The opening ceremony has begun.

It is still the familiar model. A leader leads the opening speech, based on the present, looking to the future, and win-win cooperation. Bai Sheng was standing on the stage. The white Tang suit was tidy with no folds. His beautiful face was too exaggerated to make him look like a traffic star, not a leader in a technology company.

Bai Sheng held a code box in his hand, and one end of the chain on the box was tied to his wrist.

The God-Creation Chip is packed in that box.

Ning Tao's eyes fell on the code box, awakening the state of sight and smell of eyes and nose. Unfortunately, he didn't see anything except the box. Besides the smell of the box, he didn't catch the smell released from the box.

Bai Sheng moved his eyes and looked at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao also looked at Bai Sheng, his eyes were calm, and there was no expression on his face.

The four eyes were opposite, no sound, but a collision of iron and stone, a spark burst.

The corner of Bai Sheng's mouth suddenly lifted slowly, and he smiled at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao looked away, found Bai Jing and walked towards Bai Jing. Johana was also there, holding a beauty balm in her hand and asking kindly. You can guess without listening to her voice, she must be asking about the use of beauty balm.

"What are you talking about?" Ning Tao said casually when she came to Bai Jing and Qiao Hana.

Qiao Hana found out that Ning Tao was standing next to her with an excited smile on her face: "Tao, I was trying to talk to you. When you were away, I posted a picture on the social network, many My friends noticed my changes and asked me if I had gone to South Korea for breast augmentation surgery. I replied that they said that it was a magical medical technique of Hua Guoshen that transferred the fat from my hips to my chest. He stayed, and then said he wanted to know you, and I told them it would require your consent. "

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Of course, your friend is also my friend."

Breast augmentation is about to go abroad.

Johana picked up the bag again and said to Ning Tao's ear: "Tell you a secret, there is a princess who wants to know you."

Ning Tao said in surprise: "Princess? What princess?"

Johanna pretended to be mysterious. "She wouldn't let me tell her that she would talk to me when I went back, see the effect with my own eyes, and then make a decision."

Bai Jing blinked at Ning Tao, hinting at something.

How could Ning Tao not understand the suggestion of Sister White Snake, he smiled bitterly and said, "No problem, if she needs medical treatment, just come to me."

Johana said with a smile: "I'm sure she will contact you after I meet her. She doesn't know yet that your medicine is a miracle for this world. When she witnessed it happened to me After the miracle on her body, she would not hesitate. "

Bai Jing spoke to Ning Tao. Ask who she is.

Ning Tao pretended not to see it. People told me not to say it. If he asked again, it would make people feel embarrassed.

After a few chats, Qiao Hana responded to the message on her mobile phone and took a photo of Meixiang cream and uploaded it to her social network account.

Bai Jing got to Ning Tao's side and whispered, "Bai Sheng has found me. You watched me for three minutes before you came. Did you find out what he wanted to do?"

Ning Tao said: "I don't know yet, but I can be sure that what he is going to do will not be a good thing. Be careful and act on opportunity."

Bai Jing nodded and stopped talking.

At this time, the leader finally finished his long speech, and after a warm applause, Bai Jing walked to the stage. With his footsteps, a huge projection screen was slowly lowered from above, and the windows on all sides of the exhibition hall were also closed with curtains. The brightest lights went out, leaving only a few ambient lights.

A beam of light struck Bai Sheng. Standing in front of the podium, he exuded a peculiar aura. He was confident and perfect.

If Ning Tao rushes to power at this time and tells people that Bai Jing is a snake demon, savage and poisonous, and kills countless people, will anyone believe him?

I'm afraid none of them believe him.

In this world, too many lies, after being beautifully packaged, are more like the truth than the truth and more like the truth than the truth. The liar was sounding, righteous. The truth-speaker trembled and was cast aside.

Bai Sheng opened the code box and carefully took out a delicate crystal box from the code box.

Another beam hit the crystal box held up by Bai Shenggao. In the bright light, the crystal box glittered, and the chip in the crystal box was unobscured by everyone in the light. .

It is a cyan chip, which is very similar to the ordinary mobile phone chip, except that the color is emerald green, which gives people a visual experience like an artwork carved from jade.

Projection content emerged on the projection screen. A handsome young man walking on an old road covered with golden maple leaves, in white shirt and black shoes, was beautiful.

Ning Tao's gaze moved to the projection screen, and the young man was recognized at a glance. It was Wu Xiaolin.

