Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 354: Ledger bamboo slips identify Zudan

The alley is still that alley. There are some changes in the courtyards on both sides of the alley, but they are almost the same. The weather changed, the sky was a yellow sunset, and the sky would be dark. A Qing dynasty youth with a braid was lying on a wall not far away, carefully peeping at something.

It's all static.

"What is he looking at?" Ning Tao was curious, regardless of whether the past hallucinations would be destroyed, and he walked towards the young man.

Previously, as soon as he moved, the illusion of the past would collapse and disappear.

However, this time he moved his foot and took a step. The young man with the braid did not disappear.

Ning Tao was surprised. This was a situation that never happened. This step gave him an extremely weird feeling. That is, he did not walk in the alleys of Beidu after 2000, but on the streets before 1800. !!

Ning Tao took a deep breath and took the second step.

The hallucinations persisted and did not collapse.

Ning Tao accelerated his pace. After a few steps, he came under the braided young man.

At this point, the images of past time and space trembled a bit, which was a sign of collapse.

Ning Tao was a little anxious, leaped, and jumped up to the wall.

In the courtyard, a young woman was taking a bath in a wooden barrel, and her skin was like snow in the setting sun ...


The pictures of time and space have collapsed.

Ning Tao was surprised to find that he was indeed standing on a wall. It was just that there were no young women in the yard behind the wall taking a wooden bucket bath, but there were a few cages of pigeons, which seemed to be frightened. A dozen pigeons looked at him standing on the wall and screamed.

The light suddenly turned on in a room, and the sound of his jumping on the wall and the call of the pigeons clearly shocked the owner of the room.

Ning Tao jumped hurriedly and walked quickly to Tianwai Clinic.

Suddenly, his eyes were hot and uncomfortable again and fell into darkness. He has been holding the third version of Xunzudan, and his nose has always smelled the smell of Xunzudan. The refining ancestor Dandan was powerful, and before he eased over, he entered a reaction to the allergic reaction to elixir.

Ning Tao stood motionless in the alley, and there was light in his eyes after ten seconds.

The scenery changed dramatically.

The alley is no longer an alley he is familiar with, but a street. The houses on both sides were burning and someone rushed out of the room. The open mouth seemed to be screaming, but no sound came out. Someone fell to the ground and blood was dripping, but the blood did not flow. A man full of horses waved his machete and slashed sideways at a middle-aged man who was running away. The middle-aged man had Ming hairstyles and was wearing Ming clothes.

Suddenly, a red figure appeared in the still picture.

She is coming.

There are no signs.

Ning Tao looked at her, not knowing why. There was a feeling in his heart that he met his confidant through time and space.

The woman's lips moved.

A voice was heard in Ning Tao's ears.

You come.

Find me.

Still the same thing.

The images of time and space suddenly began to collapse, and the woman in red suddenly burst into a smile at Ning Tao. That smile, if it were as bright as the sun, dispelled the darkness that enveloped the heart.

The alley returned to its original state, dark and silent.

Ning Tao held his breath, wrapped the third version of Xunzu Dan with rubber gloves, returned to the Tianwai Clinic, and then filled it into a small porcelain bottle.

The Tianwai Clinic was quiet and kind-hearted.

Ning Tao's mind kept showing pictures of the woman in red. He remembered all her details, her peerless beauty, her deep and mysterious eyes, and her golden sun-like smile ...

Ning Tao suddenly remembered something, and took the third version of Xunzu Dan out of the small porcelain bottle, held his breath, and came to the desk. Then he took the ledger bamboo slip out of the small medicine chest and opened it.

The ledger bamboo slip has the ability to recognize the buddha, but he has never used the ledger bamboo slip to find the ancestor. The reason is very complicated. He is the owner of the Tianwai Clinic, and Xunzu Dan can create a new demon. The new demon is not recognized in the Tianwai Clinic. No matter who is the new demon, there are seven or forty-nine evil intentions. At first, he thought that if he put his refined ancestral ancestor on the ledger bamboo slip to recognize it, wouldn't it be a drug-making man asking the police comrades to identify what the drug was like?

This is one of them, and another reason is that Xunzu Dan is not a complete Xundan, and he finds it useless to recognize it. If he wants to "crime" and admit it is a crime, why not wait until he has collected Dan Fang and refined the complete ancestral ancestor to admit it?

But now, the third edition of Xunzu Dan comes out, and he can't help it. The previous scruples, some previous rational thoughts, became blurred under the smile of the woman in red.

You come.

Find me.

This was what she said to him, and it also had an irresistible magic to him.

The third version of Xunzu Dan was getting closer to the Bamboo Slips of the ledger, but just before it was put on, Ning Tao's hand stopped again, and he looked at the good and evil.

Ding good and evil dangled in black and white, Ding Shang's face closed with eyes, a picture of falling asleep.

"The Buddha said that I would not go to hell. Who can go to hell. Any Buddha can go to hell. What do I have to worry about?" Ning Tao put his heart to the side and placed the third edition of Xunzu Dan on the bamboo slip of the account.

Ten seconds have passed.

The ledger bamboo slips surfaced with the content: Can Dan, suspected of being an ancient elixir. This dandan evil charm can disturb people's minds and fall into the demon road. It is a new demon. This dan can also be used for medical treatment, to treat people with madness and paralysis, anyway. However, the dosage should be cautious. If it is excessive, it will enter the demon road, and the creation of new demon will also increase sin.

