Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 462: Cat on the roof



In the courtyard of the courtyard, Ning Tao sat on a stool and pulled Sun Pingchuan's erhu. He is repairing instruments, Korah erhu is layman, coupled with the inability to use ordinary magicians' instruments, he can only make such an unpleasant noise.

Sun Pingchuan, in retrospect, should be killed. But there are priorities, for Ning Tao, the Dan Fang on the fifth skull fragment is the most important, and Sun Pingchuan's life is secondary. Sun Pingchuan gave Dan Fang the fifth skull fragment. If he killed someone, he would cross the river and tear down the bridge. Stay on the front line of everything and do things absolutely, the future will be narrower and narrower. Sometimes giving people a chance is actually creating a chance for themselves.

Ning Tao did not regret this.


A meowing noise suddenly broke into Ning Tao's ears. Ning Tao stopped pulling Erhu and looked up at the roof. A black cat stood on the snow-covered roof. The cat was skinny, dirty, and looked like a stray cat.

The cat gave Ning Tao a feeling that he had seen before. He took a closer look at it and suddenly remembered it. Before meeting with Sun Pingchuan last night, he saw the cat in the alley. At that time it was snowing and it ran from the alley. Too. However, he didn't pay attention to it at the time, so he was a little uncertain.

"Is it you last night? Are you hungry or not, when you come down, I'll get you something to eat." Ning Tao said.

"Meow." The stray cat yelled at Ning Tao, but did not go on, just watching Ning Tao with vigilance.

Suddenly, Ning Tao remembered something, and quietly awakened the eyes and nose's state of sight and smell. At this moment, a group of colorful aura weather fields suddenly came into his sight, and all the smells of stray cats poured into his nostrils.

It's just an ordinary stray cat.

It seemed that he felt the change in Ning Tao's eyes, and the stray cat turned and ran away, and a sound of tiles rang from the roof.

Buzz ...

Ning Tao hurriedly looked up at the sky again.

A group of pigeons flew through the sky, and the whistle made a distinctive sound.

Ning Tao shook his head with a bitter smile and shook his head. There are too many enemies, and he now has a bit of a bow-snake response.

"Dr. Ning, are you home?" A woman's voice came from the door, the voice of Teacher Fang from the opposite house.

Ning Tao didn't get up either. Yang Sheng said, "I'm here, the door isn't closed, please come in."

Fang Min pushed open the door and walked in, followed by Huang Xiaopeng. The children's faces were pale, and people were not energetic, giving a feeling of sickness.

Ning Tao looked at Huang Xiaopeng and said with concern: "Xiao Peng, what's wrong, are you sick?"

Huang Xiaopeng nodded honestly.

Fang Fangmin opened the box: "It's really sad, Xiaopeng has an inexplicable headache and still has a fever. He didn't go to the morning class, so he took him to the hospital. After waiting for a long time, he saw a doctor, prescribed some medicine, and took it. It didn't work either. I just heard a coo in your house and wondered if you were here, so I brought him over to ask you to see. Is it convenient for you? "

Ning Tao said with a smile: "What's inconvenient? Xiao Peng, come here and let Uncle Ning show you."

Huang Xiaopeng came over and looked at Ning Tao timidly.

Ning Tao reached out and gave Huang Xiaopeng a pulse, then opened his eyelids and looked, and finally pressed his forehead with his hands, rubbing gently. In the process, he injected a touch of spiritual power.

Fang Min looked at Ning Tao with curiosity: "Dr. Ning, are you?"

Ning Tao said: "The child is also not sick, it is cold, blowing cold wind, and then he usually learns to use the brain too much, and his nerves are a little disordered. I rub him, just be active and don't take medicine."

"Don't take medicine?" Fang Min's eyes were a little unbelieving.

Just when she had finished saying this, Ning Tao had finished giving Huang Xiaopeng a head massage.

Huang Xiaopeng shook his head and said in surprise: "Mom, my head doesn't hurt anymore!"

Fang Min now found that Huang Xiaopeng's face was already red, and the whole person's spirit was significantly better than Hong Kong Love. She was grateful: "Dr. Ning, thank you so much. Your medical skills are comparable to those in the hospitals. The famous doctors and experts are much better. "

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Mr. Fang is not polite, just raise his hand."

Fang Min smiled awkwardly: "Everyone is a neighbor and a friend, then I'm not polite to you, right, is Xiaoji back? If I return, I will take her to class."

Ning Tao said: "She is still at her hometown, and it will take a while to come back. I will send her to school when she returns."

"So, then, okay, I'll take Xiaopeng to school first." Fang Min said, "Xiao Peng, do you know what to say?"

Huang Xiaopeng raised his arms and gave Ning Tao a salute to the Young Pioneers: "Thank you Uncle Ning, Uncle Ning bye."

Ning Tao smiled: "Good-bye Xiaopeng, study hard, and be a useful person for the country in the future."

Huang Xiaopeng nodded heavily: "Well! I want to study hard, I will learn to be a doctor like Uncle Ning in the future!"

Ning Tao was surprised that the child's previous dream was not to be a general, but now he has to become a doctor, and it is really fast.

Fang Min led Huang Xiaopeng and left.

