Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1601: Gone with the Wind

It was dark, it was really dark, and even the dark blue "curtain" on the sky disappeared, leaving only endless darkness. But even that darkness was edited by the Rune of Heaven.

This is a world of heavenly runes, it is not big, it is just a boxy box.

Although Ning Tao obtained the seal of true life from Dongshan Polly, and practiced the true power with the seal of true life, and in that magical state, he also obtained the mana of analyzing the Rune of Heaven. This rune space is still not well understood.

This rune space is not the space of the Three Realms. Why does it exist?

Why is it a boxy shape?

What are you looking for here?

Ning Tao didn't know this.

At daybreak, the blue cloth appeared on the sky again, but still couldn't see the infinite High Temple.

In the makeshift camp, a wooden door opened, and Ning Tao came out of the door with a smile on his face. He had a great time the past night. But it's not all serious. He also practiced real power several times and manipulated the seal of real life several times. Compared to the first manipulation, with the power of real power, he is more and more skilled in the manipulation of the seal of true life.

Dongshan Polly followed Ning Tao out of the stone house and was suddenly shocked.

She saw fertile land, green grass, various flowers on the grass, and trees, some trees had already bloomed, and some trees even had fruit.

"I ... what have I missed?" After a long snoring, Dongshan Polly said a word.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "I created these with the seal of true devotion and the power of truth. Just yesterday evening when you were still sleeping."

Dongshan Polly said in surprise: "The great God of the Son, I also have the seal of true destiny and true power, why can't I do it?"

Ning Tao reached out a hand, and a golden seal appeared in his palm, which was the mark of his creation.

"What kind of seal is this?" Dongshan Polly held the seal in Ning Tao's hands, her eyes full of surprise and confusion.

Ning Tao said, "It's the Seal of Creation. I'm a Creator, so I can."

This is indeed the case. The seal of true destiny is only a "tool" for "editing" the Runes of Heaven, and the arrangement and combination of the Runes of Heaven into soil, grass, and trees requires the analysis and combination of the Seal of Creation. Combining the Runes of Heaven into dirt, grass, and trees? Without the analysis and combination of the Seal of Creation, even if he has the Seal of True Life and the Power of Reality, he cannot edit the Rune of Heaven correctly to make it into what he wants. Therefore, the Seal of Fortune is always his root, and it is quite a CPU.

Dongshan Polly retracted her gaze, kneeling down with her legs bent, and her forehead rested on the soft green grass.

It is superfluous to say anything admiring, and only such an act of worship can express her mood at the moment.

Ning Tao held her high-rising dumplings, and a little flame ignited in her heart.

It is this powerful knowledge.

He has understood the power of this knowledge, so he knows it well.

"Well, I'm going out for a while, you go back to the house to rest." Ning Tao looked back.

"Um." Dongshan Polly gave a good response, and then she got up from the grass. She wanted to tell Ning Tao to be careful, but she swallowed again.

What a small heart to give such a god?

Be careful with incompetence.

Ning Tao walked to the edge of the camp as soon as he was in shape, and then walked out from behind the boundary wall of the shield of Xuanming Shield.

Outside is a piece of glass generally flat ground, and a series of runes flow from under the feet, some horizontally, some vertically, and crisscross.

It was easy for Ning Tao to restore this land, but he did not do so. He walked straight forward, occasionally looking up at the sky.

The sky is still a big blue cloth.

As soon as Ning Tao's thoughts were moved, the seal of true life in the world in his body was activated, and a flash of blue light flashed in his pupil. After that, the scene in his eyes suddenly changed.

A majestic temple gradually appeared, and then it was brilliant and dazzling.

That's the Supreme Supreme Temple of Wu.

It was not visible before, but now it has nowhere to hide.

This is also the role of the seal of true life and the power of truth.

Everything in this rune space can be edited, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, but in front of the seal of true life and the power of truth, everything is visible, and false is not true.

Really, these two words have actually explained everything.

Ning Tao only glanced back, then moved on.

He wants to give no illusion that he has not seen the Supreme Temple. This is why he did not completely restore the space. He wanted to show weakness. When his true power was stronger, he would go up to the Supreme Temple and make a break with Wu.

That's when he turned on his sword.

Ning Tao stopped short before walking, and then sat cross-legged. An energy passport of the Seal of Chaos popped off with his body as the center, covering a range of several hundred meters.

The mark of chaos is his absolute realm. He can see the outside, but people outside cannot see him.

