Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 225: Dalang, get up to take medicine

"Well! Your grandfather Zhang is here!"

This sound suddenly broke in through the "psychic window", and thundered, shaking Ning Tao's scalp!

Who is Zhang Sanye?

and also……

What a ghost message!

Suddenly, another message poured into his "mind window".

"Run ... run! He's here, he's here ..."

Strangely, this voice sounded in his consciousness, but it was not any language he was familiar with, and the voice was full of fear and despair.

Immediately, more information poured into his "mind window."

"Icicles! Icicles! One dime ..."

"Now start doing the first set of radio gymnastics, stretching ..."

"Dalang, get up and take medicine ..."

"The pirate is here! The pirate is here! Go to the officer!"

"Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days ..."

A lot of information poured into his brain, and various sounds appeared in his consciousness, as if hundreds of people from different time and space were talking to him. His head seemed to be cracking, and he didn't worry that he would lose his mind after listening to it!

Those Shennongjia savages still kept the attitude of eating melons, staring at Ning Tao one by one. They didn't attack him, I don't know if it was because of the crescent pattern on his forehead painted with cloud ore powder.

Ning Tao's mind was very clear that the information received by his "mind window" had nothing to do with these savages.

He finally figured it out that Yinyue people may really achieve languageless spiritual communication through cloud ore, but he is not a Yinyue man, he is a natural middleman of good and evil. A very simple example is that Yin Molan and Qing Zhui did n’t have any bad things about holding the missing version of the ancestor, but he would have an allergic reaction to elixir. Then the same cloud ore powder was coated on the forehead, and the Yinyue people could communicate with the savages and control them, but it was not strange that he received a messy message such as "Da Lang got up and took medicine" .

More and more information is flowing into the brain through the "mind window", and Ning Tao is also increasingly suffering.

"Ah-" Ning Tao shouted, he wanted to get rid of those sounds in his head.

Those voices were not expelled, but the Shennongjia savages were taken aback by him, one by one subconsciously.


Ning Tao knelt by the hot spring river, and Ju Shui washed the crescent pattern on his forehead. It was really magical. As soon as the cloud ore powder on the forehead disappeared, those sounds also disappeared. His computer was like a general cleaning, all the trash was emptied, and it was easy at once.

"Roar!" A roar came suddenly.

Suddenly, Ning Tao realized something and stood up sharply.


Stones and sticks flew over like raindrops, and there were savages who jumped up and wanted to step him into a meat sauce.

The next second, a door of convenience suddenly appeared in the void.

Ning Tao rushed in with a stride ...

Archeological team camp.

"Captain Ji, have you seen Brother Ning?" In front of a tent, he briefly asked Ji Wengui who had just come out of the tent.

Ji Wengui said, "I didn't see him. Why, Dr. Ning hasn't returned yet?"

Jane responded: "No, I'll ask someone else."

Ji Wengui said, "Okay, you go, don't worry, Dr. Ning is a very capable person, and he won't be in trouble."

In Jian ’s heart, he was still worried. He did n’t take a few steps to see Ma Tongtong coming here, and he greeted him. “Dr. Ma, have you seen Brother Ning?”

Ma Tongtong frowned suddenly. "He hasn't returned yet? I'm looking for you, and I want to ask you if he has returned."

"I'm looking for him, oops, what's going to happen to him?" Jane grew more and more worried.

Ma Tongtong said: "You are familiar with the environment here, or else we will go and find him."

Jane said, "OK, let's go."

Ji Wengui came here, "Pony, you can't go, you have to stay. Simple, go to you alone."

Ma Tongtong said, "Why can't I go?"

Ji Wengui said: "I have just been informed that the sponsor will fly to us this afternoon. Our entire team will stay in the camp and wait for him. Also, it is useless to go there. What's the difference between finding someone and finding a needle in a haystack? If you're lost, should we still come to you? "

Ma Tongtong was silent. Although Ji Wengui's words were not good, the truth was that. Finding someone in such a primeval forest is indeed as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, and it is very likely that you will lose yourself. But if she did nothing, she would inevitably be worried.

Jane said, "Dr. Ma, stay in the camp. I'll go to Brother Ning."

Ma Tongtong nodded.

Just then, a familiar voice came from the woods next to the camp, "I'm back."

The three moved their eyes to see Ning Tao coming out of the forest. Carrying a small medicine chest on his shoulder, the sleeves of his clothes were torn, but there were no scars on the exposed arm.

"Brother Ning!" Jane ran up excitedly. "Where did you go? We are all worried about you."

Ning Tao smiled. "Did I just say that, I went out looking for a very rare medicinal material, but unfortunately I didn't find it."

Ma Tongtong also came over, expressing concern: "Your sleeves are worn out. Have you been injured?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "It's okay, a little bit trauma, don't worry, thank you."

Ma Tongtong relaxed, but said, "So what are you polite?"

Ji Wengui said: "Dr. Ning, it's fine if you're fine, we are all worried about you."

Ning Tao politely said, "Thank you."

Ji Wengui also said, "Yes, Doctor Ning, where did you go this time?"

