Tang Zhen pulled Ning Tao to the gate, reached out and grabbed the gate to open the gate, but the gate was motionless. . :.

It was a 'door' that required an identity card and sufficient permissions to open.

"You open the 'door'! Open the 'door' ... ohh ..." Tang Zhen was anxious to straighten her feet, and then paralyzed to the ground.

Ning Tao quickly supported her, and took the opportunity to press her hand on her carotid artery to faint her. As far as her current emotional state is concerned, her spiritual strength can't stabilize her emotions. Instead, she is awake and is not good for her body. It might as well faint her.

"Aunt Tang has passed out. Where can she lie down and rest here?" Ning Tao said.

Zhang Zeshan called for two 'female' comrades to support Tang Zhen.

Ning Tao stood in front of the glass wall and looked at Jiang Hao, who was imprisoned on the 'bed', and frowned slightly. In this environment, even if he wanted to bring Jiang Hao to the clinic for treatment, no matter what he said inside What and what is done will be monitored. However, he will never let Jiang down and leave it alone. In that case, his conscience will probably torture him all his life.

Jia Yinhong came to Ning Tao's side and said a word: "Dr. Ning, please be sure to heal Jiang, where there is a need for me, despite speaking."

Ning Tao glanced at Jia Yinhong, and also awoken his eyes to observe his good and evil situation. The result came out soon, and there was only a small amount of kindness released from his body. According to his experience, it is probably the kindness of honoring his parents.

In fact, this is the situation for most people in the world, not good or bad, not evil, and unwilling to do good.

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Okay, thank you."

Jia Yinhong said, "You're welcome. Although Jiang Hao and I haven't been together as colleagues for a long time, I respect her as a person. She is now like this, and I feel very uncomfortable."

Ning Tao's gaze moved to Jiang Hao in the isolation room. This Jia Yinhong's heart didn't know how he felt, but at the moment, his heart was uncomfortable.

Zhang Zeshan came over: "Doctor Ning, do you think Comrade Jiang Hao's disease is the same as Lin Qinghua's?"

Ning Tao said: "It's about the same, but it's more serious. I have to go in and see if I can make an accurate diagnosis."

Zhang Zeshan did not stop this time: "Okay, you go to do disinfection and put on antibacterial clothing, and then you can go in."

Ten minutes later, Ning Tao returned to the quarantine room by putting on anti-bacterial clothing. Zhang Zeshan opened the security 'door' with his ID card, and Ning Tao walked in with a small 'medicine' box on his back.

Zhang Zeshan originally wanted Ning Tao to leave the small 'medicine' box outside, but Ning Tao said that he had to diagnose Jiang Hao without a small 'medicine' box. Zhang Zeshan allowed him to bring in the small 'medicine' box. But before entering, he personally checked the small 'medicine' box.

After Ning Tao entered the isolation room, the security 'door' closed automatically, leaving him and Jiang Hao alone in the room. He walked towards Jiang Hao. Looking at Jiang Hao's bad look, his heart was broken and his eyes were wet.

Jiang Hao's gaze moved to Ning Tao's body, a flash of green light flashed in her eyes, and she struggled to get up, but her hands and feet were imprisoned and she couldn't move at all.

Ning Tao came to the 'bed'. He never held back again, tears burst into his eyes, and his voice choked a little: "Well, I'm here ... don't worry, I will heal you."

Jiang Hao looked at Ning Tao, and a word came out of his mouth: "Don't tie me, I will serve my father and fight the enemy."

In this sentence, Ning Tao knows who she has entered into history-‘Hua’ Mulan.

Looking for ancestors, looking for ancestors, bluntly speaking is to awaken the information that ancestors left in the genes. The stronger the person, the easier it is to be awakened.

Ning Tao grabbed Jiang Hao's hand and injected special spiritual power into her body, saying, "Okay, do you remember who I am?"

Jiang Hao stared straight at Ning Tao. With the effect of spiritual power, her mood stabilized, and she seemed to have recovered some sage: "You are ..."

Ning Tao said, "I'm Ning Tao. Do you remember me?"

Jiang nodded well: "Remember, you are the king of the village to kill pigs."

Ning Tao wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh at all.

Jiang Hao said: "Promise me that I will take care of my elderly father and younger brother after I join the army, and I will marry you when I return, okay?"

Ning Tao nodded, but tears could not stop flowing. He reached out and wiped, but the light from the corner of his eye quickly swept across the corners of the glass wall. There are two surveillance cameras installed there, covering the entire surveillance room. No matter what he does in this surveillance room, it will be displayed in the surveillance terminal. Also, just behind that glass wall, at this moment I don't know how many eyes are looking at him.

Ning Tao still removed the small 'medicine' box from his shoulder, put it on the 'bed', opened it and took out a few needles from it, and a small porcelain bottle containing the 'fine' primary prescription Dan. Later, he put a needle on Jiang Hao's body to help her stabilize her heart and calm her spirit.

There are a large group of people standing outside the glass wall, some of them are scientific researchers, some are medical staff, and the first ones are Zhang Zeshan and Jia Yinhong. No matter who it is, the eyes' eyes are focused on Ning Tao and Jiang Hao.

