Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1496: Return to the mountain

There are a lot of wives and wives, and there are a lot of mischievous gods. They are fun during the day and fun at night. Ning Tao has 10,000 reasons not to leave, but he has to leave.

It is getting closer and closer to the one-year covenant he agreed with the goddess of wisdom Hemia. If the so-called Judgment Day is true, it will come on that day. So he couldn't wait any longer. He had a strong hunch that the goddess of wisdom did not agree to a year of peace because she got the brain of a fairy trapper. She is likely to use this year What to do.

He must investigate clearly, especially on Judgment Day.

On the third day after Qing Zhuan gave birth to Ning Qingxia and Ning Longnu, Ning Tao bid farewell to his wife and children and returned to Shenshan Eastern Godland by taking the Shenzhou.

He left for a year, and great changes took place in the Eastern Kingdom of God.

The fields are full of crops, and there are many shops and workshops in the city.

Gods and worshippers can be seen everywhere in the temples and in the squares of the temples. Not only the immortal people from the immortal world, but also the souls of the believers and people from the world, human beings, water people, golden people, tree people and spiritual soil people. The energy of faith gathers all the time in the idol of the Son of God to strengthen his body.

There is no WiFi in his Hall of Spirits, but the souls of those believers are still here, and they will gather with the **** they believe in.

Ning Tao saw Lingyu and Longxiang Soul in the temple. After learning about the recent situation of the Eastern Kingdom of God, he opened a door of convenience and went directly to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The door of convenience opens in a house in the city of Apocalypse, which is the fragrant soul home of Lang Xianghun.

Long Xianghun has become the high priest of the Eastern Kingdom of God, and this house is empty.

Opening the window, Ning Tao saw the Twelve Heavenly Palace suspended in the sky, the winding sky road, and the sky temple at the end of the sky.

The temple shrouded in golden light, as if there were gods sitting in it. However, Ning Tao could not see whether the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, was in her temple. And even if there is, it is likely to be her substitute, the false **** that was cut to worship.

There should be a city in the sky next to the sky temple, but it was not seen.

Ning Tao's mind was a little confused: "The city of the sky is the old nest of the goddess of wisdom Hemia. The city of the sky is not here. Did she go somewhere else?"

The sense of conspiracy of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, is getting stronger.

"No matter, even if the war starts in advance, I have to investigate the matter clearly." Ning Tao quickly made a decision. He closed the window of the room, and when he came out of the center of Xiangxiang, he had become an iron. The people look.

People come and go on the street, there are iron people and **** people, the bustle is very lively.

There are more gods in the square, not just celestial beings, but also some races that have never been seen before. This situation is the same as the situation in the Eastern Kingdom of God, not only the immortal people in the immortal world, but also several races in the world.

Ning Tao walked around the square, but did not hear anyone talking about Judgment Day, but many people were talking about God.

"The great goddess of wisdom, Hemia, brought the Son of God from the sky on the top of the Mountain of God. That Son of God is the Son of God. He is destined to become a great god." Someone praised it.

"I heard that the Son of God has four eyes and eight legs. He is marvelous." Someone said this.

Ning Tao could not help but sweat in his head.

Of the people on the square, about ninety-nine percent of the sons of God are the children of the goddess of wisdom, the child of Himia. Hearing these people describe it, he dare not recognize it as his species.

Nima, with four eyes and eight legs, is the goddess of wisdom, Hemya, born of crabs?

But even a crab has only two eyes!

"I heard that the Son of God is dark and his eyes are like electricity, but anyone who does evil will be thrown into flames and died by being looked at by him."

"Don't tell me what you don't know. What I heard is that the goddess Lala is full of gold and has two birds, one white and one black."

Ning Tao didn't want to listen anymore.

All special is nonsense.

I didn't expect Tiemin to be so boring.

However, walking around the square is a bit of a gain, at least knowing that the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, has given birth to a child.

Ning Tao walked like the Temple of the Sky, pondering as he walked: "Did I think too much? During this time, the goddess of wisdom, Shemya, was just raising a baby and giving birth ... I wonder if she gave birth to a boy or a girl?"

Guessing nowhere.

Soon after arriving at the Sky Temple, Ning Tao's thoughts activated, activating the elemental armor on his body and disappearing out of thin air.

Dozens of heavily armed guards stood in front of the sky temple's gate, and Ning Tao walked directly in front of them, but no one reacted.

Ning Tao didn't set foot on the ladder and boarded the sky temple, but came to the reincarnation.

In the reincarnation house, a large pile of broken limbs of the iron people, and the iron people waiting to die here, are the same as the scene he saw when he came last time.

