Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 222: Eat melon and the dungeon

On the cliff, a large group of Shennongjia savages stood in a row and looked at Ning Tao in the dark cave. In that picture, a crowd of unidentified onlookers who took stones and sticks lively.

"Hou roar, roar in the nest ..." The Shennongjia savage who fled Ning Tao's foot waved his arm, the sound coming out of his mouth seemed to be a sentence, except for themselves, the whole world may find Not understandable.



"Oh ... yoh!"

There was a laugh, and a folk song sip, they seemed to be amused by the hero's compatriots. And Ning Tao, he has disappeared into the darkness without reaching his fingers.

People probably have a dream of flying, but if they really fly, it will definitely not feel good.

The wind whistled in the ear, and the gravity of the center of the earth was like a huge rock tied to the feet, which led Ning Tao down to the dark abyss. In the first few seconds, Ning Tao's mind was full of fear, her brain was blank, and she didn't know what to do.

But just when fear climbed to the limit and was about to collapse, the huge dan in Ning Tao's mud pill palace suddenly trembled, and the spiritual energy field spread in his body instantly, and he was there For a moment, he calmed down.

Most people are definitely dead when they encounter this situation, but he is a natural middleman of good and evil, the owner of the Tianwai Clinic, how could he die like this! Orthodox practitioners are much better at surviving than ordinary practitioners, not to mention that a special practitioner who has only been trained for 2,000 years!

Spiritual power poured into his feet, Ning Tao's legs curled up at the same time, and then he kicked suddenly in the void, and his body suddenly made an upward movement. Although he couldn't get rid of gravity, the speed of falling down was slowed down a bit. Then he kicked again, slowed down, kicked again ...

There was a ladder at the foot, and when stepping to the seventh step, Ning Tao's body was stagnation in the void. Although that time was only a little more than a second, it was enough for him to open his small medicine chest.

After that, his body plummeted again.

Ning Tao reached into the small medicine box, a medicine collecting rope living in it, spiritual power poured in, and he waved to the right side of the body.

The medicine collecting rope is a magic weapon in the Tianwai Clinic. It is just a rope in the hands of others, but it is a magic weapon in the hands of Ning Tao.


The spiritual power is activated, and the shooting gun at one end of the medicating rope generally flies out and continues to extend. Ning Tao's arm quickly pulled around twice, and wrapped the rope around his arm. Just after he had done this, a vibration came from the other end of the rope. Although he couldn't see it, he knew that the hardened rope had plunged into the rock!

A second later, his body was suddenly pulled away from the trajectory of a straight fall, and slammed into a cliff. The right arm around the rope was almost dislocated under that pull, the fabric of the clothes was instantly shredded, and the skin on the arm was also worn away. The tingling sensation spread from the arm to the whole body, and he put up his legs with pain. It was also at that moment that his legs kicked on a mountain stream, and then his body banged on the mountain stream.

The medicinal rope fell off, and his spiritual power could not maintain its end hard for a long time. However, it is not needed. When the medicinal rope fell off and his body fell again, his left hand had caught the corner of a rock and fixed it on the mountain stream.

A rock fell off his feet and fell down, and a few seconds later he heard a dull noise.

It's almost over.

Ning Tao breathed a long sigh of relief. He hung on the mountain stream, instead of rushing, he took a rest and ran a special spiritual force to treat his right arm injury. The pain in the right arm quickly disappeared and some mobility was restored. After that, he used a right hand and mouth to hit a rope on the medicated rope, and put it on the rocky corner that was clasped by his left hand. Then, he grabbed the medicine rope and slid down.

With his feet on the ground, Ning Tao relaxed and his body and soul seemed to be emptied instantly. He sat on the ground with his hips down, and then lay down.

"If those savages attack me again, I won't show mercy again!" Ning Tao looked up at the oval sky above his head, thinking about the experience just now. On the flat ground, he can escape with the blood lock, but during the rapid fall, he can't get in even if he opened the blood lock, because he opened the blood lock one second ago, and he fell down after one second. This time, if he hadn't made enough preparations in advance and brought a medicinal rope, he would really be buried in this dark cave.

After a few minutes of rest, Ning Tao got up from the ground. He grabbed one end of the medicinal rope and shook it with spiritual power. The medicinal rope quickly recovered and returned to his hands. He put the medicine collection cord into the small medicine box and closed the lid.