Ning Tao said: "I went to many places."

Ji Wengui tentatively said: "Is there any special place found, such as ruins, bricks or something?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "I said I found Yinyue City and was attacked by a group of savages from Shennongjia. Do you believe it?"

Ji Wengui froze for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "Oh, Dr. Ning, you are really a humorous person. Our professional archeology team did not find it after three years of searching. If you go out to collect a medicine, you will find it. Are we too useless? "

Ning Tao smiled. "Just a joke, don't take it seriously."

Ji Wengui said: "One more thing, Dr. Ning, I gave a report to the leader, explaining what you want to join our archeological team. The leader ’s answer is no. Please understand that rules are rules, not me You can make an exception by saying an exception. "

Ning Tao said: "It's normal to disapprove, nothing, I can understand."

Ma Tongtong said, "Follow me to the tent, and I will treat the wound for you."

Ning Tao said, "No, it doesn't matter."

Ma Tongtong said: "You are still a doctor, how can you not treat a wound? What if you have an infection?"

Ning Tao refused to refuse, nodded his head, "Well, I'll go to your tent, you can help me get some water."

He wasn't hurt at all, but it was so dirty that it could be wiped with water, just like taking a bath.

Ma Tongtong led Ning Tao to his tent and followed him briefly. He originally wanted Ning Tao to go to his tent, but he seemed to think of something, a strange smile on his face, and his mouth closed tightly.

"Pony." Ji Wengui stopped Ma Tongtong. "You know how to organize discipline. What you can say and what you can't say, you need to pay attention."

Ma Tongtong slightly tilted his lips, "I know, don't remind me!"

"That ... Brother Ning, I'll wait for you here." Jian Jian said, Ma Tongtong smelled of gunpowder, and he might obstruct if he followed.

Ning Tao nodded and said nothing, and continued to follow Ma Tongtong.

After entering Ma Tongtong's tent, Ning Tao took the small medicine box down, put it on the ground, and then said, "Thank you for helping me to get some water. I'll clean it myself."

"Don't you need me to help?" Ma Tongtong's eyes looked a little hopeful.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "I'm a doctor, I can handle it."

Ma Tongtong was a little disappointed. He picked up the water basin to fetch water, and after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped again. "Dr. Ning, actually ..."

Ning Tao said curiously, "What is it?"

Ma Tongtong hesitated, "I know this is wrong, but I still want to tell you that the discipline team called all members to vote, except for me, they did not agree with you to join."

Ning Tao said: "It's okay, I understand, thank you for telling me."

"I'm going to fetch water." Ma Tongtong left the tent.

Ning Tao sighed secretly, "You can tell me directly if you don't agree, what else do you want to report to the leaders, are you worried that I will take away your credit and benefits? Really, this world can stand the test of benefits There is really too little friendship. "

He never considered whether to tell the archeological team the location of Yinyue City and related secrets. After listening to what Ma Tongtong told him, he was too lazy to think about it.

In front of Li Zi, you can ignore your feelings, why should I consider it for you?

Ma Tongtong took a basin of clear water and returned, and put the towel she used in the basin without leaving the tent.

Ning Tao said a little awkwardly, "Dr. Ma, I'm going to undress."

Ma Tongtong said: "It is normal for a man to be shirtless? Let me see, if there is something you can't handle, I can help you with it."

Ning Tao added, "Take off your pants too."

Ma Tongtong's face suddenly turned red, and he walked out. "I ... I'll wait for you. What do you need to call?"

Ning Tao wiped his body with a towel. His skin was smooth and elastic, without any scars. He was slow, and his mind was not here at all.

"I'll go back to refining cloud ore tonight, first refining a part, I'd like to see what Mei Xiangding can make." Ning Tao's head was full of cloud ore, and the sounds he heard, he Suddenly I remembered something and asked in front of the tent door, "Dr. Ma, ask you a question."

"What's the problem?" Ma Tongtong's voice came in from the door.

Ning Tao shouted softly in that strange tone: "Hey! Your grandfather Zhang is here!"

The curtain of the tent was burst open, and Ma Tongtong appeared at the door, looking at Ning Tao with a strange look.

Ning Tao covered her chest with a towel. "Well, who said that?"

"That's the question you're asking me?" Ma Tongtong's tone was strange.

Ning Tao nodded his head ~ ~ This is it, you are studying history, do you have any impression who said this? "

Ma Tongtong laughed out loud. "This is what Zhang Fei said in Changbanpo. What do you ask?"

Ning Tao suddenly realized, "No wonder a strange feeling, yes, there is a sentence that Dalang got up to take medicine. Who said that?

"Hahaha ..."

"Why are you laughing?"

"That's what Pan Jinlian said."

Ning Tao, "..."

Ma Tongtong added, "But the character of Pan Jinlian is a character from the Marsh. If there is any real person in history, I will tell you two things. I said what happened to you, why did you ask me such a strange question?

Ning Tao said, "It's nothing. If you find it interesting, just ask ... well, I'm taking off my pants."

Ma Tongtong glared at Ning Tao and banged on the curtain.

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