Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 250: Kill with a knife

The beams of several tactical flashlights all focused on Ning Tao's body.

All six armed men saw Ning Tao and the crust gun he had raised. At that moment, although the six armed men felt enemies meeting with jealousy, they all also developed a ridiculous feeling-was that guy planning to kill them with an antique pistol from the Second World War?

On the one hand are assaulted hired special forces armed with assault rifles and bullet-proof jackets to the teeth, and on the other hand are young people holding fans and antique shell guns. The picture of this sudden encounter seems strange.

The white commander suddenly shouted, "Kill—"


Before the white commander spit out the last word, the clamshell gun in Ning Tao's hand rang. The gunfire spurted, and a black and white aura wrapped in a bullet whistled and flew towards his chest.


In the fierce explosion, the white commander's body was torn apart, and several hired special forces around him were also knocked to the ground. Some were blown off their legs, some were blown off their hands, and others were vented, and their intestines and internal organs fell to the ground!

A hired commando with a blown leg climbed to a rock. He was the only one who survived.

Ning Tao walked towards him.

The mercenary commander whose leg was blown up suddenly turned over and raised his gun in preparation for firing.

Ning Tao pulled the trigger, a bullet flew over, and the hired special soldier with the broken leg was blown into pieces together with the rocks around him.

Ning Tao originally wanted to ask a bit of information from the Blackfire Company from his mouth, but the other party obviously did not want to give him this opportunity, and would rather die than be questioned by him.

Ning Tao chased away in the direction of Tang Zixian and Tu Wenjin.

In the darkness, Tang Zixian, carrying Tu Wenjin, ran out of the distance of 100 meters. The rugged terrain is like flat ground to her. Tu Wenjin doesn't seem to have any weight in her hands. Even if she is carrying a person, she jumps all the way, the speed is comparable to a monkey moving fast in the jungle.

Tangmen is not only a hidden weapon, but also a light work. Ordinary Tangmen martial arts perform very lightly, not to mention a practitioner like her.

Tang Zixian's antecedent weather field faded quickly because of the rapid increase in distance.

There is a ladder under Ning Tao's feet, but it was just Xiaocheng, who couldn't catch up with Tang Zixian who was carrying a person. He was a little annoyed, and his hand was shot against the rapidly faded weather field.

A distance of more than a hundred meters is only a tenth of a range for a crust gun.


The fire exploded in a violent explosion.

However, she did not hit Tang Zixian. She left Tu Wenjin on the ground and suddenly changed direction and swept away from the stone spawn array. She lost Tu Wenjin's "burden", she is faster, and there is a colorful glow in the dark!

Only Ning Tao could see this glow, and the shell gun in his hand moved quickly, but Tang Zixian could not be locked. The gun muzzle could be aimed at Tang Zixian's back a second ago, but in a blink of an eye she was already in another place. And she kept changing positions, and never gave him a shot!

In addition to the hidden weapon, Tangmen also has a light skill.

With just a few blinks of an eye, Tang Zixian has rushed into the stone spawn circle.

Ning Tao dropped the crust gun and was afraid to fire. The last experience is not horrible. The power of the clamshell gun is huge. Hitting the French array with one shot will inevitably activate the French array and lead to backlash. He does not want to experience another "worm wave".

"She must know the secret of this law formation." Ning Tao thought to herself, but the speed under his feet was not slow, and he also changed his direction and chased into the law formation.

In the Stone Egg Formation, Tang Zi yelled at Ning Tao in an angry manner: "You really shot me!"

Ning Tao responded: "You shoot me Tianling Gai with one palm, only you are allowed to kill me, you are not allowed to kill you? Are all your Tang family so arrogant?"

"You pretend to be dead!"

Ning Tao was tit-for-tat, "I **** it and **** it? You hide the spell in your crotch, shouldn't you also **** it?"

"You ... asshole!" Tang Zixian was so angry that it wasn't her hidden charm, but Yinguzhen Lingfu must be attached to that place, locked up, and changing her physical appearance with the charm. This symbol is a magic symbol that is not secretly transmitted by Tangmen. Only Tangmen's lineage women in the past will be passed down. It also has a famous name inside Tangmen, which is "killer symbol". But this is the top-level magic symbol in Ning Tao, she changed her taste, saying that she hides the symbol in the crotch!

That's a dignified post, not hidden!

Ning Tao chased each other while tangling with Tang Zixian. Tang Zixian has a true version of Tang Men's light work and a light body. Ning Tao also has a junior entry with a ladder at the foot. Although her posture is slightly ugly, the speed is not much worse, so she can only look at the taillights when she is thrown away.

Tang Zixian quickly walked through the stone spawn array, and the multi-functional appearance on his wrist kept emitting blue light.

