Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 511: Loess High Slope

Three days later, Chang'an North.

The continuous loess hills spread out in view, and a little green was not visible. The north wind whistled and rolled up the yellow sand. In the barren ravine is a small village called Tuanjie Village, where Zeng Shancai's home is located.

The year is near, the migrant workers are back, and the village has gained a little popularity. If it is usual, there are some old people and left-behind children left in the village, it feels like a ruin that has been forgotten.

A group of people came to the village entrance, attracting a group of villagers to watch.

In this group, several men are very tall and tall, one looks like a male model, and the other three are like fairies. Both the figure and the face are impeccable, giving people an unreal feel. There was another young man carrying an old small wooden box and following everyone behind him. There was an unspoken atmosphere on his body. Some people felt kind, some people felt inexplicably afraid, strange.

"Who are these people? Is it possible for anyone to film in our village?"

"Such a beautiful person must be an actor and a professional actor. I think the guy carrying the wooden box must be a makeup artist, and his box must contain cosmetics."

"Well! Then ... isn't it Zeng Shancai? I went over, how did he walk with those people?" Looking at the crowd, some people recognized Zeng Shancai.

The topic exploded all at once.

"You see, Zeng Shancai actually wore a suit, it's not bad."

"Isn't it going to be rich outside? I think that suit must be expensive."

"He made a fart, and wanted to be culturally illiterate, and had no capital to do business. A digging coal ran out to work, how did he get rich?"

"No, if he really has the ability, his wife will not divorce him. I am afraid he doesn't know that his wife and the militia company commander in the next village. There is a shop in the town to collect rent. It was a good time. His wife died, and his wife divorced him to fill the house shortly afterwards. "An aunt with a few onions in her hand told the people around her.

Her breaking news brought joy to some people, some laughed, and some cheered.

Zeng Shancai grabbed the collar of the suit nervously. This was the first time in his life that he wore a suit, but one of the things he wanted to do now was to pull it off and put on his dirty clothes. If he doesn't have glamorous clothes on his body, and there is no group behind him, they probably won't make fun of him like this, right?

This group of people is Ning Tao and his team. The four male models are Yang Sheng, Zhang Qianshu, Wang Laoba and Manzuli, and the three fairies are Bai Jing, Qing Zhui and Soft Tianyin. This is the first time for the China Charity Company to formally implement the plan for good people, so he came here in person, and brought almost all the core members. He wanted them to participate in the whole process and accumulate experience.

In the future, he will not be able to participate in the "foreplay" of every good person plan. What he needs to participate is only the final "end of the play", that is, bringing the good patient into the clinic, signing a merit prescription, or changing it smoothly. Prescribe a life-defense contract, then treat the patient and charge for goodwill.

These gossips Ning Tao also heard, his heart was very uncomfortable, but this is a general status quo. People nowadays use money to measure one's success or failure. Everyone is desperately pursuing money, lacks morality, and has no good intentions. People are used to people who are not as good as themselves, but people are not used to people who are better than themselves because they are unbalanced and even resentful.

Zeng Shancai is a living example. Before that, he has been a joke in this village and is the object of sympathy. No matter who is compared with him, he will get a sense of superiority and happiness. But when I came back this time, it suddenly came out. Who still looked at him pleasingly?

Zeng Shancai's small action fell into Ning Tao's eyes. He also came out from the bottom of the society. He could fully feel Zeng Shancai's feelings at the moment. He came to the side of Zeng Shancai from the end of the team and said with a smile, "Zeng Brother, I I used to live in the basement like you. I helped people park, washed the dishes, and stood there. Those experiences made me understand the truth. "

"What ... reason?" Zeng Shancai looked at Ning Tao, his eyes filled with gratitude, and Ning Tao's words made him feel kind.

Ning Tao said, "That is to never care about the views that others impose on you, and the gossip of Tangmen, because no matter what they really care about you, they only care about themselves. You only need to be for your daughter Your parents are just alive. "

Zeng Shancai grinned, and a cold wind penetrated into his mouth, and he suddenly coughed. "Cough ... cough ..."

Ning Tao took Zeng Shancai's hand and injected a touch of spiritual power into his body. Before he came, he had eaten a fine primary prescription Dan in Zeng Shancai, but he only gave him a little life, so as not to fall on his way home.

Zeng Shancai lifted his chest and walked forward. His home was at the end of the road, a cave in the mountains, and a small yard filled with buddha poles.

"Zeng Shancai, when did you get rich? These people are your friends, right?" The aunt who said Zeng Shancai's wife was gossiping and said hello.

Zeng Shan just nodded, he didn't know what to say.

"Cut, what's so amazing, my wife ran away, and what rich man are you still pretending to be here?" Aunt turned her face faster than her book.