This is the result of confession.

The account book bamboo slip did not record a black account for him, the reason is also in the result of this recognition. This third edition of Xunzu Dan can create new monsters, but it can also cure people. It can treat people with neurosis and paralysis. Without this medical value, I am afraid that a black account has been written for him.

However, Ning Tao was not satisfied with the result of this recognition. He wanted to unravel the secret of Zudan, and wanted to unravel the secret of the mysterious woman in red. result.

The most valuable thing is the discovery of the medical value of Xunzudan, and the phrase "suspected ancient spirit fairy".

Ning Tao murmured: "It turns out that you are really an elixir from the ancient spirit age. Is she in the ancient spirit age? You tell me, what's her name?

Allergic reactions to Xunzu Dan's drug twice in a row have shown side effects.

Ning Tao covered her mouth, meditated on the first sentence of "Your Sutra", and then put the third edition of Xunzu Dan into a small porcelain bottle. Later, he sat cross-legged before running the junior and third-level introductory practice exercises to practice spiritual powers, removing the remaining power from the third edition of Xunzu Dan.

The rising sun leapt to the horizon, and the golden sun poured over the earth.

The door of Tianwai Clinic opened, and Ning Tao came out of the clinic carrying a small medicine box. He saw the golden sunlight and a woman standing in the alley.

Not Qing Zhui, not Bai Jing, or Jiang Hao.

The woman standing in the alley was Tang Zixian.

When he saw Tang Zixian, Ning Tao froze slightly, but soon he was not surprised. She knew that he had found Dan Fang in Florence, and it was not surprising that she could find it here.

Tang Zixian walked towards Ning Tao, very fast.

Ning Tao knew what she wanted to do, and he quickly moved down the steps of the Tianwai Clinic in one step.

The door of Tianwai Clinic closed automatically.

Tang Zixian's brow frowned suddenly: "Is this how you treat hospitality? Don't you invite me to sit in?"

Ning Tao shook his head simply: "No, please."

Tang Zixian quickly walked past Ning Tao's side, stepped on the stairs of the Tianwai Clinic, and reached out to push the door.

Ning Tao did not stop her.


When Tang Zixian's hand was pushed against the door panel, a loud bang made her whole shell flew backward.

Ning Tao reached out to embrace her waist and intercepted her abruptly.

Tang Zixian's face was pale, without a trace of blood, and she couldn't come out of her fear. She stared at Tianwai Clinic dullly, but she didn't realize she was resting in Ning Tao's arms.

In the golden morning light, the pose of Ning Tao and Tang Zixian is like a pose in an ice ballet, very elegant.

"Ouch!" Bai Jing's voice suddenly came from the alley, with a strong sense of ridicule, "Isn't this my romantic brother-in-law? Come early, who are you holding?"

Ning Tao hurriedly loosened Tang Zixian's waist.

Tang Zixian's body was inclined at forty-five degrees. If she lost her support, she would naturally fall to the ground. However, after Ning Tao released her waist, her waist seemed to hang Wei Ya, so she leaned into the void and did not fall down.

Bai Jing came to this side, and his mouth was not forgiving: "I said brother-in-law, you don't eat a few dishes at home, do you like wild food so much?"

Ning Tao smiled bitterly and was too lazy to explain, because the explanation was useless. When did Sister Bai snake ever spare his brother-in-law?

Tang Zixian straightened his waist, stood upright, glanced at Bai Jing, and did not speak.

Bai Jing's tone was weird: "Oh, it was Girl Tang. No wonder my brother-in-law's heart is springing and I can't help stealing my lips. I can't help being a beauty like you.

Ning Tao opened the small medicine box and handed a small porcelain bottle containing a third edition of Xunzudan to Tang Zixian: "This is what you want, you can go."

Tang Zixian grabbed the small porcelain bottle and walked away. He didn't even say a word to Bai Jing from beginning to end.

Bai Jing pointed at Ning Tao: "My sister can't control you, I tell the other and watch her clean up."

That one is naturally Jiang Hao. Qing Chai relies on Ning Tao, but Jiang Hao is different. He has a strong personality and is very jealous.

Ning Tao took a small porcelain bottle out of the small medicine box and handed it to Bai Jing: "The new version of Xunzu Dan, the power is stronger, can you buy you?"

Bai Jing grabbed the small porcelain bottle and said with a smile: "It's almost the same, I will spare you this time, and let me meet again next time, I will sue you for being black."

Ning Tao smiled bitterly and shifted the topic: "When did you come back?"

Bai Jing said: "Last night, I originally wanted to talk to you, but my sister said that you were alchemy, and I didn't come over."

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Shudi floods ~ ~ I just used your relationship with Johana to sell a batch of beauty balm and made a fortune. I want to take my sister to repair bridges and roads in Shudi to engage in charity , But she said you need to agree to go. "

Ning Tao said: "Okay, of course, I agree that building bridges and paving roads can be a great thing and can accumulate a lot of merit."

"What about you?"

"You bring a blood lock over, I'll come over and take a look when I'm busy," Ning Tao said.

"That's good, lest my sister think you'll have lovesickness."


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