As soon as the seawater entered the sea, the seawater automatically retreated, and Ning Tao did not need to do any dive action at all, and fell like a stone thrown from the top of the building. Of course, it is not that fast, the seawater under your feet will form a little buoyancy before retreating. If jumping into the sea is the same as jumping into a plane, it would only take him about ten seconds to fall to the bottom of the sea and then fall into a piece of meatloaf.

Five fish monsters chased Ning Tao and dived, and Ning Tao also saw their demon state.

Yang Sheng's demon state is half human and half fish, his feet become shark tails, and shark fins on his back. There were also changes on the face, fish gills appeared, and the mouth turned into a **** mouth.

Zhang Qianshu's monster state is a bit exaggerated. With six more arms, one leg has also become the tentacles of the octopus. Except for this feature, his appearance has not changed significantly.

Manzuli's monster state is somewhat similar to Yang Sheng, half human and half fish, but his tail is an eel tail, which is longer and has a blue lightning bolt.

Wang Laoba's monster state is different. He has no fish tail, his body almost swells up, and a large piece on his back is not like a tortoise shell, but like a shield made of cuticles. His limbs Stout to horror, the cyan muscles give a sense of horror power. Such a monster is not so much a turtle as he is a crazy rock giant.

The most special nature is the soft sky sound. The mage girl's demon state has almost no change, but there is a pair of pink mussel shells on the back. The shape of the mussel shell resembles angel wings, but it has no feathers. In the demon state, instead of becoming strange, she became more beautiful.

Ning Tao was curious whether her clam shell was soft or hard, but he sank faster than the five fish monsters, couldn't stop at all, and couldn't reach out to touch her clam shell to determine whether it was soft or soft. hard.

The sinking is at least a distance of five to six kilometers, but the black sea is still below, and the bottom is not visible.

Ning Tao's mind was surprised. "When studying geography, the book said that the deepest trench in the world is the Mariana Trench. It is more than 11,000 meters deep. But that trench is west of Guam, here is Iwo Jima and Ryukyu Why is there such a deep sea? "

Continue to sink, the distance between the five demon is pulled further. After all, the five fish monsters are diving, and he directly plunges the water to sink, and no fish can go faster than him.

In a blink of an eye, a depth of three to four kilometers was left behind, and Ning Tao's refined tactical flashlight finally hit a reef. But as he sank, he soon discovered that it was not a reef, but the peak of a mountain. I don't know how high that mountain is, the beam of the tactical flashlight can't reach the bottom of the mountain at all.

Ning Tao stepped a few steps in the void, traversed a distance, and his feet fell on the highest rock on the top of the mountain. He shot around with a refined tactical flashlight and saw some strange fishes and jellyfishes, which were dodged by the lights. He moved the refined tactical flashlight to the foot of the mountain. Unfortunately, the light of the tactical flashlight could only reach the downward slope, not the bottom of the mountain.

There was seaweed slowly shaking on the hillside, and the scene was like the tentacles of a prehistoric monster.

It took another few minutes before five fish monsters dived to the hill where Ning Tao was located. The five fish monsters did not look good, and the diving action was obviously not as smooth and natural as before. Although they are fish monsters, the pressure they endure at such a depth is quite horrible. Such a depth cannot be achieved by a human using a submersible.

Huaguo's Xiaolong submersible once set a record that it was manned to dive to a depth of more than 7,000 meters. The unmanned submersible record was set by Japan. In 1997, the Japanese Yokosuka unmanned submersible reached a distance of close to 11,000 kilometers. Now this depth of almost 91,000 is absolutely a restricted area for human beings. Human beings cannot survive in such depths of seawater, even submersibles. At least, technology is not yet available.

Therefore, it is conceivable that even the fish monster, the pressure of 91 million meters of seawater, should be so strong!

"Are you okay?" Ning Tao said with concern, but he couldn't feel the slightest pressure, because the Tianbao robe had the power to pour water, and the seawater couldn't touch his body at all, so there was no pressure.

"Uncomfortable ..." Zhang Qianshu said, "Master, where is that shipwreck?"

Manzuli glanced at the dark sea cliffs with a bitter expression, "Master, won't you go down?"

Wang Laoba said, "I think it must be the two brothers and sisters who are deceiving people. How can there be a shipwreck here? We simply went back to the ship, killed them, and stole the hard drive."

Although Soft Tianyin didn't say anything, Ning Tao could see that she also endured very hard.

Yang Sheng was better, but frowned slightly. That's why he wore the Tempo panties. There was no sea water in front of his waist and behind his buttocks. This is equivalent to reducing the pressure on his internal organs caused by sea water.

