Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1596: Explore the Chief

Dongshan Polly's stone house arrived. Due to limited materials, Ning Tao only built a simple wooden door for this stone house, not even a window. After all, they are girls and need to protect their privacy. If they can be seen while sleeping, what is the difference from live broadcasting? So you can't be so indifferent.

Although she knew Dongshan Polly was in the stone house, Ning Tao still reached out and knocked on the door, and then said, "Chief Polly, it's me."

There were rapid footsteps in the room, and after two seconds, the humble wooden door opened. Dongshan Polly appeared at the door, glanced at Ning Tao, and fell to her knees without saying a word: "Dolshan Polly meets the great God of Gifts."

Ning Tao reached out and helped Dongshan Polly lift up, and said in a cordial voice: "Chief Polly doesn't need to be polite. My **** is more casual. You can have me in your heart. Don't meet me and kneel."

"In my heart ... I have you," Dongshan Polly said.

Ning Tao stayed for a moment.

I don't know why, a familiar premonition erupted in his heart. This premonition is not good or bad, but it is trouble.

He was asking himself, shouldn't he say something wrong again?

"Well, let's talk in the room." Ning Tao changed the subject.

When he entered the room, Dongshan Polly closed the humble wooden door.

Ning Tao glanced back and wanted to tell her that there was no need to close the door, but she swallowed again.

God is not afraid of the shadow oblique, so he sent the divine **** to talk about the business, so why bother with closing and not closing the door?

Dongshan Polly looked a little cramped and said a little nervously: "The great God of the Son, I ... can't I do anything for you?"

Ning Tao said, "I don't know yet."

Dongshan Polly hesitated before he said, "The great God of the Son, I am already a follower of your followers. When I was determined to lead my people to follow you, I made up my mind ... I want to take me Everything is dedicated to you, so ... so, if you do n’t say it, I understand. "

After this sentence, her face was already crimson.

Ning Tao was weird here. He hadn't even said it yet. He didn't even know how to start to solve the problem. How did she know? Is there any misunderstanding?

Dongshan Polly's voice was getting smaller and smaller: "So whatever you want ... I will give you ... No, dedicate to the great God of God."

Ning Tao felt that she was too shy and Sven, and her voice was lower than that of mosquitoes. He thought for a moment and said, "Let's go to bed."

Dongshan Polly paused for a moment, but it took only two or three seconds to pass. She slightly bit her lip, as if she had made a decision. She turned and walked toward the stone bed with a look on her face. Shy and nervous, but there is also a kind of unflinching, very complicated.

The stone bed is not wide. If it is the standard of the earth, it is at best a single bed. When God created the bed, he never thought that this bed would sleep two people. Therefore, when Dongshan Polly lay down, it was harder for the second person to lie down on the stone bed.

Ning Tao came to the stone bed.

Dongshan Polly seemed to be thinking of something, moved inward, and turned her body to the side. With this operation, she added an additional space on the stone bed for people to lie down.

Ning Tao froze for a moment, and said secretly in her heart, "She lay well, why did she change her posture again?"

Although posture is strength, she has no strength at all in this posture, and it is still the type that does not have strength.

When Ning Tao was wondering, Dongshan Polly said in a small voice: "The great God of the Son, come up."

Ning Tao: "..."

Suddenly he was awakened, and the female chief was thinking about something.

There were thousands of words in his heart, but the words turned into a sigh.

This is absolutely the reason for the deity of the Son of God.

Every time he was righteous, he was bright, he was clean, he was eager to do business. There are always misunderstandings among the people around, some lesbians even look at him with colored glasses, and some lesbians simply put into action and cook the misunderstandings.

The **** is clearly the latter.

"The great God of the Son, why don't you ... come up?" Dongshan Polly became even more nervous, thinking that she had done something wrong, or not in place.

Ning Tao just came back to him, he coughed awkwardly: "Well, I won't come up."

"You, do you want me to come down?" Dongshan Polly followed the stone bed, and a pair of long legs protruded out of the edge of the bed subconsciously.

In this case of the female chief, she apparently thought of some knowledge.

Ning Tao said hurriedly: "No, no, you don't have to come down, just lie down." In order to dispel the misunderstanding in her heart, he added, "I mean, you lie down, I check your body."

This is easy to understand, but I do n’t know if Dongshan Polly understood it. She first lay down and then asked nervously, "Do you want me to take off my clothes?"

