Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1605: Machine theory

If none of this speculation is true, then the story is like this.

An excellent young man on earth, through his efforts, ascended to the fairy realm, and then robbed him from the fairy realm and went to God Mountain. The last machine gave him a random **** card to send the child god.

Are you funny from heaven?

Therefore, Ning Tao didn't know how to be bored. He even had the illusion that he hadn't been here for a long time, and had been living a single man for hundreds of millions of years.

"You don't believe it" There was a strange smile on the corner of Wu's mouth, "It's normal for you not to believe it, I didn't believe it at the beginning, but I studied this for a long time, and I started to believe it."

Ning Tao then said, "So ridiculous conjecture, how do you make me believe that you say it is a **** card issued by a machine, then you tell me, where is the machine, who made it, and what kind of machine is it? "

There was no silence before saying "I don't know."

Ning Tao laughed abruptly. "You are ill, but at your age, you are in normal condition now."

None but ignored Ning Tao's sarcastic remarks. He raised his hand and waved, the huge dome of the temple opened a large block instantly, as if an electric skylight was installed on the roof. He pressed the remote control here. Device, the window opened that day.

A dark blue sky appeared on the roof of the temple.

Ning Tao saw the "pot lid".

He has seen it and studied it for a long time. This rune world is actually a boxy box. Each side has a rune wall. He and Hemia entered. The thickness of the wall was unknown. After entering, Hemia fell into the environment edited by the Rune of Heaven. Because he was not the real Rune body, he could see the truth, but he did not walk out of the wall. I guess I can't go out.

Maybe you can try it after killing Wuwu, but this is obviously not the time to think about it.

Wu also looked up at the sky, and then said "Since you can see my temple and find it here, you should be able to see the barriers in the sky."

Ning Tao's understanding is the wall. The barriers he understands are called differently, but they all mean the same thing.

"I can see, isn't this a box here?" Ning Tao said.

Nothing said, "You're right, this is indeed a box. My door seal can come in and go out, but we come in from Shenshan, and we still go out. I used to compare this box to a house, only the front door, no Back door. But where is the house built and what is on it, I haven't studied it thoroughly. "

Ning Tao was also lost in thought.

Yeah, if this box is likened to a house with only a front door, no back door, and even no windows, then where is it built, what is the outside of the house, and he and Hemia came in, and if they printed out the door, Or the void above Shenshan.

While Ning Tao was thinking, without the help of a detective, the map of the Three Realms next to the idol flew over, and he pinched another method and blasted at the holographic map.

The runes of the sky surged, and at a blink of an eye, a boxy box composed of the runes of the sky was added to the holographic map.

The Three Realms suddenly became the Four Realms. The world has the largest volume, and it is a chaotic sphere on the bottom. The second realm is fairyland, which is a rectangular shape

, Smaller than the world. The third realm is Shenshan, which is a triangle and smaller than the fairy realm. Now that this box is added, it is much smaller than Shenshan and has a boxy shape.

At a glance, this universe is a geometric pattern in the world of mathematics, stacked one by one. Such a scene, those astronomers and cosmologists on the earth have seen it, and I am afraid that it will also drop their chin. Who can imagine that the real universe is so strange?

Human life is too short, and human power is too small, so the power of a group cannot fly out of the solar system, let alone study the universe and see the truth

When Ning Tao looked at this wonderful map of the universe, he raised his finger on the box and said, "What do you say is on the box?"

Ning Tao thought for a moment, and then said, "According to the urine of this universe, if there is anything really above, it should also be a geometric shape. Looking at the Three Realms and the shape of this box, there have been circles, rectangles, triangles, A square, maybe a cylindrical bar, a polygon, or maybe a pentagonal star, trapezoidal hahaha. "

Then he laughed.

But this is not ridicule, but really funny.

Who made the universe into such a thing

It's a bit like a little fart.

And he and Wu are like two top mathematics students, who are studying a complicated mathematical problem at the moment.

Wu just smiled at Ning Tao and said nothing.

