Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 407: Heartbreaker

The Buddhist temple at the highest point of Mantou Hill is called Daxiongbaodian. The temple is dedicated to the Buddha of Shakyamuni, with dignified treasures. An old man kneeled on a futon, closed his eyes, read the sutra, and tapped on the wooden fish with one hand.

Uh, uh ...

This old lady is the leader of the Emei School, the destroyer, and the wooden fish she knocks on is the water wooden fish repaired by Ning Tao.

Ning Tao had been standing in front of the hall door for at least half an hour, but the Master Shixin had been chanting her eyes with closed eyes, not even looking at him, let alone talking to him.

Ci En stood with his hands outside the temple door, said nothing, and looked peaceful, as if listening to the mind destroying the chant too much was a very enjoyable thing.

After a while, compassion also came, standing carefully under the steps, afraid to approach, seemingly afraid that it would disturb the mind destroyer too.

Ning Tao was bored. Seeing that compassion suddenly remembered something, he stepped down from the steps and stood with compassion.

He showed a nervous look at Ning Tao with a kind heart.

Ning Tao whispered quietly: "Master, kindhearted, I just remembered something."

"Why ... what?" The voice of kindness was even lower.

Ci En glanced back at Ning Tao and compassion, a look of unhappiness appeared on his face.

Ning Tao pretended not to see it, and said, "Last time at Liu Shiba ’s flea market, you didn't talk like this, and you were stuttered, but this time you didn't stutter at all. What's going on?"

When he came, he thought about the skull fragments of Emei and Zhu Hongyu, where would he notice such small details. I was so annoyed at this moment that I somehow remembered it.

Compassionately whispered: "Master has told me to go out and be careful and not to talk to strangers. Anyone who asks about something here shouldn't talk. I thought, I would just put on a stammer so that nobody would talk to me Speaking, those who want to inquire about it naturally don't want to talk to a stutter. "

What a wit!

Ning Tao could not help but gave a thumbs up to the compassionate heart. This seemingly honest and honest little teacher was even fooled by this "old fox". The front wave of the Yangtze River pushed back, and the front wave died on the beach.

Ci En turned back and stared at Mercy again.

Mercy quickly closed her mouth, lowered her eyebrows, and dared not even look at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao was upset and just whistled. He's been waiting for more than half an hour, it's enough to save face, but Taixinxitai is still sitting there knocking on a wooden fish, chanting, beeping, can't he just wait like this forever?

"Dr. Ning, please respect yourself." Ci En stopped.

Ning Tao pretended not to hear and continued to whistle.

At this time, the sound of the wooden fish in the Buddha's hall finally stopped, and the sound of recitation was gone.

Shi Xinshi opened her eyes and stood up from the futon. Her voice came from the Buddha's temple: "City, kindness, you both go down. I'll talk to Ning Shi."

"Yes." Mercy and Mercy responded respectfully and then retreated.

The teacher Xin Xin said again: "Ning Shi, please come in."

Ning Tao entered the Great Hall of the Heroes, clasped his palms together and made three puppets, and then knelt on the futon for three worships. Respecting people's beliefs is not only polite, but also a form of communication. He has done enough courtesy here, and it will be more convenient when we talk about things next time.

During the worship of Buddha Shakyamuni, Ning Tao used the light of his eyes to observe the Master Shixin.

Shixin Shitai's appearance looks like she is in her early sixties. She is tall and thin, her cheeks are thin, her eyes are deep and sharp, giving a sense of great wisdom and unfathomable.

With only one glance, Ning Tao took back the light from the corner of his eye and finished worshipping the Bodhisattva. He rose from the futon with a smile: "The younger Ning Tao, see Master Xinxin."

The destroyer looked at Ning Tao so much that he still said nothing.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "Master Despair?"

Shi Xinshi said, "I have heard your name and some of your deeds from Master Fakong long ago. At that time, the poor man thought about what kind of character you are. The thought of being so young but so powerful is that my generation is really old. "

Ning Tao said: "Master is polite, I am here this time ..."

But did not wait for Ning Tao to finish his words, the destroyer of the mind suddenly shot with a palm.

Ning Tao was caught off guard, and by the time the reaction came, his chest had been hit. Under the huge impact, his feet flew off the ground and his whole body flew backwards. In the void, he took two consecutive steps to offset the impact on his body and landed on the ground.

With this palm, if it is not Tianbao's suit, Ning Tao will definitely be seriously injured.

The mind destroyer stared at Ning Tao too staringly. His eyes were full of surprise: "Cien said you greeted the nine swords in one of the nine sky sword arrays with your chest. The poor Ni are still not convinced, but now you are the poor With a palm of her hand, it seems that what she said is true. "

Ning Tao smiled angrily: "You just slapped me for this?"

The Destroyer of the Mind didn't have a half sentence to explain, but asked again: "How can you break the ninth level of the Jiutian Sword Formation? How can you break the ninth level of the Array? It can't be broken. "

Ning Tao's voice was slightly cold: "Master Desperate, I respect you as a senior, so I will not care about you just now, but if you do too much ..."

"What will happen to you?" Mingxinshi stared at Ning Tao with a burning look.

Ning Tao unhurriedly opened the small medicine box and took out the refining crust gun from the small medicine box: "I will take you here."

"Hahaha ..." Master Xinxin laughed loudly.

Ning Tao added: "I just need to move my fingers a few times."

