Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 293: Ah, what a loud cry!

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Jin ‘Mao’ swung his arm and punched a ‘pump’ on Ning Tao ’s cheek. ,:.

Ning Tao remained motionless, not even leaning his face, and kept the weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Fuck, I want you to laugh!" Ban Cun's head was kicked again with a crotch and he kicked heavily in the position between Ning Tao's legs.


There was another sound in the secluded alley that made people tighten the daisy 'flower'.

Ning Tao remained motionless with a smile on her lips.

"Stupid‘ force ’! Makes you laugh!” Jin ‘Mao’ cursed, punching his fists in succession, and punching and punching in the rain generally hit Ning Tao ’s face.

Ban inch head also joined in, kicking Ning Tao's lower abdomen with his feet.

Bang bang ...

The collision of fist and foot with ‘meat’, the muffled sound of cymbals and drums is usually played in the alley, which has a sense of rhythm.

Ning Tao started from the first blow, never moved, and did not fight back. He allowed Ban Chuangtou and Jin'Mao's fist to violently, and kept a weird smile on the corner of his mouth. It felt like an inflatable dummy for venting, or the evil **** of fire in Kung Fu.

Those who were beaten smiled at the corners of their mouths, but there was no fart, but those who beat them were tired. For a time, both Jin Mao and Ban Cun stopped and wheezed. Two people, one with red and swollen fists, and one with hot and sore feet.

Ning Tao then spoke out, saying gently: "Did you fight enough?"

Jin ‘Mao’ with her hands on her waist, panting, she said, “Your mother, you silly‘ force ’can really be beaten, Lao Tzu ...”

Ning Tao suddenly stretched out his hand, clasped his neck and pressed it down. The knee of his right 'leg' slammed up and banged on the bridge of Jin 'Mao's nose.

With a cracking sound, the bone of the nose of Jin'Mao broke instantly, and severe pain and shocks like `` surge '' water poured into his brain. He fainted before he hummed and fell to the ground. On the ground.

Ban Cun was stunned: "Do you dare to fight back?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Well, this courage is still there."

"Damn, look for death!" Ban Cun suddenly grabbed the knife stuck in the crack of the brick, and then turned towards Ning Tao's abdomen.

However, in the next second, his hand holding the knife could not move forward even a centimeter. Ning Tao's hand grabbed his wrist, as hard and powerful as iron pliers. He even felt that his wrist would be crushed by Ning Tao!

"Let me go! Our boss, you can't afford to mess with it!" Ban Shuang yelled arrogantly.

Ning Tao smiled: "You still have to live through the disaster in front of you."

The sound falls, and the punch.

Ban inch head's head also yanked down, and his body fell to the ground.

Ning Tao tore off a common prescription sign with a blood lock from the small 'medicine' box, opened the blood lock, then grasped the ankle on the board with one hand, and grasped the ankle on the gold 'hair' as he walked, dragged directly into the convenience The 'door'.

Ordinary prescription signatures fluttered down, unremarkable in a pile of garbage.

At the Tianwai Clinic, the face of the good and evil people ‘showed’ angrily.

Ning Tao threw Ban Shuangtou and Jin 'Mao' on the ground, and then took out the account book and put it on Jin 'Mao''s head.

Ledger bamboo slips emerged from the diagnosis of the golden 'Mao': Chen Bin, the fifth born (1991) in the late June and the late Xin (1991), the wicked, the first evil does not honor his parents and count ten evil thoughts, and the second evil puts usury at 100 Seven episodes, counted 428 evil thoughts and sins, good and evil bullying, 150 counts, 300 evil thoughts and sins, four evils insulted playing with 'female' **** '... One hundred and sixty-eight evil thoughts, you can write a prescription for evil thoughts, cut your hands and feet to atone for sin.

Evil person?

For the first time, Ning Tao saw such a definition of patients with medical consultations from the bamboo slips of the ledger, but it is not difficult to understand. Although these two people do not have the major evil of killing and setting fire, they are small evils that continue to oppress goodness. Walking on the street to see who is not pleasing to the eye may be a villain's horn 'color', which is bad. man of.

Loan usury means debt collection, and debt collection must be evil. Now those who loan usury do not let those who have no ability to repay ‘hybrid’ or “hybrid”. They only pick college students, small businessmen, and even set up traps to induce “tempting” loans. When these two people collect debts, the targets of evil are naturally college students, small businessmen, and small staff. Expose fruit photos of 'female' college students, interfere with the normal operation of small vendors, pour dung into the homes of the elderly, paint red paint on the 'door' locks, or even beat the elderly, often doing such things, and the accumulated evils are naturally scary. Already.

As the saying goes, don't do evil with small things, don't do good with small ones.

People who often do good deeds, even small ones who help the elderly to cross the road, always do good deeds. Those who are always evil, even if they are robbing a child of a sugar, often accumulate horrible evil thoughts and sins, and attract evil results.

Ning Tao used the ledger bamboo slip to make a diagnosis of the board.

Ban Chuang's head is called Zhou Qiang. Like Jin 'Mao', he is also a wicked person, and has accumulated more than 700 evil thoughts and sins on his body. The final diagnosis is the same, cutting off hands and feet for atonement.

Ning Tao collected the account book bamboo slips, and went to the desk and opened two prescriptions for evil thoughts and sins.

After issuing two prescriptions for evil thoughts, Ning Tao took the blade of the eclipse out of the small 'medicine' box, grabbed one leg of Jin 'Mao', and cut the ankle of Jin 'Mao' with a sharp knife.