There was a bit of anger in Zeng Shancai's eyes, but after all, it didn't happen.

Yang Sheng walked towards that aunt with cold eyes.

Ning Tao greeted "Brother Yang, where are you going?"

Yang Sheng shrugged his shoulders and came to Ning Tao's side. "The woman has a bad mouth, I want to teach her something."

Ning Tao said, "We are here to do good deeds and control our emotions."

What is Zeng Shancai going through today? Isn't it paying back the debts of previous lives? In the past he was a country bully, bullying males and females, and today his neighbors bullied him. This is his retribution. In the past, Ning Tao didn't quite understand this. Why do good people suffer so many hardships, but they still can't see hope and can't survive. He has understood since the awakening of the Bamboo Slips of the Ledger of the Ledger, which can diagnose the good and evil of previous lives.

There is no hate or love for no reason in this world. It's just that these reasons were told to Yang Sheng, and he couldn't understand it.

It's finally time to get home. A pair of old people and a little girl are standing at the gate of the courtyard and looking at this side. The pair of old men were humped on their backs and their hair was white. The thin clothes and thin body seemed to blow them in a gust of wind. The little girl was six or seven years old, wearing canvas clothes, a pair of dirty disdain on her feet, a toe exposed on her shoe, and no socks.

"Dad! Daddy!" The little girl saw Zeng Shancai and ran over cheering.

Zeng Shancai was very weak, but when the little girl ran to him, he didn't know where the strength came from, and hugged the little girl with one hand, and the tears burst out at that instant, and his voice choked. " Niuniu, my niuniu ... "

This picture was fixed in Ning Tao's eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This picture is more precious to him than "Smile of Montalissa".

Bai Jing came to Ning Tao's side and said, "Fu Jun, do you want a boy or a girl?"

Ning Tao froze slightly. "You ... won't you?"

Bai Jing suddenly covered her mouth and vomited.

Ning Tao suddenly became nervous. "You really have it?"

Bai Jing let go of her little mouth and pouted and smiled. "How can it be so fast, I just want to ask you, do you like a boy or a girl? What do you like, I will give you something."

Ning Tao was a little speechless and gave Bai Jing a wink. When she makes such a joke on such a touching occasion, when can she learn to be serious?

But this is Bai Jing. When she is serious, then she will not be Bai Jing, but Jing Bai.

Zeng Shancai took the little girl's hand and turned back, with tears and a smile on his face. "Mr. Ning, Mrs. Ning, let me introduce you. This is my daughter, Zeng Niuniu, Niuniu, called Uncle Aunt."

"Hello uncles, good aunts." Zeng Niuniu said nicely.

Qing Zhui reached out and hugged Zeng Niuniu and said with a smile, "Niu Niu is really good. Auntie has sugar. Let's go home for sugar."

"Okay, thank you, Auntie." Zeng Niuniu was so happy that she clapped her hands.

Under the leadership of Zeng Shancai, Ning Tao and his party came to Zeng Shancai's house. Zeng Shancai introduced his old father and mother to Ning Tao and others.

Zeng Shancai's house had no place to sit, and a large group of people chatted in the yard. It wasn't just nonsense. Ning Tao specifically asked about the situation in Zeng Shancai's old father's village, and even the situation in several nearby villages. Do good deeds and do n’t know how to do it. If you just give up money just to do good deeds, good deeds can also be bad.

Bai Jing and Qingzhui also accompanied Soft Tianyin to learn Ning Tao's approach to this problem. Whether it is Bai Jing or Qing Zhui, or the "full assistant" soft Tianyin, they are demon after all, especially Bai Jing and Qing Zhui ~ ~ They are good at killing and killing people, but doing good things is purely The layman must learn.

It didn't take long for a man in a leather down jacket and a man in an army coat to come to Zeng Shancai's house and opened his door and said, "I'm the village head of a reunion village. May I ask you if you are the crew? Just talk to me if you have any questions. Happening."

Zeng Shancai hurriedly got up from the small bench and introduced "Mr. Ning, Mrs. Ning, this is the village chief prince cow of our village." He glanced again at the man in the military coat standing next to the prince cow, followed by the supplement A sentence, "Oh, Director Luo is here too. This is Luo Tengfei, the health care director of our village. The two of us have been playing from small to big."

There was a hint of disdain in the corner of Luo Tengfei's mouth, wearing a military coat, without even saying a word to Zeng Shancai.

The village chief, Prince Niu, said politely, "Excuse me, who is Mr. Ning?"

Ning Tao stood up. "I'm Mr. Ning. Excuse me, do you have anything?"

PS wrote this chapter, this story is to describe the current situation in rural areas, this part of the story will not be exaggerated, in order to be authentic and authentic. As for the purpose, I am also a part-time worker ... (https :)

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