Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 328: Advanced means of escape

The gun is a jungle revolver with a silencer, small and exquisite. The hand is a woman's hand, the wrist is slender, and the skin is smooth and delicate.

But Ning Tao did not have the slightest sympathy for Xiangxiangxiyu.

Han Man flashed.


Before the woman pointed her gun at Ning Tao, a scalpel was stuck on her wrist. Her nerves were damaged, and with severe pain, her right hand could not control the delicate revolver at all, and she fell off her hand.

Detective Ning Tao grabbed the delicate jungle revolver in his hand, and the muzzle hit the woman's chest the next second.

This woman is not someone else, it is Olivia who gave him a free tour guide. However, it is unknown if the name is real.

Olivia's face was not scarlet, and her blue eyes were full of terror. She thought Ning Tao would crawl out of the window, and she happened to subdue him when he got out of the window. But did not expect a blink of an eye, it was her who was subdued. Her wrist was pierced by a scalpel, blood was pouring, and the severe pain made her want to cry, but she didn't dare to cry. At that moment, Ning Tao's gaze was not gratifying. She had no doubt that as long as she opened her mouth, Ning Tao would pull the trigger and a bullet would pierce her heart to kill her!

"Will you be here like this? My guide lady." Ning Tao's voice was cold.

Olivia held her right wrist hard to reduce blood loss: "I guess you will come back, so I'll wait for you here."

"Who the **** are you?"

Olivia's lips moved, but she said nothing.

"Are those five people in a group with you?" Ning Tao asked again.

Olivia closed her mouth.

Ning Tao's voice was even colder. He pushed the revolver with a silencer to her chest. "I have no patience. My last question. If you remain silent, I will kill you."

Olivia's lips moved again, but she still didn't open her mouth.

Ning Tao said, "You are all from Blackfire, right? Except for you and those five, how many of you are in Florence? Does Nicholas Conti know your actions? You only have three seconds."

A second passed.

Two seconds passed.

The third second ...

Ning Tao's right index finger pushed the trigger back.

Olivia suddenly said, "If you kill me, none of your four friends will survive."

Ning Tao's fingers stopped.

He had no friends in Florence, but he knew who she was talking about. The four were Sharine Tulman, Harley Poche, and the two special forces bodyguards.

In this church, Salin Tulman's greet gave her trouble. He asked her to return to the hotel, but she didn't listen to him at all. It now appears that Sharine Talman and Harley Poche and those two special forces bodyguards have fallen into each other's hands.

"Give me your things, and you and your friends can leave Florence alive." Olivia saw Ning Tao hesitate, and continued to put pressure on Ning Tao.

Ning Tao suddenly lowered the muzzle, pressed a finger, and a bullet pierced into Olivia's lower abdomen.

Olivia snorted and fell on the big dome. Her body slipped down, she didn't care about the pain, and buckled the edge of the window sill with the only left and right force, so as not to let the body slide down.

Ning Tao got out of the window, squatted on the window sill, looked at Olivia who wanted to climb up, and said lightly: "Do you think you can threaten me with those people? What I hate most is being Menacing. I just gave you three seconds. Three seconds have passed. I asked you one last time. Do you want to kill yourself or keep silent? "

The muzzle of the jungle revolver lowered Olivia's head and slowly slid down, slipping past her back of the head, past the white neck, and finally stopped on her cervical spine.

Olivia grasped the edge of the window sill and did not let herself fall down, but she had to endure a knife wound, a sharp pain caused by a gunman and a sense of weakness caused by blood loss. Finally, she had to endure from Ning Tao. fear. She finally couldn't hold it, and said, "Pull ... I'm going up, I ... I can't stand it."

Ning Tao said coldly, "Isn't it good to fall? It can end the pain. I was thinking, your head fell from such a high place and hit the ground, will it burst like a watermelon?"

"We are from Blackfire ..." Without saying a word, Olivia's left hand no longer had the strength to grasp the window sill, and her body slid down against the tiles.

Ning Tao reached out and grabbed Olivia's hand, pulled her up, and placed it on a relatively spacious window sill.

Olivia gasped, her chest violently panting.

Ning Tao injected a hint of spiritual power into her body and helped her stabilize her heart: "Keep talking."

"Blackfire has branches in many countries in the world. I ... I'm just a member of the Italian branch ... I don't know that Nicholas Conti did not come, I just received orders to carry out tasks ..."

"What kind of order I want to know the specific content."

"Follow you and kill you when you find a skull fragment."

"Have you sent someone over to Blackfire's headquarters?"

"It was an hour ago," Olivia said.

"Where is the hostage?"

"Iris Hotel, we know the identity of those people is special. They did not arrest, but just controlled there. Once you resist ... or you want to escape ... snipers will shoot ... they will die ... you escape Can't fall. "

Ning Tao said: "If I want to leave, no one in the world can stop me. Then I must tell you what I want to say to you. If there is one thing I can't do, I will kill you. "

Olivia suddenly became nervous.

