Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 313: Prison Break

After returning from the research institute, Tang Zhen was in a much better mood. At dinner, she cooked several dishes and had two drinks with Ning Tao. . The conversation was all about Jiang Hao's return. She wanted Jiang Hao to resign and Jiang Hao to get married sooner. When it came to the topic of marriage, her eyes wandered around Ning Tao's body.

The reason why her mood can turn around so quickly is all based on the trust in Ning Tao. She believes that Ning Tao will do it when she says it and bring Jiang Hao home.

However, the truth is cruel. Even if tonight Jiang Hao is taken away from the scientific research institute of militarized management and entered the clinic for treatment, it will be difficult for her to return to the past. But this cruel truth, Ning Tao, has only himself hidden in his heart, tasting the bitter taste alone.

"A Tao, take a rest early, get up early 'tomorrow' and take me to that research institute, I will watch you take it out of that room."

"Okay, I'll sleep in the living room tonight."

"How is that? You go to the room where you sleep well, you have to sleep together sooner or later. What are you shy about?"

"I ..." Ning Tao found out that in front of Tang Zhen, he couldn't explain why he had all his mouth.

In this way, Tang Zhen pushed Ning Tao's ties into Jiang Hao's room. When she went out of the 'door', she closed the room 'door', for fear that Ning Tao would slip out.

Ning Tao couldn't help laughing, if he really married Jiang Hao and lived with a mother-in-law like Tang Zhen, that day would be very interesting, right?

The room was quiet, the air smelled of Jiang Hao's body, faintly fragrant, and tangled with him.

On the computer table next to the window was a picture of Jiang Hao, in a military uniform with a ‘pretty’ face, with a sun-like smile on his face, with an energetic eyebrow, just like a ‘female’ person with a good posture.

Ning Tao looked at the picture in the photo frame and said to himself: "Why are you so stupid? Volunteer to become an experimental mouse, if you have a three-length, two-short, what would Aunt Tang do? What should I ...?"

If it weren't for this matter, he wouldn't have known Jiang Hao's place in his mind, and now he has realized that her place in his mind is so important, and his affection for her is so strong.

Perhaps the accidental encounter on the street just a few months ago had planted the seed, and it has been quietly growing.

"Whatever you become, as long as you are willing, I will be with you." Ning Tao said, and then began preparing for the action tonight.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Ning Tao received a call from Jia Yinhong.

"Dr. Ning, good evening." Jia Yinhong's voice was very kind.

"Dr. Jia, good evening." Ning Tao also politely asked, "Is the isolation room turned off?"

Jia Yinhong's voice: "I called to tell you exactly that the lights were turned off. I personally‘ **** ’it. Rest assured.”

Ning Tao said, "Okay, I know. Thank you. Then, I have to prepare for tomorrow's treatment."

"and many more."

"Do you have anything else?"

Jia Yinhong said after a moment of silence: "I ... I want to tell you ... If you cure Jiang Hao, you persuade her not to participate in the next stage of the experiment, she will die."

He hesitated, there seemed to be something hidden in the words.

Ning Tao's mind was confused and confusing, and he said, "Is there anything else I don't know about? You can totally trust me, you tell me, I won't talk to anyone."

"Sorry, I have to hang up. See you tomorrow." Jia Yinhong hung up.

Ning Tao stayed for a while while holding his mobile phone. Until now, he couldn't understand one thing, that is, Jiang Hao must have taken the scientific version of Xunzudan and turned into a new demon. Why are the workers okay? You must know that Lin Qinghua and Liang Keming were both infected and turned into new monsters in the process of searching for ancestors. Are those researchers in the Biological Research Institute luckier than Lin Qinghua and Liang Keming?

There must be an unknown secret in this matter!

After Tang Zhen fell asleep, Ning Tao directly tore off an ordinary prescription with a blood lock and returned to the Tianwai Clinic. He came to the tripod of good and evil to run the junior three levels to enter the ‘gate’ to practice spiritual skills, and then practiced several hundred steps to wear Yang Fei acupuncture before he got his hands during the day.

With this practice, time unknowingly arrived at two in the morning.

Ning Tao came under the lock wall and opened a convenient ‘door’. He appeared in Zhang Zeshan's office two seconds later.

The 'door' of Zhang Zeshan's office was closed, and monitoring was not installed in the office, and it was impossible to install monitoring. Although Jia Yinhong called to say that the isolation room had turned off the lights, after all, he had only met someone once, and Ning Tao could not fully trust him, so he left a blood lock in Zhang Zeshan's office.

The office was quiet, with no lights on and dim light.

Out of the convenient 'door', Ning Tao went straight to Zhang Zeshan's desk.

Zhang Zeshan's computer was in hibernation. Ning Tao shook the mouse twice to wake up the screen. A surveillance screen suddenly entered his line of sight, and a dozen split screens showed that Jiang Hao's isolation room was among them.

