Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 247: New question

Whether Tang Zixian is from the Tang family or not, Ning Tao has not yet had a definite answer. He just speculated, and Yin Molan did not provide him with evidence to prove his guess. Therefore, under this circumstance, he couldn't save himself from death, not to mention Tang Zixian and Tu Wenjin had just risked their lives to cover him to save others.

Even if Tang Zixian is really a member of the Tang family, he will become an opponent in the future. Now if he is dead, it is tantamount to crossing the river and tearing down a bridge, and he has never been such a person.

"Hold the rope and follow me." Ning Tao's voice came from the darkness.

Tang Zixian and Tu Wenjin got up from the ground, clutched tightly to the rope, and then walked into the darkness.

"Doctor Ning, where are you?" Tu Wenjin said nervously, the cave was very dark, and he could not see Ning Tao at all. He was dragged by a medicated rope just now, and he was stabbed in many places, his body was burning with pain, some places were still bleeding, but the fear of death and the fear of darkness overwhelmed him, leaving him no time to care .

Ning Tao did not answer him.

Tang Zixian was dragged in too, but her body was just torn and there were no obvious scars. In the same situation, she seemed calm and not nervous at all.

The two are moving, and Ning Tao is also moving.

It didn't take long to hear gunshots from the entrance of the cave, bullet raindrops generally hit the cave, and the dark space was full of dull gunfire echoing, as if people were firing in all directions. Some bullets hit the wall and splashed Mars, but the fleeting Mars was not enough to illuminate the dark cave.

Ning Tao walked a further distance, then stopped.

This place is far from the entrance of the cave, and the rock wall serves as a natural shelter, even those armed men can't hurt those hiding behind by shooting with grenades. Ma Tongtong and Yang Chen were lying in this corner, and both of them were unconscious. However, Ning Tao has used the acupuncture to stop them from bleeding, and also used special spiritual power to help them regain vitality. They will not die for the time being.

Ning Tao looked at the shocked Tu Wenjin and the calm face of Tang Zixian. His eyes were in a state of sight, and Tu Wenjin and Tang Zixian looked like two human-shaped glowing lanterns in his eyes, even two of them. He could see clearly in his eyes.

"What shall we do now?" Tang Zixian asked out loud.

Ning Tao said: "This cave is very large, and those armed men are afraid to chase it in. If I were the commander, I would leave two people to guard the cave entrance, and then take the remaining people to explore the moon under the cliff. Human remains. "

When he said these words, Ning Tao's gaze remained on Tang Zixian's face, watching her reaction.

Tang Zixian's face didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuations, and the voice was also very calm. "This way we can't get out, we don't have a gun in our hands, rushing out is tantamount to death. In addition, don't forget that those savages are still There is no food or water in this cave, and we are here to die. "

"What should we do? What should we do?" After listening to Tang Zixian, Tu Wenjin became nervous again.

Tang Zixian's voice was a little annoyed, "Be quiet!"

Tu Wenjin followed and closed his mouth.

Ning Tao said faintly: "I didn't say anything, nor did I stay here. Those savages didn't go out after escaping into this cave. There must be other ways out of this place. We just need to find a way out of here. Go out. "

Tang Zixian said, "Can you find an exit?"

Ning Tao said: "Of course I can, but I don't want to leave with someone who might hit me behind me. Miss Tang, I have a question for you, if you answer me, I will take you and Tu Mr. Leaving. "

"What's the problem?" Tang Zixian's voice carried a hint of vigilance.

Ning Tao said, "Who are you from the Tang family?"

In the darkness, a strange light flashed in Tang Zixian's eyes, she said for a moment before she said, "My surname is Tang, and of course I am the daughter of the Tang family. The question you asked is very strange."

"The Tang family I am talking about is not an ordinary family, but a Tang gate with a history of hundreds of years. He is proficient in hidden weapon and poisonous Tang gate." Ning Tao stared straight into Tang Zixian's eyes.

Tang Zixian nodded for a moment, then suddenly sneered, "Doctor Ning, are you talking about Tang Men in martial arts novels?"

Ning Tao said: "Yes, I am talking about that Tangmen."

Tang Zixian said, "If I were the Tangmen you said, wouldn't I be a corneel, a hidden weapon, a kung fu heroine? Doctor Ning, don't make fun of me, I don't know what you said No Tangmen, I don't believe that there is any Wulin family Tangmen in this world. Even if it really exists, I have nothing to do with it. "

"Are you all telling the truth?" Ning Tao said.

Tang Zixian frowned. "Should you let me swear to heaven?"

Ning Tao said in silence: "I want to consider whether what you said is true or false. You stay here first. I'll go find the exit first, and then come back to pick you up."

Tang Zixian didn't respond, and his expression was calm.