After holding up the energy shield of the Seal of Chaos, Ning Tao raised his head and looked up at the Supreme Temple in the sky.

Suddenly the gate of the High Heaven Temple opened, a golden light flew out of the gate, and then landed on the edge of the platform in front of the gate.

The runes of the sky are surging, landing on adults.

Nothing appeared.

He stood at the edge of the platform and looked down at the ground. There were two energy shields on the ground, like two tents, one large and one small. But he could only see the "tarpaulin" of the tent, but he could not see the scene inside the tent.

He first glanced at the camp tent, then moved his gaze to the energy shield that Ning Tao had just held up. But the result is the same. He can see the golden energy shield, but he cannot see the inside of the energy shield.

But Ning Tao could see him.

"What are you guys peeping at?" Ning Tao smiled slightly.

This smile is the smile of the fox.

On the edge of the platform of the High Heaven Temple, none of the hands were out, and he held in the void, and a golden energy spear was suddenly added to his hand.

The spear Jin Mang flickered, mana boundless.

"Want to poke me? How many dishes do you drink like this?" Ning Tao said disdainfully.

Without holding the energy spear, hesitated again and again, but never cast it. Leaving aside the energy spear can break the seal of chaos energy shield, even if it is broken, and a miracle is usually stuck on Ning Tao's head, that will not kill Ning Tao.

Why bother?

No energy spear was collected, but he did not return, still standing on the edge of the platform overlooking the bottom.

Ning Tao also retracted her sight, activated the seal of true life in the world inside her body, and began to practice the power of truth.

The vortex is activated, slowly rotated, and the blue electric mang flickers, just like the nebula changes.

Small dusty runes of heaven poured into his body, and then entered into the seal of true life, refined into real power and stored.

In that vortex like a galaxy, countless days of runes flickered, and a chain of runes swarmed like dragons. Another fresh blue lightning flashed in the runes, more and more thick.

This is why Ning Tao came out to cultivate.

He cultivates in the camp, he will destroy the structure in the camp, and the camp is so small, the effect of his cultivation in the camp will only get worse. But this is not the same in the wilderness, he can recklessly absorb the runes of heaven, and refine them into real power.

From time to time during the cultivation process, Ning Tao looked up from time to time to take a look at him and monitor the movement of him.

It ’s not that you are not monitoring Ning Tao, otherwise you will not stand there all the time and look down. He has ten percent confidence, and Ning Tao can't see this Supreme Temple, let alone him. But he didn't know that Ning Tao of today is not Ning Tao of yesterday. Today's Ning Tao is Ning Tao who drank Dongshan Polly and ate fruit. Everything he did at this moment was in Ning Tao's eyes, but he felt very good about himself.

Not all **** is old and spicy.

Ning Tao's practice was an hour. After an hour, he rose from the ground and looked up at nothing in the sky. The goods are still looking here, very focused.

Ning Tao was full of eyesight, and wanted to see the face without clear, but when the idea just came out, he followed it down and then lowered his head.

Without that existence, he would probably be found without doing so. At that time, of course, he could clearly see the expression on his face. If he was lucky, he might also be able to read the two words of Wu by lip. But what about it? Once he was found out that he was watching him and had no chance to know that he could see the Supreme Heavenly Temple, at that time there would be no fear that he would have the secret of the seal of true devotion and true power on him, so that he would outweigh the gains.

"You grasshopper after the fall, let you jump for a few more days." Ning Tao said in his heart, then removed the seal of chaos and went to the camp.

As soon as the energy shield of the Seal of Chaos disappeared, Nian Tao's sight fell on Ning Tao's body ~ ~ Ning Tao pretended to be unconscious, still walking slowly to the camp, his face was deliberately exposed A frowning expression, as he walked, he said to himself: "What to do, there is no idiot who hides from seeing me. I don't have much time. Just go to the Three Realms and you're finished."

He doesn't know if he can hear his incompetence, but he believes that he can interpret lips without certainty.

Sure enough, Wu's mouth sneered.

Ning Tao said to himself again: "I'm so angry, I clearly have the power to kill him, why can't I kill him? No, I must find a way, I must kill him!"

No humming, the voice was full of contempt and disdain.

After finishing the play, Ning Tao entered the Xuanming Shield Seal's energy shield, and then looked at nothing in the sky across the energy shield.

Wu stayed on the edge of the platform for a few seconds, then turned back to the temple, and the huge temple door closed again.

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