Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 451: Fasting is useless

Five days later.

Several cottages were born in the cave of Chen Pingdao. Yin Molan lived alone and lived beside a cold spring stream. Bai Jing, an "outsider" like Yin Molan, built her hut beside Qingzhao and Jiang Hao's hut, which is equivalent to Ning Tao's neighbor. If Ning Tao enters Qingchai's house, let alone want to do something, she can hear the sound of walking.

In addition to a hut used for living, Ning Tao also found a natural cave on a mountain stream, making it a place for training and alchemy. Tianwai Clinic is of course the place to choose and practice alchemy, but after all, space is limited and it is suitable for practicing spiritual power but not suitable for practicing kungfu. Suitable for alchemy, but ordinary elixir is better in places where there is aura, because elixir can absorb heaven and earth aura in the process of alchemy, but the clinic does not have this condition. It's okay to be beside Lingtian, but it is a predatory destruction of Lingtian and the spiritual aura.

The cave is not large, it is a natural water drop shape, the bottom is wide, and the narrower it goes up. There is a huge rock at the bottom, the surface is smooth and flat, there are a few puddles of stone stalactites dripping with milky white stalactites. The aura concentration in the cave is thicker than the outside, which is suitable for practicing kung fu and alchemy.

嚓, 嚓, 嚓 ...

Ning Tao sat next to Meixiangding with her legs crossed, her left-hand sword tactics pointed, and her right-hand sword tactics pointed into the Meixiangding very rhythmically, bringing out a piece of Tianbao silk. Lying on the ground next to him, there were several Tempozan balls, all of which were woven of Tempozan cloth that he brought out with one finger and one finger.

There are also many spiritual materials in this cave, most of which are precious medicinal materials and spiritual materials collected by the Heijiao tribe, and more than a dozen of them have been obtained by Chen Pingdao in the past few days. These dozens of spiritual materials are the precious materials for refining the new version of Xunzudan.

However, not all of these spiritual materials are those that Chen Pingdao went to the forest to collect for him in the past few days, and a considerable part of them are his own inventory. He is a self-cultivation doctor who has lived for more than 2,000 years, and likes to keep in good health. How could there be no stock of spiritual materials on hand?

Ning Tao estimated that Chen Pingdao had a hidden treasure trove of spirits, and he also asked him side by side, but Chen Pingdao denied it. He is also not easy to ask, after all, it is already a big help that others can give him so many talents.

What is missing now is the most difficult real ambergris. Once the ambergris is in hand, he can start to make a new version of Xunzudan.

But before leaving for the South Island Demon Village, he had to get one thing done.

The last ball of Tianbao silk was rolled up, Ning Tao could not take care of the rest, and made clothes with spiritual power ...

An hour later, Ning Tao left the cave and returned to his residence.

There were sounds of water in the three women's houses, and the aura lingered. That is, they are taking a bath with body wash, washing the marrow, and strengthening the physical strength, which is very good for their training.

Fox Xiaoji and Xiaotian Dog are not here, and I expected to go to Chen Pingdao's house to play. Xiaotian Dog is more popular with Chen Pingdao than his master. He went to various spiritual cooking cuisines and various fun games. Of course, Xiaotian Dog and Fox Ji are more willing to go to Chen Pingdao's home, and Not the woman staying here with three baths. This is also good, lest Fox Xiao Ji remember the matter of reading, if she is playing wild, and do not want to go to school, it is even better.

Ning Tao walked to his room. He needed to pass through Bai Jing, Qingzhui, and Jiang Hao's rooms in this order. I did n’t know that when he passed the door of Bai Jing ’s room, Bai Jing ’s voice came out softly: “Brother, come in, I have something very important to talk to you about.”

Ning Tao's feet seemed to be trapped by a rope. He smiled bitterly: "I have nothing to say like that, I can hear it."

Bai Jing's voice smelled of dissatisfaction: "Are you afraid that I have eaten you, or are you afraid that a tigress will stab you?"

A voice followed in Jiang Hao's room: "Bai Jing, who are you tigress? Do you want to find something? Qing Zun is afraid of you, I am not afraid of you!"

Ning Tao had a headache and pulled away. "Well, I won't talk about anything until I come back."

Bai Jing's voice chased after him: "Oh, let's forget it, originally I wanted to tell you a way I just thought of earning a lot of good deeds. Since you didn't even dare to enter my door, I was too lazy He said. Then what, after this village there will be no such shop. "

Earn a lot of good ways?

Ning Tao was very emotional. He wanted to go back and enter Bai Jing's room to talk to her, but he subconsciously glanced at Jiang Hao's door, and thought of giving up. He can guarantee to enter Bai Jing's house. Even if Bai Jing bathes in a wooden barrel with a bare rope, he can still maintain an upright perspective and mentality, and talk about matters honestly. If Bai Jing beat him and even kicked him by hand, Jiang Hao could hear it clearly next door, and it would be bad to overthrow the vinegar jar.

"Well, I'll talk to you later." Ning Tao still left and returned to his room.

A few minutes later, Ning Tao returned to Tianwai Clinic after a little cleaning.

The good and evil tripods are entangled in good and evil tripods, and Ding Shang's face is closed with eyes closed, as he always fell asleep.

Wu Ye must have sent someone to investigate this clinic, but Ning Tao was not worried at all. If the hand of the clinic is indestructible, let alone the clinic?

Ning Tao placed the small medicine box on the desk and went straight to the first library door of the Calligraphy Volume Library, pushed away and walked in. Passing Lingtian, he glanced at it, then opened a second Kumen and walked in.