Ning Tao dived directly into the interior of the reincarnation lock, the huge hive-like space. Last time, the **** official Lang Bu took him there, and went directly from here to the boundary space between the immortal world and the **** mountain, and then witnessed the return of the goddess of wisdom Hemia, and finally he was beaten into the immortal world.

Those things are like they happened yesterday.

At this moment, there was no sound in the reincarnation space, and no one walked around.

Ning Tao stood on the edge of a circular corridor, looking down, and saw nothing but the darkness below. In that darkness gathers endless dark energy, as if devouring everything at any time.

I don't know why. There is nothing but dark energy in the darkness, but Ning Tao always feels that he has a pair of eyes looking at him.

He suddenly remembered a very famous sentence.

When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.

However, this was obviously not the abyss gaze, but something was really looking at him.

Ning Tao was very surprised. To know that he is invisible at the moment when the elemental value is activated, the general **** **** does not even want to see him if he sees it, if there is something in the abyss that has seen him That, at least, was a **** of the level of Elisabha.

Suddenly, the honeycomb-shaped reincarnation slowly spun up, slipping from the "bee holes", the iron limbs' broken limbs were broken, and they crashed into the abyss.

It was also at that instant that several pieces of stump that had just fallen into the darkness suddenly flew back, pieced together an adult body, and came to Ning Tao.

There really is something below, and he's out now, right in front of him.

The pieced-up human body was not neat, and his neck and hands were crooked, and even his head was temporarily pieced together. One eye bead was still hanging outside and his face was painted with blood.

He was suspended in front of Ning Tao in such a void, no more than three feet away. He looked at Ning Tao with one eye, and the other eyeball that fell out of his eyes turned from time to time, not to mention how terrible it was.

Of course Ning Tao will not be scared by him, but he knows that this guy has found him, but what makes him strange is that he didn't find out how powerful the divine energy from this guy, but exudes a strong death Breath, and very similar to the breath of Death Desert.

What is this?

Ning Tao simply ended his invisibility and showed up.

"Hee hee hee ..." Tie Min's mouth pieced out a series of horrible laughter.

Ning Tao said, "Who are you? Or, what are you?"

"Judgment day is coming." The iron people who pieced together suddenly said this sentence.

Ning Tao paused for a moment: "What are you talking about? What else do you know? Tell me!"

"Hee hee hee……"

Ning Tao really wanted to punch him with a fist, but eventually he held back.

There was no point in slapping a fly.

"Everyone will die." The iron people who pieced together said, "Everything is falling apart, the people of God are ascended to heaven."

"Say, continue." Ning Tao urged.

"I'm not your guide. What do you want to know, do I have to tell you something?"

Ning Tao: "..."

Nima, you are so stingy!

The pieced together Tiemin said: "My God knows you are here, and she wants to see you."

"Are you talking about Wonder Woman Wonder Woman?" Ning Tao asked.

"She is on the top of the mountain." Tiemin, who pieced together, said, "Go to her, you can ask her."

After this sentence was finished, the assembled human body suddenly spread out, and then fell into the dark abyss. There is still a black smoke, but it is not ordinary black smoke, it feels like a black smoke composed of black particles.

Ning Tao overlooked the dark abyss, but he couldn't see the guy, and he wasn't staring at anything.

After watching for about a minute, he gave up, activated the elemental armor, and turned away from the reincarnation.

He did not immediately leave the kingdom of Apocalypse and rush to the top of the mountain to meet the goddess of wisdom Hemia.

Although that thing did not say who his **** was, he could know the answer without guessing. His **** was the goddess of wisdom, Hemia.

Out of the reincarnation lock ~ ~ Prince Ning Tao, the elemental **** armor took a breath, and the royal wind flew to the sky temple.

As soon as he reached the steps of the temple, a familiar voice came out of the temple: "I knew you would not keep the covenant, you would come here, and you still came."

This voice was Elisaba's voice.

Ning Tao walked into the Temple of the Sky, and all eyes were filled with Jin Chancan's superb **** stones. Even the statue of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, was made with superb **** stones, and the gold was shining.

Elisaba stood at the foot of the goddess of wisdom, the goddess of wisdom, and looked at Ning Tao expressionlessly.

Next to Elisabha is a holographic image of the Three Realms. The difference is that the holographic image seen this time is surrounded by a layer of black smoke, giving a visual sense of a total solar eclipse.

Ning Tao lifted the invisibility of the Elemental Goddess and said, "The sky is falling apart, everything is zero, and God's people are ascended to heaven."

There was no expression on Elisabha's face.

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