Darkness shrouded, and cold winds fluttered with snowflakes in the night sky. The sacred mountain in the distance is faintly visible, soaring into the clouds. This place is a forbidden area for human beings, but there are always people who want to conquer it.

Four people and a dog appeared on one side of the hillside, looking out at the base camp of the Tingri under the hillside.

The four were Ning Tao, Jiang Hao, Qing Zhui, and Bai Jing. Yin Molan wanted to come, but Fox Xiaoji had to be taken care of, so he had to stay at home.

Jiang Hao raised a sniper rifle flat, and observed the situation of the base camp on the day through an optical sight with a night vision function.

This sniper rifle was a new type of firearm weapon that Qingzhui killed that sniper, and she transferred it to Jiang Hao. She doesn't like to use guns, but Jiang Hao likes them and is very good at it.

Jiang Hao gave this sniper rifle a name and pursued the sun. Its length and shape are somewhat similar to Barrett's anti-equipment sniper rifle, but it is more sci-fi and larger. Experts know at first sight that it is a firearm weapon, but ordinary people see it as a prop firearm for making science fiction movies.

Unfortunately, there are only a few rounds of special bullets left after chasing after the sun. Ning Tao could upgrade the Japanese pursuit sniper rifle and refine bullets, but apparently not today.

"No one is outside, it's too cold here." Jiang Hao's observations soon came to fruition. She put away the sun-spur sniper rifle and carried it on her shoulder.

In this case, Ning Tao's spectacles also failed to play a role. The tents in the camp and the temporary buildings had warm and thermal insulation materials. He could not see any weather field, and could not detect it based on the "lantern effect" The situation in the camp.

"Xiaotian, it's up to you." Ning Tao said.

"Received, Dad." Xiaotian dog rushed down the hillside, it was extremely fast, and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

Bai Jing said: "I don't think Lin Tsinghua will be in the base camp of Tingri, and the person who received him from Blackfire will probably come from Nepal."

Jiang Hao looked up at Everest in the distance and thoughtfully said: "We came here by opening the door of convenience, Lin Qinghua cannot be faster than us. Judging from time, Ge Ming is likely to be still coming On the way to the holy mountain. We should make a tactical plan to help. "

The three women, in addition to Qing Zhui simple, Bai Jing and Jiang Hao are not fuel-saving lamps. Bai Jing has hundreds of years of accumulated experience and ingenuity, and has a high degree of accomplishment in the fields of deception, shame, and harm. Jiang Hao is an elite special agent from the Special Affairs Bureau. She has experience and abilities that ordinary people cannot reach. After becoming a new demon, her ability in this area has been improved.

Sure enough, without waiting for Ning Tao to say what he thought, Jiang Hao added: "I have an idea. We can use the height of Mount Everest. I went up to find an ideal location to set up a sniper point and slay important enemy targets. .If I can, I can also snipe Lin Qinghua. "

Bai Jing said: "My sister and I ambush near the North Slope, one can support you, and the other can ambush each other. Doesn't Lin Qinghua say that you are only allowed to go alone, and you bring the Xiaotian dog, it is not a human , Its ears can help you. "

Ning Tao's pressure was suddenly relieved a lot: "You think of everything you can think of, and I have nothing to add, I will say a little bit. Your safety is the most important thing, no matter what happens on my side, If you are in danger, leave immediately and leave me alone, I will open the door of convenience and run away. "

Qing Zhui's eyes were full of worry: "Brother Ning, you must be careful yourself."

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth, and he nodded.

As the four talked, Xiaotian Dog returned to the hillside: "Dad, there were two people in that camp. In a tent, I couldn't see them, but I heard them talking."

"Only two people?" Ning Tao asked, "What did the two people talk about?"

Xiaotian Dog shook his dog's head: "I don't understand it, but it's definitely not English."

Bai Jing said: "As long as your alphabet is incomplete, you won't understand even if people speak English."

"Wang Wang, Wang Wang." Xiaotian Dog yelled at Bai Jing twice.

The whispering snowflakes surged, and Ning Tao's voice appeared in his mind: "Stupid white snake, color snake."

Bai Jing looked at Ning Tao: "What does it say?"

Ning Tao said, "It says, yes."

Bai Jing glared at Xiaotian Dog. She didn't seem to believe Ning Tao's translation.

Xiao Tian Dog cleverly avoided Bai Jing's sight.

Ning Tao said, "Okay, let's proceed as planned. Go to the top of Mount Everest. Sister Bai and Qingzhuang go to the ambush near the North Slope, and I go to the camp and walk around the camp and then to the North Slope. "

Qing Zhui said in surprise: "Brother Ning, aren't you with us?"

Ning Tao said: "In this weather, there will be no climbers, and there will be no tourists. The two people are mostly the eyeliner left by one side. I have to let them see me. I go to the camp and enter Their eyes said that they would not necessarily force the person who escorted Ge Ming to change course, and you would have a chance to save people. "

Jiang Hao came to Ning Tao and opened his arms.