"He can cure Comrade Jiang Hao with a few silver needles? I don't believe it." A medical staff couldn't help but say a word.

"However, I heard that he has cured the same disease, maybe he is a bit capable." Another said.

"If he really cured Comrade Jiang Hao with a few needles, it is really unscientific. I can't figure out how to explain the effects of those diseases against Comrade Jiang Hao." A researcher said.

Although no one said that Ning Tao was a liar, the questionable voices accounted for the majority.

At the beginning, Zhang Zeshan said to Jia Yinhong, "Is the surveillance working all the time?"

Jia Yinhong nodded his head: "The entire isolation room is under our surveillance, leaving no dead ends. This time we may be able to unlock the‘ mystery ’of him.”

Zhang Zeshan's eyes returned to Ning Tao's body.

In the isolation room, Ning Tao poured a 'fine' primary prescription Dan out of a small porcelain bottle, and then handed it to Jiang Hao's mouth, Wen said, "Okay, you took this 'medicine', It's good for your disease. "

Jiang Hao snorted coldly: "Huh! I'm not sick, I don't take 'medicine'! I'm going to kill the enemy, Wang Mazi, you, a 'treason' cheat, you can't stop me!"

Ning Tao simply reached out and pinched her jaw, and stuffed the ‘fine’ primary prescription Dan into Jiang Hao ’s mouth.

The "precise" product primary prescription Dan is a medium for patients, and the Dan "medicine" must be taken to enter the clinic for treatment, but even without going to the clinic, it has great benefits for Jiang Hao's bad health now.

However, Jiang Hao obviously didn't appreciate it. It was just when Ning Tao stuffed Dan's primary prescription Dan into her mouth. She suddenly opened her mouth and bit her finger.

Ning Tao suddenly felt pain, but he did nothing, and let Jiang Hao bit his finger.

Teeth biting is not a blunt attack. After demonizing, Jiang looks like a thin-skinned man, but her strength is amazing. Her teeth easily cut Ning Tao's fingers, and Ning Tao's blood flowed into her mouth. Here, a portion flows down the corner of her mouth onto her clothes, on the 'bed' sheet.

After a full minute, Ning Tao reached out to scratch Jiang Hao's creak.

"Giggle ..." Jiang Hao laughed.

Ning Tao took the opportunity to “pump out” her finger, and then wiped it on the “bed sheet”. Several blood locks were born in the process, on the flyer, on the quilt, and on Jiang Hao's clothes.

But at this time, maybe it was the effect of Dan and Ning Tao's blood on ‘fine’ prescription. Jiang laughed a few times and suddenly quieted down. She looked at Ning Tao with a different look.

Ning Tao's heart moved: "Are you awake?"

Jiang Hao nodded his head slightly, two tears rolled silently from the corner of his eyes.

Ning Tao clutched her hand tightly: "Tell me what happened, how could you 'make' this happen?"

"I am voluntary."


Jiang Hao was unwilling to continue talking on this issue, and she shifted the topic: "That day in the cinema ... I shouldn't hit you ... I'm sorry."

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "What are you doing at this time? It's me who apologizes. You are so good to me, but I said that to you, it's not fair to you."

At the movie theater that day, Jiang Hao showed his respects to him, and even he couldn't help himself, but he told Jiang Hao to accept the existence of Qingzhui, which is equivalent to letting her accept two 'girls' to serve the husband together. fact. If such a thing is ancient, then it is definitely okay. In the ancient times, if the husband did not take care of it, the wife would be anxious and ask the main animal to be a "color" object to help her husband take care of him. But this is modern, and it was too normal for her to slap her in the ear.

"I know ... you can't bear to lie to me ..." Jiang Hao's voice was full of sadness. "After that day I was very sad, I didn't do anything, and my mood was very low ... Then, I want to change myself ... then ... I applied for this task ... "

"You ... why don't you tell me? You're so stupid ..." Ning Tao's eyes rolled back into tears. He did not expect Jiang Hao to apply to be an experimental mouse. The reason behind it turned out to be in the movie theater that day. a slap.

"Is she here too?"

"Qing Chai?"

"Who else besides her?"

Ning Tao said: "She didn't come. The relationship between me and her is very complicated. I will tell you when you go out. Also, she and I have been innocent so far."

"You guys ... innocent?" Jiang Hao took a moment to choke ~ www.readwn.com ~ She obviously did not believe what Ning Tao said. Such a beautiful ‘woman’ is with her, like a butt, which man can hold it?

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "It's normal if you don't believe it. After you go out, I let her talk to you, and I want to talk to you."

Before she was an ordinary person, he concealed her identity as a doctor of cultivation, but now she is a new demon, although she still does not know what her ability as a new demon is, but with such a change in her status, he no longer needs Concealed her identity as a doctor.

"Well, I have to do some preparations, and I will be back soon." Ning Tao began to unplug Jiang Hao's needle.

"Do you have to ... should I accept her?" Jiang Hao asked, a question that seemed important to her.

Ning Tao didn't answer her, and walked towards the gate with a small medicine box.

"Promise me if I have any accidents, take care of my mother!" Jiang Hao said.

Ning Tao nodded, the door of the room opened, and he went out.

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