Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 290: Tempo Weaving

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In the Tianwai Clinic, people with good and evil faces have their eyes closed, white 'color' goodness and black 'color' badness are entangled in the air, like two kelp dancing in the sea, twisted into one later The "s" shape turns into an "x" shape after a while. Please ( see the most complete! Newest fastest novel!

Ning Tao put the lingering shard and Yinyueying shard on the shelf. He already thought about it, and first used the lingering shard to refine his whisperer's watch.

There is a reason for this idea.

The Whisperer Watch has added a large amount of cloud ore, and through the cloud ore he can receive sounds from past time and space. The Soul-Eating Shard contains a lot of resentment of the soul, and also has the "sex" quality of the "past". After joining in, it may produce a divine response. But what kind of cultivation reaction is, it is unknown.

However, this matter must be postponed.

Ning Tao stood in the clinic and looked at the library 'door' of the calligraphic volume library that had been opened, and then looked at the library 'door' of the Dan 'medicine' equipment library that had not been opened. Until now he had not decided What exactly is the 'door'.

There is nothing in Dan ’s “medicine” equipment library, and his kindness has never ceased, which is why he has been unable to make a decision.

For a while, Ning Tao suddenly remembered something, and patted his brain 'door', and scolded himself: "Isn't I stupid? The bamboo slip of the account book allows me to open a library 'door', and I prescribe Dan medicine. 'The equipment library only needs 5,000 good and evil consultation funds. If I open it, it will save 5,000 good and evil consultation funds. In the future, I will go to the second library' door 'of the calligraphy volume library, but it will need 10,000 good. Am I not losing money for the bad diagnosis? "

Thinking about it this way, he didn't hesitate at all, strode to the 'door' of the calligraphy scroll library, opened the 'door', and walked in.

The space behind the first library 'door' was empty and swayed. Even the wooden box was split into a rune by him, but this space can be used, but what do you use it for? Ning Tao hadn't figured it out for a while.

Ning Tao walked straight to the second gate, the gate, and put his hand on the gate, and pushed it in.


The library 'door' opened.

Oncoming was another room of twenty to thirty square meters. It was empty and swayed, and only a wooden box was placed in the room. On the opposite wall, there is a library ‘door’, and ‘door’ is hung with a sign called “Book of Calligraphy Volume Three”.

Ning Tao wasn't surprised at all in this situation, but he still felt silent in his heart. Opened "Book of Calligraphy Volume Library", and "Book of Calligraphy Volume Library III", opened "Book of Calligraphy Volume Library III", is there still "Book of Calligraphy Volume Library"? Then there are Wu, Lu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Shi?

If this is the case, when will the 'door' be opened? A pessimistic estimate is that it is possible to drive until death.

Sure enough, Ning Tao walked to the library 'door' of the Calligraphy Volume Library Three, reached out and pushed it, and the door was motionless. Then he took out his account book and saw the prompt. It took two to open the door Goodness and evil diagnosis.

Ning Tao's emotions were instantly motivated: "20,000! Why don't you grab it? I killed Bai Sheng to earn 14,000? Do you know how dangerous it was then, and how much time and cost?"

No one responded to him, only his voice was running against the wall in this empty 'swaying' 'swinging' room.

Ning Tao paused for a while, then returned to the wooden box in the second room, reached out and lifted the lid.

The future is to face things in the future, and now the most important thing is to get things done right now. Now that this thief ship is in place, it can only be sailed well, how far can it be. As for whether to capsize or not, when to capsize, ‘hand over’ to fate to decide!

The lid was opened, and it contained a shabby book with a cover on it and the words "Clinic Weaving".

Ning Tao was so moved that he secretly said, "What kind of ghost is Tianbao Weaving? Wouldn't it have taught me how to weave?"

He picked up the book, opened the cover, and the yellowed paper said: This technique uses heaven and earth as the material, first 'pull' the silk, and then wrap the silk ball, every 12 silk **** Can weave seven feet ...

He really taught him to weave.

But what does the doctor in the Tianwai Clinic learn to weave?

Ning Tao was also drunk, and endured an urge to turn down the "Tianbao Weaving" with a fire, but the depression of his heart suddenly disappeared.

The book has such a paragraph: The rifle weaving with this technique is inaccessible, water and fire are not invaded, and evil and poison are excluded, and a vestment can be made.

Ning Tao smiled: "Isn't this the perfect body for armor protection? If I learn this Tianbao weaving technique, weave out cloth, sew it into clothes, and wear it on my body, what fear would a gunman shoot a cold gun behind me?"

If there is such a piece of clothing, he can cover his face with an unbreakable fan, and then sing a "Hero Song" in front of an assault rifle or even a heavy machine gun that is angry at him.

Then look through it, followed by the required heavenly treasures and recipes, and the symbols that need to be engraved in the tonic with blood and spiritual power.

