Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1616: Earth ball king

Near noon, a dark cloud flew west. This Chang'an city had no enchantment. The dark clouds flew, the sky suddenly changed color, and the wind was miserable. The weather was like it was going to rain, but it was still slow.

On the golden **** cloud, her face was so crimson, she said nervously: "Da Xian, Wu Ji is here! She is here!"

Ning Tao expected Wu Wu to be here.

Before Wu Yi came to this past time and space, she was a ghost. If she cultivates, she must develop in the direction of ghosts and immortals. That must be in the direction of the ghost fairy. Can drive the cloud, it seems that it has already become a fairy. This seems to be the reason why she unifies the whole world as a female streamer. Who can defeat a ghost in this past time and space?

What's more, this ghost fairy still comes from the future and has mastered many scientific and technological and military concepts not in this era.

But just when he thought so, there were black clouds behind that black cloud.

At first glance, Ning Tao felt that a group of ghosts was dispatched, but in a blink of an eye, it was impossible. At first glance, I discovered that the cloud behind the dark cloud was not a ghost cloud. Behind that dark cloud was not a ghost cloud, but a huge hot air balloon, densely packed.

A large basket hung under each hot air balloon. A large basket was hung under each hot air balloon, and a dozen light armored fighters stood in the basket, as well as a black pot, which looked like an airdrop bomb during World War II.

Ning Tao suddenly understood.

Wu Yan is really playing a stand-alone game, but also cheating.

Hot air balloons were used frequently during World War II, and their performance was not bad. However, with the development of science and technology, the hot air balloon has only a little role and value for tourism in the future generations, but did not expect Wu Xi to use the hot air balloon in her global war.

If conditions are ripe, she might want to build airplanes and tanks, right?

How do you let others play?

Ning Tao couldn't help but smile a bitterly, and there was more messy feeling in her heart.

"Daxian, that is the flying army of the Shenwu Empire. When they started the war, they flew to the enemy's walls and threw their fireballs. The defenders of the city had only been beaten. I used the flying army to conquer most of the world. I don't know how many people died under her flying army. "Taizhen's face was full of tension and fear.

Shenwu Empire?

This name is really domineering.

In addition, she really cheated the world.

There are no anti-aircraft missiles or anti-aircraft machine guns in the world. She used a hot air balloon rank to attack the city walls, damaging the defensive forces, and then attacking the city. What other city can hold it?

Taizhen went on to say: "Nan Wuzhen said that she came to be surrendered, but she brought her master of the king, showing that her intentions were sinister. Fortunately, my king had expected her conspiracy and transferred the army to the mountain in advance. A small number of defenders. "

"A trick to entice the enemy?"

He nodded too real, but his face was still dignified: "But Wu Wu is a ghost fairy, if she assassinates my king ..."

Ning Tao said, "Don't worry, isn't this still me? I'll take care of you. You go back to the house and wait for me. I'll see the Wuyi before I make a plan."

"Daxian, that Wuzhen is fierce and addictive, you must be careful." Taizhen urged.

Ning Tao just nodded his head slightly, leapt forward, and flew directly to the dark cloud.

Taizhen originally wanted to ask Ning Tao how she would go. Before she spoke, Ning Tao was gone, but the golden **** cloud at her feet seemed to be in control, and took her to the house at the foot of the Qinling Mountains.

Ning Tao came to the dark cloud and saw Wu Zhi standing on the dark cloud at a glance.

Her appearance has not changed in the slightest, still so cold and gorgeous, like a flower carved out of ice. She wore a black robe with a nine-pronged golden dragon embroidered on the robe. Wearing a black crown on her head and a flying sword hanging around her waist, the queen's aura was strong without losing the charming charm of a woman.

Impressed by Ning Tao, she is more charming than ever.

Ning Tao came too fast, he was standing on the cloud, Wu Wu found out. She was startled at first, and when she saw Ning Tao's face clearly, she stunned on the spot.

With four eyes facing each other, Ning Tao did not speak, and Wu Yan did not speak, and the black cloud head was quiet.

However, regarding Wu Ji's reaction just now, as well as the look at the moment, Ning Tao knew that Wu Ji knew him.

Just like this, you look at me, I look at you, it takes a long time for Wuxi to break the silence between them: "Why are you here?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "I came to see you specially, can I?"

A bit of redness suddenly appeared on Wu Yan's cheek, and his voice was softer: "Are you ... are you coming to see me exclusively?"

Ning Tao nodded his head and asked with a smile: "Can you see what state I am now?"

Wu Yan stared at Ning Tao staring at her. The eyes were hot. She looked at Ning Tao, looked at it, and looked at it. After a long while, she still said nothing, and those long legs were kneeling down Go on.

