Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 508: Too true prophecy

A door of convenience opened, and Ning Tao came out of the dark cave. There was a dark sea of ​​water in his sight, but no drop splashed on him.


A clear beam of light shot out of the tactical flashlight, and several fish fled in panic. A sheet of white bones lay on a mossy wooden bed soaked in sea water.

That was Yang Yuhuan's skeleton.

This place is the Datang Shipwreck.

"Too senior, I'm sorry to disturb you again." Ning Tao bowed slightly to Yang Yuhuan's bones.

The dead are big and deserve respect.

Ning Tao opened the small medicine box, took out the small porcelain bottle containing the fourth edition of Xunzudan, poured the Xunzudan into the palm of his hand, and handed it to the nostril and sniffed deeply.


The scenery in front of me was suddenly distorted, and Ning Tao's eyes reappeared that picture. The storm was stormy, the waves were turbulent, and a merchant ship sank in the waves.

In a cabin, a woman in a gorgeous palace costume kneeled on the floor of the cabin, folded her palms, and prayed.

As last time, Ning Tao could not hear her voice, and the picture was still.

Ning Tao's gaze moved again to a table beside Yang Yuhuan. On the table was an animal skin chart, and an area was circled with cinnabar. His gaze was staring straight at the chart, but another chart appeared in his mind.

It was the chart he saw in Charles's study.

In his brain, the two charts overlapped silently.

This is the overlap, and his heart suddenly set off a stormy sea!

The two pictures are exactly the same, and even the circles are completely the same!

The whispers of snowflakes surged, and a voice of past time and space emerged in Ning Tao's mind: "The gods are dying, the pagoda is now building ..."

what is this?

Scripture still?

Ning Tao suddenly became excited, and continued to listen to the voice of this past time and space. He determined that this was Yang Yuhuan's voice, but it was not clear when she recited it. For a long time, he couldn't synchronize the pictures and sounds of time and space. It was like watching a pirated movie. The picture and audio track deviated too much and the experience was very poor.

But at this moment, the picture shook a bit, and Yang Yuhuan kneeling on the floor disappeared.

Replaced by that woman in red.

Whispering snowflakes surging.

A new voice emerged from Ning Tao's mind: "Come ... Come ..."

This situation is the same as that encountered last time, just after the woman in red appeared, after speaking this sentence with only two words, the picture of past time and space shook a few times, and then completely disappeared.

Everything was still.

Ning Tao adjusted urgently, and once again entered Xun Zudan's allergic reaction. But this time, even under the influence of the spirit-gathering bead, he could not see the shipwreck, nor did he see Yang Yuhuan. What he saw was a sea, and a big fish he had never seen before, and nothing else.

After the second allergic reaction to elixir, Ning Tao did not dare to enter the allergic reaction to elixir. He put the fourth version of Xunzu Dan back into the small porcelain bottle, and then closed the small porcelain bottle.

Ning Tao looked at Yang Yuhuan's bones and said to himself: "The gods are dying, the pagoda is now being built ... this is not like a scripture or a poem ... it is a little prophetic ... The gods are dying, and this sentence does not mean that all gods have died, disappeared, and the heavens are no longer there? The town pagoda is now under construction. Shita, what is it that can be built? "

Think of Baidu, but there is no signal at the bottom of the sea, this idea had to stop.

Ning Tao bowed to the bones of Yang Yuhuan again: "Predecessor Taizhen, rest in peace, you failed to find the town tower, I think I can find it, and when I find the town tower, I will bring it to the festival again Worship seniors. "

The purpose of his trip to the shipwreck this time is to take another look at the chart in the past. When Charles called last night to say that he was in Hokkaido, Japan, he had the idea to take a look, because the distance from this place The Japanese island is not far away, and the standard location on Charles' chart is likely to be nearby! So, he wanted to try his luck, take a look at the chart of past time and space, and compare the two charts.

As a result, the two charts were exactly the same. What Charles was looking for was the Town Tower!

Why did Charles want Town Tower?

No one knows, but Ning Tao believes the answer will be announced soon.

At the end of the ceremony, Ning Tao turned and left the shipwreck.

Out of the shipwreck, Ning Tao leaped forward, and the sea water retreated from his head and in front of him. Although he was at the bottom of a kilometer-deep sea, it was no different from flying in the flat. Wearing the Tianbao robe, the fire and water, this sea is like a flat ground to him.

But now, the only thing he hasn't tried is the activity in the sea of ​​fire, and it is no problem to ignore it.

Within ten minutes, Ning Tao arrived at the foot of a seamount. The cave in which Long Tuzuka was located was dark, and the surrounding waters were dead, not even a fish. He entered the cave with a refined tactical flashlight.

The huge mountainside space is in front of you, and the beam of the bright tactical flashlight can only illuminate a small part of the space under the influence of the sea water. Ning Tao stopped at the head of Zhenlong's skeleton with a refined tactical flashlight, and then prayed for three weeks.

Worshiping the true dragon bones, Ning Tao circled around the true dragon bones, and finally even jumped onto the back of the true dragon bones, one bone after another to view.