Blood spewed out and the hamstrings broke.

"Ah-" Jin ‘Mao’ woke up suddenly and opened his mouth and screamed.

Ning Tao shakes off his foot, walks to the side of the board, grabs one foot of the board, and cuts the hamstrings of the board.

"Ah!" Ban Cun's head also woke up in pain and saw Ning Tao holding his scalpel and holding a scalpel in one hand while his ankle was bleeding outwards, and his face was suddenly scared of blood ' Se ', "You, you ... kill! Kill!"

This pig-killing cry for help only echoed in the Tianwai Clinic.

Kim ‘Mao’ also roared: “Kill! Help!”

Ning Tao shook off her feet and said gently, "Come on, call on, if you break your throat, no one will come to your rescue."

How familiar are these lines.

Gold ‘hair’ got up from the ground, and leaped to the ‘door’.

Ning Tao didn't stop, just looked at him.

Jin 'Mao' reached out to open the 'Door', but that 'Door' could not be opened. He yelled outside the door, but no one responded outside the door.

Ning Tao walked over, knocked down Jin 'Mao' to the ground, and cut another hamstring with a knife.

"Ah-don't kill me, don't ..." Jin sternly screamed, and the voice was really worse than the pig lying on the slaughter bench waiting to be knifed.

Ning Tao said coldly, "Come again, just cut your tendons."

Jin ‘hair’ bit her mouth ‘lip’, for fear of making a sound.

It is already cold sweat on the forehead of Banchuang ’s forehead. He and Jin ‘hair’ are also considered wicked, but in front of a “wicked” like Ning Tao, they are not even good enough to carry shoes. As for Ning Tao's momentum under the evil state at this moment, he had no doubt that Ning Tao would kill him and Jin ‘Mao’!

Ning Tao dragged the gold 'hair' back, and threw it to the ground, then grabbed the other foot of Ban Sin's head and cut it across with a knife.

"Ah!" Ban Cun screamed in astonishment, tears bursting out, "I, I ... didn't call ..."

Ning Tao said lightly: "I like it, can't it? No matter who you two call again, I will cut the two of you both."

Banchuangtou and Jin'mao closed their mouths, and even endured no matter how painful they were, they did not dare to make a sound.

Ning Tao said: "You are all injured now and you can't go out. I happen to be a doctor and can treat you. I have good medical skills and there is no problem in connecting your hamstrings. However, I have my rules for treating diseases. You need to sign your prescription. "

This is why he did n’t fight back in the alley before. He has its own rules. As the owner of the clinic, he ca n’t take the initiative to hurt the wicked who has n’t revenge, and then heal people for treatment King, but if the patient diagnosed with gold hurts him, he will fight back without any problems. So the situation at the time, the harder Ban Shoutou and Jin 'Mao' hit him, the harder he spoke, the happier he was.

This sentence made Jin ‘Mao’ and Ban Chuangtou stubborn, and they could n’t help looking at each other, but apparently no one understood what ‘medicine’ was sold in Ning Tao ’s gourd.

Ning Tao also said: "If you don't cure the disease, it will be useless to keep you. My dog ​​has not eaten 'meat' for several days."

Bancun followed and said, "I will heal, I will heal!"

Kim ‘Mao’ also rushed and said, “I sign, I sign!”

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "Isn't it a happy solution to the problem? Sign it."

Ning Tao signed two folded prescription prescriptions for "Mao" and Banchuang respectively, and then gave the two people a "Precious" primary prescription Dan.

Jin ‘Mao’ and Ban Cun took ‘medicine’, and the smoke from the good and evil came, and they were swallowed up in an instant.

Qing Yan stepped back, and Jin ‘Mao’ and Bancun lay on the ground. The two feet ’hamstrings were already connected, and there were no scars on the ankles. However, the two did not wake up, lying still on the ground after the treatment was over.

With a movement in Ning Tao's heart, he suddenly understood: "Cut off my hands to atone for sins. This is for me to leave my hands and feet to collect the accounts. Well, I'll have another minor operation."

Ning Tao walked forward with the eclipse's blade, grabbed the hand of Jin 'Mao', and cut it down with a knife ...

The "minor surgery" was completed, and the smoke from the good and evil rushed over again, engulfing the golden ‘hair’ and the board with no hands.

Qing Yan retreated again, while Banchuangtou and Jin'Mao were still there, but their hands and feet were gone.

Saying that man's hands and feet can make atonement, then only hands and feet.

Ning Tao came under the lock wall, opened a convenient ‘door’, and walked in with Jin ‘Mao’ and Banchuang in his hands.

Outside the gate of convenience is a dense virgin forest.

This is the uninhabited area of ​​Shennongjia, near the abyss.

After Ning Tao threw the two men down ~ ~ turned and entered the convenient 'door'.

After a long time, Jin 'Mao' and Bancun woke up slowly.

"Here is ..." Ban Cun subconsciously reached out to support the ground, trying to get up, but suddenly found that his hands were missing.

Jin 'Mao' looked at his empty 'swings', 'swings', 'pants' tube, froze, and then screamed, "Ah-"


What a spectacular nature!

The account book bamboo slips do not want the lives of these two wicked people. Ning Tao can't kill them naturally, but where can these two wicked people be sent to? This is what he can do.



How loud the sound is.

But this time it was really called a broken throat that no one would hear.

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