Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1513: Secrets of 3 Realms Returning to 0

After a few seconds, the fried sauce was reduced to a human appearance, and the person standing in front of Ning Tao was not the goddess of wisdom, Hemya, but the poor old man, white beard.

"How did you find out?" Bai Xuzi's expression was calm and his voice was calm.

Ning Tao didn't say anything, her body suddenly advanced, and a punch was hit on Bai Xizi's chest.


White whiskers turned into a pile of fried sauce again.

This time Ning Tao did not wait for him to recover, a blast of magical fire erupted, burning ground meat, broken bones, and blood.

At this moment, he is not a creator, but a chef, and he is frying a rotten meat and cowpea.

The ground meat, bones and blood were burned to ashes.

Ning Tao opened her mouth and blew, the ash on the ground swayed with the wind, flying everywhere.

How do I recover!

This time, the white beard was not restored, and the ashes scattered everywhere fell into the golden floor tiles and disappeared.

Then there was a dead silence in the temple.

Ning Tao secretly said, "Did I kill him?"

Seems like it, but it's so easy, it's too easy for him to believe it.

Tap, tap ...

Footsteps came from behind the idol base.

Ning Tao looked around, and the old man came out from behind the base of the idol again, and walked slowly, several kilometers, and then came to him in a blink of an eye.

Ning Tao raised his fist, but did not fight.

"No fight?" Bai Xuzi asked, his face still calm.

As soon as his words fell, Ning Tao's fist hit his forehead.

There was another pool of meat sauce on the ground.

Ning Taoming knew that this guy could not be killed, but he couldn't help but want to punch him with a punch.

The meat sauce was restored, and Bai Xuzi stood in front of Ning Tao again and calmly said, "Let down the butcher knife and stand on the ground to become a Buddha. If my death can resolve the hatred in my heart, you can kill me until you have no hate in your heart."

Killing the goods three times in a row, the anger in Ning Tao's heart really disappeared a lot, at least he didn't hit him again with his fist.

"Listen to me, go back." Bai Xuzi said lightly: "Go back to the fairyland, take the woman and child to earth, don't try to go against the sky, and don't have the ability."

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "It can't represent heaven, let me leave Shenshan, it's just because it can't kill me, if it can kill me, it won't tell me at all."

"I'm not heaven, so what am I?" Bai Xuzi asked.

Ning Tao said: "But it's just a god."

"Hahaha ..." Bai Xuzi laughed.

Ning Tao just looked at him and laughed. His fist was tickling again, but he didn't hit it.

Bai Xuzi stopped the laughter, replaced with a strange expression, and the voice of speaking was very loud: "I am the beginning of everything, the end of everything, I am the supreme God, I am heaven, I am nothing!"

Ning Tao sneered: "I really think of myself as the master of this world, and the most arrogant and shameless **** I have ever seen."

"Huh! Isn't it?" Bai Xuzi finally felt a little upset.

Ning Tao said: "Okay, it is the master of this world, and the master who naturally includes me, so the respected master, kill me."

"..." Bai Xuzi's face was gloomy.

Ning Tao smiled: "Look, what awesomeness, even I can't kill, what do you think?"

White beard

The child suddenly punched Ning Tao's abdomen.

The tide of dark energy generally came over, and Ning Tao's body was suddenly thrown up. The shells generally flew backwards and hit a stigma before stopping.

The stigma was covered with cracks.

Ning Tao's body did not have any fart, the elemental armor that was blasted off, and the flesh healed in a blink of an eye. He patted the place where the arrested fairy hit, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth: "Just like this sissy fist, is it worthy to say that you are the master of this heaven and earth? No? Supreme God? I am alas!

"Go to death!" Bai Xuzi roared, waved his arms, and a black lightning bolt with a diameter of at least dozens of meters struck Ning Tao horizontally.

Ning Tao did not even hide, and let the horrible lightning engulf him.

The lightning carried horrible dark energy, but it was only torn apart the elemental armor and split a few pieces of skin on him. He didn't use the power of creation to heal himself.

The black lightning struck Ning Tao for more than a minute before stopping.

The elemental armor of Ning Tao healed quickly, and it was intact in the blink of an eye, without a small breach.

Although there was no dust on his body, Ning Tao still patted it, and then he spit on the ground and said sarcastically, "It's a good master, I almost split my hair. I can work harder Cut off one of my hairs, come on, try again. "

Bai Xuzi's figure flickered, and he immediately cut to Ning Tao's body. A pair of old boxing raindrops hit Ning Tao's body.

His punches were reaching the extreme, as fast as light, and Ning Tao could not dodge at all.

But there is no need to dodge.

Bai Xuzi's fist was hit on Ning Tao's body, and the elemental armor was flickered with energy spots, torn apart and rotted, and the recoverable speed was extremely fast.

