Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1547: Born Artifact

The scorching golden light was shot out of Ning Tao's body, the moment after the upgrade of the Creator's Seal of the world in the body. This is a situation that has never happened before, and it feels like getting the true meaning and getting complete.

The Creator Seal is no longer the Seal of the Five Elements and the Five Elements Seal, but the Seal of the Six Seals. Its shape is now more rounded, and its mana is more comprehensive and powerful.

The newly added French Seal was named the Seal of Xuanming by Ning Tao. Xuanming, Xuan stands for Yes, Xingming stands for Yin, and Xuanming's Yin is Tianyin.

With Tianyin, the Creator ’s lawful seal of the “uterus” is tantamount to maturity.

Xuanming Lingzi and Alice ran into the temple.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "It's finally done."

Xuanming Lingzi jumped on Xuanwu's back, Jin Guang flashed back and removed the **** body, and recovered to the normal height of King Kong Lin Daiyu.

Two goddesses surround Ning Tao.

"Male god, what's the big deal?" Alice said anxiously.

"Male god, why did you stay in my Xuanwu body all night, what did you do?" Xuanming Lingzi asked.

It ’s not surprising that the two sisters did n’t know, because Ning Tao only said to look at the natural runes, but did n’t say to upgrade the seal of the Creator. Now it's time to tell them the truth and let them witness the miracles. But before that, the first thing Ning Tao did was bowed deeply to Xuanming Lingzi, saying with gratitude: "Love wife, thank you."

Xuanming Lingzi suddenly hesitated and said curiously, "Male god, what are you doing ... what are you thanking me for?"

Ning Tao did not explain, but pulled her into his arms.

A blush appeared on the face of Xuanming Lingzi's Qingxiu Swen.

Alice just stared at her, not jealous.

Ning Tao reached out and pulled Alice into his arms again, holding Xuanming Lingzi in his left arm and Alice in his right arm.

One bowl of water should be leveled, and two bowls of water should be leveled.

"Male god, you talk, you stayed in my basalt body all night. What are you doing, just looking at my natural runes?" Xuanming Lingzi asked.

Ning Tao smiled: "I first watched the rune for my husband, and then adapted your natural rune into a seal that suits me. Finally, I added this seal to my creator seal, so I used it. All night. "

The time of the night was so important to him that it could not be expressed in a single sentence.

"Wait ..." Alice suddenly remembered something, and said in surprise: "Male god, you said the seal of the Creator just now?"

Xuanming Lingzi also said in surprise: "Male god, are you ... the creator?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Yes, I am indeed a creator for my husband, otherwise how could I build such a magnificent temple for you in such a short time?"

Alice and Xuanming Lingzi looked at each other, and the eyes of the sisters were full of surprise and confusion.

It's not that they don't want to believe it, it's just that this matter is too big and the impact on them is too great. It is inevitable that they will be shocked.

Ning Tao didn't explain too much. It is not as much as 10,000 sentences to let them witness the miracles that belong to him.

He let go of Alice and Xuanming Lingzi, took a few steps forward, and took a French seal on the ground.

This is the mark of chaos.

The seal of chaos fell to the ground, a flash of golden light, and an energy shield immediately enveloped the entire Xuanwu Temple.

Under the seal of chaos is his absolute realm. He rules everything and isolates all connections with the outside world.

He did this because he was worried that if he used the seal of the Creator to create something, he would lose the balance of time and space and suddenly collapse. In that case, Le Ji is very sad, and he has not let the two goddesses experience the happiness and joy of being a goddess. If this prehistoric space disappears because of an act of pretense, he really lives up to them.

However, with the Seal of Chaos, this can be avoided.

After the Seal of Chaos propped up the energy shield, Ning Tao did not release any spiritual material from the Japanese gourd, and directly shot a Creator's Seal in the void.

The Dharma Seal slowly rotates in the void, and the Five Elements Dharma Seal and the Seal of the Underworld guard the center of the Seal of Creation. The shape is like a Tai Chi.

Xuanming Lingzi and Alice came together, staring at the Fahen of the Creator suspended in the void, stunned again.

Anyway, they are all gods, and without Ning Tao's explanation, they can feel how powerful the divine deity and mana are.

Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and a force of fortune like Jintang shot from his eyebrow, and fell into the seal of the Creator.


The Creator Seal is activated, and the Five Elements and Divine Energy flow from all directions and enter the Creator Seal.

Ning Tao raised a hand and slowly approached the seal of the creator. He stopped when he was about to touch the seal of the creator. A drop of golden blood flew away from him and was thrown into the seal of the creator. Into a mass of blood mist.

