Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 433: Back to Yamanakaji Temple

Pushing the door open, Ning Tao walked into Hu Xiaoji's room. Fox Xiaoji was sleeping soundly, but when Ning Tao entered the door, she opened her eyes.

"Dad, are you telling me the bedtime story?" Hu Xiaoji got up from the quilt, looked at Ning Tao with her quilt, her face was full of expectations.

Ning Tao walked to the bed, sat down, rubbed his pretty little head, and said, "We won't tell any bedtime stories today, our grandpa will have a good talk."

Fox Xiaoji blinked her eyes: "Dad, what do you want to talk about?"

Ning Tao casually said, "What did you learn at school today?"

Fox Xiaoji thought for a moment: "I know Tian, ​​Tian, ​​Tian and crosswords, but I can't spell them. I can't write pinyin. The teacher also punished me to stand in the corner of the broom."

"Are you standing?"

"Stand, I have to listen to Teacher Fang, I'm a good boy," said Fox Xiaoji.

"Yes, our little girl is a good boy. Then, is the history knowledge contest also conducted by Mr. Fang?" Ning Tao asked again.

Fox Xiaoji nodded: "Well, today she also told us a person named Li, who said that he was a king, it was great."

Chong Wang Li Zicheng, the fall of the Ming Dynasty has a lot to do with this person.

Ning Tao had a strange feeling in his heart. He tentatively said, "Did your teacher mention Prince Zhu San and Zhu Hongyu?"

"Prince Zhu San, Zhu Hongyu ..." Hu Xiaoji muttered and thought for a while before she said, "No, Teacher Fang didn't mention it."

Ning Tao's heart secretly said, "Did I think too much?"

"Dad, you are a little weird today. Asking me these strange questions is not fun at all. I prefer to listen to your bedtime story." Fox Xiaoji looked a little impatient.

Ning Tao said, "Don't you say it's okay, we won't tell the bedtime story tonight, our grandfather just talked casually. By the way, if you don't want to go to school, you can tell your father that you can stop going Now. "

Fox Xiaoji tilted her mouth a bit: "Where can you be a father like this, others' parents and moms encourage their children to study hard and strive for a good college or something, but you advise me not to study, and I will tell Teacher Fang tomorrow . "

Ning Tao took a piece of chocolate from his pocket and shoved it into Fox Xiaoji's hands.

Fox Xiaoji immediately brow and smiled: "Good father, I won't sue you."

In the past, Ning Tao would definitely be laughed at by her, but he couldn't laugh at all tonight. He watched Fox Xiaoji finish eating the chocolate, and then opened the small medicine box he was carrying and took something out of it.

"Ah!" Fox Xiaoji screamed and hid in the bed.

What Ning Tao was holding was nothing else. It was the skull he had taken back from the Emei faction.

"Dad, put it away, ghost, ghost ... Xiaoji is afraid!" Fox Xiaoji hid in the quilt, and her voice followed the quilt.

Ning Tao said: "Do n’t be afraid, Xiaoji is here, no ghost dares to approach you. Come out and look at this skull, try to describe it with the knowledge you have learned, and then Dad will reward you with a new schoolbag."

Wow, Fox Xiaoji lifted the quilt and drilled out, excitedly: "Really?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Really."

"Then you and I hook." Fox Xiaoji held out a finger.

Ning Tao and Hu Xiaoji pulled a hook, and then said very seriously to Hu Xiaoji: "Hook on a hook, it must not change for 100 years. Whoever changes is a puppy."

Pulling the hook, Ning Tao passed the piece of skull to Fox Xiaoji.

Fox Xiaoji was a little scared at first, but after all, she was a child. After holding the skull fragments, she didn't give birth. She quickly adapted to it. She looked at the skull fragments, then turned the skull fragments over and saw it. Dan Fang, written in Buddha's incense, was inexplicably excited again: "Dad, look, there are words on it!"

Ning Tao stared straight at her, watching her reaction: "Do you know the word above? Read it if you know it."

Fox Xiaoji read out: "Thirty grams of true ambergris, eighteen grams of black jade fungus, fifty grams of silkworm potatoes ..."

She remembers the names and weights of the eighteen spiritual materials on the skull fragments, and she also recognizes some of the refined secrets, and recites them. But it was just chanted, she had no other reaction.

Fox Xiaoji put the skull fragments back into Ning Tao's hands, and laughed, "Get it, Dad, what about my new schoolbag?"

Ning Tao clapped her hands gently.

The door opened and Jiang Hao came in from the door. She was holding a new schoolbag in her hand with a cartoon pattern printed on it.

Fox Xiaoji jumped off the bed and plunged into Jiang Hao's arms: "Mother Jiang, you are so good." But without waiting for Jiang Hao to say anything, she took Jiang Hao's new schoolbag and jumped to her again. On the bed, looking over with a schoolbag.

Jiang Hao came to Ning Tao's ear and whispered, "Have her memories of previous lives still not responded?"