Ning Tao reached out to help her. What she touched was cold skin and a less real skin feeling.

She is not the same as Taizhen, who is a real past person, and she is just a ghost who comes in through a special channel from later generations.

It wasn't until Ning Tao raised Wu Yi that she said, "I really didn't expect that you have become a god, I ..."

I don't know what she wants to say, but she looks excited and happy.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "It's not just God. I'm the biggest between heaven and earth. When God sees me, I have to kneel down."

Wu Yan was stunned, Zhang Da's mouth closed.

Is the child **** acting pretending?

No, it doesn't.

He is telling the truth.

He had a rare meeting with Wu Yi. This time he met. I do n’t know when it will be next time. In such a situation, if you do n’t even say a truth, what ’s the point of meeting this person?

Good things need to be shared, so that they can be considered good friends. He told Wu Hui what he was most proud of. This was actually about sharing his success with Wu Yi.

As a result, he said that Wu Ye's legs were soft, and the body he had just stood up again fell to his knees.

Ning Tao said silently, "What are you doing? I want you to be a friend, and you should also treat me as a friend. Don't treat me as a king of God. You kneel at me every time. How can we talk?"

Wu Yan still couldn't get up on his knees, and people were inexplicably nervous: "You ... won't you come to take me?"

"Huh?" Ning Tao froze slightly, and suddenly understood why she was so nervous.

Wu Yan is a female ghost. She raided the city in this past time and space, and war is the biggest evil in the world. When she hit this road, there is only the territory of Datang in the entire world. You can imagine how many people she killed and how many homes she destroyed. The King of God suddenly came, and she felt guilty, so when she thought of going up to this level, she became nervous and afraid.

It's true that in the current state of Ning Tao, to destroy her such a small ghost, it can be done with a flick of her finger, as easy as pinching an ant. She can't be afraid.

Ning Tao reached out and helped her up again: "You also know that there is such guilt, so why do you do this?"

Wu Zheng said a while before he said, "You know, this is my ideal. In order to achieve this ideal, I even killed myself, I can kill myself, what else can I not do?" "

Ning Tao said: "Of course I know your ideals, but have you ever thought that things ca n’t be fulfilled. Once they are complete, you will lose money. You have conquered almost all the countries in the world, and there is only one left. Datang. If you destroy it, and there is no opponent in this world, wouldn't your remaining life be very boring? "

"You are now the King of Gods, and the Three Realms have exclusive respect for you. Are you also bored?" Wu Yan asked Ning Tao instead.

Ning Tao chuckled a little, then smiled: "I didn't come to persuade you to give up. You are only one step away from your dream. If I stop you, then we may not even have friends to do it."

You are suicide to play a stand-alone game. You still have n’t let people clear the customs. How much hatred and injustice do they have against you?

"But I can answer your question. It is really boring. I have nothing to do except to accompany my wife and children. No, I have come to play with you." Ning Tao said.

Just then, Wu Ji ’s flying army was approaching the dark cloud.

A general flying in front of the hot air balloon saw Ning Tao on the cloud head and shouted in panic: "There are assassins, rescue!"

Hundreds of hot air balloons spread out and surrounded.


With a wave of Ning Tao's hand, a shield of the energy of Chaos flew out, and instantly sealed hundreds of hot air balloons, all of them were still, and even the flying generals who were riding the hot air balloon were still. .

"You ..." Wu Yan's eyes suddenly showed a look of fear. This was her strongest master of the king. Ning Tao just waved her hand and sealed it. Where has she seen such a magical power.

Ning Tao said lightly: "You can rest assured, I just let them stay in my absolute realm for a while, I will not hurt them, and you don't want to be disturbed when we chat?"

Wu Zheng nodded her head and heard Ning Tao's words, her tense nerves also relaxed a little.

"Sell me a face, can't you hit Changan City today, can you?" Ning Tao said.

Wu Zheng said, "You are the King of the Three Realms. Where can I dare not give you face? If you are unhappy, you can poke me with one finger."

"When did I poke you with my finger?"

"You did not poke me with your finger ~ ~ but you poke me, you think about it, in the alley in Beidu, have you forgotten it?" Wu Yan's eyes were aggressive.

Suddenly, Ning Tao remembered something, and his heart suddenly felt awkward. He then shifted the topic: "Well, how about taking me to tour your country?"

There was a smile on the corner of Wu Yan's mouth: "Except this lobby, this world is all my country. I'll take you to see it, but it will take a long time to fly."

Ning Tao said, "You cloud is too slow, sit on mine."

His words fell, and a golden **** cloud instantly collided with Wuyi's ghost cloud, holding them up.

"You are indeed the King of Gods. This cloud is so brilliant." Wu Yue said with admiration.

"Where to go first?"

"Go to my palace." Wu Yan said.

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