Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1521: 3 Realm Seals

When he got out of the cabin and stepped onto the deck, Ning Tao saw that his hands were stretched very long, and then his body was stretched. It felt to him that he was like a rubber man, and the force of the cracks in the space dragged him to pull him into a thin line.

The fierce crack in the space can also be regarded as a ramen master, and he is the dough in the master's hand, and he wants to pull out a bowl of superb noodles.

Ning Tao's thoughts activated the Seal of Creation, and the power of Creation poured out, covering his skin like gold soup. The stretched body slowly returned, and it returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

Except for the stretched condition just now, Ning Tao didn't feel any discomfort. At this time, the energy of the existence of cracks in space and time is extremely powerful, but it can't escape the category of the Five Elements, and he has the mother of the Five Elements, and has the most advanced power of creation.

Therefore, his appearance in the environment considered by Shenzhou to be very dangerous is actually a king returning to his palace. The energy here is very powerful, but he is their king.

"But that's it." Ning Tao quickly adapted to this special environment. He froze the streamer that was flying around like electricity, and then headed for the bow.

Shenzhou's face emerged from the bulkhead of the cabin. When he saw Ning Tao walking in the courtyard, he usually walked towards the bow, and his face suddenly showed a stunned face. The face began to stretch the next second, and he hurried back.

Ning Tao can cope with the situation freely, but he can't cope.

Ning Tao stopped in front of the bow and side of the ship, extended his hand beyond the side of the ship, and a streamer passed across his fingers.

It was a feeling like silk slipping over the skin. It wasn't any stretched stars or meteorites at all. If it was an astral body or a meteorite, I am afraid that a collision has already occurred at this moment.

"What are these streamers?" Ning Tao was curious, and he retracted his hand. He thought he would leave something in his hand, but his retracted hand was empty and nothing was left.

Those streamers are stars and meteorites. This is the saying of Shenzhou, but Shenzhou has never been in contact. He is so timid, how could he do such a risky thing. Now it seems that his statement is not reliable at all.

But those streamers that are flying away like electricity are not stars and meteorites. What are they? It also gives a silky softness, but it can't hold it.

No one told him the answer.

He is probably the first person to do such a thing since Henggu, thinking about life in the gap between the mountain and the fairyland.

I can't get out anyway, so think about it.

Ning Tao sat down cross-legged, closed her eyes, went into a meditation state, and then released her power of creation, coming into contact with the flying lights that flowed outboard.

His power of creation was taken away, and those streamers flew away.

A strange picture appeared in his mind, as if he had fallen into a world of colored crystal particles.

The colored particles, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, constitute the streamer that flew like electricity, and it was they that gave him a silk-like softness.

His mark of fortune began to interpret the colored particles.

The Seal of Creation can interpret everything in the world. Anything that exists, including energy, can interpret it, because it is the source of creation.

Time passed little by little, and he didn't feel it at all, he was completely immersed in the wonderfully colorful world.

For a time, a smile appeared on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth.

He has got the answer.

These colorful particles, they are fragments of the outer space world.

From this point of view, Shenzhou's statement is actually correct. They are indeed stars, meteorites, nebulae, and various material fragments. They have been flowing here for many billion years and have been polished into energy particles. So when he fished with his hand, he couldn't catch anything, but it left a feeling like silk slipping over his fingers.

In fact, it is more appropriate to describe this space crack as a dark river between two space worlds. The source of this dark river is Shenshan, and the end is fairyland. The dark river is flowing at any time, it will take away the dirt and rocks from the two worlds, and then it will flow, and the material and energy brought in will be polished in this way.

However, this is not the reason for Ning Tao's happy smile. The reason why he couldn't help but smile is that he finally found a way to deal with the sand of death!

Ning Tao whispered to himself: "No, no, do you think you brought the sand of death from the dark world, can't I find a way to deal with you? Now I have sand too! These sands are called real sand . "

These colorful energy particles come from the real world, and it is appropriate to call the real sand.

"As long as I find a way to open the cracks in space, I can lead them out and fill the death desert. As long as I can find a way to open the cracks in space, I can walk through the Three Realms without the help of Shenzhou." Ning Tao thought more and more excited. .

It is the so-called sorrowful blessing, the sorrowful blessing.

He was trapped in the cracks in the space by no means, but he got an adventure here and was met with a solution to the crisis. If everything is done badly, and Shenzhou is not trapped in this cracked space, how can he get out of the cabin and risk his life and be exposed to the cracked space?

Keep thinking.

Ning Tao simply released a divine thought, and let the "Sand of Reality" named by him fly with him.

How far is far?

Even if the distance between the earth and the humans of the Spirit Saturn can never reach, his divine thought can reach in one thought.

