Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 377: Old man with gray hair and blowjob

It was Liu Xianer who spoke, with a hint of helplessness and a little blame. In this tone, she obviously did not regard Ning Tao as an older brother or a self-cultivation elder. & 1t; /

Ning Tao looked at Liu Xian'er, and her voice turned cold: "The problem between us will be resolved later. I only want my friend to come back now. I have no other conditions, just this one, let go of my friend, I Give you back a healthy Song Chengpeng. "& 1t; /

Who is in charge of the cultivation forces behind Chuangshi Biotechnology, and who was killed by Liu Shiba and Mayor Qingsong? These issues are not as important as Yin Molan's safety. Ning Tao does not want to solve these problems now. He only needs Yin Molan come back. & 1t; /

"Who told you he was in our hands?" Wu Xiaolin asked in a cold tone, as polite as Liu Xianer. & 1t; /

Ning Tao said: "I naturally have my channel, I remind you that I can wait, Song Chengpeng cannot wait. Now every minute, Song Chengpeng is more dangerous." & 1t; /

Liu Xianer said: "Mr. Ning, you are really a very unreasonable person. Your friend sneaked into our place with a bad intention. He was caught by us, but you used it to force us to let go. You do n’t Do you think it's too much of you to do this? "& 1t; /

Ning Tao said lightly: "Song Chengpeng framed me, this is not too much? If you want to tell me the truth, I can talk to you until Song Chengpeng's death. If you want him alive, let go of my friend." & 1t ; /

Song Beizhen looked at Liu Xianer and Wu Xiaolin, with a begging taste in his eyes. & 1t; /

Liu Xianer and Wu Xiaolin looked at each other, and seemed to confirm their eyes. Subsequently, Wu Xiaolin took out his mobile phone and made another call. After the call was connected, he took the mobile phone and walked to Ning Tao, and handed the phone to Ning Tao: "Dr. Ning, please answer the phone." & 1t; /

Ning Tao took the cell phone and handed it to his ear. & 1t; /

A woman's voice came from the phone: "Dr. Ning, this is the last time, if you or your people interfere in my affairs again, the war will burn to you." & 1t; /

It sounded like a piece of ice in his mouth. & 1t; /

Ning Tao Shensheng said, "Who are you?" & 1t; /

"Your person is already safe and he will call you and you should know what you are going to do." The woman's voice. & 1t; /

Ning Tao did not expect her to tell him her name either, he said: "As long as I confirm the safety of my friend, I will cure Song Chengpeng. In addition, I will give you a warning, no matter who you are, as long as you regenerate In the case, I will bring my account book in front of you, and calculate with you. "& 1t; /

"Hum!" The woman snorted coldly and hung up the phone. & 1t; /

Ning Tao handed the phone to Wu Xiaolin. He paid attention to the screen, but he didn't even have a phone number on it. & 1t; /

Jingle bell, jingle bell ... & 1t; /

Ning Tao's cell phone suddenly rang, and he took out the cell phone and looked at the caller ID, and then connected the phone: "Senior Yin, where are you now?" & 1t; /

Yin Molan's voice came from her mobile phone: "I've come out of the Chuangshi Building and I'm riding back on my locomotive. I'm safe now, and I called to tell you specifically. I'll wait for you at home and come back again Chat. "& 1t; /

"OK." Ning Tao hung up the phone and walked towards Song Chengpeng. & 1t; /

Jiang Hao asked: "A Tao, do you want them all out?" & 1t; /

Ning Tao said, "No need, a needle thing." When speaking, he had taken out a sky needle and stuck it in Song Chengpeng's chest. Tianzheng evil disease is that he passes the bad gas into the human body. For those who have received the needle, this is undoubtedly the punishment of heaven, and there is no cure. But here in Ning Tao, he only needs to change the bad gas to the good gas to cure the bad disease caused by the bad gas. To him, this incurable disease is actually just a simple use of spiritual power. & 1t; /

A needle penetrated into the body, and a trace of black gas suddenly transferred from Song Chengpeng's body to the sky needle. Rather than recovering it, Ning Tao pulled up the sky needle and forced the evil gas and disease out of the needle body. In a blink of an eye, a few drops of black liquid dripped on the needle, and the rancidity was bad. & 1t; /

Ning Tao also took out a fine primary prescription Dan and stuffed it into Song Chengpeng's mouth. In this process, he injected a trace of spiritual power into Song Chengpeng's body, catalyzing the power of Dan, and helping Song Chengpeng recover his vitality quickly. & 1t; /

If Song Chengpeng is brought back to the clinic, it will be another result, that is, the clinic cured Song Chengpeng. He will earn hundreds of evil thoughts, but he needs to cut off Song Chengpeng's pair of eggs to atone for sin. This situation is obviously not possible. & 1t; /

However, he was not at all worried that Song Chengpeng, the medical patient, had run away. The account book bamboo slip had issued a prescription for evil thoughts and sins. Now Song Chengpeng has taken the fine primary prescription Dan. He can give him a set at any time in the future and cut Song Chengpeng's double. Egg, earning consultations on him. & 1t; /

When Ning Tao raised his hand, Song Chengpeng had a little blood on his face, and the smell of the body had disappeared. & 1t; /

Song Chengpeng's intellect also recovered. He stared at Ning Tao, staring at it, and suddenly exclaimed: "It's you! What are you doing?" & 1t; /

