Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 258: Magic typo

Three days later.

"Taozi, what are you doing?" Ge Ming looked at Ning Tao, looking at his buttocks in the kitchen, and couldn't help asking.

Ning Tao didn't look back, just responded casually, "Catch the mouse."

Ge Ming frowned. "This kitchen is new and I clean it very well. Where are the mice? Are you checking the hygiene and want to deduct my salary from Laoge?"

Ning Tao stood up. "Check your head. I can catch mice."

"Barbecue or sparkling wine?" Ge Ming asked again.

"Making medicine!" Ning Tao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and left the kitchen.

Ge Ming muttered, "A mouse can also be used to make medicine? The divine doctor is the divine doctor. It is really good. Is he so good?"

Under a tree in the playground, Qingzhui was chatting with Su Ya.

"Sister Su Ya, how old is this year?" Qing Zhui smiled softly.

"Eighteen years old ... half." Su Ya said that she was actually eighteen years old, but she didn't know why a "half" was added to the back.

Qing Zhui sighed, "If you are more than twenty, you can get married at twenty."

Su Ya's cheeks were red. "Sister-in-law, I don't want to get married like that, I haven't played enough."

"Then how long do you want to get married?" Qing asked.

Su Ya said: "At least it must be 28 or nine, sister-in-law, what do you ask?"

Qing Zhui sighed again, "I can't wait that long, alas, it seems you are not suitable, I have to find someone again."

Su Ya was confused, "Xunzi, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing, your brother is here." Qing Zhui said.

Su Ya looked around, and just saw Ning Tao coming to this side, muttering as she walked, she didn't know what she was talking to. When she saw Ning Tao, her heart was warm first, but then a sorrow filled her heart. Although she recognizes Ning Tao as a brother, and also recognizes the chase Qing Qing, the girl's heart is always erratic. Now she still can't help thinking about Ning Tao, and sometimes even dreams of him. Who should tell such a mind?

But on the surface, Su Ya pretended to be happy, and Ning Tao yelled when he approached, "Brother."

Ning Tao responded and said, "Did you see the mouse?"

Su Ya said curiously, "What are you doing with mice?"

Ning Tao said, "Make medicine."

Su Ya shook her head. "As soon as Sunshine Orphanage is built, there will be no mice. If you want to catch mice, you have to go to the village. Otherwise, I'll ask sister Lu for help?"

Ning Tao said, "I'll go by myself. Anyone else is also a village head, a cadre. What's the matter of helping me catch mice?"

Qingzhui chuckled: "Brother Ning, why don't you ask me this kind of thing? I can get you as many mice as you want."

Then Ning Tao came to his senses. The mouse's natural enemy was a snake. A big beautiful snake stood in front of him. Was he worried that he couldn't catch the mouse?

It is better to ask for a snake than to ask for help.

"Walk around, let's catch the mouse." Ning Tao could not wait.

He managed to get a magic sign that he could draw and use, so why didn't hesitate to try it. During these three days, he has been retreating in the Tianwai Clinic, practicing spiritual power, learning runes, and refining spiritual paper.

He didn't bother to find the spiritual material for making spirit paper, and he just removed the wooden box in the calligraphy scroll library. Then I learned a bit of earth-making techniques for making paper at Baidu. First, I made wood pulp from Meixiang Ding, and finally made spirit paper by earth-making.

Now everything is ready, only the mouse blood is owed.

Qing chased Ning Tao toward the gate.

Su Ya said, "I want to go too, let me go with you."

Ning Tao said, "What are you going to do for fun? The mice are scary. Don't go and stay at home to learn about nursing skills."

Su Ya tilted her lips, apparently unhappy, but did not follow.

What Ning Tao was worried about wasn't actually Su Ya's fear of rats. He was worried that Su Ya's fear of snakes. He didn't know how Qingzhui caught the mouse. In case she became a snake demon, Su Ya wouldn't be scared to death?

Out of the gate, Qing chased Ning Tao into the forest behind the orphanage. There was no one in the forest, but there were no mice.

Ning Tao said, "Qing Zhui, where is the mouse? Grab one for me."

"Hmm." Qing Zhui responded, then suddenly a snake made a "sizzling" sound of snakes sending letters.

In a blink of an eye, a few mice escaped from the cave.

Hissing ...

The voice of Qing Zhu's snake vomiting letter strengthened, and the few rats that escaped the cave lay on the ground and shivered, even daring to escape.

Ning Tao came forward and caught one, took out a porcelain bottle and the eclipse blade from the small medicine box, and then cut the mouse. A scarlet blood flowed from the rat's wound and dripped into a porcelain bottle. Several rats were cut off, and the small porcelain bottle was filled with the blood of the rats.

With the mouse blood, Ning Tao did not return to the Sunshine Orphanage, and took Qingzhuang directly to Jiange Dongfu.

Mouse blood, incense ash, and spirit paper are all available. Ning Tao mixed the mouse blood with incense ash according to what he learned from the Rune Handbook. Then, he dipped his blood with his index finger of his right hand, and had the luck to draw a charm on the cut spirit paper.

Qing Zhui watched beside him, surprisedly, "Brother Ning, didn't he say to make medicine? You are drawing amulets."

Ning Tao said: "That was a lie to Su Ya. The less she knows, the better."

