Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1471: Good things come in pairs

A majestic temple rises to the ground, and there are palaces and houses around the temple, with complete supporting facilities.

This is the last thing Ning Tao created for the Tianlong people, a new Tianlong city on the ground. Tianlongren gave him Muzi, and he gave Tianlongren a new world.

When Ning Tao and Shimu Runhua left, they struggled to kneel with all the Dragons, many of them cried. Back to the ground and living in the sun, this is the dream of the generations of Tianlong people, and this dream came true after tens of thousands of years of darkness.

A golden divine cloud flew out of the atmosphere of Tianlongxing and toward the wetland star.

"Damei God, would you tell my sister?" After rolling out a win word on the beach, Shimu Runhua's title to Ning Tao also changed, from her brother-in-law to Damei God.

She was originally called the Ugly God, and was corrected by Ning Tao. On that island, as long as she called him the Ugly God, he punished her once. Then she learned to be good and turned the ugly words into beautiful words , And added a big character in front.

Ning Tao likes the name of the great beauty god, but this has caused him some headaches. How can he talk to A Shibo and his father-in-law?

He thought about it, and then said, "That ... I'll find a suitable opportunity to tell her."

Wet wood moisturized his lips, and looked unhappy: "When will I have the right opportunity?"

Ning Tao had a headache: "Don't worry, there's an old saying that good things can endure. Have you heard of them?"

Wet wood Runhua answered very simply: "No."

Ning Tao: "..."

"I want you to go back and say, you don't say, I say." Wet wood Runhua said.

Ning Tao nodded his head. Anyway, he was already a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water.

The Golden God Cloud soon flew out of the atmosphere of Draco and into space.

A nine-masted sailing ship moored in space was the Shenzhou that sent the treeman who had expelled Tianlong Star back to Wetland Star.

In the cabin, Ashibo said with excitement: "My Hualang and my sister are back!"

The wet Luodi and mountain wood flowers also came to the cabin to look out, and soon found the golden **** cloud carrying Ning Tao and wet wood flowers.

However, the reactions of the couple and Ashibo were quite different.

"How come back so soon?" Shan Muhua looked disappointed.

Wet Luodi also frowned slightly: "Yeah, in such a short period of time, Xianzhen has to transform Tianlong, I'm afraid I don't have time to do other things?

A Shibo stared at her parents with strange eyes, curiously, "Parents, don't you think my Hualang and sister stayed on Tianlong for a long time before coming back?"

"Haha, of course, we certainly hope that Xianzhen and Xiaoya will come back sooner," said Shiluo.

Shan Muhua also smiled awkwardly: "Big girl, you don't know what you are talking about."

A Wet Wave: "?"

She didn't know what the couple was thinking.

It is best for Xianzheng and Xiaoya to stay on Tianlongxing for a few months, and wait until Xiaohua's flowers bear fruit.

On the bulkhead of the cabin, an old Shou Xingyan's old face shook slightly, and the look was a little piercing.

But did he really see through?

This is only known to him, and he has been single for billions of years, and is a true ashes single dog.

The golden **** cloud landed on the bow deck. There was an energy shield propped up by the Shenzhou on the ship, so there was no need for Ning Tao to protect the wet wood with the energy shield, and he removed the energy shield propped up by himself cover.

As soon as she got on the boat, Wetwood Runhua said anxiously, "What about sister?"

"She should be in the cabin," Ning Tao said.

As soon as his words fell, the door of the cabin opened, and his father-in-law wetland, his mother-in-law and Ashibo left the cabin.

come out.

The wet Luodi and Shan Muhua watched Ning Tao and Wet Mu Runhua, focusing on the Wet Mu Runhua, they seem to be looking for something different from usual, such as walking posture, watching people's eyes, etc. .

After waiting for Ashibo to speak, Wetwood Runhua suddenly sighed and slammed into Ashibo's arms. She wailed for two times, and then choked down, "Sister, brother-in-law ..."

"What happened to my Hualang?" A Shibo pushed away the wet wood Runhua, walked quickly to Ning Tao, and looked at him anxiously.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "I'm okay."

He was very aware of the wet wood Runhua's careful thinking, wet wood Runhua wanted to cry to her sister to tell him something, but could not help A Shibo think he was injured, and pushed the wet wood Runhua away.

There is really no human nature for the opposite sex!

Wet wood moistened for a moment, and then flew into Shan Muhua's arms again: "Mom, brother-in-law ..."

Shan Muhua was overjoyed and said excitedly, "What's wrong with your brother-in-law?"

The little girl hadn't said how her brother-in-law had treated her, and she, the mother, guided in that direction.

Wet Luodi frowned, urging: "Little girl, you say quickly, what's wrong with your brother-in-law?"

Ning Tao: "..."

Such a pair of strange father-in-law and mother-in-law were also drunk.

After some tweaking, the little girl finally said: "Brother-in-law, he gave people ... pollination."

Hanato people say different things, things are the same.

The sight of wet Luodi and Shan Muhua immediately shifted to Ning Tao's body.

Shan Muhua said: "Hyun, how can you do this?"

Wetland said, "Hyun, what do you think about this?"