Ning Tao said lightly: "Mr. Song, you are sick, and I cured you, but I will only do this once, and you should do it yourself." & 1t; /

After speaking, Ning Tao picked up the small medicine box, turned and walked towards the door. & 1t; /

Song Beiyong can't wait to come to the operating table, grabbing Song Chengpeng's hand: "Cheng Peng, how are you feeling?" & 1t; /

"Dad, why are you here? Didn't I say you don't want to come? That guy ..." Song Chengpeng moved to look at Ning Tao. Ning Tao and Jiang Hao had already left the emergency room. & 1t; /

In the corridor, Jiang Hao asked, "Who made the phone call that young man asked you just now?" & 1t; /

Ning Tao said: "It was a woman who called, it is very likely that the woman who took away Wu Xiaolin and Liu Xianer ..." & 1t; /

With that said, he suddenly closed his mouth and stopped. & 1t; /

At the end of the corridor stood two people, a pale old man and a very young woman. & 1t; /

The old man's head and beard and eyebrows were all white, but there was no trace of wrinkles on one face, and the skin was smooth and elastic, and he did not lose the skin of a young man in his twenties. He is not tall, wearing a white robe, a pair of old-fashioned sunglasses, and holding an erhu in his hand, it feels like a blind old man in a river. & 1t; /

The young woman looked in her early twenties, a well-dressed melon seed face, long eyelashes, and beautiful black eyes. She is tall and wears a navy blue cheongsam, her arms and thighs exposed in the air are as white as jade, round and delicate, not to have a woman's charming taste. She had a hole flute in her hand, which was white and carved like a beautiful jade, not a bamboo. & 1t; /

At first glance, this is a pair of grandparents. & 1t; /

However, in the sight that Ning Tao awakened the state of vision, the white old man and erectionist in cheongsam were not ordinary street performers, but powerful cultivators. Especially the old man, his spiritual power is very strong, almost the same as Bai Sheng! The erhu in his hand is definitely not an ordinary erhu, but a genuine weapon. & 1t; /

The spiritual power of the woman who wore a cheongsam was slightly weaker, but it was only compared with that white old man. Compared with Bai Jing, her spiritual strength is also a fairly good result. The hole flute she was holding was not an ordinary hole flute, but a magic flute. & 1t; /

Suddenly at the end of the corridor, these two powerful practitioners appeared, staring blankly. Ning Tao's sixth sense awakened instantly, and the sense of crisis was unprecedentedly strong. His hand stalked behind his waist, and a refined clamshell gun appeared in his hand. & 1t; /

Jiang Hao also pulled out a stick from behind his waist and shook his hands. The white wires wrapped around the stick shattered and fell down. It was actually a Buddha dust. & 1t; /

This is the Buddha dust that Ning Tao had repaired to the head of Qingsong Dao. When Qingsong Dao died, his Tianjia Buddha dust naturally became Jiang Hao's magic weapon. However, she is a modern female agent, Bing Yao, the first weapon of her life is actually a Buddha dust, this picture really feels a bit out of harmony. & 1t; /

With eight eyes in sight, the tension in this silent corridor leaving the emergency room suddenly increased. & 1t; /

Ning Tao whispered, "Wait after me. If they do, I will deal with the old one, and you deal with the young one." & 1t; /

Jiang nodded his head for a good look. She has countless actual battles, and has long developed a psychological quality that is not afraid of danger. & 1t; /

"Go." Ning Tao held the refining shell gun and walked towards the old white man and cheongsam woman at the end of the corridor. & 1t; /

The cheongsam woman stepped forward from behind the old white man and stood side by side with the old white man. & 1t; /

The old man Bai said, "What is he holding?" & 1t; /

Cheongsam woman said: "Grandpa, he has a gun in his hand, a clamshell gun." & 1t; /

"Oh, a little trouble ..." The old man's voice was low. & 1t; /

As far as these two grandparents said, Ning Tao and Jiang Hao were already alone, with only seven or eight steps left between the two parties. If the grandchildren still refuse to let go, then the battle is inevitable. & 1t; /

However, the grandchildren were still standing still. An old man and a young man are not physically strong people, but it feels like a big mountain blocked there, and it is difficult to cross. & 1t; /

Ning Tao lifted the crust gun in his hand slightly. & 1t; /

The silk threads of the Tianjia Buddha dust in Jiang Hao's hands also floated one by one, and the whole body was very cold. She hadn't done anything yet, the bucket of a water dispenser in the corridor was frozen, half a bucket of water became a bucket of ice! & 1t; /

The old man Bai played an erhu. & 1t; /

The cheongsam woman also put Bai Yuxiao to her lips. & 1t; /

But at this time, a voice came from behind him: "The son of the Song family is unharmed." & 1t; /

This is Liu Xianer's voice. & 1t; /

The old white man and the cheongsam girl gave way ~ ~ Ning Tao and Jiang Hao walked between the grandparents. When he passed by, he glanced at the old white man. Say. & 1t; /

The old man did not look at Ning Tao, it was useless because he was blind. & 1t; /

Only the woman in cheongsam looked at Ning Tao, but said nothing. & 1t; /

Ning Tao said: "Blindness is nothing, but it can be cured. Blindness is troublesome, and it can't be cured." & 1t; /

When the old man heard the words a little shocked, he turned back subconsciously, and seemed to want to see Ning Tao's appearance clearly, but he couldn't see anything. & 1t; /

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