Two social youths placed the coffin in the cargo bay at the bottom of the cargo ship. The sailor then untied the cables and stowed the anchor to sail the cargo ship out of the port.

In the warehouse, Zhang Lei was holding a crowbar to pry open the coffin cover, but Zhang Weibiao stopped him, and then took the crowbar from his hand.

Everything about the "Li Xiaohong" girl wanted to do it herself, starting with prying the coffin cover.


The coffin lid was pried open and rolled to the ground.

Qing Zhui emerged from the coffin, her eyes closed, and her beautiful face was like a peerless masterpiece under the light.

"It's so beautiful, really beautiful I think of Zhang Weibiao who can sleep such a beautiful woman in my life." Zhang Weibiao couldn't help sighing.

Zhang Lei flattered: "Thirteenth Lord, you are born with good fortune, this is your blessing, and I follow you to get some blessing."

Zhang Weibiao glared at Zhang Lei, "Do you treat Laozi as a little girl? What are you still doing here? Go out and look at the girls. These girls are all good products, and they are carefully watched."

"I'll go right away." When Zhang Lei turned and walked toward the hatch, facing his back, Zhang Weibiao's mouth moved a few times. It was a curse, but unfortunately he couldn't even hear it. He wanted to stay for a bite, but Zhang Weibiao obviously didn't want to give him this opportunity.

Qing Zhui such a superb thing, which man does not want to happen to her?

"You are so beautiful. In my life did Zhang Weibiao do great things, and the old genius sent you here?" Zhang Weibiao said to himself, he squatted beside the coffin, and stretched out a hand to the lying in the coffin Qing Chai's face. His hands were shaking because of excitement.

Qing Zhui opened his eyes suddenly and stared at Zhang Weibiao.

Zhang Weibiao suddenly froze, and that hand stopped in the air.

Zhang Lei just walked to the door and reached out to open the door. Then he stiffened, and his feet moved back subconsciously.

A young man stood at the door of the cargo hold, dressed casually, with a black wooden box on his shoulder, and a folding fan in his hand. The face was open and said "Unbreakable" three dragons and phoenix dances. Word.

Two men, you look at me, I look at you, we meet unexpectedly, the atmosphere is weird.

Zhang Weibiao didn't notice the situation behind him. Qing Zhui opened his eyes suddenly. He narrowed his eyes for a moment, and then returned to God. He smiled, "Little red, are you awake?"

Qing Zhui didn't speak openly, reached out and grabbed the mobile phone beside him.

"What are you doing? Do you call the police?" Zhang Weibiao snatched the mobile phone that Qingzhui had just picked up.

Qing Zhui still didn't speak, just looked at him.

Zhang Weibiao took a look at Qingchai's mobile phone, but found that the screen was displaying a Baidu positioning interface, and the last positioning was the dock where the cargo ship had just left.

"Who are you positioning for?" Zhang Weibiao suddenly became tense, and he roared, chasing after him, looking like an enraged wolf.

"Here me." Ning Tao said.

Zhang Weibiao turned back suddenly.

Ning Tao stepped into the warehouse.

Qing Zhui sat up from the coffin and said with a small mouth, "Brother Ning, did you come at this time? Are you afraid that I will be defiled by them?"

Ning Tao reached out and closed the door and said, "Worried about you? No, I worry about these two patients."

Qing Zhui slipped his lips and looked very unhappy.

Zhang Lei suddenly pulled out a dagger, holding the dagger in his right hand, and bumped into Ning Tao's arms.

Ning Tao suddenly lifted her foot, and kicked it on Zhang Lei's lower abdomen.

Zhang Lei's body flew up like a pillow, flew several meters away, and fell heavily on the metal floor of the warehouse.

"Look for death!" Zhang Weibiao suddenly threw Qing Zhui's cell phone, kicked his legs, and suddenly got up from the ground. In the process, his right hand had already pulled out a pistol from the waist of his pants.

However, without waiting for Zhang Weibiao to throw the right arm of the gun and point the muzzle at Ning Tao, a cold mang fell off and cut his wrist. The wrist was broken off, and the palm of the gun fell to the ground.

"Ah-" Zhang Weibiao opened his mouth and screamed, the severe pain and the tide of terror swept through every nerve of him.

Qing Zhui got up from the coffin, his eyes frosty, "Do you dare to throw my mobile phone! Do you know that I bought it for 1,200 yuan!"

Zhang Weibiao collapsed in an instant, and she dared to chop off one of his wrists because he had dropped her phone!

After saying a word, Qing Zhui kicked Zhang Weibiao's abdomen. Zhang Weibiao's body suddenly huddled up, and then gliding in the direction of Qing Zhui's toes. But without waiting for his body to consume the power Qing Qing had exerted on him, the other foot stepped on his back, stopping his "skate shrimp" alive.

Zhang Weibiao glanced at Ning Tao, but he couldn't remember where he had seen this face, and even less when he had offended the face owner. He endured severe pain and tentatively said, "Who are you, who are you? What do you want to do?"

