Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1629: Resurrected Neptune

The undead torch and Nebona among the undead torches were a powerful weapon in the early days of Ning Tao's repair. However, Nebna was difficult to control and even Ning Tao was hurt because Ning Tao was not a device of the undead torch. the Lord. The nature of the immortal torch itself also had great limitations, so it was not used later.

Now, if he hadn't been here, he would have to go in and try it by himself.

However, for Nebona, there is no difference between sleeping in a torch for 1,000 years and sleeping for 100 million years. Without activating the instrument, she would never be conscious.

This time using the undead torch, Ning Tao first carved a master seal in the undead torch, and then he forced a drop of golden blood at his fingertips into the undead torch, and then entered a trace of fortune. Activated the Undead Torch.

You used to say a spell, but now you don't. The reason why a drop of blood is needed is because Nebona needs it. Without blood, her consciousness will not wake up.

A cloud of flame rose from the undead torch, and then a plume of smoke emerged from the undead torch. It was Nebona who fell to the ground.

Blond, bulging forward, sturdy figure, a face with three-dimensional features, full lines, full of spirit.

I haven't seen her for more than a thousand years. Before, Ning Tao didn't think Niebona was seductive. After a thousand years, she saw that she thought she was very beautiful.

This is probably a novelty, but he certainly would not admit it.

When Nebona came out, she looked very dull, staring blankly at Ning Tao and Wu Yan.

If it were an ordinary person, she would have attacked long ago. But even the fairy soul with a nervous problem, she knew that the two people in front of her couldn't afford to attack, the golden aperture of the Three Kingdoms Lord above Ning Tao's head, and the cloak of death floating behind Wu Yi. It's all a shock.

"Bold!" Wu Yan scolded, "You are a little dead soul, and you haven't kneel yet when you see the Three Kingdoms Lord and Death!"

Nebona then returned to God, kneeling down to Ning Tao and Wuzhen, respectfully and authentically said: "The Angel of Darkness, the holder of the undead torch, and the guide of the dead soul, Nebona, met the great Lord of the Three Realms , Lord Grim Reaper. "

Ning Tao was smiling and kind. But I feel a little bit guilty. Is it not appropriate to leave someone in the corner for a thousand years? It was also this guilt that made him wonder what to say to Nebona.

Wu Yan said in surprise: "Nebona, you call me Lord?"

Nebona said: "I was the assistant of the previous death, so I have the undead torch of the grave, which exists as the guide of the dead soul and the messenger of darkness."

Wu Yan glanced at Ning Tao. Although he didn't say anything, that look seemed to be saying, the holy relic of the underworld, my assistant, did you just release it now?

Ning Tao said embarrassingly: "Did I forget it? Besides, you only became the **** of death today, maybe I naturally remembered it and gave you the torch."

Without warning, Nebona started shaking.

Previously, Ning Tao had to activate the undead torch only as a last resort, releasing Nebona, because every time she came out, there was something that could not be done, including herself, which was a trouble. Now this situation is happening again, if the undead torch does not devour the ghost, she will be so cold, fearful, and anxious.

But now he doesn't need to kill the ghost with an undead torch to solve this problem. He took the first two steps and lifted his right hand, Nebona's forehead, and put it down.

Nebona looked up at Ning Tao and watched his palms fall over her head, and she shook even more.

God's will is unpredictable, and Ning Tao now represents heaven. Heaven is going to die, and people have to die. If Ning Tao were to kill her, she would have no chance.

Ning Tao smiled: "Don't be nervous. In the early years, you worked for me. Now I want to give you a reward. I will give you a great fortune, tell me what you wish, I will help you achieve."

"I ..." Nebona was no longer nervous, but excited.

This is what the Three Realms Lord made her wish!

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Say, even if you want peace in the universe, I can realize your wish for you."

Nebona took a deep breath: "I ... I want to be resurrected, I'm too cold, I don't want to enter the undead torch anymore, that's too painful."

Ning Tao's face held a holy and sacred smile: "Okay, I fulfill your wish."

A trace of forging power poured into Nebona's soul, nourishing her soul.

"Well." Nebona made a vague and comfortable voice.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Wu Yan's mouth. Suddenly, she felt that Ning Tao's destiny would give the deity the Son of God. He wanted to stab a woman in this universe. Isn't there an unsuccessful thing?

"Uh-huh ..." Although Niebona worked hard to control herself, Ning Tao's power of nourishment made her too comfortable. It felt like she was immersed in the hot spring, and then there were countless small fish. When I touched her body, I didn't let go of every inch of skin.