This time, he opened the door of convenience to the sea floor, and watching the chart in the past is only one of his goals. He has two purposes. The second purpose is related to Bai Jing.

Bai Jing haunted him to refine the demon bone, but Bai Jing and Qing Zhui were in a completely different situation. Qing Zhui was born with a demon bone necrosis. He could take the demon bone directly to make it with a rotten tripod. But she was very healthy. If he took it down and broke it, she might even lose her soul!

Just last night, when Bai Jing posed for him to inspect the demon bones by the way, he suddenly thought of a way to have a dragon mound on the bottom of the South China Sea and a dragon bone in the dragon mound. Broken tripod, but refined with Meixiang tripod?

As long as Bai Jing's demon bones refine the attributes of the keel, even if it is a little bit of dragon spirit, she may snake the dragon after the next retreat and transform into a dragon like Qingzhai!

Ning Tao stopped on the dragon's head, and under the beam of Xueliang's refined tactical flashlight, his sight stayed on the dragon's horn.

The dragon horn resembles antlers, and there is a crack at the top of the right corner. A small piece of dragon horn and the dragon horn only have a little connection. That small piece of dragon horn is crystal clear and full of aura. Although I don't know how long it has been to bury the bones here, it seems to be alive.

"The old ancestor is on, my wife Bai Jing is a snake spirit, she longs for the dragon ... I need to take a small keel for her and embed it on the demon bone ... Your old man must not blame me, but I do the same In order to carry forward your dragon clan ... "Sui Sui said, Ning Tao opened the small medicine chest and took out the blade of the eclipse.

The cutting tool is like the blade of a solar eclipse that cuts tofu. This time it encountered an opponent. The small keel fragment was only a little connected to the dragon horn, but Ning Tao cut it very hard. He cut about a centimeter of the mouth a little bit, and took at least ten minutes.

This keel is even harder than the Fairy's flying sword!

Fortunately, it was finally cut off, and Ning Tao put the thumb-sized keel into a small medicine chest.


Suddenly there was a weird sound in the dark. Under the sound waves, the seawater rushed towards Ning Tao from the dark. That speed is faster than spraying with a high-pressure water gun!

However, the seawater split left and right in front of Ning Tao and avoided it automatically. But even if it was unscathed, he was startled. The seawater was obviously not an undersea current. His intuition was that something was intentional!

The rushing sea water was still, and everything just happened was like an illusion.

Ning Tao shone in that direction with a refined tactical flashlight, but in addition to the sea water was rock and there was darkness. There was nothing else.

Ning Tao turned around.


A large area of ​​seawater and the mountain tsunami generally hit it. Such seawater, let alone a person, even a ship of thousands of tons had to be overturned.

However, the seawater automatically evaded behind Ning Tao and the seawater above his head, hitting the mighty impact from the top of his head and the left and right sides of his body.

Ning Tao turned sharply, staring closely at that direction, and tremblingly said, "Who ... who is where?"

No one responded.

Once the dark blue luster suddenly appeared behind me.

Ning Tao turned away again and was stunned.

In the dragon horn that was just cut off, something was emitting a dark blue brilliance, and it felt like the sun was shining in the blue sea water without impurities.

Ning Tao followed in the past and reached out to pull. Unfortunately, the gap was too small, and his fingers couldn't reach it at all. But just when he was about to take out the eclipse's blade and pry it out, the thing floated by itself.

It was a dark blue crystal, not any kind of gem he had ever seen, nor amber or crystal, which could not be described in words. It looks as if it is a solid entity at any time, but after careful observation, it looks like a kind of energy gathered together.

"This ..." Ning Tao's mind suddenly flashed a thought, his face shocked, "Is it ... Dragon Spirit?"

The dragon has a spirit, and the body is immortal.

As one of the four great beasts in the legend, the patron saint of the East, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, the power of the true dragon, and the call to the wind and the rain are not a problem. Many mythical stories are recorded.

Ning Tao didn't know if the blue crystal the size of the fingernail in front of him was a dragon spirit. When he saw it, he couldn't help the urge to kneel and worship. But he finally held back and reached for the blue crystal.


With a light sound, the blue crystal burst and burst into a little blue spot, and the firefly generally flew towards Ning Tao. He grabbed a little blue light, but when he spread his hands, his palm was empty and there was nothing. The light that hit him didn't give him any discomfort or strange feeling, and he didn't even feel anything.

The blue spot disappeared ~ ~ Nothing left.

Ning Tao stood alone on the keel in a daze.

If it was not for the dream of Bai Jing's Hualong, he would not come to Longzuo to offend the real dragon's bones. He promised Yang Sheng, but only once, that time he kept his promise and only took the true ambergris. This time he came for Bai Jing. He didn't have too many scruples, and some were just a little uneasy in his heart. But if he chooses between Bai Jing's dream and offending the real dragon's bones, of course he chooses to help Bai Jing realize her dream.

He and Bai Jing are typical of no love between men and women before, but love for a long time, since Bai Jing followed him and became his woman, he has a responsibility to make her happy, and her greatest happiness is serpentization Long.

However, he did not expect this to happen.

What happened just now is beyond his comprehension and left him a shadow.

He couldn't help thinking about it, this sign ...

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