Ning Tao said, "I'm a doctor."

"Doctor?" Zhang Weibiao was suddenly spotted on the spot, and he couldn't connect a terrible thing that reached out to him with a doctor.

Ning Tao said: "You don't have to think about anything, because it doesn't matter what you want. All you have to do is cooperate, be meticulous, or ..."

Zhang Weibiao asked tremblingly: "No, what else?"

Ning Tao did not answer, and walked towards Zhang Lei, who was struggling to get up from the ground.

Qing Zhui came to Zhang Weibiao, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth, "You better be honest, what my brother Ning said, do whatever you want, otherwise you won't be cured." Then she asked Ning Tao, "Ning Brother, is the old rule? I kill, you heal? "

Ning Tao said lightly: "This kind of scum can be cured or not."

His voice had just dropped, and Qing Zhui suddenly drew a snake claw into Zhang Weibiao's abdomen.

"Ah!" Zhang Weibiao's mouth burst into a scream like a pig, Qing Qing struck him, and he felt that his internal organs were broken.

Ning Tao hurriedly said, "Don't kill him first!"

Qing Zhui had an innocent expression on his face. "Don't you say it can be cured or not? It's just killed."

Ning Tao said a little silently: "I didn't say I could kill him. There must be a lot of consultations on him. This month, I have almost paid for the consultations. Don't waste it."

"You don't make it clear." Qing Zhui pulled out the snake claw that was stuck on Zhang Weibiao's abdomen.

Blood splattered, Zhang Weibiao screamed again, and almost passed out.

After waiting for Ning Tao to say a word, Zhang Lei, who had just got up, threw himself to the ground and knelt on the ground. "I, I ... I don't know anything, I'm just a errand, all ..." He suddenly pointed at Zhang Weibiao He said, "It's his ambassador, and he does everything!"

"Then I ask you, where are the girls who have been trafficked by you?" Ning Tao asked.

Zhang Lei trembled and said, "At ... in ...", his eyes were always staring at Zhang Weibiao.

"Do you dare!" Zhang Weibiao spit out these two words.


As soon as his voice settled between his lips, Qing Chai's snake claws fell, and the tofu was stuck in his thigh.

Qing Zhui drew a hand, and three blood fountains rose from Zhang Weibiao's thigh.

Zhang Weibiao opened his mouth and wanted to scream, but Qing Zhui's next sentence made him bite his lips suddenly, and didn't dare to make a sound.

"Can't help but allow you to say another word, I'll kill you." This is what Qingzun said.

Ning Tao just glanced at Zhang Weibiao, there was no sympathy in his eyes. In his eyes, even if the scum of the betrayed girl was not in debt, the account book Bamboo Slip did not give the means of redemption by death, he would let Qing pursue the skywalk. When he thought of Jiang Fuquan's old tearful face, and Yang Dafeng, who was despairing in bed, his heart was furious!

After waiting for Ning Tao to speak again, Zhang Lei, who was frightened, said, "Those, those girls are ... on this ship."

Ning Tao said lightly: "I know that they are all on this ship. What I want to know is how many girls you kidnapped and their names. If you dare to hide everything, Zhang Weibiao is your end."

"I said, I said ... there are Zhou Lei, Yang Hong, Pan Lan, Jiang Ting ..."

Hearing the name "Jiang Ting", Ning Tao's heart was relieved. He promised to help Yang Dafeng and Jiang Fuquan find their daughters. He couldn't let the poor couple down.

Zhang Lei said the names of the girls one by one, the number reached a staggering twelve, and the young **** the tracing notice that Ning Tao saw on the lamppost was also among them.

Ning Tao said, "Where is this ship going?"

Zhang Lei didn't dare to hesitate. "On the high seas, someone will pick up the goods. Those girls will be sent to Japan or Europe, some will be sold, and some will be picked up in our own shop."

Ning Tao didn't ask again. Listening to Zhang Lei's shake, the business also involved foreign criminal organizations. His purpose this time was only to rescue Jiang Ting, the girls who had been abducted, and to act for the sky. He has no interest in tracing criminal organizations abroad.

Ning Tao walked to Zhang Weibiao ~ ~ and gave Qing a wink.

Qing Zhui grinned, "I know, old rules." After that, she strode to Zhang Lei.

Zhang Lei suddenly became tense, "What are you doing, you? Don't come over!"

Qing Zhui said nothing, walked to Zhang Lei next to a snake claw and stunned.


Zhang Lei's abdomen suddenly had a few more blood holes, and the blood was raging.

"Ah-" Zhang Yong also screamed like a pig.

With a wave of Qing Zhui's hand, the snake claw opened Zhang Yong's cheekbones instantly, Zhang Yong's screams came to an abrupt end, and blood rushed out from the broken face and mouth corner, shocking!

Zhang Weibiao is also a ruthless man, but seeing this scene he actually urinates!

Ning Tao said lightly: "Well, now I talk about the reason why I came here. I am a doctor. You seem to be injured. Do you ask for a doctor?"

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