Jingle bell, jingle bell ...

A string of ringtones rang suddenly on the bare hills of Loess.

Ning Tao took out his mobile phone, glanced at it, and then opened the answer button: "It's me, let's say, what do you want to do?"

Lin Qingying's voice came out from the cell phone: "Don't you just leave me in that cave?"

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "That's the only way I can save you. I don't expect you to understand me, but I want to ask you to cherish your chance."

"Let's meet each other," Lin Qingyi's voice said. "Meet alone, I don't want to see your woman."

"why the need to see me?"

Lin Qingyi's voice: "Tonight at 12:00, the first emperor's mausoleum, if you don't come, you will regret it. Remember, come alone."

Toot, toot ...

Without waiting for Ning Tao to say a word, Lin Qingying had hung up.

"What did she say?" Qing asked.

Ning Tao said, "She asked me to meet. Tonight at 12 o'clock, the Emperor's Tomb, but only let me go alone."

Qing Zhuan worriedly said, "Are you going to see her?"

Ning Tao shook her head, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "The clinic cured her demon disease. I took her back to Shancheng and put it in the cave where you used to live. I did this to make her start again It also means no longer meeting. Her brother died in the first battle of the holy mountain. I know she hates me in her heart. What can I say when I meet? "

Qing Zhui said silently: "She followed us here, which shows that she knows our good person plans well. She went to your clinic and cured the demon disease in the clinic. If she knows that the consultation fee has How important it is, she is likely to undermine our good man plan. She is a hidden danger for us. Let me go. I will kill her. "

Ning Tao said: "If I were to kill her, why should I save her in the first place? Because of me, she was what she is today, and I will not kill her arbitrarily. Moreover, she did nothing to hurt me."


Ning Tao stretched her hands and said with a smile, "No matter what she is, let's go back."

Qing pursued a sigh of relief, she wanted to kill Lin Qingyu to kill her later, but if Ning Tao did not agree, she would not hurt Lin Qingyu.

She said that Ning Tao's appointment was ignored when she went down the mountain, but she couldn't help thinking about it: "She asked me to meet, and she came for Dan Fang, who was looking for ancestors, or wanted to avenge Lin Qinghua. , Set an ambush at the first emperor's tomb, waiting to ambush me? "

Guessing could not guess Lin Qingyu's mind, she suddenly appeared to disturb his heart and disrupt his steps.

Back in the village, watching the lively villagers have not yet dispersed, rushing to rush to associate with Zeng Shancai. Someone said that he stole the persimmon with Zeng Shancai after the hour, but the owner found that the dog chased him. He was bitten by a dog in order to cover up Zeng Shan's escape. Some people said that he went to the river to bathe with Zeng Shancai after hours. He still delivered a bamboo pole to rescue Zeng Shancai, and so on.

Rich has distant relatives in the mountains, and no one asks the poor in the downtown. These words are not deceiving.

Ning Tao looked at the villagers who were still at Zeng Shancai's house. He did not see Hu Cuihua and did not know when the woman left.

Bai Jing came over and asked, "Is it Wuyi, she's gone?"

Qing Zhui said: "It's not Wu Yan, it's Lin Qingying."

"Lin Qingyi?" Bai Jing frowned suddenly: "What is she doing?"

Qing Zhui said, "She met her husband at 12 tonight, but said nothing."

Bai Jing said coldly, "I'll kill her!"

Qing Zhui stopped talking, looking at Ning Tao, the look seemed to be saying, the same thing, my sister is going to kill Lin Qingyu, what do you say?

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "Have you two sisters discussed it? The words are exactly the same."

Bai Jing gave Ning Tao a grimace: "You can't bear it? That little goblin made it clear that she wanted to seduce you, and if you don't let me kill her, you just can't bear it."

She is obviously not as obedient as Qing Zhui.

Ning Tao said: "I won't go to see her, so don't bother her."

Bai Jing tilted his lips: "Then you just can't bear it, there must be some secrets between you."

Ning Tao was too lazy to talk to her, walked towards the door, and said, "I'm going to the village to see, the matter here should be settled as soon as possible."

Night fell, a cold wind blew through, and the sky began to snow. Two or three hours later, a layer of snow piled up on the ground, and the bare loess hills turned white.

In a cave, Ning Tao watched the time on the phone.

It is two hours before 12 o'clock in the evening.

This place is not far from the first emperor's mausoleum. It is tens of kilometers away. At the speed of the Tiandao battery car, he can arrive in half an hour, but until now he has not made a decision on whether to go to an appointment.

However, it is undeniable that he still had the urge to meet Lin Qingyu in his heart. But this is not what he "thoughts" about Lin Qingyu, let alone "there is no love". He used to be her friend, but now she still is her friend. He just wanted to see if she became the new demon, is she the original look, or is he the familiar and wayward but kind woman?

A gust of wind suddenly blew into the cave from the hole in the window, and the "Land Use Right Certificate" placed on the desk turned with the wind and made a rattling noise.

Being rich is good, but Ning Tao's mind is no longer on this matter.

Footsteps came from outside the door.

Ning Tao put the phone away.

The door opened, and two figures, one blue and one white, appeared at the door without saying hello, and walked in directly.