Ning Tao didn't find it at first, and didn't suddenly wake up until she ran a long way after her. She wasn't hiding from him, but was shooting runes on the stone eggs!

She can draw runes, and naturally understands runes. She obviously slaps runes on stone eggs to open the magic circle.

Ning Tao did the same, but he only took forty-two photos in his hands, which was far from enough. He simply took out the phone and chased while shooting a rune on the stone.

The two fled one after the other, from the periphery of the French Array to the center of the French Array, from East to West, and from South to North.

At the gate of Yinyue City, more than a dozen scarred Shennongjia savages stood in a row watching the two chased among the magic circle, and that picture was a group of wounded onlookers with unknown truth.

There are 333 stone eggs in the entire array, which is in the shape of a vortex. The center of the array is a round slate. The slate is as white as jade, but it uses black paint to draw three spiral patterns. When people's eyes fall on it, there will be a feeling that the entire slab is slowly rotating.

But it was absolutely an illusion, it was stationary.

Ning Tao's mind could not help but emerged those horrible bugs that looked like spiders but had a pair of dragonfly wings. He couldn't help thinking, did all these bugs emerge from here?

Last time, the tidewater of the bugs generally poured out of the array of eyes, and then rushed over the ground, scaring him to have to open the door of convenience to escape, but now there is no such bug. Did they fly away, or did they return?

"Stop!" Tang Zixian yelled suddenly.

Ning Tao stopped and he was finished shooting, otherwise he wouldn't know that the array had 333 stone eggs.

Tang Zixian stood on a stone egg, her elongated body shortened her trouser legs a lot, but her legs became longer. Two-thirds of her body were legs, and the words used on her body were not exaggerated at all. Her hips also became plump and full because of the "shrinkage" of the fabric. The shape was like a ripe peach, except for a thin layer of skin, which was full of sweet pulp. She who lifted the seal of Yinguzhen Lingfu, if wearing a short skirt and stockings, I don't know how many men will be fascinated by her hips and legs.

However, Ning Tao had already developed a strong ability to resist irritation and beauty temptation on Qing Zhui's body. Tang Zixian was as beautiful as a fairy, but his heart had no fluctuations.

Tang Zixian stood high and looked coldly, "I didn't believe that the ancestor died in your hands before, now I believe it."

A little at the foot of Ning Tao, he also jumped up to a stone egg around him. He didn't like to be looked down on. Hao Yang said: "The old ancestor in your mouth is a villain, countless killers, do all the bad things, I am Act for the sky. I dare to admit it, but if you want revenge, Tangmen will come, but I have a word to say in front. "

"What is it?"

"I heard that Tang Men expelled a man named Tang Tianfeng 100 years ago. He is Tang Tianren's brother. I wondered if you should be Tang Tianfeng's descendant. After a pause, Ning Tao said," I want What is said is that once the war begins, it is the enemy. At that time, it is you who killed me to avenge Tang Tianren, or if I killed you, that is an inaccurate thing. "

"Huh! For hundreds of years, no one has dared to despise Tangmen like this!" Tang Zixian said coldly, "You killed the ancestor and dared to threaten me like this, who do you think you are? You really thought you killed With Tangmen, can you still live a hundred years? "

Ning Tao shrugged his shoulders. "I'm right in front of you. Why do you say so much nonsense? Come and kill me."

"Kill you, why don't I need to do it myself?" As the voice dropped, Tang Zixian suddenly jumped up, fluttered in shape, and instantly struck a heavy leg on the front of the front.


The powerful psychic shockwave spreads in all directions.

boom! The spiral pattern on the front of the eyes suddenly swirled, the black spiral pattern expanded instantly, and a dark hole like black ink burst open. At that moment, Tang Zixian's body had flew backwards.

The horrible worms suddenly emerged from the cave, and it felt like the gate of **** was opened, and the millions of evil rivers and rivers trapped in **** burst out like crazy!

Born to kill!

The knife she borrowed was these insects that looked like spiders but had a pair of dragonfly wings!


An overwhelming buzz ~ ~ The insect tide swarms up and down!

Ning Tao waved his hand in the direction of Tang Zixian, but the bullet of the refining shell gun exploded without passing through the dense insects. The shock wave of the explosion killed a bug, but the sight was like a stone thrown Into a quagmire, only a little mud splashed and sank.

Ning Tao did not dare to stay for more than a second. With her feet and the stone eggs under her feet, the whole body shot like an arrow in the direction of Yinyue City.


A wave of stones from the savage of Shennongjia came over.

It's really going to fall!

However, Ning Tao had already prepared. A general prescription with a blood lock, which had been prepared before his arrival, appeared in his hand, and the key to the clinic outside the next day was stolen.

The moment the door of convenience opened, Ning Tao's body flew in. Almost at that moment, dozens of insects that looked like spiders but had a pair of dragonfly wings chased him into the door of convenience.

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