Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 466: Conspiracy?

Ning Tao looked around. A middle-aged man in a white coat was coming here, and behind him were two young girls, one in a nurse's uniform and the other in a doctor's overalls. Seeing that he was just from school Graduated here to Diyun Hospital. She looked curious at Ning Tao's eyes, and she looked thin and beautiful.

As soon as these three people came, the scene seemed a little awkward.

Su shirt broke the short silence: "Dr. Ning, let me introduce you. This is my husband's doctor, Tang Jianyi, the best neurosurgery expert in China, and this is her student Shen Jiaqi."

She didn't introduce the nurse, probably she didn't know the name of the nurse, but it was not important in her eyes, and then she introduced to He Haidong and Shen Jiaqi: "Director Tang, Dr. Shen, this is Dr. Ning from Shancheng , His medical skills are very good, this time he made a special trip from Shancheng ... "

Tang Jianyi interrupted without waiting for her to say: "Colonel Su, I don't agree with this."

Su shirt frowned suddenly. She obviously wanted Ning Tao to take a shot, but it was not easy to tear up with Tang Jianyi. After all, this is Diyun Hospital, and her husband is still in the ICU intensive care unit.

Ning Tao said, "You disagree, why?"

Tang Jianyi's pride: "No, just because this is Diyun Hospital, my department, and Mr. Meng Bo is also my patient. Who are you and what qualifications do you have for my patients to be treated in my department? "

Ning Tao smiled: "Your department, your patient, all right, go and cure Mr. Meng, I turn around and leave. Since you can't cure, you still have to stand in that pit to not shit, and you think who are you?"

"You—" Tang Jianyi was instantly stunned on the spot. Where did he expect this river and lake medical doctor to be so sharp, and he dared to scan his face here, on this floor, in this department, who would dare to talk to him in this manner !!

Ning Tao said, "What are you, you and you? While you are staying, and then interfere with my treatment of Mr. Meng, if a person has three strengths and two weaknesses, do you say you have any unspeakable motivation?"

Tang Jianyi suddenly felt awakened by a splash of cold water. If Meng Bo died in the intensive care unit of ICU, and he blocked Ning Tao to treat Meng Bo, then he would really provoke him. Trouble in the last one!

In fact, Ning Tao had seen through Tang Jianyi's heart long ago, and then he said, "Sister Su, according to my rules, when I treat a patient, no one except the patient is allowed to be present, but this time I am willing to make an exception. You and me go in, the guards and doctors don't have to. I don't want anyone to disturb my treatment, and you don't want to have any accidents during the treatment? "

"Well, I agree, I'm tired of being served several times a day," Su said, making a decision. The last paragraph of this sentence was also for Tang Jianyi.

Tang Jianyi shrugged his shoulders: "Well, Colonel Su, I have to say something in person. I do n’t know where this Jiang Jiang Youyi came from. How did it convince you, but since this is your decision? I ’m not good at saying anything, but you have to write a letter of commitment and take the patient away from Diyun Hospital, as long as you leave Diyun Hospital, I do n’t care how you treat Mr. Meng, but here, this is my department , I strongly disagree. "

Su shirt snorted coldly: "I'm afraid it's not up to you to make a decision. If you stop it, believe it or not, I can't make a doctor!"

Tang Jianyi immediately froze on the spot.

"Dr. Ning, let's go in. A few of you are here. No one is allowed to enter." Su shirt ordered.

"Yes!" Several guards responded, their movements were uniform and their voices were neat and loud.

Su Shanyi pushed open the door of the ICU intensive care unit, and Ning Tao walked in with a small medicine chest.

Tang Jianyi said in a strange way: "I don't care. Whatever you do, it doesn't matter to me if you die. You are also a knowledgeable and cultural person, and you actually believe in a river and lake travel doctor ..."


The door of the ICU ICU was closed.

Su shirt did not want to listen to him beep anymore.

Ning Tao finally saw Meng Bo lying on the bed. His nose and mouth were covered with an oxygen mask, his eyes closed tightly, and there was no sign of opening. No obvious scars were visible on his body, and his body looked well-formed and healthy, but his face was not bloody.

Ning Tao awakened her eyes and nose's state of vision and vision, and frowned slightly at a glance. This Meng Bo's advanced weather field was already weak enough to almost disappear. In fact, it can be seen from only a little aerosol on the oxygen mask that his breathing is already quite weak.

"Doctor Ning, how about it, can you cure it?" Su Shuangyi saw her husband suddenly, her mood suddenly lost control, and the whole person became anxious.

Ning Tao said in a warm voice, "Sister Su, don't worry. Fortunately, we are here in time, otherwise your husband will not live tonight at twelve."

"Ah?" Su shirt was scared.


Tao said, "You can just stand at the door and watch. Don't say anything. Don't come over and interfere with my treatment. Can you do it?"

