Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 295: You have rules, I have a routine

The BMW 745li stopped at the alley of Hakka Lane, Pan Zhendong got out of the car, and walked into the alley with his briefcase. ,:. A bodyguard followed him, and a bodyguard stayed in the car to guard Qing Zhui and Bai Jing.

Qing Zhui looked at Pan Zhendong walking towards the alley across the window and said, "Sister, shall we follow?"

Bai Jing said: "Look at the situation and talk about it, it's all here, and it's no time to hurry." She looked at Qing Zhui and added, "Are you rushing home to sleep with him?"

Qing Zhui said, "Yes, do you want to be together?"

Bai Jing giggled, and a pink boxing punch hit Qing Qing's 'chest'.

What attitude is this, I'm afraid she only knows it.

The bodyguard left in the car stared at Qingzhui and Bai Jing, and said fiercely, "What are you two mumbling about?"

Qing Zhui's "Lu" gave a scared expression: "Don't hurt me, I'm so scared."

Bai Jing just looked at the bodyguard calmly.

Qing Zhui's "showing weakness", coupled with the absence of anyone in the car, the bodyguards who stayed here suddenly moved their 'color' heart. He hehe smiled, stretched out his hand to Qing Chai ’s big ‘leg’, and said, “Let the brother be refreshed. Later, the brother promised to plead with President Pan and let him let you go.”

But before he put his hand on Qing Zhai's big 'leg', "Qi Yi Shuang", Qing Zhui suddenly put away the expression of fear and banged his fist on his 'chest'.


The sound of broken ribs.

The pain came, and the bodyguard opened his mouth and wanted to scream, but it was his blood that came out of his mouth. He looked in horror at Qing Zhui, who was pretty like a fairy 'girl'. He couldn't believe that such a delicate and delicate 'woman' broke his rib with a punch!

"Huh? You're pretty good, you can actually carry it." Qing Zhui said, his voice dropped, and another fist banged on the chest of the bodyguard on the other side.


The sound of a broken rib again.

The bodyguard left in the car closed his eyes and passed out.

Qing Zhui was too lazy to look at him again, and she said, "Sister, let's talk, Brother Ning said that if he doesn't marry his wife one day, he won't touch me. Marry him or else ... "

Two 'girls' mumbled in the car.

The seriously injured bodyguards in the car, and what is happening outside the car, seems to have nothing to do with them ...

Pan Zhendong in Hakka Lane finally found the "101" number, but that was not a normal 'door' brand, but a "Hakka Lane 101" written on a piece of paper.

Pan Zhendong gave his bodyguard an eye ‘color’ and followed him to come to the door and knock on the door.

The room 'door' opened, and Ning Tao came out of the door. He wore a peaked cap, his eyebrows were ‘hair’ thickly painted, and his mouth ’lips had some more beards, which looked much more mature.

This is why he rushed back in overtaking. He had met with Pan Zhendong. Although it was certain that he would not have a deep impression on him, simple makeup was necessary. His eyebrow 'hair' pen is Bai Jing's eyebrow pencil, and his beard is his armpit 'hair' pulled out from his armpit. There is no other way. There are only two places where "hair" looks like a beard, but in another place, he will not consider it.

It would be nice if Tang Zixian's "Yin" Valley Town Charm is not so troublesome, but unfortunately there is no such thing.

After opening the 'door', Ning Tao smiled: "Excuse me, President Pan?"

Pan Zhendong said: "I am, you are the one who wants to borrow?"

Ning Tao nodded, politely and honestly: "It's me, please come in."

Pan Zhendong glanced at Ning Tao, with a skeptical expression on his face, "Exposure": "Brother, you look a little familiar. Have we seen it?"

Ning Tao also looked at Pan Zhendong "cautiously" and then said, "Really, why don't I remember? Maybe, I often go to the Australian 'Gate' casino and often go to the bar. Maybe where we are I have met. "

Pan Zhendong didn't ask much and took his bodyguard into the Tianwai Clinic. In fact, at that time, the light in the box was dim, and in his eyes, there were only two beautiful 'females' who were personally and Bai Jing. Where did Ning Tao look carefully, let alone Ning Tao also put on makeup.

The door of the Tianwai Clinic was closed.

The human face on the tripod of good and evil is full of anger, and the tripod is full of smoke.

Pan Zhendong looked at the good and evil tripod and was surprised and said, "What is this tripod?"

Ning Tao said lightly: "Ding of good and evil."

Pan Zhendong asked again, "Antiques?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Antiques, at least thousands of years old."

Pan Zhendong followed and said, "Brother, you loan ten million yuan. This is not a small sum. Later you have to write this tripod in the IOU. If you do not repay it, this tripod will belong to me. "

Ning Tao said: "Yes, no problem, how do I collect money?"

Pan Zhendong said: "Of course, it is a bank transfer. As long as you take out the three certificates of the Siheyuan in the North Capital and mortgage it to me, I can verify the loan and give it to you."

"No problem, I'll get it." Ning Tao walked to the desk.

Pan Zhendong looked at the clinic, looked at it this way, and couldn't help but say, "A lot of antiques in your house are yours?"

Ning Tao smiled and said, "It's all mine, won't you let me write it all in the IOU?"

Pan Zhendong couldn't bear the excitement in his heart: "Of course, I can lend you a little more and charge you a little less interest. You write this house and everything in this house into the IOU. If you repay on time, I There's a lot of things for you, and I'm sure of it? "

"Well, who made me lack money, Mr. Pan, please come and see the house property right certificate." Ning Tao took out an envelope from the drawer.

Pan Zhendong walked over, but Ning Tao handed him the envelope, and then 'pumped out' the contents.