Compared with the feeling of wet Luodi and Shanmuhua, Ning Tao paid more attention to the feeling of Ashibo. He was holding Ashibo, worried that she would get angry and get angry, but Ashibo looked calm.

Ashibo said a few moments of silence before she said, "Huh! You really started."

Wet wood Runhua clutched her sister, with a touch of pride in her eyes and a touch of provocation.

A Shibo went on to say, "You have been robbing me from small to large, robbing and eating. Even if I pick a good-looking stone, you have to rob me, and it is not surprising that you rob Hualang with me. "

"Big girl, you'll talk about it later, let Xianzhen talk first." Wetly urged: "Hyun, what do you say about this?"

Shan Muhua interjected: "Pollination is not a trivial matter, it is a major event in life."

Ning Tao had grasped the situation and relaxed, and said with a smile: "Master Father-in-law, Master Mother-in-law, it's up to you to decide what you want to do."

Shan Muhua said: "You are the master, you have to decide this."

Wetland pretended to be heavy but helpless, and he sighed: "The so-called family ugliness can't be spread out. This happened and it happened. Only married. Xianxie, it is better to hit the day, and you and you today Let's get married. "

Ning Tao said, "Xiaoyu obeys."

This attitude is necessary. Well, father-in-law, you must hold it well, the higher the better.

Wet Wood Runhua twisted her waist in Shanmuhua's arms and said, "Dad, I'm still young. I want to serve you two elders all my life. I won't marry."

Ashibo followed and said, "Dad, my sister isn't getting married, so let's forget about this marriage."

Wet wood Runhua: "Mom, look at my sister!"

Shan Muhua stared at A Shibo: "You have to love your younger sister, how can you say that? Your younger sister is not too young, and it is time to get married. It is a good thing that your sisters are together. "

A Shibo waved his lips slightly: "Off-center."

Ning Tao has started to have headaches now.

He has to grab everything with the little girl. He is also one of the targets they are fighting for. I'm afraid it won't be clean in the future.

Shenzhou stepped out of the cabin and coughed, "Xianxi, are we going to the wetland star or somewhere now?"

Ning Tao said, "Go to the wetland star."

His plan was to re-create Uranus and then leave Wetlands to go to Fire or Spirit Saturn in search of Mother of Fire and Mother of Earth. But apparently I can't go like this now, I have to stay on the wetland star for two days.

Shenzhou smiled: "I see, we will go to Wetland Star now."

The nine-masted sailing ship flew to the wetland star.

On the bow deck, Wetland and Shan Muhua talked about what guests to invite for the wedding, what hospitality to use for the guests, where the big girl and the little girl lived after they married Xianyi, etc. Non-stop.

Ning Tao must not be idle, because the big girl and the little girl in Shifeng Mountain are beside him.

"Even if you marry Hualang, you are still small, I am big, and you can't grab me hot pot in the future, you must understand the rules." A Shibo said.

Wet wood Runhua grinned and said, "Why should I let you? You are an elder sister, and the elder sister should let the younger sister be right, Damei God, do you mean it?"

"Hualang, who do you say should let whom?" Ashibo said.

Ning Tao: "..."

Why is Nima right and wrong?

Back to the wetland Xingshifeng Mountain, the wet Luodi and Shanmuhua are busy opening, and treat and invite people to help Zhang Luo's wedding.

Ning Tao pretended to fight again, and he built a majestic palace on the peak of the mountain, dedicated to holding his wedding with wet wood and flowers and a wet wave. Although he and Ashibo held a wedding as early as on the God Mountain, but returned to Wetland Star, he also had to make up a wedding for Ashibo. In this way, this happy event became his wedding to the two sisters of the Shifeng family.

The palace was completed, and guests came one after another.

Of course, the most important are the elders.

Elder Jinsong politely spoke with Shi Luodi and came to Ning Tao.

When wet wood Runhua and Ashibo are still contending for a wedding, who should stand on the left, who should stand on the right.

It's so boring!

Does it matter who is on the left and who is on the right?

But even for such a trivial matter, they are still competing.

"That ..." Elder Jinsong bowed slightly to Ning Tao. "The great God of God, can you take a step to speak?"

Ning Tao said: "It's okay, these are my two wives. Don't avoid them, you can just say something if you have something."

Elder Jin Song hesitated before he said, "The great God of the Son, is that ... our relic in your hands?"

Ning Tao said, "In my hands ~ ~ What's the matter?"

A flash of joy flashed in the eyes of Elder Jinsong, but he calmly said, "The great God of the Son, the Mother of Wood is our holy thing, please return it to us."

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Of course I have to return it, I will give it to your wetland goddess for safekeeping, and I think this is the most appropriate way to deal with it. Otherwise, look at the entire wetland star, who is qualified to keep the mother of wood . "

Elder Jinsong followed and said, "No, the holy things should be handed over to the elders for safekeeping.

Ashibo interrupted his words: "You bad old man, do you still want the sacred thing? If you want the sacred thing, we follow the tradition. You challenge me and win me, the sacred thing is Leave it to you to keep it. If you die, naturally you don't need to keep the holy things. Will you challenge me? Everyone is here today. "

Elder Jinsong immediately changed his mind: "That ... I'm just kidding. I'll go and see if there is anything I need to help, you talk, you talk."

After that, he left in a dingy.

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