"Don't use it, that's fine." Ning Tao said.

"Do I need to move?" Dongshan Polly asked again.

There were thousands of words in Ning Tao's heart, but he only said one sentence: "You don't have to move, I just move."

That said, he suddenly wanted to give himself a mouth.

You really do not leave your business in three sentences. What do you think of you?

But did he blame him?

The female chief has a rhythm all the way, and he has not deviated from the line of justice until now, which is very rare.

Dongshan Polly closed her eyes, her eyelashes were trembling, her majestic chest was slightly undulating. Even a blind man could see that she was nervous.

Ning Tao took a breath and patted him gently on Dongshan Polly's forehead.

This was a gentle slap, but with a hint of fortune, but Dongshan Polly fell asleep.

Ning Tao felt that he had to let the female chief go to bed, otherwise this embarrassing misunderstanding would continue, not only did he not have serious thoughts and do not say, in case the misunderstanding came true, it would be bad.

After the female chief was settled, Ning Tao injected a trace of the power of creation into his body, and then manipulated that power of power to swim in her body. That power of creation is like a pervasive camera, shooting continuously, and then transmitting the information back to his brain, which is then compiled into a map and presented in his mind. In this way, the internal structure of her body was clearly presented in his mind.

Maybe it was boring. Ning Tao was talking to himself while looking at the picture.

"It's a bit fat, no wonder I dared to kick me into the sky ..."

"I haven't eaten for a few days, and my intestines are as clean as I washed them ..."

"The house is empty and very healthy. It is most comfortable for children ..."

"Where is this path? Oh, sorry, I went the wrong way ..."

After the inspection, Ning Tao's mind also had a rough conclusion.

Although Dongshan people are non-creative believers, they can have an 80% similarity with the human body structure on the earth. They have no spleen and gallbladder, but they have an additional conch-shaped organ. . In addition, the size of the heart is also smaller, shaped like a six-cylinder engine, and powerful.

As for other organs, Ning Tao is not easy to detect, and it is hard to say, but there is a brief impression that it is somewhat different from humans. This is why he just went the wrong way and found it after walking for a while.

Such a body structure is obviously more advanced and stronger than a human body structure.

Ning Tao withdrew that trace of fortune, but his research was only the most basic project.

Dongshan Polly was still lying quietly on the stone bed without any consciousness. She didn't even know that Ning Tao had just walked around her body and knew her better than herself.

"Next step, I don't know if there will be any valuable discovery?" Ning Tao said to himself, a divine thought came out of the shell with a trace of fortune, and plunged into Dongshan In Polly's brain.

His examination did not enter Dongshan Polly's brain. The goal of this step was her brain.

Ning Tao ’s divine thought was carried through the eyebrows of Dongshan Polly with the power of creation. According to the standards of human spiritual practitioners, behind the eyebrows is the place to train Yuan Ying and Yuan Shen. Important place. So, will there be a mud pill behind Dongshan people's brows? Will Dongshan Polly's Rune Energy be stored in it?

The results came out soon, with the bones behind the eyebrows and the brain tissue behind the bones. Dongshan Polly's brain tissue looked normal, with no mutations or special structures, and very similar to human brain tissue.

Curious in Ning Tao's heart, he didn't find anything about Dantian in Dongshan Polly's body. At that time, he was thinking that her Fu Li energy was probably stored in the mud pill palace, but she did not expect her. There is no mud pill palace.

However, in this position, his divine thought can clearly feel the powerful energy is about to move ~ ~ seems to find him as an intruder.

"That's ... I understand!" Ning Tao suddenly realized that his divine thoughts had shifted, followed by a few inches across the skull, and then stopped.

Here is the white jade-like unicorn on Dongshan Polly's forehead, which is unique to Dongshan women.

Dongshan men have vertical eyes on their foreheads, representing 0, which is also a feature of nothing. Dongshan woman has a single horn on her forehead, which represents 1, which seems to be a vital organ for Dongshan women to cultivate.

Ning Tao's divine thought came under the monolith of Dongshan Polly and slowly invaded the skull.

"Hmm ..." Dongshan Polly made a nightmare sound in her throat, her eyelids fluttered, and she might wake up at any time.

Ning Tao shook her brain with the power of nature again, letting her enter deep sleep, and forcibly invaded her one-corner.

With this entry, Ning Tao's spirit of thoughts suddenly stood on the spot.

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