Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1484: Rebuilding Spirit Saturn

Dark starry sky, meteorites stretched in view, as if to the end of the universe.

Ning Tao sat cross-legged on a large mountain-like meteorite on a high mountain.

The mother of the five elements surrounds him, suspended in the void, forming a circle, the mother of gold, the mother of water, the mother of wood, the mother of fire, and the mother of earth. Together, the mother of the five elements constitutes an elemental energy field that has never been stronger.

Ning Tao perfected his Creator's seal in this energy field.

He has completed the upgrade of the Seal of Earth and is now upgrading the Seal of the Creator.

This is not an upgrade of five plus one equals six, but five plus one equals everything.

He sat here for dozens of hours.

During these tens of hours, he seemed to be motionless like an old monk, but in his internal world, he was experiencing earth-shaking changes.

The mother of the five elements was gathered, and he summoned not the dragon, but himself.

The mother of the five elements also brought him huge changes and improvements. He not only upgraded the seal of the Creator, but also himself.

In the super-god space of Ashibo and Wetwood Runhua, he saw that answer and the origin of all things. The previous answer and the origin of all things change at any time. Although he saw and touched, he could not grasp His regularity. Now, the last piece of obscuration that obscured the vision disappeared.

That answer is 1.

The source of all things is zero.

Life is two, life is two, life is three.

In the end, all things return to zero and start from scratch.

People are old, old, sick and dead, plants and trees have storage capacity, and there are changes in spring, summer, autumn, and winter in the four seasons. These are the answers that can be seen. The track of an invisible planet, the beginning and end of the universe.

All of this, there are all kinds of illusions and mists covering the eyes, and there are troubles of seven emotions and six desires. You can clear the illusions and look away from the mists.

The birth of the universe is like the birth of man.

Before the birth of man, there was chaos. There was only darkness in the consciousness. After birth, there was light and consciousness. Then he grew up, had a soul, and had many desires. This is like the process of the universe erupting. There are all kinds of stars and nebulae in the void space, which are constantly expanding. Eventually, the person died and everything went to darkness. Eventually, the universe will collapse and return to darkness.

Therefore, the life of the universe is extremely long, but its destiny can be seen from the life of man.

Therefore, the fate of a planet can actually be seen from a stone.

Before seeing the ultimate answer and source, Ning Tao's heart was full of curiosity and incomparable expectations, but after seeing the ultimate answer and source, he suddenly felt that it was all boring.

What about being a god?

God also has the moment to return to darkness.

What if we defeated the universe?

The universe is just a zero.

For a time, Ning Tao opened his eyes, and two golden lights flashed out of his eyes, penetrating the darkness, no fog covering his eyes, and no illusions.

"Oh! It's so boring." Ning Tao sighed. "Why should I seek the answer and the source, I know now, and this life is boring."

He glanced casually, knowing the structure, energy and everything of the spiritual earth meteorite in front of him, without any mystery at all.

He took a casual look at the Lingtu spaceship hidden in the depths of the void, and he knew everything about its structure, its operation, its principles, and everything.

What do you mean, you say?

Invincible, how lonely is invincible!

He had never felt this way before, but now he has, and it is so strong.

The mother of the five elements revolves around Ning Tao, and the mysterious and powerful elemental energy field always surrounds Ning Tao.

Ning Tao looked back and smiled indifferently: "No fun, I just have some fun by myself. Disciples, let's start now, bring these broken stones together to restore the spirit Saturn."

The words fell, and he took a picture with one palm, and the Creator Fa, one of the five destroyers and one creator, fell to the ground.

The French seal was brilliant, countless runes twinkled and densely packed.

Ning Tao reached the middle of the Creator's Seal, sitting cross-legged, and the power of creation overflowed from his body, like pouring gold into the Seal.

Suddenly, the golden light shot in all directions, and the darkness did not exist, as if going to the end of the universe.

Immediately, France and India expanded, getting bigger and bigger.

Pieces of meteorites gathered towards Fayin. The sound of the collision could not be heard, but if it could be heard, it would be a terrifying sound.

The mother of the five elements suspended above Ning Tao's head, slowly turning with his aura of god.

The aura of gods, joined by the mother of the five elements, is undoubtedly the most powerful aura of gods in this universe.

But for Ning Tao, what's the use of this nirvana?

Since then, he has no need to pretend, because he is the most powerful existence.

Do you want the carp to jump over the dragon gate?

And I haven't wanted to be a Shenlong in the Dragon Gate for many years.

Do you want to be a creator?

You see, I feel bored when I restore an exploded planet.

Lonely, lonely!

That's the feeling.

