Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 517: How big is a game of chess?

Lin Qingzhang disappeared in this way, in the tomb of Qin Shihuang.

"Wait ..." Ning Tao suddenly realized something, then stunned.

Lin Qingzhang entered the tomb of Qin Shihuang, wouldn't she be able to enter the legendary underground palace?

The legendary Qinhuangdi Palace is built with a city wall, which is 30 meters high, and it is now almost ten storeys high. In the underground palace, mercury is used as the hundred rivers, rivers and seas, and the machine is infused with astronomy and geography. With mermaid cream as a candle, it is eternal. The palace contained treasures looted by the Qing Dynasty during the era of the Six Kingdoms until the tomb of the emperor was filled.

Some of these are historical records and some are legends. But no one knows whether it is true or false, because no one has ever gone in.

Lin Qingdi just got into it.

Ning Tao stunned for a long time before returning to God, and secretly said, "She said that the gene of the first ancestor she awakened was the gene of Qin Shihuang, wouldn't she be in the palace of Qin Shihuang? "

Do you want to call the police?

Ning Tao smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile. Even if Lin Qingyi entered the palace of Qin Shihuang, what could he do? It's OK to ridicule such a thing as calling the police, he won't do that. What's more, even if he told the police that someone had entered the palace of Qin Shihuang, the police would probably treat him as a neurosis?

Ning Tao walked down the hills, stopped shortly before turning around, and looked at where Lin Qingyu went.

Lin Qingdi did not emerge from the dirt.

Ning Tao moved, opened the small medicine box, took out the small porcelain bottle containing the fourth edition of Xunzudan, unplugged the bottle, and poured the Xunzudan contained in it. When skin contacted, Dan Guang dipped into the skin, and Dan gas poured into his nostrils. His eyes suddenly became hot, and then he fell into darkness.


Light and space are distorted at the same time, and a picture of past time and space appears in front of Ning Tao.

The sun was rising, and the sky was spotlessly blue. Under the sky, countless people are working, some people are picking soil, some are rock-cutting, some are burning pottery figurines, some are sawing wood, some are forging weapons, and so on. There are samurai supervisors wearing armor, holding bronze swords, patrolling, some alone, and some patrol.

Such a scene can't see the end at a glance, just like a city under construction.

This is a past time and space picture of the construction of the tomb of Qin Shihuang.

Qin Shihuang began to build his mausoleum when he was still alive. Fifteen years before and after, he used more than 700,000 labors. Even the scene of labor was extremely spectacular.

Unfortunately, this past space-time picture is still.

The Town Tower is not in a small medicine chest, otherwise the picture displayed more than 2,000 years ago in front of his eyes will move, and even the corresponding sound can be captured.

He wanted to see the underground palace, but he did n’t know that it was one of the first few years of Cai ’s construction. He only saw a large pit being excavated, not a completed underground palace, and he could n’t judge whether the first palace of Qin Shihuang was suitable Suitable for people to hide in.

With his eyes raised, and looking far away, the blurred outline of a city entered Ning Tao's sight. The wall that extends horizontally and can't see the end is probably the city wall, and the tower or palace that stands high under the blue sky and white clouds is probably.

Was that the city of Xianyang during the Qin Dynasty?

Ning Tao's heart suddenly gave birth to an urge to visit Xianyang City two thousand years ago. At that time, were there any shops and vendors selling pastries and snacks on the streets of Xianyang City? Is there a tailor shop and a pharmacy?

Endless imagination.

The sight in front of him became blurred, Ning Tao's eyes restored to normal perspective, and at that moment, a woman in red entered his sight.

It's her again, looking for Dandan's spirit.

She appeared in a fast blurry, yellowish picture like an old photo. It was only red, beautiful, and extremely eye-catching.

She stared straight at Ning Tao. Those eyes seemed to be cold stars in the sky, with lights flashing, mysterious and long.

Whispering snowflakes surging.

"You come." Her voice sounded in Ning Tao's mind.

Ning Tao smiled. "I'm coming."

Now he has Dan Fang with six skull fragments in his hand, as well as the town's time tower and tree-building boards, and even ample cloud ore. His conditions for capturing Dan Spirit in time and space have matured, leaving only one ancestor to find. Dan.

The still picture collapsed.

Ning Tao put Xunzu Dan into a small porcelain bottle, put a stopper, put it back into the small medicine box, and strode to the ancient pine tree that was half missing. He bit his finger and reached into the tree hole to draw a blood lock.

A door of convenience opened, and Ning Tao came in.

He had a hunch that this place might come again, so he turned back and left a permanent bloodlock.

A 50-watt incandescent light bulb in the cave was glowing, and no one could blow it out.

Qing Chai walked around the room, Bai Jing sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her sister, she finally couldn't help for a while, "Will you stop, will you walk around and shake my eyes spent."

"No, I'm going to Laoshan to find Brother Ning." Qing Zhui said.

Bai Jing said, "You calm down, I'm worried about him, but ... it's about Dan Fang on the skull shard in the hands of Nicholas Conte. If we go, the little goblin will run away, but it will be a bad thing."

When it comes to trouble, Bai Jing is always calmer and calmer.

Just then a dark hole suddenly opened in the room.

Seeing this cave, Qingzhui and Bai Jing were relieved, and both relaxed.

Ning Tao came out of the door of convenience.