Ning Tao also put away the erhu erhu, carried the erhu out of the door, and walked to Tianwai Clinic.

Without going too far, a woman holding a camera selfie took the camera of his cell phone at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Ning Tao pretended not to be present.

Moving on, a middle-aged man reading a newspaper in the breakfast shop murmured something under the cover of the newspaper. He did not show that the newspaper in his hand was on May 1, but Ning Tao showed up.

Ning Tao still pretended not to be present, and continued his path.

He carried Sun Pingchuan's erhu erhu to sway across the city, just to give Wu Ji's eyeliner a wrong message, that is, he killed Sun Pingchuan and snatched Sun Pingchuan's tactical instrument. Doing so is more than just trying to give Sun Pingchuan and Sun Lanxiang grandchildren a relatively safe environment to restart. In addition, he has a more important purpose is to give Wu Yi an illusion-Sun Pingchuan gave up his life to save Sun Lanxiang, there is no transaction.

In the alley where Tianwai Clinic is located, the back of a thinly dressed woman entered Ning Tao's sight. The back of the urn has a fascinating curvy curve, a long black with a purple headscarf simply behind his head, simple but gives a natural fresh feeling.

This back view is also recognized as Hui Ningtao, because she is Tang Zixian. However, if she used Yinguzhen Lingfu, it would be another situation. He needs to awaken the nose's smell to recognize her identity.

Tang Zixian also seems to have captured the breath belonging to Ning Tao. When Ning Tao looked at her back, she turned around and looked at Ning Tao, but the next second, her sight fell on the law of Ning Tao. On the erhu.

"You ... killed Sun Pingchuan?" Tang Zixian's first sentence was full of surprise.

Ning Tao said: "A killer with many evil intentions can die more than death. If you kill, you will be killed. Do you have any questions?"

"Really?" There was a hint of suspicion in Tang Zixian's eyes.

Ning Tao said lightly: "Of course it is true, not only Sun Pingchuan, I also killed Sun Lanxiang. These two people assassinated me. Do you think I will show mercy?"

Tang Zixian's face showed a clear expression: "No wonder the blind instrument will be in your hands, but you definitely don't need such an instrument, right?"

Ning Tao walked towards Tang Zixian and shifted the topic: "Last time you came to tell me Master Fakong wanted to mediate the conflict between me and Wu Ji. You said Master Kekong would contact Wu Ji. This time you came Tell me Wu Wu's decision? What does she mean? "

"She is willing to accept mediation." Tang Zixian's answer was simple and straightforward.

"time and place?"

Tang Zixian said, "Master Fakong is still looking for a suitable place. When he decides, I will inform you as soon as possible."

Ning Tao nodded, then walked past Tang Zixian.

Tang Zixian frowned: "You don't invite me to sit in?"

Ning Tao said, "Even if I don't invite you, you will follow."

Tang Zixian smiled and shook his head, then followed Ning Tao toward the Tianwai Clinic.

Ning Tao opened the door, entered the Tianwai Clinic, and put the erhu instrument on the shelf.

Good and evil tripods are in smoke, and Ding's face shows a smile. This situation is the same as Tang Zixian's first visit to the clinic, except that the degree of laughter is slightly milder. After all, Master Fakong also came that time, and he must have much more merit than her.

Ning Tao is willing to have Tang Zixian follow the clinic. In fact, there is also a purpose to see whether she is true or false, because after all, the tripod of good and evil is not human. It is determined by the amount of good intentions and evil thoughts in humans. In the last case, even though Tang Zixian had a bit of bad intentions and sins, under the "neutralization" of a large number of good intentions in Master Fakong, the face on Ding would also smile.

Now, an intuitive test result is revealed, people are really good.

"Otherwise, let's go out and find somewhere to drink." Ning Tao said that with the test results, he didn't want her to stay in the clinic for long.

Tang Zixian looked a little upset: "Are you going to drive me away before I come? Do you hate me so much?"

Ning Tao shrugged his shoulders: "Well, let's chat here. What else do you know about Wu Yan? Tell me if it's convenient."

Tang Zixian stared straight at Ning Tao: "I still want information for a penny, do I owe you?"

It's impossible to talk down.

Ning Tao looked at Tang Zixian speechlessly, wondering what excuse she should find to drive her out.

Tang Zixian seemed to feel the emotional change in Ning Tao and then said, "But if you help me out, I will tell you."

Ning Tao was silent for a moment, and asked, "Who do you want me to treat?"

Tang Zixian said with a smile: "Keep a bit of mystery for the time being, you follow me and you will know then."

Ning Tao said: "You do n’t even tell me who the patient is ~ ~ How can I go with you? Besides, what kind of illness does the patient have and what is the situation, I should first understand what I do Do you want to prepare before your visit? "

"Trust me, you won't run for nothing." Tang Zixian still didn't say who the patient was, she walked towards the door, and at the door she reached out to open the door, but the door remained motionless. For a moment, her face was full of surprise.

Ning Tao walked over and reached out the door: "Please, but you better not lie to me."

Tang Zixian's expression returned to normal instantly, and she smiled: "Don't ride your battery car this time. I have driven and took my car."

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