The expression on Wu Yan's face was also getting stranger, and the voice reminded her of herself a thousand years ago.

After a while, Ning Tao released her hand and said gently, "Nepona, you do n’t have to enter the undead torch anymore. I have strengthened your soul. Come with me. I need to prepare some materials and help You reshape the body. "

"Yes." Nebona was choked with excitement.

Sending God ’s gaze moved to the part that was lifted by the hoe, and sighed in his heart, "Oh, it's so round."

Wu Yan reached out and slap Ning Tao's waist.

Ning Tao hurriedly looked back: "Well, let's go back to the first floor, build the temple first, then reshape the temple for Nebona, and then come back here."

Wu Yan backed up and nodded.

A golden **** cloud returns from the original road, passes through the layers of **** gate, and returns to the first floor of hell.

Ning Tao stopped at the center of Hell and said, "Ah, this is the center point of the first floor of Hell. I built your temple here, and the King of the Quartets will look forward to you and worship the Quartet."

Wu Yan's face smiled: "Well, no matter what, it's up to you."

Nebona said excitedly: "The great lord of the three realms, the **** of death, there was no temple in the previous hell. Sitting in the temple of **** is exciting."

After her soul was nourished, she was much more normal.

Wu Yan glanced at Nebona and said quietly, "You don't see who I am."

After speaking, she suddenly got to kiss Ning Tao's cheek.

Ning Tao is embarrassed


Niebona suddenly understood everything, and a little shyness and embarrassment appeared on her cheeks. However, she also knew that this was a sign of death or a sworn sovereignty to remind her of something. Then she felt a little bit wrong, even if the Lord of Death did not remind her, she was not dared to have such extravagance even if she was led by a small ghost.

Wu Yan thought it was funny, and secretly said, "This is a bluff? It seems to be a well-controlled subordinate. However, if she goes to Shenshan to see those gods who are the wives and children who give the gods, she doesn't know how Do n’t you think that the Great Three Realms is a serious god? ”

Ning Tao had already selected an address. With a palm shot, a golden French seal flew out of the palm, and the floor was shot with magnificent light.

This is the seal of the Creator. For the past thousand years, this seal has created an unknown world.

The ground is shaking, the sand is turning into stones, the rocks are turning into walls, columns, and tiles, the fire is burning, and the power of nature is refining. This land loses the energy of the sand and the five elements, but it is an extremely magnificent temple. .

At a height of thousands of meters, it is brilliant, and you can see it at a glance even from a hundred miles away. Those souls who come to the underworld will see this Death Temple first, and the ghost kings of the Quartet will always be under the shock of the Death Temple and dare not make trouble.

In the temple stood a martial arts idol, several hundred meters high, holding the life and death book in one hand, the judge pen in one hand, and the cloak of the **** of death.

Wu Yan can't wait to jump off Shenyun and flew into her temple.

Ning Tao lowered Yuntou's head and flew into the temple carrying Nibona.

Wu Yan said excitedly: "Ninglang, this temple is so majestic and beautiful, thank you."

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Old ... uh, it should be, nothing, you are kind to me."

He wanted to say that you and your wife and wife are very kind, but Nibona is next to him. He still has to take care of the image of the Three Realms.

Nebona came to the statue, knelt down, scratched her head, and then said with a solemn expression: "I, the messenger of darkness, the lead of the undead soul, the holder of the undead torch, and I swear to the great death god, Will abide by his duties and work for you! "

This is considered an oath of office.

This may be some ancient rule of the underworld. Swearing in office is not to kneel in front of Wu Ji's deity, but to kneel in front of the **** of death to take the oath of office.

Wu Yan probably didn't understand, but didn't care.

Ning Tao released a large number of divine spirits from the Japanese gourd, piled them up, and then he said, "Nepona, come here, I will reshape the body for you now."

Nebona stood up ~ ~ looked a little nervous.

Ning Tao smiled: "You don't need to be nervous, just lie down. It's all up to me. You just need to close your eyes."

Nebona lay down, then she felt a buoyancy on her back that dragged her up, then levitated to Ning Tao's waist and stopped.

Wu Yan said, "Ninglang, do you want me to avoid it?"

Ning Tao said: "You can also go to the temple."

Wu Yan said: "I'll stay here to see you make people, it's more interesting."

Ning Tao: "..."

If you don't leave, what do you mean to avoid?

Uh, what does she mean by avoidance?

The God of Sending Feels like he is being tricked again.

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