Tu Wenjin was anxious and said nervously: "Dr. Ning, you can't leave us. Those gunmen may rush in at any time, they will kill me and Miss Tang ..."

Ning Tao interrupted Tu Wenjin's words, "I have already made myself clear. Just stay here and the armed men will not come in, but if you act without permission, the consequences can only be borne by you."

After speaking, he pulled Yang Chen and Ma Tongtong from the ground in turn, carried them on his shoulders, and walked into the darkness, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

"He ..." Tu Wenjin stared at Ning Tao's direction of departure, but he could not see anyone at all, and could only hear the footsteps of Ning Tao faintly, and the pace of that footsteps was leaving quickly and getting smaller.

Tang Zixian looked at the direction of Ning Tao's departure, and only said a few words, "He will come back."

Where Tu Wenjin was so impressed, he looked down at the entrance to the cave from below the rock wall, where there was a faint light. He feared that the armed men rushed in, but no one had always rushed in. The situation seems to have been righted by Ning Tao. Those armed men left people at the entrance of the cave, and the rest went to the ruins of the Yinyue people. But he couldn't believe it. That man was just a doctor. How could he judge so accurately?

In the darkness, Ning Tao walked like a wind, and the darkness in which he could not see his five fingers reached him like a cloud. The two people on his shoulders were two lanterns glowing with color, which dispelled the darkness for him and illuminated the road ahead. His nose had locked the smell of those Shennongjia savages in the morning, but he took the opposite route.

This cave is really big, nine bends and eighteen turn, there are fork holes everywhere on the rock wall, I do not know where to go.

Ning Tao didn't go too far. After going through a bend, he drilled into a fork hole, then bit his finger and drew a blood lock on the wall of the cave. Then he opened the blood lock and returned with Ma Tongtong and Yang Chen. clinic.

Asking Tang Zixian if he was from Tang's family and finding out the mouth was just an excuse to leave. Ma Tongtong and Yang Chen were in a very dangerous situation and he had to treat them in time.

The good and evil tripod was surrounded by green smoke, and the face on tripod showed a smile.

Ning Tao carefully placed Ma Tongtong and Yang Chen on the ground in the middle of the clinic, then took off the backpack on his back and opened the small medicine box inside. He did not immediately wake up Ma Tongtong and Yang Chen, but took out the ledger bamboo slips and made a diagnosis for Ma Tongtong and Yang Chen in turn.

The ledger bamboo slips in turn gave the diagnosis of Ma Tongtong and Yang Chen.

Ma Tongtong, the third born in the fifth day of Wu Yinnian, the first kind to honor his parents with ten points of good deeds, donated seven children for charity, counted 21 points of good deeds, Sanshan protected and repaired 110 antiquities, 50 Five points of good deeds and merit ... One hundred points of good deeds and merit can open a prescription contract for good deeds and eliminate them for healing.

Yang Chen, the third born in the first month of the fifth month of the Yin Dynasty, first honored his parents with ten points of good deeds, secondly protected relics and repaired 120 relics and 60 points of good deeds, and collected seventy points of good deeds. You can prescribe a good-natured prescription contract to eliminate merit for healing.

Ning Tao was also very surprised by this diagnosis. It was not only Ma Tongtong and Yang Chen who were invisible doctors, but also the protection and repair of cultural relics given by the bamboo slips. The merit is only a little bit, but the accumulation is very scary.

Why is there good will to protect and repair cultural relics?

This is another question that confuses Ning Tao, but this is obviously not the time to think about it. He collected the account book bamboo slips, and then went to the desk and opened two devotion prescriptions, one for Ma Tongtong and one for Yang Chen.

After prescribing the prescription, Ning Tao awakened Ma Tongtong and Yang Chen.

"Don't kill me ... don't ..." Ma Tongtong exclaimed when she woke up, her consciousness apparently still staying in the dangerous moment of being shot by random guns.

Yang Chen couldn't get better anymore ~ ​​ ~ He gasped heavily, but he still couldn't breathe.

Ning Tao said: "Don't be afraid, we have already escaped."

When Ma Tongtong and Yang Chen heard Ning Tao's voice, they looked at Ning Tao, their faces were full of surprise and confusion.

Ning Tao also said: "We have escaped, but you have been injured and need to be treated."

Ma Tongtong's mood finally stabilized. She looked at Ning Tao, her voice was a little hoarse, "This ... where is this?"

"This is my clinic," Ning Tao said.

"Why are we here?" Yang Chen clearly remembered where he was, but it was also because he remembered what happened in the abyss. He followed his head to look at his stomach, and he suddenly collapsed After that, his clothes and pants were all red with blood. The wound that was hit by the bullet was not painful just now, and suddenly there was a burning sensation.

Ma Tongtong also found the wound on her body. She was worse than Yang Chen, and her eyes closed before she passed out.

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