to be watching Ning Tao and felt that it was just the same, so he couldn't wait.

Elder Sakuragi is right. So sooner or later, why bother?

Just do it with an axe!

Ning Tao flew sideways.

The giant axe broke, but the energy on the axe whistled on the stone pillar like a crescent.


The stone pillar vibrated, and a crack of several tens of meters appeared in the column. Some places even fell off and stones fell.

"My brother-in-law is careful!" Wet Wood Runhua screamed.

A Shibo looked at the wet wood with a strange look.

Is this a bit wrong?

"Hsin-chan! This stone pillar is about to fall, you take us away!" Roared wetly.

Shan Muhua originally wanted to say this, but the wet Luodi had already roared one step ahead of her, so she didn't say anything, but her eyes were full of tension and fear.

Just kidding, the following are densely packed with dragon corpses, and the legendary Empire God of War Pompius, how can this battle be fought!

However, before Ning Tao responded, worse things happened.

When Pompeusius started, dozens of cadaver generals roared in unison, and millions of cadaver surged toward the stone pillar. Suddenly, the corpses jumped up from the ground, leaping to a height of more than ten meters and colliding on the stigma.

The large stone pillars erected by Ning Tao are as smooth as mirrors, there is no place to start at all, and there are dozens of meters in diameter, and it is impossible to hold them. Those dry corpses that fall down become stepping things, and the tide of the dry corpses in the back generally flows. When you step on me, I step on you, and in a blink of an eye, it reaches a height of dozens of meters.

This stone pillar is only two hundred meters in height. At this speed, it will take only a few minutes for a dead body to rush to the top of the stone pillar.

Although there is an energy shield on the top of the Chaos Mark, this scene still scared the wet Luodi, mountain wood flowers and wet wood moisturizers, and his legs trembled.

"Big girl, you are going to call your Hualang back, my old man is almost dead!" The wet land could no longer be stable.

A Shibo was calm and relaxed, she smiled smugly, and then shouted, "Hualang, give me a hard shot!"

Encouraging such words with posture is hard to say.

The atmosphere of pretend is enough, and the time has come. Ning Tao immediately responded: "Okay!"

When a good word was settled, Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and his body shot out thousands of golden lights, and the god's body appeared.

This deity is 30,000 meters high!

One leg is 20,000 meters, one leg is 20,000 meters, and one leg is several kilometers.

Although he works in mortal worlds, there are millions of immortal people and fairies worshipping God every day in the immortal world. There are more than 100,000 gods on the mountain, and tens of thousands of iron people worship him religiously. The energy of his faith strengthens his body. In the world, he has no opponents and no need to use the body of God, so he does not know how strong his body is.

This time actually

It's not necessary, but in order to pretend, he uses the body of God.

It was no surprise that the god's body became stronger, but it suddenly grew to a height of 30,000 meters, which still surprised him and felt a little overjoyed.

However, God ’s body is too high. His head is in the sky 30,000 meters high. Looking at it below, it is covered by clouds and fog. He can see the people below, but the people below are raising his head and not seeing his chin. Only his legs can be seen.

On the stone pillar.

Wet wood Runhua's jaw fell to the ground, and after a long snoring, a sentence came out: "Sister, how do you adapt?"

The Ashibo people honestly said, "How did you adapt?"

Wet wood Runhua was speechless. Looking at Ning Tao's legs, he had at least 108 feelings in his heart.

The wet Luodi and Shanmuhua were stunned, and their brains were blank.

They haven't seen the real gods, so that Ashibo came with Ning Tao, and they thought that the gods would be just like ordinary people. They had noses, eyes, arms, and legs, but they were just powerful. Even none of the books they had read about God described God in this way.


Great **** of tens of thousands of meters!

It's big enough!


Detective Ning Tao pulled up the stone pillar and held it in his hand.

The four members of the Shifeng Mountain family were still two hundred meters above the ground. Suddenly they reached a height of thirty thousand meters, facing the god's face.

Ning Tao had a golden halo above her head and a smile on her face: "Father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law of Runhua, and beloved wife, how do you fight? Are all the dead dragons dead, or some?"

The wet Luodi and Shan Muhua still lost their souls, their brains remained blank.

However, the wet wood Runhua did not fear the might, and said with a smile, "Brother, how big you are!"

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Of course my **** body is big."

Ashibo said, "Hualang, step on them!"