The God's thoughts are not limited by time and space, but only by himself.

Shenzhou's face emerged from the cabin bulkhead again, taking a look at Ning Tao at the risk of his face being cut off, and found that Ning Tao was still sitting on the bow of the ship, and he shrank his face back.

"Shenzhou old man, how is the sloppy Ning Aiqing?" Worm said anxiously.

Shenzhou said angrily: "What can he do? I think he almost fell asleep sitting on the bow of the boat, really ... we are all trapped here, and he was there to raise his soul."

Zhe Eryi suddenly relaxed a little when she heard it, and he laughed, "The sloppy Ning Aiqing was really great, you old man didn't dare to go out, but Ning Aiqing was able to raise his mind outside."

Shenzhou gave the insect two white eyes: "Although I have the mana that passes through the cracks in this space given by heaven, but this mana is also exhausted, every moment here is consuming my mana, if I am powerless We must all die here when we maintain! "

Zuji said, "You are brave, so lazy to tell you."

Shenzhou: "Huh!"

Compared to Shenzhou and Zushi Er, the two female passengers seemed very relaxed, not at all worried and worried about the current difficulties.

"Oh, high priest, the more I look at you, the more beautiful you are. My **** is really boundless. You see how good your skin is, smooth and delicate and elastic." Lingyu reached out and touched and touched Lang Xianghun's cheek. .

Lang Xianghun reached Lingyu's ear and murmured something.

Lingyu's face suddenly felt a haze, and her small mouth widened: "Is that all right?"

Lang Xianghun nodded: "When we leave here, you can pray to our god, and he will satisfy your wishes."

"How dare you say that kind of shameful desire?" Lingyu was even more shy.

Lang Xianghun said: "You are embarrassed to speak. I speak for you. I tell our god."

"No, I ... I think about it again."

Zuji Er curiously looked at the two women, it heard everything, but it didn't know what they were talking about.

On the bow of the boat, a surprised smile suddenly appeared on Ning Tao's face.

He finally found out how nothing worked.

His divine thought came to a place with the sand of reality. That place was a huge cave, slowly rotating, and the dark energy constantly eroded in, creating a vortex like a seabed. A considerable part of the real sand was sucked into the vortex, so that the dark river could not operate normally.

Ning Tao's devotion was fearless, with a sand of truth entering the whirlpool.

Darkness rushed across the face, thick black like ink. The dark energy with the breath of death devoured the sand of truth, and strengthened itself.

The center of the vortex has a golden light flashing on it.

Ning Tao's thoughts instantly moved the center of the vortex.

That is a French seal, and it can also be regarded as a French array.

The seal is a vortex shape, with runes densely packed, slowly rotating, producing a sucking force that **** the real sand in the dark river, and then devours it.

Ning Tao's divine thought was looking at the seal, and the mark was also appearing in his mind, and quickly re-engraved in the brain.

In the process of portraying, the Seal of Fortune is also analyzing this mysterious seal of law.

After the portrayal was completed, Ning Tao's thoughts were also pulled into the center of the vortex and annihilated.

At that moment, Ning Tao's head hurt a lot, and it felt like his head was cracking.

Divine thought is equal to his Yuan Ying during the cultivation period. If he is in the cultivation period, Yuan Ying is destroyed, even if he does not die, he will become a fool. But now, he is full of thoughts, and one will disappear immediately. But when it was destroyed, it felt painful.

Sure enough, with the activation of the Seal of Fortune and the self-healing of the Force of Fortune, Ning Tao returned to normal in a blink of an eye, but nothing happened. He rose from the bow of the boat, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth: "None, do you think you can trap me here by secretly digging a hole in the bottom of the dark river? You are wrong, I told you There is no place for these three realms to trap me. I will go out from here now and destroy your spring and autumn dreams of zero realm! "

He raised his hand and patted it with a palm. A golden French seal flew out of the palm ~ ~ The shape of the swirl, the runes were dense, and slowly rotated.

This seal was the seal he saw at the bottom of the dark river.

As a result of the analysis of the seal of creation, the seal of law is the seal of the Three Realms.

This seal can be opened anywhere in the Three Realms and come and go freely!

This seal is the most advanced seal in addition to Ning Tao's own seal of creation and creator. It can be said that such a seal has only the Lord of the Three Realms and the King of the Gods.

Now he has it too.

Wu engraved a seal of the Three Realms at the bottom of the dark river, which introduced the energy of the dark world into the dark river, affecting the stability of the dark river, and Shenzhou naturally could not find an exit.

Now he wants to open an exit by himself.

The Seal of the Three Realms was activated, and suddenly a vortex appeared on the streamer that flew like electricity, sucking the real sand out, and the Shenzhou was also rolled and rushed to the center of the vortex.

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