Wu Xiaolin wore a watch on his left wrist. The camera cut to the watch and shot a close-up.

Suddenly in the dimly lit exhibition hall, I remembered a slightly immature girl voice: "Master Wu, where are you?"

Wu Xiaolin lightly pressed on the dial of the watch. The figure of a young girl suddenly projected from the dial. It was another disciple of Bai Jing, Liu Xianer. Her body ratio was reduced to about ten percent, but she looked very clear and lifelike.

Wu Xiaolin smiled and said with a clear voice: "Xianer, I am on my way to seek my dream. This world is big, and my dream is far away."

Screen change.

In front of an ancient building, Liu Xianer stayed in a fairy skirt, and her clothes fluttered. She also had a watch on her left wrist. She looked at Wu Xiaolin's projection on the dial. Gentleness and perseverance appeared in her eyes. She said emotionally: "Brother, no matter where you go, I will wait here for you . "

The picture stopped here.

The ancient building behind Liu Xianer is also familiar with Ning Tao, which is the first floor.

At this time, Bai Sheng said: "This short film was shot by my two children. Because of the short time and lack of preparation, I did not invite a professional team or a celebrity endorsement. However, I don't think it will affect the God-made chip at all The ability to create miracles. I believe everyone has seen that the watches we have developed with the Gods chip have epoch-making significance and it will open a new era of future communications! "

There was a warm applause from the audience.

The media reporter ran a sprint and sprinted against Bai Sheng on the stage and the God of Creation chip in his hand, as well as the projection picture of Liu Xianer, who was framed behind him.

Bai Sheng also said: "You may doubt the authenticity of this product. After all, the holographic technology is not mature now, and even developed countries in Europe and the United States have not been able to study it. How could a small company like us be able to study it? I can understand the question, but I will not explain it. I am willing to give you a live demonstration. I want you to witness the miracle with your own eyes. "

A volunteer was invited to the stage.

Bai Sheng took out a watch from the code box and put it on his wrist, and then he took out a second one from the code box and put it on his own wrist.

Ning Tao's gaze fell on the code box, which was only placed beside the podium, and he faintly saw some alloy boxes. Hanks should have other things in the lockbox in that letter, but he didn't have permission to open them, so he didn't know. Now the answer has been revealed, it is all that kind of watch.

Ning Tao's mind was confused. He secretly said: "From Hanks' description, Bai Sheng and Nicholas Conte don't seem to be the relationship between his subordinates and his superiors. This time it is a cooperative action, but the two demon heads will not. Is it a partnership to sell watches? "

On the stage, Bai Sheng said to the watch on his left wrist: "Call the third contact and reserve the voice. My friend, do you want to talk to me?"

As soon as his voice fell, the watch on the volunteer's wrist heard Bai Sheng's voice: My friend, do you want to talk to me?

Volunteers clicked on the dial of the watch at the prompt of the staff, and the holographic projection of Crystal White Saint appeared on the dial. Bai Sheng made a circle on the spot, and he made a circle on the holographic projection on the dial. Bai Sheng made another bowing motion, and the holographic projection on that dial also made a bowing motion.

There was another warm applause and the voice of discussion.

"This is incredible. How could such a technology product be researched by a small technology company?"

"Gaotang is probably crying. If this product is energy-produced, who would buy a cell phone?"

"The United States wielded a big stick of trade this time ~ ~ Threatening China with a ban on the sale of chips and software licenses, how can it still threaten China?

"I'm sure that within two years, the young people on the stage will become the richest man in China and will become the richest man in the world in the next five years!"

"I think it will be faster. In this sensitive period, we will launch this kind of high-tech products that can open up a new era of communication technology. The government will definitely support it vigorously. All the street lights will run smoothly.

These discussions fell in Ning Tao's ears. He wanted to laugh, but he also wanted to yell and let out his breath. He clearly knew that Bai Sheng was a liar. Although he didn't know what the watch was like, he was sure there was a problem. He also knows that Bai Sheng is the evil leader of this party. He has the talent mission to remove Bai Sheng, but he can only stand on the stage and watch Bai Sheng perform.

A reporter squeezed beside Ning Tao, holding a camera to film Bai Sheng's interactive performance with that volunteer.

Ning Tao didn't care, until a familiar smell penetrated into his nostril, he suddenly looked at the reporter standing beside him.

It happened that the reporter was watching him too.

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