Qingzhui and Bai Jing greeted each other and said in unison "How is it?"

Ning Tao said, "Get it."

"Great!" Qing Zhui shook his fist in excitement, even Dragon Scale came out.

"What about the little fairies?" Bai Jing asked.

"After the transaction was over, she went away." Ning Tao said.

"Earth?" Qing Zhui and Bai Jing couldn't help but glance at each other, the sisters' faces had the same surprised expression.

Ning Tao said, "I was also very surprised at the time, but it was normal to think about it. Jiang Hao became a new monster, and its volume increased dramatically. He also had the ability to freeze. There is nothing strange about ability. "

Bai Jing frowned. "The new demon is really powerful now. Natural demon such as my sister and I have to be trained for many years before they have a little ability, and they need to be trained for many years before they become human. But they are good and take a pill. It has become a new demon and has powerful abilities, which is simply unfair. "

The new demon is indeed unfair compared to the natural demon.

Including Yin Molan, although he is a new demon with martial arts, it is still related to Xun Zudan. It ’s just that his alchemy skills are too bad, otherwise he would not find Lin Qinghua, a non-cultivator, to give him alchemy, so he would have much less benefit from seeking his ancestor and his ability would be the weakest. But now he has taken four Xunzu Dans in a row, and this time the retreat can be regarded as catching up on a rocket.

Ning Tao took a complete piece of Danfang out of the small medicine chest and handed it to Bai Jing. After returning to the Tianwai Clinic from Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, he did not rush back to the cave immediately, but wrote down the Dan Fang that Lin Qingyu gave him, and wrote the Dan Fang on the other five skull fragments. Complete Dan Fang.

This is complete as far as Dan Fang is concerned, because there is no seventh skull fragment with Dan Fang at all. However, Xunzu Dan's is not complete, and Dan Ling needs to be captured to be complete. Such things cannot be explained by science, but the so-called science of mankind does not even understand a small planet like the earth, let alone the things of the fairy world?

Qing Zhui also came to Bai Jing's side and watched the complete Dan Fang together.

"Burnt it after reading it, it is a scourge to keep this stuff." Ning Tao said. He had packed the contents of Dan Fang in his head, and he did not need such a piece of Dan Fang written on paper. He showed Qing Qing and Bai Jing because they were both his wife and family. If the wife can't watch, who can watch?

After Bai Jing and Qing Zhui watched, Qing Zhui took a breath and burned it.

"Fu Jun, are you sure that Dan Fang that the little fairy is giving you is true?" Bai Jing said.

Ning Tao said, "She swears by her parents, and the shape of the skull fragments in the photo exactly matches the other five, which should be true."

"You won't give her really, will you?" Bai Jing stared at Ning Tao.

"What I gave was also true." Ning Tao said.

Bai Jing said, "I wonder why the little fairy didn't let me and Qing chase. It turned out to be good in the morning. She didn't want us to follow you and stopped you from giving her a party. She was fighting with you. Did you not see it? "

Ning Tao smiled bitterly. "Her brother died because of me, and she has become a new demon that cannot be tolerated. How could I have the heart to lie to her and give her fake Dan Fang. She definitely wanted Dan Fang to refine her. Will kill it. "

Bai Jing's expression suddenly became a little strange, and his tone of speech changed. "Wait, this is a little strange ..."

Ning Tao asked, "What's wrong?"

Bai Jing said, "I just said that she was playing emotional cards. In fact, I just said it casually. As a result, when you tell the feelings in your heart, I have a strange feeling ..."

Qing Chai gave Bai Jing a dizzy eye, "Sister, can't you say it all at once?"

Bai Jing also chased her with a white eye. "That sacred mountain battle, the helicopter was blasted by a shot of ice cream, but we didn't see Lin Qinghua's body. Then the little demon went to Wudang Mountain. Test your medicine in front of you, do n’t you know you wo n’t care about her, will you save her? Fu Jun, you cured her, she became a new demon, and then said that you killed her brother and made you feel that you owe With her, she picked a suitable time to propose a deal with you, for you five yuan, do you still have the heart to give her fake Danfang? You get the complete, she also got the complete. No, not just her ... ... "

Ning Tao said in surprise, "A Jing ~ ~ You mean ..."

Bai Jing said, "I think Lin Qinghua is not dead. He played a big game with you."

Ning Tao was suddenly spotted on the spot.

Bai Jing said, "You are a fan of the authorities. I am a bystander, Qing, but Lin Qinghua cheated me. This man is terrible. I am sure that if he is not dead, Nicholas Conte will also plant it in his hands. in."

Ning Tao was silent for a while before saying, "Whether he is really dead or pretend to be dead. My purpose is to get Dan Fang together. Now Dan Fang is all together, I have to go to Gangde and stay there. For a period of time. In addition to collecting spiritual materials and refining the alchemy, you must also earn at least eight thousand evil thoughts and sins. You two stay here and get Zeng Shancai's plan for good people as soon as possible. Ah Jing, when I return, I will use dragon bones to make demon bones, With the full version of Xunzu Dan, you will certainly be able to snake the dragon. "

Bai Jingyi snuggled into Ning Tao's arms and said softly, "Fu Jun, you are so good to the body, let the body take good care of you and start again. Sister, blow the lamp."

Ning Tao "...". (https :)

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