Sun Lanxiang sat cross-legged on the middle of the empty open space of Calligraphy Volume 2 with her palms resting on her knees, as if she was sitting still and practicing. She can't practice spiritual power in the environment of Tianwai Clinic, all she can do is Taoism. However, looking at her frown lightly, she cultivated her mind.

As soon as Ning Tao entered the door, Sun Lanxiang opened his eyes, and his eyes were cold and hate dripping with oil.

She looks like this, and Ning Tao is used to it. He will come here once a day for a few days to see her condition. Then he would open the door and look at the outside, but not to detect whether Nicholas Kandi or Wuxi were outside, but to see that Sun Pingchuan was not waiting outside for him to trade with him.

Unfortunately, five days passed and Sun Pingchuan did not appear near the clinic. Sun Lanxiang's mobile phone was placed on the desk in the clinic, and she had not received a call in the past five days. This made him a little depressed, and he believed that Sun Pingchuan's confidence in cancelling negotiations with him was somewhat shaken.

Ning Tao walked to Sun Lanxiang and put a bag in front of Sun Lanxiang.

The bag contains a piece of roasted meat brought back from the Heijiao tribe, a few wild fruits and a bottle of water. In recent days, Sun Lanxiang has relied on these to fill his stomach.

After putting down the food, Ning Tao walked to another corner, under which there was a green plastic pot.

That pot was the bedpan he gave her.

The plastic pots are empty, no urine, and no scoop, so clean that they can be used to pickle kimchi.

Ning Tao frowned slightly. He looked at Sun Lanxiang: "Did you eat or drink these days?"

As soon as his words fell, Sun Lanxiang grabbed a wild fruit in the bag, rubbed his hands, and a piece of lotus powder suddenly fell from between her palms. Then she took the bottle of water out again, tilted the mouth of the bottle, and dumped the water on the ground.

Whether it's fruit powder or water in a bottle, it penetrated the ground as soon as it came into contact with the storehouse, and disappeared without a trace.

Ning Tao did not know where the fruit powder and water tracked, but he knew that Sun Lanxiang had not eaten or drank for the past five days. What he brought to her, she destroyed it in this way. No wonder there was nothing in the plastic basin. If she ate the food and water he brought to her, there should be no urine.

"Play hunger strike with me?" Ning Tao stopped in front of Sun Lanxiang and raised a slap.

Sun Lanxiang looked up and looked at Ning Tao coldly: "I'm not afraid of death, am I still afraid of you to fight? You fight, if I frown, I won't be named Sun!"

Ning Tao said, "Aren't you afraid I'll use a pull symbol?"

Sun Lanxiang's eyes quietly flashed a little fear, but his face stiffly said: "It's time to see what you have seen, and I don't care anymore. If you want to pull out my clothes, you can pull it out, or use a pull symbol, with your hands Yeah, I do n’t even care. I ’m not afraid of the spatula that can transfer the flesh to another location. I ’m trying to die now. What does it look like when I die? Do I care if it ’s useful? ”

"You are a dead pig, aren't you afraid of boiling water?" Ning Tao said.

Sun Lanxiang was immediately angry: "You are the dead pig!"

Ning Tao laughed: "You are still angry, that means you have not reached the level of despair that you are desperate for. You can continue to play here and wait for me to finish my work."

Sun Lanxiang bit her lip with her teeth, and her eyes couldn't wait for her lips to be Ning Tao, and she would shed blood with one bite.

"It seems that you are not so important in your grandpa's mind, and Wu Yan has not sent someone to save you. You said that you sold her hundreds of years of life, what did you get?" Ning Tao continued to stimulate her.

Sun Lanxiang closed her eyes, her eyes were not upset, but her lips betrayed her, her lips trembling with anger.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. There is still a piece of meat in the bag. You can eat it if you want, but don't eat it. But I want to remind you that when you don't want to let you go, you are dead. Ning Tao turned and left.

The calligraphy door of the calligraphy door 2 is closed.

Sun Lanxiang opened his eyes and took out the piece of barbecue from the bag. He hesitated for at least a few minutes before opening his mouth and taking a bite ...

Back in the lobby of the clinic, Ning Tao walked to the door and opened the door, and glanced out from the crack of the door.

There were people walking in the alley, but they were ordinary people, without a suspicious target.

"Fuck, that's your biological granddaughter. Your son is gone. Isn't the only biological granddaughter saved?" Ning Tao felt depressed and couldn't help cursing.

Didi, Didi ...

There was a sudden sound of a text message coming from behind.

When Ning Tao moved, he closed the door and walked quickly to the desk. At the desk, he grabbed Sun Lanxiang's mobile phone and the charging bank connected together.

Sun Lanxiang's mobile phone is as conservative as her mind. It is a "stick machine" for telecommunications. You can buy a new one for 100 yuan. This kind of mobile phone has no secret protection at all and just opens it.

Sure enough, a new text message was received in the text message mailbox: Let's meet.

This is obviously not a text message to Sun Lanxiang, but a text message to Ning Tao.

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth ~ ~ He returned the text message: OK, I will set the time and place.

The other party quickly returned to the channel: I will set the time and place, waiting for my news.

Ning Tao returned the message: OK.

There is no new information from the other party.

Although he didn't have his name, but only an unfamiliar number, Ning Tao could guess his identity.

Sun Pingchuan finally couldn't hold it anymore.

Packing up Sun Lanxiang's mobile phone, Ning Tao came to the lock wall carrying a small medicine box, opened a blood lock, and after the door of convenience appeared, he stepped in ...

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