Under Ning Taishen's ass, the Creator Fayin spread in the void at a horrible speed. As old as Saturn is, how big it is!

Over time, it expanded downwards and gradually became a sphere.

In this huge sphere tens of thousands of times larger than the earth, a piece of spiritual earth meteorite fused together, where it was before the explosion, and where it is now returned.

Under the boundless mana of the creator's law seal, a planet tens of thousands of times with the earth was born, a large dark cyan planet. The surface of the planet is rolling with mountains and rivers, and there are tens of millions of square kilometers of plains. In the end, aura appeared, and the entire planet was shrouded in a dark cyan-like aura.

No water, no plants, but no need, because this is the spiritual Saturn. The spirit natives live by sucking nimbus, and this nimbus layer is the source of the spirit natives' existence. As for food, the spiritual natives are the intelligent life that eats the earth. The spiritual natives feed on the spiritual soil on the planet Saturn. This is why they are so heavy. If the spiritual people also eat soy milk fritters and rice noodles like the earth people, they will not be so heavy, and they will not be perverted forever.

The last spiritual soil meteorite fell from the void and landed in a pit in front of Ning Tao.


The earth shook, and the entire spiritual Saturn sent out a dark blue aura.

It's alive again.

Ning Tao stood up, and the creator's Fayin disappeared. He stood at the north pole of Ling Saturn, at the center and the highest point.

The last falling spiritual earth meteorite was one meter in front of him. If the restoration of the several days of spiritual saturn is likened to building a house, then this meteorite is the last tile.

"Well, that's it, it's boring." Ning Tao sighed again.

This is not a pretense.

But this is an invisible force.

The invisible force is the deadliest.

If the goddess of wisdom Hemia is here, she will be forced to spit out blood by the Ning Taishen.

A huge spaceship landed through the thick aura.

Ning Tao looked up, and two golden lights shot out from his eyes. More than 100,000 spirit natives in the spacecraft gathered on the square, watching the timely image of the spiritual Saturn he restored. Those Lingtu people have been in the square for several days. They may have live broadcasts with their eyes open. Today, they did n’t sleep one by one but they were still so energetic.

At this moment, all the spiritual people are cheering.

Ning Tao smiled: "I've been watching the live broadcast so much, and no one gave me a gift or something."

Then he saw Queen Conley, who was standing in front of the big screen, and there were dark blue tears flowing out of her eyes, and the tears were like fine sand made of spiritual soil.

Perhaps because of wondering why her tears were like this, Ning Tao's devotion was slightly deviated, and then he saw Queen Kang Li's body, and then the inside of the body.

How could there be such mana?

Ning Tao froze for a moment, but was relieved soon.

You even see through the spaceship, and seeing alone, are you still amazed?

A white-bearded old man suddenly came through and appeared next to Ning Tao.

Here comes Shenzhou.

"I'm going, Niubi!" When Shenzhou came, he gave Ning Tao a thumbs up, and his eyes were full of worship. "Xianxi, you can be patient, I dare to say that you have the highest priority unless you are above the mountain. Wisdom The goddess now, she's only going to give you shoes. I can't wait to go back to Shenshan now to see you pinch her for teeth. "

Ning Tao's gaze moved from the spacecraft to Shenzhou's body. The golden light shone and the gaze penetrated.

Shenzhou has only two legs.

No wonder he has been a single dog for hundreds of millions of years.

Shenzhou raised his hand to block the golden light from Ning Tao's eyes, and said hurriedly: "Dear brother, don't look at me like this, your eyes are so dazzling. Whoops, don't look at it, what is your eye?"

Ning Tao smiled: "My eyes are Jin Jinghuo."

This is the name that comes to mind.

When speaking, he closed Jin Jinghuo's eyes and his eyes returned to normal.

Looking at the elderly with two legs honestly will affect the psychology.

Shenzhou then put down his hand covering his eyes ~ ~ He took a look at the mother of the five elements suspended above Ning Tao's head, and said with a smile: "Xian brother, although you have long expected Congratulations on the Mother of Earth. Now that you have the Mother of Earth, when are we going back to the fairyland? "

Ning Tao looked up at the Lingtu, which was descending to this side, hesitated and said, "Go back to the boat first, and I will go away individually."

Shenzhou smiled with a comprehension: "I know, I understand, haha, I won't tell the two virtuous siblings, I will also leave you all night, and we will not be too late when you are done sending."

Ning Tao: "..."

I don't understand what you're talking about.

Shenzhou disappeared.

The spacecraft landed, the huge hatch opened, and a tide of over a hundred thousand spirit natives generally poured out of the hatch.

PS: Today, there are only two changes. I wish you all fairies.

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