Ning Tao thought for a moment and said, "If you guys go up and wait for me, I'll go and see for myself."

Soft Tianyin courageously said, "Master, I want to accompany you, no matter where you go, I will follow you."

Ning Tao said, "Why can't I go so deep into the sea? There may be a trench under this mountain, and there may be thousands of kilometers. You are already so hard now, and you ca n’t do anything when you go down. You arrive Look under Charles and Zobela under that yacht, and I'll let you know in advance if anything comes back. "

Yang Sheng said, "But the protagonist, you can't float in the Tianbao robe, why do you come up?"

Ning Tao opened the small medicine box, took a scrapped amulet prepared from the small medicine box, and handed it to the soft Tianyin. "This amulet has the blood lock I drew. You hold it and I will return Is right by your side. "

Soft Tianyin took Ning Tao's rune paper and seemed to still want to follow Ning Tao, but looked down at the dark abyss under her feet and hesitated or gave up. She said, "Well, let's go and wait for you, Lord, be careful, there is danger to open the door as soon as possible. "

Ning Tao smiled, and reached out and touched the soft mute shell. Her clam shell is not hard, soft, smooth, or wavy, and feels like she's touching a silicone product. She is really soft, even the clam shell is soft.

Soft Tianyin's cheeks turned slightly red, and she was curious and said, "Master, you ..."

Ning Tao retracted her hand and said with a smile, "I just want to know whether your mussel shell is soft or hard. Now I know."

Ruan Tianyin shook his fist, and he looked down and wanted to breathe, "Master, touch it again!"

Ning Tao stretched out his hand and touched it again, but this time it was not a silicone mussel shell, but an "alloy mussel shell", which had a very hard texture. With this texture, it is estimated that there is no problem with bulletproof.

Wang Laoba said, "Master, don't underestimate the Tianyin sister. When we were fighting with other fish monsters, she was rushed in front of her as a shield. Ordinary spells won't hurt her. If there is a gun battle later, it would be right to stand behind her. "

Soft Tianyin glared at Wang Laoba.

Ning Tao said, "Go up and wait for me, I should go down."

The five fish monsters went up, while Ning Tao stepped down the hillside.

The light beam of the refined tactical flashlight looked down, and there were strange rock streaks on the hillside and the seagrass dancing. Occasionally, you can see a pair of deep-sea fishes. These fishes are usually pale and colorless.

After walking down this distance for almost five or six meters, the beam of the refined tactical flashlight hit the bottom of the seamount. Walking down the road, Ning Tao found that this is actually an undersea abyss, with mountain peaks on both the left and right sides, and the peaks are rolling up and down to the sides without seeing the end.

The depth of this undersea abyss has far exceeded the Mariana Trench. Although it has not been measured, Keningtao estimates that its depth is at least 15,000 kilometers. Such a depth, without the Tianbao robe, is not only a spiritual master but Don't even think about the demon. This is probably why Charles asked him to come out to salvage the sunken ship. Otherwise, with the financial and material resources of the European blood demon family, what kind of sunken ship cannot be salvaged?

At the bottom of the abyss, a fish was invisible, and there was no seaweed. The view was full of bare rocks and fine sand laid on the ground. Those sediments are also abnormal, all blood red sediments. It feels as if thousands of souls have just been slaughtered here, and the land has been stained with blood.

Ning Tao walked forward for a while and found no shipwreck. He stopped, opened the small medicine box, took the earthworm from the small medicine box, and filled with 30 milliliters of ink.

Since the thing you are looking for is the Town Tower ~ ~, the psionic energy must be very powerful. As long as there is no spiritual soil nearby, the earth-searching urn will point in the direction of the town's tower.

Soon, the ink in the hunting ground rippled, and all the ripples rushed to a scale.

"I hope it is the shipwreck, not the spiritual soil." Ning Tao said to himself, and then he went forward holding the seeker.

The abyss extends forward, and the seamounts on both sides of the sea are not high. Except for the bare rocks at the foot, the blood-red mud is sand. When walking alone in such an abyss, Ning Tao has a feeling of going to hell.

It does not mean that this undiscovered trench is the deep trench in this world, and Ning Tao is the first human to set foot here.

After walking for a distance of almost two kilometers, the ink ripples in the search for earth quake suddenly intensified, and the scale indicating the direction also changed, not forward or downward, but upward. For the first time, the ink ripples in the earth-seeking puppet were stacked on top of each other to form a small column in the puppet.

Ning Tao followed his head, and at the same time beamed the light of the refined tactical flashlight overhead .... (https :)

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