The isolation room had no lights, it was dark, and the inside could not be seen from the outside. However, there were two armed guards with live ammunition at the gate, guarding the security 'door' that required an identity card and permission to open.

Ning Tao's heart was relieved immediately, and the two armed guards at the 'door' did not pose a threat to him.

Ning Tao walked to the coffee table, ready to open the 'door' to the clinic, and then opened the blood lock left in the isolation room. As he stepped over the desk, a safe placed beside the bookcase entered his sight. I don't know why, he suddenly remembered the phone call from Jia Yinhong last night, the secret word that was not finished.

Ning Tao turned around and came to the safe, squatting to check.

The safe is an advanced safe imported from Germany, which requires a password and fingerprint to open. Without passwords and fingerprints, the alarm device will be triggered by entering passwords and scanning fingerprints. Such a safe can only be opened by a thief in the movie.

However, any ‘gate’ is a display here in Ning Tao.

Ning Tao opened the small 'medicine' box, took out a typo version of the symbol from the small 'medicine' box, and posted it on the 'door' of the safe.


With a light beep, the 'door' of the safe was opened, with no waiting time of a second.

For the job of opening the safe in this hand, if he changes his career to be a thief, he may be the first throne in the thief world.

There are more than a dozen files in the safe, as well as seals and the like.

Ning Tao took out those files, and read them one after another.

The locked files are definitely very important files, but Ning Tao is only interested in the files related to Jiang Hao. When he saw the third copy, he found a voluntary contract signed by Jiang Hao. The content was very simple. She volunteered to participate in the experiments of the ancestor search project and accepted the experiments of the ancestor search project.

Ning Tao could not help but curse: "You are really stupid, are you signing such contracts, is it really 'chest' big?" Looking back, I have to scold you!

The fourth file is actually a confidentiality agreement he signed.

Ning Tao was too lazy to look at it, and threw it directly back into the safe, then went to the fifth file. But that was the look, and he was shocked at the scene.

This file is a cooperation agreement between the Institute of Biological Research and a company called "Chuangshi Biotechnology Company", which underwrites the production of the "medicine" of the ancestral project, and makes a scientific version of the ancestral ancestral dan for the Institute .

Ning Tao immediately came to understand: "No wonder Jia Yinhong talked so hard and wanted to remind me but didn't dare to tell the truth. I am afraid he signed a confidentiality agreement like me? In this way, that person is not bad, at least reminded me . "

No matter how many reminders, people always take risks to remind them. Just from this point of view, Jia Yinhong is a person with a conscience and a sense of justice, and such a person is also a trustworthy person.

Zhao Panshan, the legal representative of Chuangshi Biotechnology Co., which signed the cooperation agreement, Ning Tao remembered the name.

The next few files have nothing to do with Jiang Hao, and have nothing to do with the ancestral search project. Ning Tao hastily looked into the safe after seeing it. In the end, he took away the "voluntary contract" signed by Jiang Hao, and put the confidentiality agreement he signed into a small 'medicine' box.

Confidentiality is not confidential, no matter how many confidentiality agreements are signed, it depends on his own wishes. His 'girl' is not anyone who can flicker, and no one should think of her as an experimental mouse after today!

After closing the 'door' of the safe, Ning Tao glanced at the surveillance video again. When she left, she put the monitor to sleep and returned the mouse to its original position. Then he returned to the coffee table, lay on the floor, opened the blood lock under the coffee table, and opened the convenient 'door'.

Back at the Tianwai Clinic, Ning Tao turned the small medicine box in the direction of the eclipse and took only the eclipse blade, then opened a blood lock. When the door of convenience was opened ~ ~ he rushed in at the fastest speed.

In the dark room of the isolation room, in the eyes of Ning Tao, who had already awakened his eyes in advance, Jiang Hao lying on the sick bed was a human-shaped lantern that illuminated the enclosed space like daylight.

Ning Tao opened the convenient 'door' on the 'bed' sheet. Once he came out and settled in, he was Jiang Hao's bed.

Jiang Hao fiercely opened his eyes, but she could only see a vague figure. The man's face was still ‘covered’ and he saw his face at all. There was a moment when she wanted to call, but the next second the person pressed on her and covered her mouth.

"It's me, don't be afraid, I'll take you out of here." Ning Tao whispered in Jiang Hao's ear.

Jiang Hao didn't say a word or struggle because she not only heard the voice of the master, she also smelled the taste of Ning Tao.

When Ning Tao was talking, his other hand was also cutting the tape that bound Jiang Hao quickly. The last tape was broken. He drew the clinic key into the blood lock on the 'bed' sheet, so that the 'door' was opened again. He picked Jiang Hao and rushed in.

The whole process, five seconds, five seconds jailbreak.

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