Ning Tao's voice was cold: "Call the person who set you up at the hotel to retreat immediately, and then contact the person sent by the headquarters of Heihuo Company, and say that the things have been obtained. You have done these two things, I assure you Will live. "

"I can't do it ... I'm just a little person." Olivia said, she closed her eyes. "If you want to kill me, just do it. I won't blame you. This is my destiny."

Two tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes, and that beautiful face was like a wet petal, so poor stunner, who would bear to kill her?

Ning Tao sighed and looked in the direction of Shalin Tulman's hotel.

A cold light suddenly struck Ning Tao's lower abdomen.

Ning Tao's finger moved and a gunshot sounded, and a bullet plunged into Olivia's heart.

Olivia's left hand fell, and she held on to a saber. When Ning Tao looked around at the hotel, she pulled out the saber inserted on the outside of her thigh. She thought she had seized a chance to kill Ning Tao, but she did not expect that her every move was under Ning Tao's control. In the middle, her hand was worse than her, and there was no hesitation.

Ning Tao sighed again: "Bo sympathy? Do you think you are beautiful and I won't kill you? You think too much."

A man is stunned by two snake spirits every day, but he can still keep his body clean. This ability to resist temptation has long crushed more than 90% of men in the world. Playing such a trick in front of him is tantamount to dancing in front of the blind man, and it has no effect.

Suddenly, a slight sound came from Giotto's clock tower.

Ning Tao looked around.

A man standing on the roof under Giotto's bell tower, with a thin figure, a thin face, and a pair of myopia glasses. He had a pistol with a muffler in his hand, with the muzzle facing Ning Tao's chest.

Looking at his face clearly, Ning Tao's heart seemed to be pierced with a needle, for nothing else, just because the person who pointed his gun at him was Lin Qinghua.

He saved Lin Qinghua, regarded Lin Qinghua as a friend, and had a good time. But now, Lin Qinghua pointed a gun at him.

"Put the gun down," Lin Qinghua said.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly and released the handle. The revolver left his palm and fell on Olivia's lower abdomen.

"I didn't expect you to be so fierce now." Lin Qinghua's voice was cold, without a touch of affection.

There was a trace of regret in Ning Tao's voice: "You are wrong, the cruel person is you, Qingyou is innocent, she is your sister, but you have taken her away, where is she now?"

"She's alive and doesn't need you to worry."

"You took her to the Blackfire Company? It's not enough for you to go to **** by yourself, but to take your sister with you?" Ning Tao's voice was repressed with anger.

"I said that she is my sister. You don't need to worry about her." Lin Qinghua's voice was still so cold. "Give me the fragments of the skull."

"What if I don't?"

"Then you die." Lin Qinghua suddenly pulled the trigger.

But at the moment he pulled the trigger, Ning Tao kicked his legs on the window sill, and the whole human body flew out of the large dome and flew out, just like the arrow flying out of the string. !!

It takes time to pull the trigger, and this time is enough for a doctor who masters advanced escape techniques to complete a master-level escape show.


Olivia's body lying on the windowsill shuddered, and Ning Tao ducked, but she couldn't. The bullet fired from Lin Qinghua's pistol plunged into her body, but she could not feel it anymore.

Ning Tao's body quickly stepped over the large dome, and then fell to the ground. Without waiting for the body to completely lose control, his right foot kicked again on the edge of the large dome, his body suddenly accelerated, and flew diagonally towards the roof of a building across the street.


In the dull impact, Ning Tao's body fell heavily on the rooftop. The severe shocks and shocks made him feel uncomfortable, but it was just a little uncomfortable. He had a free-spirited spiritual airbag protector ~ ~ without any damage to his internal organs and bones.

As a matter of fact, with the two upgrades of the practice of spiritual power, and the purification of spiritual power by Tai Chi Nedan, his casual endurance was no longer the original casual endurance. At first, he was beaten casually and let the car go It ’s okay to jump casually now. It ’s more advanced.

Lin Qinghua chased the edge of the rooftop, but Ning Tao's figure was already on the rooftop of the building opposite it, then shook it again and disappeared. He glanced at the ground without hesitation, and suddenly he jumped and jumped.

At a height of tens of meters, he said he jumped.

Boom! In the dull sound, Lin Qinghua, whose legs touched the ground, crashed and fell to the ground, his legs suddenly deformed. He obviously doesn't have a spiritual airbag body guard like Ning Tao, but he also has his own. The next second after he fell to the ground, a rattling sound was heard in his legs, and his bones broke and deformed.

Now Lin Qinghua is not the former Lin Qinghua.

He jumped up from the ground without chasing Ning Tao, but rushed to the hotel where Shalin Tallman stayed at the speed of a horse. js3v3

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