Ning Tao also opened his arms and embraced Jiang Hao into his arms.

"Be careful, Qing Zhui and I are waiting for you to come back." Jiang Hao said in Ning Tao's ear.

Uh ...

In a series of dense voices, Ning Tao's body turned into an ice sculpture in an instant, and he had not even had time to say goodbye to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao hurriedly released Ning Tao and turned away.

Be careful, this is what she said to Ning Tao, but the words are still on her lips, but she freezes Ning Tao into an ice sculpture.

Qing chased him, hugged Ning Tao, and said in Ning Tao's ear: "Don't be stubborn. If you have any accident, I won't live alone."

Ning Tao was touched warmly. He wanted to shatter the ice on his body and talk to Qing Zhui, but when he saw Bai Jing also opened his arms and brought him together, he dismissed that thought.

Bai Jing gave Ning Tao a hug, and smiled Ying Yingying: "After this time you owe me two human feelings. I will keep it on my account book. When you are all right, you should think about how to pay back my human feelings. "

After speaking, regardless of Qing Zhui, she looked at her, and suddenly kissed her lips and kissed Ning Tao's frozen cheek. Then she added: "Don't want to be crooked, I just kiss you goodbye."

Ning Tao's heart was in a mess, why didn't this goblin accept a man for her?

All three women are on their way.

Ning Tao shattered the ice on his body and grinned bitterly: "Well, let's go."

Xiaotian dog walked behind Ning Tao's buttocks, wagging his tail and saying, "Daddy, I can see that the silly white snake is seducing you."

Ning Tao said: "Don't say that in front of her, otherwise she will hit you, and she is your young mother-in-law's sister, I can't go hit her, so you will probably suffer for nothing. And, In the future, you ca n’t talk bad things behind your back. Be a good dog. ”

Xiaotian dog raised his neck and said, "Well! I'm an upright dog."

Going down the hillside, Ning Tao glanced back. He could no longer see Jiang Hao, nor Qing Qing and Bai Jing.

Entering the camp, under the leadership of Xiaotian Dog, Ning Tao came to the two-person tent.

"Anyone?" Ning Tao called out.

"Who?" Someone answered.

After a series of footsteps, the thick curtain of the tent was opened, and a middle-aged Tibetan appeared in front of Ning Tao. He had a strong body, a dark face, and was wrapped in thick national costumes. The smile gives a feeling of trust.

But this is just an illusion.

In Ning Tao's eyes, his avant-garde weather field is very strong, and he is an outstanding warrior.

A young Tibetan is also sitting beside the fire pond in the tent. His face is somewhat similar to that of middle-aged Tibetans, and it looks like either father or son or uncle relationship.

After a glance, Ning Tao ended his eye-sighting state. He said, "We are lost. Can we stay here for one night?"

"Of course no problem, come in, my son cooked a pot of lamb, and you also come to eat a little warm." The middle-aged Tibetan is very enthusiastic, he completely opened the refining of the tent, so that Ning Tao can enter.

Gongga, sitting by the fire pond, said, "Friend, your dog can come in, it's cold outside."

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Thank you then."

Xiaotian dog followed Ning Tao into the tent and watched the two Tibetans vigilantly.

After the middle-aged Tibetan invited Ning Tao to take a seat, he introduced himself: "My name is Tashi Dorje. We only underwritten this camp a few days ago, but there was a sudden snowstorm, and there was not even a guest. Alas, this time We are going to lose money. "

Ning Tao just listened and didn't speak.

Gongga picked up a lamb chop from the iron pot on the fire pond and handed it to Ning Tao: "Friend, eat a piece of meat, by the way, what's your name? How late are you and your dog? Will you get lost here? "

Ning Tao took the lamb chop but did not eat it. He has smelled the smell of several drugs on the lamb chop, but his face did not respond, but said lightly: "Who am I, I miss you You probably knew it already? Why bother asking me? "

The two Tibetans glanced at each other, and their eyes and expressions changed instantly.

Ning Tao also said: "And, your lamb chops have been loaded with medicine, how can I eat them?"

Tashi Dorji and Gongga's hands moved backwards.

However, Ning Tao pretended not to see: "You are the people of Chuangshi Biotechnology, I have a question, who asked you to put medicine on the lamb chops, Song Beiyi or Song Chengpeng?"

There was a whining noise in the mouth of Xiaotian Dog.

The Whisperer Snowflake surged ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ning Tao's voice appeared in his mind: "Daddy, someone is coming outside."

Ning Tao nodded slightly, but did not look away from the two Tibetans: "Two people, is this difficult to answer?"

"Song Son let us say hello to you!" Gongga suddenly pulled a hidden knife from behind his waist, his wrists trembled, and he stabbed into Ning Tao's heart.


There was a strange noise outside the tent.

The tent curtain trembled suddenly, and at that moment, the thick curtain was cut open and flew in.

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