The envelope contains not a red 'color' original house ownership certificate, a state-owned land use certificate, nor a house deed, but a stack of white paper in the shape of a book.

Pan Zhendong frowned suddenly: "What is this?"

Ning Tao said lightly: "You look at it before you say it."

Pan Zhendong held back the doubt in his heart and opened the blank paper.

There is a courtyard house on white paper, with white clouds and the sun above the house. There is a willow tree next to the house, and a 'chicken' and a worm are painted under the willow's feet.

This is Chou Xingchi's version of a bird drawing by Tang Bohu, but the word next to it is "Siheyuan ownership certificate".

Pan Zhendong was furious at this sight, and he "kneaded" the pictures of the Divine Bird Courtyard into a ball, and smashed it on Ning Tao's face, and the angry spittle star flew on Ning Tao's face together: "You dare to play I!"

Ning Tao laughed and said, "What about playing with you? How dare you treat me? You're stupid, 'force', you hit me!"

Some of the loan sharks were not from a 'mixed' social background. When Ning Tao's provocative words came out, Pan Zhendong 'pumped' towards Ning Tao's cheek.

Ning Tao did not hide.


Pan Zhendong's fist fiercely "pumped" on Ning Tao's face, and Ning Tao fell on the ground, but cursed: "You are stupid, you have a kind, do you dare to kill me?" "

Pan Zhendong was so mad that he kicked Ning Tao's head and shouted, "Beat Lao Tzu! Kill him!"

The bodyguards brought by Pan Zhendong also joined in, and the two punched and kicked Ning Tao lying on the ground.

Ning Tao was too lazy to hug his head. In the punches and kicks of Pan Zhendong and the bodyguard, he looked at the face of the good and evil, and watched its response.

The faces of the people of good and evil are full of anger.

Ning Tao's heart was a little depressed, and she secretly said, "I've been beaten like this, are you indifferent?"


There was a rumbling of good and evil.

Pan Zhendong, who was violently beating around Ning Tao, and the bodyguard immediately fell to the ground, bleeding from his mouth and nose.

The good and evil tripod is not unrepressed, but that Pan Zhendong and his bodyguards came in as healthy people. Before the revenge of heaven, the good and evil tripod will not be punished for no reason at all. That's why Ning Tao angered Pan Zhendong with the "Bird" divine bird picture and the language of insulting "sex" and asked Pan Zhendong and the bodyguard to hurt the owner of the clinic.

If there is no punishment for the owner of the Tianwai Clinic being beaten in the clinic, what is the majesty of the Tianwai Clinic on behalf of Tiandao? However, Pan Zhendong and his bodyguards are indeed two dishes, "chicken", so that the suppression of the clinic came a little late. In the case of Bai Sheng's class, the clinic came down.

It was also when Pan Zhendong and the bodyguard vomited blood and fell to the ground, the eclipse blade in Ning Tao's hand struck across Pan Zhendong's abdomen, and then lunged forward, thrusting into the bodyguard's waist.

'Get' some injuries before treatment. This is the routine Ning Tao now learns.

Tianwai Clinic has the rules of Tianwai Clinic, and Ning Tao also has his routine.

"You ..." Pan Zhendong looked at the cut belly in horror, blood was bursting out wildly, and his brain was suddenly blank, how could he not believe that such a terrible thing happened to himself.

The bodyguard looked at the scalpel tied to his waist and trembled, "You, who are you? What are you doing?"

Ning Tao “pumped” the blade of the eclipse outward, and blood suddenly poured out of the bodyguard ’s wound, and instantly wet a piece of clothes.

"Ah-" the bodyguard screamed.

Ning Tao said lightly: "I am a doctor. You are injured now, and I can treat you. However, I have my rules for treating the disease, and you need to sign the prescription contract that I prescribe for you. , You will die from too much bleeding. "

Pan Zhendong trembled out his mobile phone.

But before he dialed a number, Ning Tao waved his hand, and Pan Zhendong's palm holding the mobile phone fell to the ground.

"Ah-" Pan Zhendong screamed and passed out.

Such things are cruel even to the wicked, but Ning Tao has no mercy in his heart, and his heart is so calm that there is no trace of ‘wave’. He controls evil with evil, and in the state of evil, he is more evil than the wicked.

Ning Tao grabbed Pan Zhendong's broken wrist, and a little spirit was injected into it.

Pan Zhendong woke up again, and as soon as he saw Ning Tao in front of him, his 'pants' crotch got wet in the blink of an eye.

Those who are extremely vicious and oppress those who are good and evil are actually more afraid of death than ordinary people.

Ning Tao said lightly: "Last time I asked, did I ask for a doctor?"

Pan Zhendong dared not say a word, his tears burst out and choked, "I ask for medical treatment, I sign ... I beg you to kill me ... I finally 'mixed' to the point where I am today ... I I don't want to die ... "

There was a sneer in the corner of Ning Tao's mouth, and it was up to him to die.

An hour later, Pan Zhendong and his two bodyguards appeared in a dense virgin forest without hands and feet ~ ~ said to be out of this forest, even if they could not climb.



The sound of despair echoed in the valley.

A voice came suddenly behind a rock: "Dong, are you?"

"Who?" Pan Zhendong looked in horror at the sound.

A person with no hands and feet rolled out from behind the rock, crying and said, "I'm Zhou Qiang, Dong brother, save me ... I don't want to die ..."

"Why are you here, Chen Bin?"

"I don't know, Chen Bin, he was taken away by wolf, wow ..." Without saying a word, Zhou Qiang burst into tears.

Pan Zhendong suddenly quieted down, facing the vast starry sky, tears one after another ...

However, there has never been any regrettable 'medicine' in this world.

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