Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1477: Palace in ruins

The stigma was supposed to be a stigma of a building, but the building was gone, leaving only half of the stigma standing alone in a pile of rocks. Hundreds of cubic stones are huge, and their weight is thousands of times that of ordinary rocks.

Ning Tao didn't want to use the god's body here. He patted a piece of earth on the ground with his hand. Pieces of boulders rolled up automatically, big rolls, small rolls, all rolled onto a flat open space.

The stigma was still standing on the ground, and the ground was a man-made stone ground, and those stones were also spiritual stones. As far as the area of ​​artificial ground is concerned, this building has an area of ​​at least several thousand square meters. Although it is nothing compared to the temples he built, it must be a majestic building in the eyes of ordinary people.

Ning Tao glanced at the tumbling stones again. Some were walls, some were part of pillars, and some were suspected of tile fragments.

Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and the pieces were rolled back again, pieced together, the pieces of the wall were pieced together into a wall, the pieces of the tiles were pieced together into a tile, and the pieces of the pillars were pieced together into a pillar. A moment later, an incomplete palace appeared on the ground.

Some fragments did not know where they flew in the explosion, or they were blasted into dust, which could no longer be recovered. However, Ning Tao also had a solution. He just wanted to see what the building pieced together from the original pieces looked like. After seeing it, he used God's thoughts to move the high-density spiritual soil elsewhere to complete those missing parts.

It looked like an hour before and after. A majestic palace stood on the ground, which was just a remnant pillar and rubble.

The restored palace has some text carvings and graphic murals.

The words Ning Tao could not understand, he looked at it and gave up the interpretation, and instead went to see the patterned murals.

An incomplete mural has two people's patterns on it. It looks like a man and a woman. Although it is a simple line drawing, after observing it, Ning Tao feels that the person in the mural is similar to a human, with a head and limbs, and the proportion is also similar. It is obvious that men have the characteristics of men, and women also have the characteristics of women. It is also obvious. The most obvious is the hair. The women in the murals have long hair.

Ning Tao's mind was curious: "Before this spiritual Saturn did not explode, the density was at least a thousand times that of the earth. There were buildings here. Obviously someone once lived here, so who can be on a planet of this mass and density? Survive? "

No matter what race it is, it must be very powerful.

Because the greater the mass and density, the greater the gravitational pull of the star, let alone a thousand times the gravitational pull of the earth, even if it is only a few tens and a hundred times, that would be quite scary.

Ning Tao saw several patterned murals.

Some are scenes of labor, some are scenes of hunting, and others are scenes of sacrifices or weddings.

To Ning Tao's feeling, the people living on the spiritual Saturn have great similarities with the civilization on the earth, and even made him feel that the people and civilization on the spiritual Saturn were immigrants from humans, or people on the earth I emigrated from here. Otherwise, how can it be so similar if we don't know how many billion light years apart?

Ning Tao stopped before the last mural.

A ship was carved on the last mural. When he saw it at first glance, Ning Tao thought he was dazzled and misread. After looking closely, he determined that the spaceship was carved on it. What's more, it looks like a large spaceship like the Battlestar.

Looking at the murals in front, Ning Tao thinks that the intelligent life on Saturn is probably a feudal civilization. The main production activities are planting and hunting. But seeing this spaceship, this judgment was overturned.

"I went, is it a very advanced civilization again?" Ning Tao couldn't help but sigh, but soon felt that there was nothing.

Even if it was really a high-tech civilization similar to the Golden Man, it was destroyed, and even the mural in front of him was repaired by him.

Ning Tao walked out of the palace and came to a clearing, then he took the mother of fire out of the Japanese gourd.

As soon as the mother-of-pearl-sized fire came out, a flare was released, and the flare was short-sighted with sunlight, and the darkness here was immediately dispelled by it. The low-temperature environment, which was originally a few hundred degrees below zero, became warm immediately.

Fire made soil, which is why he took out the mother of fire.

He used the mother of wood to catch the mother of fire on Yanxing. Now he wants to use the mother of fire to fish the mother of earth.

If you are lucky, the Mother Earth is hidden in some gravel, and then things are simple.

If luck is not good enough ...

Then he didn't know what to do.

He sat cross-legged next to the mother of fire, burning the fire and waiting for the rabbit to come.

In the idiom, it is guarding the rabbits while he is guarding the fire.

He did not wait, he took a few grains of refining and refining in the process of waiting to strengthen the divine power.