Just looking down from the forest with a little light, I ca n’t see my fingers here, but this place is actually not as dark as I expected, there is no dense fog over the head, and a faint light casts down, and you can see the blurred scenery around you. . The rest just a few minutes made his eyes adjust to the dark environment here. He could see farther, and he could see the stones three meters away.

Ning Tao saw a lot of stones, oval shapes, reaching out into the dark like an egg. He listened to his ears, faintly heard the sound of flowing water, but far from the waterfall he imagined.

"Is this burrow in the shape of a trance, the bottom of the mouth is large? The small waterfall seen above flows against the rocks, far away from me?" Ning Tao guessed in his heart, and he went further He walked towards the nearest oval-shaped stone.

One third of the oval-shaped stones are buried in the soil, and two-thirds of them are exposed to a height of about one meter. Ning Tao took out her mobile phone and woken up the screen, illuminated by the low light of the screen. He soon discovered that this oval-shaped stone was not natural and had polished marks, and there were some unreadable text on it, or it was called a rune.

Ning Tao took a picture of the stone and walked towards another oval-shaped stone. When I looked at the second stone, he was surprised to find that the second stone and the first stone were exactly the same in height, diameter, and even the degree of sanding, but the carved text or runes were different.

After taking pictures, Ning Tao continued to move forward.

He was thrown behind by oval stones, and his heart became more and more surprised and confused. The size and material of each oval-shaped stone he has seen are the same, even the degree of sanding. Ma Tongtong said that the civilization of the Yinyue people disappeared during the Warring States Period. At that time, the tools used by people were still fragile bronzes. There was no tool to carve and polish such stone eggs, let alone build so many of the same size. Stone egg.

"Is it industrialized production? If so, then it's a ghost. If the Moon Moon people had such productivity during the Warring States Period, they would have no trouble conquering the world?" Ning Tao couldn't bear it Stay guessing.

Continue to move forward, there is no sound around, only his footsteps pass to the distance, but no echo is transmitted back. Pieces of stone appeared in his sight and were left behind by him, but he had lost interest in taking pictures. Suddenly he remembered something for a time, he stopped, opened the small medicine box, took out the earthworm, and poured thirty milliliters of ink into the earthworm. The ink pointed in a direction on the side, and then he changed direction and moved on.

Without going far, a vague outline appeared in front of the box.

"A town? Is it a city with a cloudy moon?" Ning Tao was excited and walked quickly. During the walk, he awakened the sight and smell of eyes and nose, and also activated the flashlight function of the mobile phone.

It is indeed a town. Although the beam of the mobile phone flashlight can only reach a part, it can be judged according to the outline it shows. Its scale is not large, and it is similar to that of a township. The city walls were built around it, but it was not very tall, it looked like five or six meters. The building behind the city wall can be judged to be a cuboid structure, a bit like a reduced version of a modern building.

The ink ripples in the hunting owl continued to point to the town.

Ning Tao walked quickly and came under a gate. The gate has collapsed, and the buildings behind the gate have collapsed a lot. There is a little plant on the streets and buildings that doesn't need light to grow. It looks like a moss, but it is not the kind he picked in the forest above.

Ning Tao stepped over the collapsed city gate and walked in the direction guided by the Xuntuo.

The streets are covered with stone slabs, some places even have dents stepped out, and the huge footprints of the savages of Shennongjia. The doors of some cuboid buildings are open ~ ~ There is no furniture or pottery in the room, nothing is empty. It feels like all the people and their belongings in this place suddenly disappeared, and went to another time and space, so that only a stone-built city remained.

Suddenly, the light beam from the flashlight hit a strange crack. It is about one meter wide and about one meter deep, and it stretches dozens of meters forward. Its edges are full of sawtooth-like notches, some stones are cracked, some are chipped, and some have obvious burn marks.

Ning Tao walked along the crack for dozens of meters. When he reached the corner of the street, his feet could no longer move.

On the corner of the street stands a three-storey stone building, which is made of very strong large stones, but this is a stone building comparable to a European castle. The crack actually split it alive, in its A crack of one meter wide was left in the middle!

Ning Tao stunned for a long time before returning to God, and said to himself: "There cannot be lightning cracking down in this place, but if it is not lightning, who is it?"

He couldn't help but look back at the tens of meters of cracks in the street, and his heart was horrified. If someone really split it, how powerful that person is!

Is it a fairy?

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