Ning Tao was surprised to find the "fine" sakura wood in the formula. He immediately thought of the fragments of the silver moon cherry he brought back: "The silver moon cherry was not a 'fine' cherry 'flower'." Tree? I have this kind of spirit. "

He continued to look at it, and then found the night-born ‘flower’, which also had this kind of spirit. Later, he discovered that the formula had a spirit material called "Dense Moss", and his heart suddenly moved. Could it be the kind of moss spirit material collected from Shennongjia?

There are a total of seven heavenly treasures in the recipe. If the moss and spiritual material is "strong moss", he has three materials in his hand, and only needs to collect another four hands-on weaving cloths to make "law suits." ".

After watching it, Ning Tao put "Tianbao Weaving" into a small 'medicine' box, and then took out the wooden box. Wooden boxes are also spiritual materials that can be used to make rune paper.

Ning Tao left the clinic and returned to the rental house. Qingzhui and Bai Jing have not yet returned. However, he was not worried that Bai Sheng was dead and would not threaten them anymore. Today, they actually have real freedom to eat.

Ning Tao returned to Tianwai Clinic, brought Mei Xiang Ding and Broken Ding, and some of the shards of Ling Ling, opened the convenient 'door' leading to the sword cave 'dong' house and walked in.

The "door" that has been opened is already open, and "Tianbao Weaving" is also satisfactory. Next month, the clinic will not need to pay "rental" rent for the relocation of the clinic. He should also relax and study how to upgrade the whisperer's watch.

Entering the sword cave ‘dong’ house, Ning Tao kept walking to Lingtian. At first, he transferred the nocturnal 'flowers' and moss spiritual materials plucked from the savage territory of Shennongjia in the Lingtian, but unfortunately the nocturnal 'flowers' needed thirty-degree temperature soil, which Ning Tao could not reach at all. It requires growth, so the nocturnal 'flowers' planted in Lingtian are dead. But those moss plants are not so coquettish, and now they are still growing very well. One of them has a small one beside it.

"Are you really a moss?" Ning Tao looked at a small patch of moss and spirits, feeling as if he was asking a group of children.

Moss spirits will certainly not respond.

Ning Tao squatted down, carefully picked a leaf from a moss, and put it in her mouth.

At that time, Li Shizhen grazed and wrote "Compendium of Materia Medica", and now he eats moss only to verify whether the moss is put in his mouth.

That small leaf in the mouth was a warm feeling, it felt a bit like a pepper. This taste is still tolerable, after all, he is from Shancheng, and it doesn't matter if he eats pepper. But after chewing, the leaf juice overflowed and the situation suddenly changed. He felt like a fire wrapped in his mouth, and the fire spread to his whole body instantly! Every blood vessel is covered with red 'color' flames, every bone is burning, and even every cell seems to be a lit orange lamp!

"Ah!" Ning Tao couldn't help screaming, and her mouth opened with a steamy breath!

Beep Boom!

There is a strange sound coming from the bones, which is a reaction that the bones are bearing the impact of some kind of energy!


The mud pill palace vibrates, and special spiritual powers emerge from the nest, suppressing the general pain of the flames in the body. But Ke Ningtao saw his biceps beating uncontrollably, as if he had accumulated terrifying power!

Ning Tao leaped up and punched a rock with a much larger body.


In the muffled voice, a crack appeared on the surface of the rock under the fist of the blood 'meat' of Ning Tao's blood!

Bang Bang!

The rain of Ning Tao's double fists generally hit the rocks, and the cracks in the rocks became more and more, and finally burst suddenly!

"嗬 ... 嗬 ......" Ning Tao gasped heavily, and it was not until this time that the energy contained in the moss and spirits was consumed.

The rock weighed at least two or three thousand pounds, but was beaten alive by him, but his fist was not broken even a piece of skin, but it was slightly red and swollen. This is because he has the protective effect of the spiritual airbag. Without the protection of the spiritual airbag, his fist may be blurred.

No other verification is needed anymore ~ ​​ ~ The moss and spiritual materials brought back from Shennongjia are vigorous moss. In retrospect, it is no wonder that the savages of Shennongjia like to eat it, and the terror power of the savages of Shennongjia was mostly evolved based on vigorous moss.

"Will the moss suit be added to me, will it give me more power?" Ning Tao couldn't help but guess, but he would never eat the moss again.

After pondering for a while without a result, Ning Tao began to upgrade the whisperer. He first put a little bit of lingering shards into Mei Xiangding's 'refining' refining. In this process, he found that the resentment of the soul lingering in lingering worms had been “simmered” and turned into a string of black smoke. dissipate. Finally, the shards of the biting maggots that were put into the Meixiang Dingzhi also dissolved into mud-like things, which is the spiritual pulp of the legendary refining advanced implements.

Afterwards, Ning Tao smashed the whisperer's watch, put it into the broken ding Dingzhi, and then added the spiritual pulp ‘refined’ to refine and repair.

again and again……

What will the whisperer become this time when it is refined?

Ning Tao didn't know.

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