The miracle happened, and a little bird flew out of the blood mist and spread its wings in the air. Two others perched on the heads of Alice and Xuanming Lingzi, chanting incessantly.

The two goddesses were startled again.

When they first saw these birds, their first reaction was that this was the blind eye spell of the male god. Their male **** is a great god, even if the pediatric obstructive eye spells make it difficult for them to distinguish between true and false, but they are fake after all. No matter how powerful the male god's spell is, it is impossible for real birds to fly in the seal.

However, in the blink of an eye, there were two small birds perched on their heads. It felt heavy and the sound was so crisp and sweet. They can even sense the bird's breathing and heartbeat, which is extremely true. They also realized that their male **** didn't make a blinding spell, but actually created a bird.

This also means that their male **** is not joking with them, their male **** is really the creator.

This is what surprised them most.

However, Ning Tao did not stop. When the thoughts moved, the ground in front of him shook, and the divine stones were sunken. A blink of an eye formed the shape of a pool. Subsequently, a stream of clear spring water poured from the creator's seal and poured into the pool. After a short time, a huge pool was added to the temple.

Drops of blood turned into a mass of blood mist in the seal of the Creator, and then a series of koi jumped out of the blood mist, and the raindrops generally fell into the pond. In the end, lotus leaves grew in the pond, and blossomed lotus flowers.

"What a beauty!" Alice ran to the pond, unable to restrain her excitement.

Xuanming Lingzi's eyes have been on Ning Tao's body, his voice trembling with excitement: "Male god, you, you ... are you really the creator?"

Ning Tao stopped making things, and he smiled: "You see with your own eyes, are these all fake?"

Xuanming Lingzi plunged into Ning Tao's arms and said excitedly, "I actually married a creator! Oh my god, why am I so lucky?"

Ning Tao clutched her thin waist and said softly, "Love your wife, I have to thank you. Without your natural runes, I would not be able to do that."

He is good at breaking new ground, but it is difficult for him to create live birds and fish. But now that's all trivial to him, he can now break new ground on a barren planet and create all kinds of life.

However, an intelligent life with a powerful soul cannot always be created, which is impossible for any creator. Smart life and soul must be evolved over a long period of time. However, after the upgrade of Creator Fayin this time, he can completely create a species that is second only to intelligent life, such as the ape-man, and the ape-man has evolved into a human, and the process will be much faster.


A sound of water sounded.

Ning Tao and Xuanming Lingzi moved their eyes, but saw that Alice had jumped into the pool.

There was a flash of gold, and a mermaid appeared in the clear water. The upper body and the lower body were full of golden fish scales, and each piece was glittering. The flame-like long hair slowly danced in the water, with a dazzling beauty.

"This ... love your wife, isn't your **** body that tree?" Ning Tao said in surprise, and it was his turn to be frightened next time.

Alice rose from the pool, her blood-colored hair hanging down her chest, as soft as a velvet covering the lampshade, and covering the shining headlight.


A water arrow shot from Alice's little mouth, flew towards Ning Tao, and soared on Ning Tao's face.

Naughty isn't it.

But Ning Tao's heart was not annoyed at all. When he saw the real mermaid, he was very happy: "Beloved wife, I ask you, what is your deity?"

Every man has an mermaid dream after an hour, and then rolls the beach with the mermaid. For him, the dream has come true, and of course he is happy.

Alice said with a smile: "I am a destiny wooden fish god, that tree is my **** body, but it can also become a big wooden fish. I am not a **** body at all now, I am a mermaid family, I am on the shore Man, naturally is a mermaid in the water. "

Ning Tao couldn't help laughing: "It turned out to be ignorant of her husband, but you said you can still become a wooden fish, what is it like?"

"Male god, do you want to see it?" Alice said.

Ning Tao nodded his head: "I want to see."

A golden light flashed in the pool, soaring into the sky, a wooden fish flashed instantly in the golden light, even the kind that the monk knocked, even the wooden hammer of the wooden fish.

Ning Tao was dumbfounded ~ ~ What is the situation?

The hundred-meter-tall wooden fish flew in front of Ning Tao, and Alice's voice came out from it: "Male god, please try to knock."

Ning Tao was still a bit unconscious, but he picked up the gavel and tapped it with a wooden fish.


In the crisp voice, a magical mana rippled away from the wooden fish.

This mana is peaceful and sacred. It has the mana to purify the human soul. What ’s more amazing is that her mana also carries dense divine runes, like waves of water, spreading in all directions. Wherever you go, even the Creator ’s seal. All have been blessed, the light has been significantly enhanced, and the mana has also been significantly improved!

Suddenly Ning Tao realized a problem. The mermaid wife he married casually was not simple. She was a natural artifact, and she was an artifact!

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