After refining a few grains, the rabbit still didn't come, and he analyzed the mud dug out from Yanxing again.

I have seen that answer, I have seen the root of all things, and there is no matter in the universe that he cannot resolve.

Why do stars burn, and one burn is billions or even tens of billions of years?

Is it the energy of the star itself, or is there any advanced energy involved?

He wanted to figure out all these issues.

As a creator, creating life is actually nothing. If you want to create stars, that's the real best.

Ning Tao's magical power brought the god's thoughts into the Yanxing mud, and used the Seal of Creation to analyze its structure and think about why it burned.

The scientific view is that the interior of the star will undergo nuclear fusion, generating energy and transmitting it to the outside, and then the star will glow. He had learned such knowledge in his school days, but he is not a student now, he is a creator, and from the perspective of the creator, he does not believe that things will be so simple.

He was impressed by a sentence that Shenzhou said, that is, the power of the stars is the power of the sky.

So, how can the heavens not intervene as the source of all life in the world?

It would be nice if you could look into the interior of the star, then you can see the truth, but no one can enter the interior of the star. He can fish on the surface of the star, which is already a matter of heaven. If you can look inside the star again, where do you let God's face rest?

The mother of fire slowly levitated from the ground, then jumped on Ning Tao's body, and then drilled into his neckline, then crawled to his nostril, and tried to drill into his nose, like a naughty child .

Ning Tao's thinking was interrupted by it, and he smiled and said, "You stay quietly and be your bait. What are you doing like this?"

The Mother of Fire simply got into his trouser tube, beating all the way up.

A strange expression suddenly appeared on Ning Tao's face.

If it hadn't left the imprint of the soul in the mother of fire, and became the owner's general existence, he would have been a little worried that the mother of fire would make two roasted quail eggs.

The mother of fire is so naughty, but he can't imagine it.

If it was wet wood Runhua and Ashibo naughty, he could hold a beater and pat, but the mother of fire is an elemental elf, but he did not hit him. Besides, the mother of fire and the other three mothers of water, mother of wood, and mother of gold are each unique gems in this universe, and he can't bear to slap or fall.

The mother of fire was naughty, and flew out of Ning Tao's trouser tube again, plunging her head into the Yanxing mud in Ning Tao's hands.

That mud is white, it is the volcanic rock that Yanxing's magma has solidified.

Just now, Ning Tao studied it. It is actually no different from other volcanic rocks. It is very ordinary, and it is difficult to imagine that it can burn for billions or even tens of billions of years.

However, after the mother of fire drilled into the volcanic stone, the volcanic stone suddenly emitted a flare, and then began to melt again, and returned to the state of the Yanxing instant. The temperature here is no longer warm, at least it has improved several Baidu!

Ning Tao hurriedly placed the hot lava on the ground.

He can also paint a seal of water on his hands, but that will cool the magma, and he does n’t want to do that. He wants to keep watching.

He watched for a while, then suddenly smiled, and said excitedly, "It turns out that you are really making trouble, you are the reason why Yanxing is burning, right?"

The magma twirled, as if in response to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao also said, "Next time, I want to create a core. I ask you to help. Would you say good?"

The mass of magma twisted again, it seemed to be good to Ning Tao.

"Ha ha ha! It's so simple!" Ning Tao laughed loudly.

Suddenly, a bright beam of light shone down from the top of his head and shone on Ning Tao's body. The beam was only so intense that even the light emitted by the mother of fire was suppressed.

Ning Tao looked up, and then froze.

In the dark sky, I do n’t know when it is ~ ~ Where did a huge spaceship fly from? It looks like a fortress city floating in the sky. The beam that hit him was launched from the bottom of the huge spacecraft.

Ning Tao suddenly remembered the mural that had just been restored. The spacecraft carved on that mural was exactly the same as the one that appeared at the moment!

Is it really the spaceship of the Spirit Saturn?

Suddenly, the upward pulling force appeared in the light beam, which was extremely powerful. I am afraid that even a freighter with a capacity of several hundred thousand tons would be sucked up and fly into that spaceship.

But Ning Tao still sat on the ground.

Just kidding, is it true that you can **** a spaceship if you want to **** it?

After sucking Ning Tao a few times in succession, several small spaceships suddenly flew out of the huge spacecraft, forming a surrounded formation in the air, and quickly enveloping them.

Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and the mother of fire and the volcanic stone were put into the Japanese gourd.

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