Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 183: Think carefully

Yujiang Village is a small fishing village located beside the Pearl River with only dozens of families. People in the village make a living by fishing and fish farming. It is not far from the official city, but it is like in another world.

It didn't take long for it to get dark, and a black and white patterned tram came to the village entrance.

Ning Tao stopped the Tiandao tram. He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. It was only 7.32 now, 28 minutes ahead of the meeting time agreed by the other party. He put away his cell phone and said, "Qing Zhui, you stay here and watch the car. I'll go into the village to see."

Qing Zun got out of the car honestly and asked, "Don't you go with me?"

Ning Tao said: "No, the other party asked me to meet in this way. If I see you, I may not show up."

"Well then, I'll wait for you here," Qing Zhui said.

Ning Tao entered the village with a faint smell of salty fish. Everyone here pickles salted fish, so that the smell of salted fish fills the air. The Pearl River is right next to the village, and the river flows slowly to the distance. There are several motorized fishing boats sailing on the river and heading for Guancheng. It is probably going to the aquatic market at the dock to sell the fish they caught.

For the vast majority of people, life is like this. They live in the sunrise and live in the sun. How many secrets there are in this world, they are not interested.

Ning Tao entered the village, carrying a small medicine box slantingly, walking slowly, did he fan the unbreakable fan in his hand? Many people looked at him with curious eyes, and a dog followed him, but did not bark at him.

Ning Tao walked through the village and observed the people along the way. Unfortunately, no suspicious "target" was found. He had been wondering who would ask him to meet in such a place, but he didn't have any clue about thinking about it.

More than twenty minutes passed in a blink of an eye. When Ning Tao was about to leave the village, a gray-haired grandma just came out of a yard, looked at him, and asked, "Brother, you look for hemp Man? "

Ning Tao stopped, politely and honestly said, "Ama, please speak Mandarin, I don't quite understand what you say."

At this time, another woman's voice was heard in the courtyard, "Qi Aunt, tie it up, please come in."

The sound was a bit familiar, but Ning Tao couldn't remember where he heard it. However, this sentence was not complicated, he could barely understand, the woman in the courtyard let the granny invite him in.

Sure enough, Granny beckoned, "Brother, please come in."

Ning Tao nodded her head, walked towards Granny, and entered the door from her side.

Granny stepped back, reached out to close the gate, and said, "Brother, please follow Ya."

Ning Tao was too lazy to analyze what she meant, and when she followed her, she awakened the state of sight and smell of eyes and nose. At this glance, he grasped the situation of the fisherman's house. Only one room had the smell of the human body released. He also saw the colorful weather field released by the living body from the half-closed door.

In addition, he also saw from the grandmother ’s weather field that the inner energy energy that only a real inner master can have. That energy is different from the aura of a spiritual master, but it is also very powerful. The result surprised him. The grandma looked very weak, but did not expect to be a real master. But even stronger is her ability to camouflage, and even he looked away!

Grandma first went to the concealed doorway, reached out and pushed the door open, then stood at the doorway and left.

Ning Tao came to the door, and the light suddenly turned on in the room. The dim incandescent light dissipated the darkness in the room, and a woman came into his sight when the light was on, and saw her face clearly, he froze for a moment.

The person who asked him to meet in this remote fishing village was actually Xin Zhiyu's mother, Zhu Hongqin.

No wonder when he heard her voice just now, he had such a feeling that he had heard it before. He had heard her voice in Ronghua.

Zhu Hongqin was sitting at an old square table with two tea cups and a water kettle. Ning Tao entered the room without saying hello, and went straight to the other side and sat down.

Zhu Hongqin picked up the kettle and brewed a cup of tea for Ning Tao before he said, "Dr. Ning, I'm sorry to ask you to meet up in this place without an explanation."

Ning Tao said: "Sorry you don't have to. Just tell me why you asked me to meet here."

Zhu Hongqin said, "Can you give me two minutes to prepare?"

Ning Tao said: "Of course you can."

Zhu Hongqin got up from her seat and walked towards the window.

Ning Tao looked at her, guessing her purpose in her heart. He couldn't help but emerge the spirit card with "Zhu Hongyu" engraved on the back of the Xin Family Ancestral Hall, wondering how to wait to ask the secret of the spirit card.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of wind in my ear.

Ning Tao suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and the Lingli airbag was activated at that instant. At the same time, his arm was raised subconsciously, ready to block.


Ning Tao's arm had just been lifted, and one foot struck his shoulder.

The man who shot at him was the lady who was at the door, but this was not what surprised him. What surprised him was that the woman was so agile and so fast!

"What are you doing?" Ning Tao was shocked and angry in her heart, her feet were strong, and her body pushed upwards, pushing her shoulders as soon as possible.

The seemingly old and thin granny twisted her waist in the air, her right leg pushed away fell, and her left leg suddenly drew towards Ning Tao's head by the twisting power of her waist.

Whip leg!

One can even make such an attack action with age!


Ning Tao simply did not hide.


Granny's left leg was slammed on Ning Tao's head, but Ning Tao's fist also blasted out at that time.