Even if Ning Tao was taking a bath, they could break in recklessly, because they were Qingzhui and Bai Jing.

Qing Zhui closed the door and reached out and patted the snowflakes on her hair and shoulders.

"Fu Jun, are you still hesitating to meet your little lover?" Bai Jing entered the first sentence of the house.

Ning Tao said in an angry manner: "Don't talk nonsense, Lin Qingquan and I are innocent, nothing happened, and they were just friends until now."

"But will she treat you as a friend?" Bai Jing said.

Ning Tao was silent. Indeed, he regarded Lin Qinghua as a friend, but Lin Qinghua became an enemy. Now that Lin Qinghua is dead, will Lin Qinghuan still treat him as a friend?

Bai Jing said: "It's not too late to change my mind, let me kill her."

Ning Tao had some headaches. He was hesitant to make a decision not to meet with Lin Qingyu. How could he let Bai Jing or Qing chase to kill Lin Qingyu?

Qing Zhui said, "Sister, the husband is already annoying enough, so don't disturb him."

Bai Jing glanced at Qing Zhui: "You know that he is protecting him, and that little goblin made it clear he wanted to seduce him."

Qingzhui shifted the topic: "Fu Jun, Yang Sheng, they are now guarding Zeng Shancai, Tian Yin and the three other fish monsters are also there, there should be no problem, my sister and I will go to see it in the middle of the night."

Ning Tao's heart was touched, "It's been hard for you. In order to help me earn rent, you have come to this place to suffer and suffer."

Qing Zhui's voice was very gentle: "Marry a chicken and a chicken, marry a dog and a dog, my sister and I will follow you wherever you go, even if you want dinner."

Ning Tao reached out and pulled her into her arms.

Qing Zhui closed her eyes shyly ...

Suddenly Bai Jing gathered together, and he and Qingzhui were crowded together without any harm. He and Qingzhui's head were next to each other, and Qingshu closed his eyes.

There were two exaggerated sounds of "thumbs" in the cave.

After being so troubled by Qing Zhui and Bai Jing, the depression in Ning Tao's heart was swept away, and she was too lazy to think about Lin Qingyu's affairs. The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the earth. If Lin Qingzhang really became the enemy, what would he do? What should I do? Just do it!

"Master Ning, it's getting late, you should rest and let your uncle be your undress." Bai Jing said with a smile.

Ning Tao's waist suddenly felt a little sour, and her legs were inexplicably soft.

Everyone envied him with two dragons and two phoenixes, and two flowers on one branch, but who could understand his troubles? Nothing else, these two phoenixes are a dragon and a white snake demon!

"Say, husband, how do you think about making monster bones for me, do you have any clues?" Bai Jing asked Master Ning while he was undressing.

Ning Tao's heart moved: "Do n’t say I forgot, I took a little keel for you. I plan to smelt that keel into your demon bone, and your demon bone and keel are combined together. With Longqi, I think it will probably succeed. "

"Where is the keel? Take it out and see." Bai Jing couldn't wait to be authentic, very excited.

Qing Zhui was also excited: "Brother Ning, if I can, then my sister will be able to snake the dragon. In the future, we will be served by two dragons. After hundreds of years, our story will not necessarily be made into a TV series. It's like a white snake. "

Ning Tao: "..."

One dragon can't take it anymore, but two dragons! It is estimated that in less than a few hundred years after the TV series Liu Fangbai was filmed, he had already disappeared.

Bai Jing shook Ning Tao's arm: "Fu Jun, please take out the keel and show it to me. I haven't seen what a keel looks like when I am so big."

This is soft glutinous language, and it is waving arms. Where Ning Tao can eat, he said, "It's in the clinic, I'll get it now. You wait here, and I'll be right back."

Said that Ning Tao was about to get up.

Bai Jing took a nap and suddenly embraced Ning Tao: "Huh! I almost got into your pawn, so late, where do you go if you don't sleep? Do you want to sneak to Shihuang Tomb to see you? Little lover? Sister, blow the lamp. "

"Aren't you looking at the keel?" Qing Zhui said.

Bai Jing said, "Why are you still so stupid? Our master said at this time to take the keel. It would be strange if he returned, don't be fooled and blow the lamp."

"Oh." Qing Zhui responded, opened his mouth to blow the light ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ning Tao's heart sighed, a smile is not a smile, crying is not a crying expression, do you want to live on this day?

Jingle bell, jingle bell ...

Suddenly in the cave there was a ringtone for a call.

Ning Tao crawled up, pulled out his phone and looked like an electric display.

It was Lin Qingying's phone call, but it was not the time she had agreed to meet, and it was more than an hour before 12 o'clock in the evening.

Qing Zhui raised his head and looked at the phone, and a pair of golden eyes flashed suddenly.

Before the dragon, she was green when she saw the fierce light, and then she became the golden man. The dragon is second only to the true dragon, and some of the characteristics of the snake demon have gradually changed.

Bai Jing also glanced at Ning Tao's mobile phone in her hand and said, "Fu Jun, let me hear what she says."

Ning Tao hesitated a moment and pressed the speakerphone to answer the call. (https :)

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