Ning Tao shook his head.

"Do you really want to do that?" Jiang Hao asked again.

Ning Tao stood up and said, "Let's go out and talk."

Jiang nodded, and when she followed Ning Tao, she did not forget to say, "Xiao Ji, go to bed early and have class tomorrow."

"I'm going to bed right away." Hu Xiaoji got into the bed with her new schoolbag and seemed to want to sleep with her new schoolbag.

Who can believe that such a cute little girl is the Millennium Fox Fairy?

Ning Tao and Jiang Hao stepped out of the door. Snow was fluttering in the patio, and a thin layer of snow had piled up on the ground.

Yin Molan and Bai Jing greeted him. Bai Jing asked, "How about it?"

Ning Tao said: "She didn't react at all. It seems that she did just that."

Yin Molan said with some worries: "Are you sure you want to do that? I think it's too early, she's so young, it's a bit cruel for her to do that."

Ning Tao said, "The western cultivation forces and the cultivation forces behind Genesis Biotech have both been deployed, which means that they feel that the Danfang in my hands can make up the complete Danfang. We are the weakest One party has the most Dan Fang, we are the fat in their eyes, and everyone wants to eat us. If I can awaken the memory of Fox Xiaoji's past life, and get the complete Dan Fang from her mouth, I do n’t need Snatch the Dan Fang they have from the hands of those two parties. I'll give you alchemy to make you stronger. Who would dare to act at that time? "

"This plan is good, but ..." Yin Molan said restlessly. He was playing chess and studying with Hu Xiaoji every day, and he had a feeling of grandpa and grandchildren. She couldn't bear to be hurt.

Bai Jing said, "When did you become such a mother-in-law? Didn't you just take Xiaoji to visit her tomb? What's the big deal? You weren't telling me just now, and you want to see ?"

Yin Molan shrugged her shoulders: "Well, when I said nothing."

Ning Tao looked at Jiang Hao: "You are Xiaoji's mother, what do you think?"

Jiang Hao said: "I also agree that she is not an ordinary child, and she must be able to bear much better than ordinary children."

Ning Tao said, "Okay, sister Bai, it's up to you."

Bai Jing nodded her head and explored her hand. A white lantern hung on the door of her house fluttered softly and landed in her hand. She walked to Fox Xiaoji's room, the lantern lit naturally and the flames shook.

Ning Tao, Jiang Hao, and Yin Molan followed Bai Jing to Hu Xiaoji's room, and in the process, the lantern released a white mist and poured into Hu Xiaoji from the crack of the door. s room.

At this moment, Xiaotian Dog ran over and bumped Ning Tao's leg with his head: "Dad, I want to follow you to the Western Province."

Ning Tao touched the dog's head. "Then follow along."

It is also a powerful assistant.

Bai Jing pushed open the door, and the room was covered with white mist. Vaguely, she could see Hu Xiaoji curled up in the bed and slept, and her schoolbag fell to the ground.

Jiang Hao was going to hug her, but Yin Molan took the lead: "I'll come."

Bai Jing said: "Hurry up, she's strong, my hypnosis won't last long."

Yin Molan picked up Fox Xiaoji from the bed, and at this time Ning Tao also opened a door of convenience, and several mermaids came in. After entering the Tianwai Clinic, Ning Tao couldn't even bother to see the reaction of the human face on the good and evil tripod, and directly opened the corresponding blood lock drawn in the "Grave of the Immortals". Another door of convenience opened. When the door came out, it was already in the tomb of the immortal beside the holy mountain.

The black lanterns around him and the lanterns in Bai Jing's hands could not illuminate the entire mountainside space. However, the mountain gate engraved with "The Temple in the Mountain" is clearly illuminated, and the stone steps and stone gates behind the mountain gate can also be seen clearly.

The stone door was open and dark inside.

Ning Tao took the lead: "Come with me."

Bai Jing held up the lantern of the instrument to illuminate the road under her feet, and Yin Molan and Jiang, who were holding Fox Xiaoji, followed closely.

Entering the stone gate, a huge stone statue came into the sight of everyone under the illumination of the magic lantern. It was a statue of a goddess, beautiful and unparalleled, and any sculpture in the world would look overshadowed by it.

"Is she Fox Fox?" Jiang could not help but say a word.

"Should be, come with me." Ning Tao continued to lead the way.

Around the idol, there is a domed tomb behind. On that day, when the "Six Reincarnation Maps" escaped, the burial chamber and part of the mountain were destroyed. The collapsed rocks and soil buried most of the burial chamber. The sarcophagus is no longer visible.

Ning Tao Shen Sheng said: "Sister Bai ~ ~ let's get started."

Bai Jing let go of her hand. The magic lantern in her hand was suspended, and the light was distorted. The rocks and soil in the burial chamber disappeared. The destroyed mountain body returned to normal.

Bai Jing sighed at Fox Xiaoji in Yin Molan's arms.

Fox Xiaoji suddenly opened her eyes.

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