Granny was taken aback and saw that Ning Tao's fist was about to hit her heart, but she was no longer able to turn around to dodge. The change just now was her limit.

However, Ning Tao's fist stopped at the moment he was about to hit Granny's heart.

Granny's right foot landed on the ground.

Ning Tao took a step back.

Granny's left foot then returned to the ground from mid-air. Her eyes were full of surprise. After a brief stun, she suddenly bowed and fisted at Ning Tao, "brother, hold on." Zhu Hongqin said: "Sister, Mr. Ning's opponent, Mr. Ning's mercy."

Zhu Hongqin said, "Qi Aunt, go out."

Granny gave Ning Tao a fist again, then turned and left the room.

Ning Tao looked at Zhu Hongqin and said lightly: "If I don't look at my grandma's age, I would have been rude. And you, if you invited me to such a place, you want to try me Do you have any skills? If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will be polite to you. "

As soon as his voice fell, Zhu Hongqin suddenly had a song in his legs, and threw himself to the ground.

"You ..." Ning Tao instead didn't know what to say.

Zhu Hongqin said earnestly, "Doctor Ning, please do something to save my son!"

Ning Tao immediately understood. What happened just now was that Zhu Hongqin wanted to test his ability. If he was defeated by that granny, Zhu Hongqin would not open the mouth, and he would not kneel to him. She knelt and opened the mouth, everything was based on the grandmother's confession.

"Aunt Zhu, get up and talk." Ning Tao said.

Zhu Hongqin didn't get up, "You promise me to get up, you don't promise me I won't get up."

Ning Tao had a headache and smiled bitterly. "Aunt Zhu, even if I promise you, I may not be able to do it. I may not promise you, but it may help you solve the problem. This is not the case anymore, so you Let's get up and talk. If you don't get up, I'll leave. "

Zhu Hongqin hesitated, then stood up from the ground.

Ning Tao sat back in his chair. "Sit, I want to hear from you that your son is disease-free and pain-free, and your husband is a well-known entrepreneur in Guancheng and has a high social status. Even those standing outside the door Grandma's bodyguard, she is also a real martial arts master. How can I, Mr. Ho, let your wife like you kneel down and ask? "

Zhu Hongqin sat back to her original position, and said a few moments before she said, "You are not an ordinary doctor. You are a true doctor. Only you can save my son."

Ning Tao's mind was a little surprised, but it wasn't strange to think about it. In the ancestral hall of the Xin family, the brand of Zhu Hongyu is enshrined, and Zhu Hongyu's skull is engraved with Dan Fang of Xun Zudan. This Zhu Hongqin is related to Zhu Hongyu, and she knows that it is not surprising that there are doctors in this world who are cultivators.

Zhu Hongqin went on to say: "The day you borrowed the ancestral hall in my house to cure Mr. Barnes, I guessed that you were a cultivating doctor. When you entered my ancestral hall, in addition to needing a place to treat Mr. Barnes, I am afraid there are other A purpose? "

Ning Tao said, "You've all talked about this, if I deny it, or open up the topic, it will look hypocritical. Well, let me tell you straight away, I'll tell Zhu Hongyu, the daughter of Crown Prince Zhu Sanyu. I ’m interested in her story. I ’m looking for an ancient Danfang related to her. I did n’t want to enter your house that day, but your name gave me some association, so I gave it to Pakistan. Mr. Ens had the opportunity to heal the sick and went to your house. "

"I'm afraid there is another person?" Zhu Hongqin said.

Ning Tao knew who she was talking about, Bai Jing.

"She wants what you want, too." Zhu Hongqin said again, "But she is a demon. Not only will she take things, she will also kill our family. I know them, so I came here to ask You. I can tell you everything I know and I can give you that thing, but I have a condition. "

Ning Tao said calmly, "What conditions?"

Zhu Hongqin said, "Kill-I'm-Bai-Jing!"

Ning Tao was suddenly caught on the spot. He never expected that Zhu Hongqin's condition would be such a condition.

Thinking carefully and terrifying, thinking back to the day, the woman and Bai Jing were talking and laughing together, and she was in a gesture of harmony. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, she was in this way, killing Bai Jing at the cost of a secret!

Zhu Hongqin in front of her and Zhu Hongqin from that day are completely different people, but the woman who is so scared and scary is the real Zhu Hongqin. She is not only not simple, but even terrible!

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "Since you know Bai Jing's identity, can you stop your son from dealing with him?"

"Huh!" Zhu Hongqin snorted coldly ~ ~ A demon is a demon. The crisis facing my family can solve the problem if I stop my son from interacting with Bai Jing. Will I still come here to ask you? "

With Bai Sheng's means and his greed, this is really useless.

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "Give me some time. This is not an easy decision. I need to think about it."

Zhu Hongqin said, "I will give you three days. After three days, if you don't agree with me, I will ask someone for help."

Ning Tao nodded his head, "Okay, just three days, I'll give you a reply after three days."

Zhu Hongqin said: "Seven aunts, drop off."

"No need to send it, I'll just go by myself." Ning Tao got up and left.

The Seven Aunts were slightly indifferent to Ning Tao and looked very respectful.

In the door, a strange light flashed in Zhu Hongqin's eyes ...

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