The laughter of Shi Xinshi stopped abruptly, and his voice was cold: "Good arrogant boy, the poor man has lived for hundreds of years and has never seen you such a mad cult doctor, you are here to speak out, disrespectful to the Buddha, you Aren't you afraid I'll kill you? "

Ning Tao sneered: "Kill me? I dare to come here alone, I'm not afraid of how you treat me. I tell you the truth, as long as I want to leave, no one in the world can stop me, do you want Try it? "

Although the destroyer of the mind is the head of a self-cultivation sect like Emei, it must be very powerful, but he has a life-saving practice of cultivation and a door to the ultimate means of escape. He really wants to go. The destroyer is too real Can't stop him. Moreover, as soon as he fought, he had casual robes and Tianbao robes. He was able to resist the killing of Xin Xin Shi Tai, and whether the Xin Xin Shi too could resist the bullet of the refined clamshell gun, it is difficult to say. As for this majestic palace, it is really a trivial matter that can be overthrown with a few shots.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Taishin Shinta announced the Buddhist chant, and the tone returned to normal: "It is a sin to open and close the Buddhist temple in this majestic treasure hall. It is a sin for the poor man to kill, but he wants to try you. Why do you take it seriously? "

Ning Tao said lightly: "I shot you a shot, and then told you I was unintentional and did not kill my heart. What would you think?"

The destroyer was too angry, and said quietly: "The poor Nepali heard Master Fakong talk about your clinic and know that you have the means to repair the instrument. You actively contact the poor Nepali disciples to repair the flying sword for the poor Nepali , Wouldn't you want to help others? The poor and the poor who have tried this have tried, but still can't see you through, you can just say, what do you want from me? "

Ning Tao's heart could not help yelling at Master Fakong, but she calmly said, "I think the master has guessed what I want, and I won't go round the corner. I just came here to talk with You make a deal, I repair the flying sword for you, and you give me the vermilion skull in your hand. In addition, I also want to know what happened that year, why did you kill her? "

"You did come at that skull." There was a gleam of faintness in Tai Xinshi's eyes.

"Would you like to make this deal with me?"

"That thing is a terrible thing. Once in this world, there will be danger of chaos. You want to get it like this, what do you want?"

Ning Tao said: "How did you know that the thing is a terrible thing, and there is a danger of troubled times? What I know is that as long as it is used properly, it can treat people with epilepsy and paralysis. It ’s better to tell me what happened that year , Let's analyze it together. "

The mind destroyer was too silent, then walked behind the Buddha statue of Shakyamuni.

Ning Tao awakened the state of sight and smell of the eyes and nose. Instantly, the pre-weather field of Master Xinxin entered his sight, and his spiritual strength became strong. More bizarrely, a golden villain was faintly visible in the aura enveloping above her head.

Ning Tao was surprised, saying secretly: "Is the golden villain the legendary Yuan Ying? It seems that her Yuan Ying is not yet strong, and Chen Pingdao's goods are much stronger. After all, his Yuan Ying is I can get on the dog. "

Chen Pingdao practiced for more than 2,000 years. Even if the qualification is stupid, the stupid bird flies first, and a little progress is accumulated, and his cultivation will reach a very high level.

As far as spiritual power cultivation is concerned, the Yuanxin period's mind destroyer is definitely much stronger than his Dandan period cultivation doctor. However, his Dan was as big as a volleyball, and even Chen Pingdao couldn't believe it. Coupled with the identity of the owner of the Tianwai Clinic, his life-long efforts and means of beating himself, and some magical tools exclusive to the middleman of good and evil, the destroyer is too serious to fight him. He is not afraid at all.

However, things did not reach the point where he had no choice. He was unwilling to do too much to tear his face with the destroyer. After all, he didn't come here to fight fiercely, but to find Dandan of Zudan.

Immediately after the first weather field of Tai Xinxin entered the line of sight, thousands of smells also poured into Ning Tao's nostrils. It was also at that instant that he caught a familiar scent-the scent of the special paint Buddha incense that was written in search of Zudandanfang.

Two seconds later, Ning Tao locked in the source of the scent of the Buddha's incense, which was behind the Buddha's image. It was also at that moment that he ended the state of sight-seeing of the eyes, and only kept the state of smelling of the nose.

The mind-breaker suddenly looked back at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao reported with a smile, not doing anything.

The mind destroyer stepped too far over the statue of Buddha and walked behind the statue of Buddha.

Ning Tao wanted to follow along, but gave up after thinking about it. He didn't do anything. Taixin Xinshi always guarded and tempted him like this. If he followed, Taixin Xinshi didn't think he was going to blame.

He really didn't dare to **** it. There is no law organization behind the Buddha statue of Shakyamuni. In case of anxiety, she destroyed the skull fragments, and she would not regret it.

A few minutes later, Taixin Xinshi returned from behind the Buddha statue of Shakyamuni, with a dark wooden box in his hand. That box is also a kind of spiritual material. There is a name "Black Flower Pear" in the Outline of Spirit Material. Buddhist monks and Taoist monks most like to use this kind of spiritual wooden car beads to make beads.

When I saw that the destroyer too took the box out, there was a moment when Ning Tao thought she had taken out Zhu Hongyu's skull fragments, but the smell of the Buddha's incense still came from the back of the Buddha statue, which also shows that She didn't take it out. Then, he picked something out of the black pear flower box.

Sure enough, Mr. Heartbreaker handed the black pear flower box to Ning Tao: "This is my flying sword ~ ​​ ~ You fix it first, let's talk about it."

Ning Tao picked up the box and opened it for a look. The box contained a pile of flying sword fragments. The fragments are silver, the aura is diffused, and the fragments are full of runes. At first glance, they are very powerful magic instruments.

Ning Tao closed the box with a glance, turned around and walked away.

The mind-breaker was too stunned. She thought that Ning Tao would bargain with her, but did not expect Ning Tao to have even an extra word.

Outside the gate of Daxiong Baodian, a slight chuckle appeared from the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "Want to pit me? Although you are a few hundred years old, you are still a little tender in the pit people."

In this case, the mind destroyer is obviously inaudible.

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