Qing Zhui stared at Ning Tao's fingers with bright eyes and scribbled on the spirit paper. It looked even more excited than Ning Tao. "My sister has been learning runes and drawing charms. Unfortunately, it has little effect, and I am even worse Now, I ca n’t even know a few runes. Brother Ning, you can draw spells, how do you teach me? "

Ning Tao smiled bitterly. "The runes and spells I have learned are runes and spells in the clinic. It ’s useless if you learn them. In the future, I will find some runes and spells that you can learn. . "

He cannot use normal magicians and demons' magic instruments, and of course the spells he can draw are not the same as those of ordinary spiritualists and demons. Otherwise, so many runes have evolved in that Rune Handbook. He studied the runes for three days, but he still did not know any of them.

Qing Zhui nodded, and curiously said, "Brother Ning, what magic symbol do you draw?"

Ning Tao said, "Pull a symbol."

"Pufu?" Qing remembered it, and said with a smile, "It's the first funny name I've heard."

Ning Tao looked embarrassed. "This talisman is a magic sign for cupping."

Qing Zhui, "..."

After chatting for a few words, a pull note was freshly released.

The pull-up symbol is a tripod pattern, with two tripod feet extending downward, descending from the left and right sides of the spirit paper, preferably connected at the tail end of the spirit paper. A dozen runes were written in the space between the two tripods, with runes that pronounced "um", runes that pronounced "嗤", and runes that pronounced "thumb ..."

Ning Tao picked up the freshly baked spatula and opened her mouth.

"Is the cost of a jar of magic jars a bit high?" Qing Zhui still couldn't help but say what he thought.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly, and he also felt that the cost was too high. After all, the patients he met were mostly ordinary patients. The possibility of meeting patients who were shot and arrows was almost zero. It is really a little overkill for cupping.

"Brother Ning, try it on me." Qing Zhui said.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Where are you uncomfortable? This is a medical spell, you can pull out bullets, arrows, viruses, lesions, acne, etc., and use bamboo cans. I have not found a suitable bamboo can. . "

Qing Zhui said: "Then you just play for me, I don't pull out."

Ning Tao handed Fa Fu Ba Fu to Qing Zhui, and then started drawing the second picture. When drawing the amulet, his sight fell inadvertently in a pen holder on the desk. It was the pen holder used by Xuan Tianzi. The bamboo was lush and dripping. At first glance, it was not ordinary, it was a bamboo spirit. He couldn't help but think, "Isn't this a ready-made bamboo pot? Go back and pack it and take it away. It's just used as a bamboo pot when the patient is cupping."

Qing Zhui suddenly "snapped".

Ning Tao, who was drawing a character, looked up at her, suddenly angry and funny. Qing Zhui put amulets on her chest, because the rat's blood was still dry and stuck to her clothes. She wanted to take it off, but she couldn't take it off anymore. She was too worried that she would tear the rune too hard, so she was a little messy.

"How old are you still so playful? I'll help you take it off." Ning Tao said a few words to her, walked up and grabbed the pull stick that was stuck to her clothes, and let it go.


The pull sign was peeled off, but it was not only a magic sign, but also a cyan dress on Qing Zhui's body. At that moment, it seemed that the magic charm had released thousands of tentacles, and in a second, all the textiles on Qingzhui were unplugged.

A large expanse of nowhere was revealed.

Ning Tao was stunned, like a chicken.

Qing Zhui exclaimed, covering her face with her hand.

Ning Tao turned back this time, looking down at the pull symbol in his hand.

The sign was still there, and his clothes fell to the ground. Qing Zhui couldn't peel it off, but he peeled it off just as soon as he peeled it off. What's even more weird is that the cyan dress and small objects that were pulled out showed nothing torn, as they were.

"This ..." Ning Tao couldn't believe his eyes, and couldn't believe that the amulet could still be used in this way.

Sure enough, the things taught in books are idealistic, and they will differ from reality.

Dialect, dialect, a dialect already illustrates the problem. It can pull bullets, arrows, acne, viruses, and clothes.

"Brother Ning, you read the spell and pulled out my clothes, didn't you?" Qing Zhui's voice was soaked with every syllable.

Ning Tao had a feeling of jumping into the Yellow River and couldn't wash well. He said hurriedly: "Hurry up and put on your clothes, and I ... then draw a charm."

Qing chased a corner of his mouth, but also honestly picked up his clothes and put them on.

Ning Tao was a little uncomfortable listening to the cricket's voice, but she didn't dare to look at her, and buried her head in amulets. But on this painting, he suddenly discovered that he had written a wrong rune just now!

It is not the authentic pull symbol that pulls out the chase clothes, but the typographical symbol!

After a mistake, he actually drew a perverted charm, and Ning Tao was both surprised and cried. He speeded up and drew a second authentic draw, and then handed it to Qing Zhui.

"What?" Qing Qin, just dressed, said curiously.

Ning Tao said: "Try this again ~ ~ Qingzhui giggled," I know you made it on purpose, aren't you ashamed? " "

Ning Tao smiled awkwardly, which was difficult to explain.

Qing chased the second authentic pull amulet, put it on the clothes without hesitation, and then reached out to reveal it.

The second authentic pull sign was easily removed, and the very moist rat blood did not stick to her clothes.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Qing Zhui followed and posted it again, and it was easy to take it off.

Ning Tao also tried it once, and he easily lifted it off. He didn't remove Qing Qing's clothes at all.

Qing Zhui said: "It's weird, brother Ning, give me the first shot."

Ning Tao hurriedly put away the first spell, and he pondered to study the usefulness of the typo.

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