Every inch of air over this mountain of God is filled with the highest level of energy. The mother of the five elements can absorb enough energy to repair the elemental armor in seconds, and it does n’t even need Ning Tao to use the Creator ’s Seal to help.

I don't know how many dozens of tens of thousands of punches were made. For a time, Bai Xuzi stopped and instantly returned to the position where the attack was launched.

After the communication was released, Bai Xuzi calmed down.

Ning Tao can punch him into a meat sauce, or even burn it to ash, and he can restore it in a few seconds. Similarly, in his fierce onslaught, a planet may be knocked out by him, but he cannot kill a hair on Ning Tao's body.

Ning Tao said lightly: "Is it right now that I can say that I am the beginning and the end of everything, I am the master of all things, I am the earth, do I have it?"

Bai Xuzi said nothing, suddenly waved his hand, and a black Fayin flew out of his hand, activating instantly.

Suddenly, the whole temple was plunged into a darkness like ink. Only the golden seal of the law and seal was shining, revealing a spooky and weird atmosphere everywhere.

Ning Tao's hands had already prepared a seal of the Creator.


Suddenly, a waterfall of death sand poured over the top of his head, and in a short time, he reached the top of Ning Tao's head!

Ning Tao raised his hand and pushed upwards. The Creator ’s seal was opened on the spot. The golden light was diffused, and the mana of the creation was hedged up.

The waterfall formed by the sand of death was strengthened, and the mountains were suppressed.

The creator's Fayin instantly expanded, mana was boundless, water came to cover it, and soldiers came to block it.

Where did the sand of death come from? I do n’t know, but this space has infinitely high divine energy, and the magic power of the Creator ’s Seal is also endless.

One made

The owner ’s law seal can even make up for the broken spirit Saturn, resisting a waterfall composed of sands of death, which is actually killing chickens with a knife.

This temple is filled with the breath of death and full of vitality.

Two very different gods are constantly colliding and consuming energy, but no one can help them.

For a time, the Death Sand Falls stopped flowing.

The seal of the creator of Ning Tao was also removed.

Bai Xuzi looked at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao also looked at Bai Xuzi.

The four eyes are opposite.

Sparks flickered in the air.

After a brief silence, Bai Xuzi sighed: "I'm old, I can't kill, I can't kill me, let's go."

Ning Tao said, "Go, where are you going?"

Bai Xuzi said: "Wherever you want to go, do whatever you want, but no matter where you go or whatever you do, you can't prevent these three realms from returning to zero and remaking everything."

With these words in his ears, Ning Tao felt as if he had grasped something, and he said a little silence before he said, "The three realms return to zero, zero is nothing. To destroy these three realms, this is actually not the inevitable life of the heavens and earth, or the end of this heaven and earth. The day is still far away, and the number of lives has come, hasn't it? "

Bai Xuzi said nothing, but his eyes ducked.

The feeling of grasping what was in Ning Tao's mind became stronger and stronger, he went on to say: "I know that I am going to die, so I have to destroy the Three Realms and achieve the so-called Three Realms Zero, right?"

Bai Xuzi still didn't speak. He didn't seem to want to listen to these words anymore. He stepped out of the temple, a few kilometers.

Ning Tao chased up: "It turned out that my guess was right, and I was going to die if I didn't want to, so I transformed the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, and then they jointly murdered the gods and continued the life of the gods. It has achieved the purpose of disrupting the operation of the heavens and the earth, right? "

Bai Xuzi stepped out of the gate of the temple, stepped over the steps, and stepped into the void.

Void darkness, burning golden light permeated his body.

Ning Tao chased Bai Xuzi's side and said with excitement: "The Three Realms return to zero, destroy the Three Realms. There is no more incapable of killing the existence in this world, and then reshape the Three Realms according to the will. It is to transcend the Three Realms and become everything. Master, right? "

Bai Xuzi left, and looked at Ning Tao calmly.

Ning Tao said: "The world to be rebuilt ~ ~ is a world with iron people as its people, right? The goddess of wisdom Hemia created the kingdom of apocalyptic gods, created iron people and false gods, That ’s all for experimentation. It ’s impossible to create the world like me, so the world to be rebuilt can only be that kind of world, right? ”

Bai Xuzi still looked at Ning Tao calmly.

Ning Tao's emotions were surging: "I thought that killing the Sunray King, there will be no one in this heavenly way, but it is wrong, and heavenly way has created me again. I am the only obstacle, and I will stop it! This is my mission!"

Bai Xuzi finally spoke, "I thought I saw everything? No, there is still a mist in front of me, and the truth will never be seen, because I will not give it a chance."

The sound fell, and his thin body suddenly shot a lot of golden light.

The body of God appeared.

PS: I'm sorry that today's Sanjia is a bit late, because there is no manuscript, and I have been busy with new books during this time. We want to see what the new book looks like. You can leave a message in the book review area.

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