Su shirt nodded, she is now the six gods, and she will do whatever Ning Tao says.

Ning Tao came to the bed, opened the small medicine box, and took out the ledger bamboo slips and placed them on Meng Bo's arm. He was a bit troublesome and pulled out the needle.

"Ning ..." Su Shanyi exclaimed in exclamation, but only uttered a "Ning" word and closed her mouth, afraid to disturb Ning Tao again.

Ning Tao grabbed Meng Bo's wrist and injected a bit of special spiritual power into his body. After holding Meng Bo's heart, he picked up the account book and opened it.

The contents of the bamboo slips on the ledger: Meng Bo, the eight born in the early August of the year of Jiazi (1984), the fearless and the kind. Honesty and filial piety are worth 1o points to the parents, the second is to protect the family and to protect the country, and the points are five points. Of course, if you are born without respect for the heavens, you will break through the sky and count 14 points of evil thoughts, and the balance of good and evil counts 3 points of good thoughts.

Ning Tao's heart was filled with surprise and confusion. What surprised him was a hero like Meng Bo who had only three good points in his body. What confuses him is that he has a new sin point, which is "Breaking the Sky". This new sin point is actually the same sin as murder, and it is all seven evil thoughts!

"It's disrespectful to go to space, isn't that to confine people to the earth forever?" Ning Tao thought about this question, and he couldn't understand it.

This kind of sin point, isn't it that the heavens are prisoners, the earth is cages, aren't the people living in this world in jail? Raised as a chicken and duck by a distant presence that is high above!

"Doctor Ning?" Su Tingyi couldn't help but yelled again, as if to remind Ning Tao.

Ning Tao glanced back at her, and she closed her mouth afterwards.

Ning Tao gathered the account book bamboo slips and reached out to pick up a small porcelain bottle.

Inside the small porcelain bottle is the third version of Xunzu Dan, which has the effect of treating paralysis and mental illness, and this time it was used on Meng Bo's body.

Although Ning Tao has never used the third edition of Xunzu Dan to treat total paralysis or mental illness, but the bamboo slips in the account book recognize Dan's recognition, and that is certainly not wrong. It is just that the amount of the results of the recognition of the bamboo slips in the account book was very vague. It only said that the amount should be used with caution. There was no precise value at all. This is a test of his skills.

Ning Tao put on silicone gloves, unplugged the wooden stopper, and picked a little version of the third version of Zunzudan powder with a needle, and then pinched Meng Bo's mouth, shaking the little Zundan powder into his mouth . After he was done, he followed up with the wooden stopper, and did not give Xundan's aura to be released.

That point of Xundan's powder melted into the mouth, and turned into an energy into Meng Bo's body.

Suddenly, one of Meng Bo's pedals!

"Lao Meng!" Su Huangshan was worried and excited, and could no longer remember Ning Tao's instructions, and hurried to the bedside.

Ning Tao scolded, "You go out for me!"

"I ..." Su shirt then remembered Ning Tao's instructions and hurried back.

Ning Tao gave no emotion at all: "I mean, let you go out!"

Su shirt asked, "Dr. Ning, I was wrong. Please let me stay. I ... I won't say anything again and it won't disturb you, will you?"

Ning Tao, pointing at the door of the ICU intensive care unit, said coldly, "If you want your husband to be good, please leave here immediately!"

Su shirt froze for a moment, but ultimately said nothing and left the ICU intensive care unit.

In fact, even if Su's emotions were not out of control and did not interfere with his treatment, when Meng Bo's reaction was a bit, he still wanted Su to leave. For nothing else, Xunzu Dan is not accessible to everyone, even if it is smell. He didn't want to cure Meng Bo, but turned Su shirt into a new demon. The new monsters turned into by his hands are not likely to cure the monsters, so there is only a dead end.

ICU ICU was quiet.

Meng Bo no longer has a new reaction ~ ~ The spasm just now seems like an illusion.

Ning Tao observes the changes of Meng Bo with the technique of observation. Meng Bo's antecedent weather field is gradually increasing, and there is no worry about life. He was not in a hurry, and he was thinking about a problem when he observed: "Tang Zixian couldn't have brought me here to see me because Meng Bo was a hero. She also tried to find ways to see what she had seen. The lunar moon's legal array, will this Meng Bo show up on the moon? "

Thinking of this, Ning Tao had another idea in his heart. He took the blade of the eclipse out of the small medicine chest, put it on the bedside, pressed one hand against Meng Bo's head, and the other with the blade of the eclipse and shaved Meng Bo.

The doctor shaved the patient's head, mostly to perform craniotomy on the patient, but Ning Tao just shaved his head. As he shaved Meng Bo, the whisperer on his left wrist suddenly burst into a snowflake ...

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