Ning Tao stopped the laughter "You are a Dongshan tribe, you went down from here, and then became the supreme heaven god, right?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, you are the God of Heaven and the Son of God, but I am the Supreme God of Heaven. I represent heaven, I am everything, and the end of everything. Create. Even you, strictly speaking, you created me. "

Ning Tao shook his head. "I have done what you call creation. I created the ecological environment on Mars, and then I cut some meat and blood to create some worms. I have done it on other planets too. After hundreds of millions of years, , The ecology I created will naturally evolve all kinds of life and civilization, but I can say to someone at that time, are you the one I created? "

"Of course you can, without your creation, how could there be that person" asked without asking.

Ning Tao said, "I do n’t think so. I think so. Although you and I are the supreme creators, you and I are just seeders of life and civilization, or we are a seed. We are not everything. Because before you, the creator created the Dongshan people. We are not the end of everything, because even if we die, the world will continue to exist, and new gods, new creators will be born, and then Continue planting. "

"You actually deny yourself"

"Do n’t you say you want to talk to me, I will talk to you. You said there is a machine on this rune space, I said we are the seeds of the sky, we each said our own point of view, do you want me to agree "Your statement" Ning Tao asked back.

There was a strange smile on the corner of Wu's mouth. "It's not necessary. You're right, just talking."

"I'm curious, how did you go to Shenshan from here?" Ning Tao continued talking.

There are four layers of holographic maps around, and the footsteps slowly move slowly, and the sound slowly moves slowly. "Initially,

Like the Dongshan people below, I also think that the world is boundless, that there are boundless oceans, boundless desert Gobis, boundless mountains and snowy fields. But then I found out that those are all illusions, not real. This space is not large at all, and the six faces are barriers. I entered the barrier research and practice, and finally realized the meaning of the Rune of Heaven, and then I became the Supreme Heavenly Destiny of Heaven, and went to God Mountain to become the God King. "

I don't know why. After hearing what he said, Ning Tao suddenly developed a feeling that it was the administrator of the Three Realms who was not assigned. Thinking about it this way, his heart was a little bit awkward. Could it be true that there is a machine with invincible wisdom and invincible energy, and these three realms, everything, is actually compiled by that machine?

His view of the universe also began to collapse.

"In the beginning, I was very excited. I shuttled with the Three Realms to create life in the right place. I enjoyed that time, but I got tired of it later. The low-level life born from the lower-level planets did n’t have any family for me. Betrayal, like to kill each other, like to destroy, lost my faith in me. "

"Is this one reason you want to destroy the Three Realms?"

"You say that, that's right."

"Have you ever been to Earth"

"Earth in the world" shook his head without thinking for a moment, "I don't remember that I have been to the earth, maybe what world I created was destroyed, and the fragments carried the genes of life to the earth, so they gave birth to Human beings. Or maybe I passed there, dipped in urine, and gave birth to all beings on the earth, ha ha ha "

Ning Tao frowned slightly. He didn't like this statement and didn't want to talk anymore.

Wuwu stopped and stared at Ning Tao. "You want to do it"

Ning Tao nodded.

The two women in the family are still waiting for him. He understands as soon as possible and can rush back to eat fruit. It is better than to brag with this bad old man here.

Without a sigh, "Let me say the last thing."

"What happened" Ning Tao has activated the Seal of Fortune.

God ’s chariot engine has been started, and the breath on him has changed, but he did not shoot immediately.

Nothing said, "In this battle, the two of us will die. Ninety-nine percent are you, but it may be me."

Ning Tao just smiled, his knife was about to move.

None means that he has a 99,999 chance to win ~ ~ and he only has a chance to survive, which is just a set of meaningless data, the real result That would only happen after the fight.

Wu also said, "What I want to say is that no matter who we live or die, we all meet each other's wishes. What do you think?"

Ning Tao froze for a moment, he did not expect that he would not propose such a war condition.

Nothing said, "I know that your heart is tied to your wife and children. If you die, I can assure you that I will not kill your wife and children. I will not kill the following two. Wife and child, I can also receive here to settle down, so that they can live without worry and multiply. "

"What is your wish" Ning Tao asked.

I looked up at the sky again, and then said, "My wish is for the living person to go up to see what is there, and then tell the dead."

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