"Observe, and love my wife." Ning Tao responded with a sound, lifted her foot, and stomped down.


The earthquake shuddered, and the pile of dead people that had been piled up to 200 meters high was crushed by Ning Tao's kick, not only crushed, but also directly stepped hundreds of meters deep!

Subsequently, his big foot was swept away, and the ruins of Tianlong City were instantly flattened, and at least tens of thousands of dead corpses on the ground were ground into corpse powder by at least tens of thousands!

That Empire God of War is dumbfounded.

Just now, he still thought that Ning Tao was small, and his height of one meter and eighty meters was as weak as a baby in front of his height of tens of meters. However, as soon as Ning Tao's body appeared, even his tens of meters of "god body" was not as good as a hair on Ning Tao's body!

This is no longer a question of pretending not to pretend, this Nima is cheating!

At the same time, above an altitude of 10,000 meters, an ancient spaceship was flying secretly in a thick fog.

Among the ship's bridges, a group of tree-husband elders were all excited.

"A fight!" The elder thorn said excitedly: "Did you hear that? It's a fierce battle!"

"I have to say that the wet girl's big girl is terrible." Elder Jin Song sighed. "It's a pity, no matter how great, it can't stop the wheel battle of a million troops."

"She sacrificed for us to make people. After this time, we will set up a monument and build a temple for her brilliant deeds to be passed on from generation to generation." Elder Shuiyin said.

Elder Sakuragi snorted: "What monument,

What temple to build? There is only one of our gods, don't forget it! "

Several elders closed their mouths at once.


There was another loud noise on the ground, and the movement made people suspect that the place would crack.

"Elder, why not ... let's remove the invisible fog and see how?" Elder Jinsong tentatively tried.

Elder Sakuragi said: "What's so beautiful? Our mission is the most important. The Shifeng Mountain family will sacrifice it, but they also asked for it. After the big deal, we will give their family a beautiful funeral. . "

Several elders stopped talking.

The Stealth Fog, like the stealth coating on the Earth's stealth fighter and bomber, can be avoided by radar detection. If this coating is scraped off, stealth fighters and bombers cannot be made invisible. It seems the same thing. Once the invisible fog is opened, the spacecraft cannot be invisible.

The spacecraft continued to fly forward, with all the instruments fully open.

A large swarm of swampweeds continues to cast to maintain the invisible fog.

Elder Sakuragi stood in front of a large window in the center of Cambridge, holding his hands on his back, with his head raised and solemn expression, but his eyes could hardly conceal the excitement and excitement: "We have waited for this day for too long, and it is a hundred-year plan But a hundred years ago ... it was tens of thousands of years! "

"Relics return!" Several elders said in unison: "I am God!"

Eventually, Elder Parrot failed to hold back the excitement and excitement in his heart. He laughed and said, "All of you here will be recorded in the annals of history. Your name will be engraved on the merit monument and accepted by all generations!"

A charming smile appeared on Elder Jinsong's face: "The name of the elder must be number one. You are also the model of my generation and the idol of all peoples."

"Hahaha!" Elder Sakuragi laughed.


My husband is so happy today!



The spaceship seemed to hit something, and the ship swayed violently, and even the invisible mist was scattered.

The window glass of the spacecraft shattered to the ground, and trees tens of meters long pierced through the window. Those trees are all black and unique, very weird.

Standing at the front of the window, the elder Sakuragi was caught by surprise and was suddenly overturned by a few black trees, his nose and face swollen.

How could there be trees in this 10,000-meter-high air?

What a hell!

The people in the bridge looked at each other, and for a moment they were on the spot, wondering what to do.

Elder Jin Song hurriedly supported Elder Sakuragi ~ ~ 噗! Elder Sakuragi opened his mouth with a spit of blood, and he hesitated to examine his injuries, scolding sharply, "What are you all doing?" A bunch of idiots, can't bring the spaceship back yet! "

Those frightened tree people then came back to their minds and hurriedly operated the instrument, trying to reverse the spacecraft back.

Their operation was very smooth. The spacecraft flew backward, and the tree that had entered the bridge broke away from the hull. The thing blocking the spacecraft gradually came into the sight of everyone.

That is……

"Eh!" Elder Sakuragi squirted blood again, his eyes darkened, and he almost passed out.

Several elders, dignitaries and elites of the Shuren stunned one by one, looking at Qingtian with one leg, cold sweat on his forehead.



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