Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 685: Ghost party

The door was closed, and Ning Tao gave up entering through the doorway, but stuck to the wall, dipped into the wall like water, and then carefully and slowly penetrated into the room. The shale brick and cement brought a little blocking feeling, but the wall less than a foot away was not an obstacle at all. He easily passed through it, but he didn't rush into the room but rushed through the wall. A face emerged from the body.

This face is invisible to others. Unless it is the same Yuan Ying who is a cultivator or demon who is out of the realm, it is possible to find his existence with the ability of the sky eye, but the person in this room obviously does not have such a character.

In the room, Ferencive sat on the sofa and looked at Zuo Beila, who had just entered the room. Several Nazi wraith possessors stood behind him, each standing upright. Although the young and old were uneven, the temperament was the standard military temperament.

Zobela said, "What should I call you, Francesco or the head of state, Mr. Adolf Hitler?"

Ferencieff didn't speak, just stared at Zuo Bella's face and looked into her eyes. His eyes were sharp, giving a sense of appeal.

"Huh?" Zuo Bela frowned suddenly.

"Whoever you are, Miss Zuobela." Ferencieff finally got up from the sofa, stretched out a hand and made an inviting gesture, "Please sit down."

Zuo Beila sat on the sofa and said quietly: "You know my purpose, I like to go directly into the topic of conversation, let's start."

Sitting on the sofa, Ferencive said a few moments before he said, "We originally had a hundred people, but many people died. We thought we couldn't escape the death hunt, until your people appeared before us. ... he gave us medicine, helped us to change blood, and let us come here. He mentioned you and showed us the TV you recorded ... "

"That's the video," a Blackfire mercenary corrected.

Zuo Beila gave him a glance, and he closed his mouth afterwards.

Ferencieff continued: "You asked us to meet you here, and you said that you would help us solve the problem completely and even gain more power. What I want to know is what you will do, and you want to get from us again what?"

Zobela said, "Do you know your situation?"

"what do you mean?"

"You are actually dead and should not have existed. There is a change in this world, a crack is being formed, and a force beyond nature is created. You were powerful characters in your time, and powerful people must have powerful souls. Opportunities You ’ve always given it to powerful people, so you ’re lucky, and you ’re back again. But this world does n’t allow you, so you will die one by one. Once you die again, you will have nothing left. ”

Several Nazi wraiths could no longer maintain that serious expression.

Zuo Beiela went on to say, "In fact, if I didn't give you medicine to help you change your blood, you would also be dead. But this does not completely solve your problem, so you will feel cold and need warm blood. "At this point, she glanced at a few dried fish on the coffee table, and a sneer appeared from the corner of her mouth." It's not fish blood, you want warm human blood, but you still swept half the world Are you not killing anyone now? "

The blond young man yelled, "Pay attention to your words! You should know who you are talking to!"

Zobela wasn't angry and said quietly, "Are you?"

"Dittrich," said the young blond man, and he paused to add another sentence, "now called Mueller."

Dietrich, Adolf Hitler's most trusted bodyguard, Mueller is obviously the name of the young blonde.

Zuo Beila said: "It turned out to be the most powerful bodyguard captain in the Gestapo. If you don't think I need my help, I can leave now. Do you need me to leave?"

Mueller had to speak, and Francis raised his hand, then closed his mouth.

"Please go on, Miss Zuo Bella," said Ferencieff.

Zuo Beila smiled: "Master, you and your people have only one chance. I have the ability to solve the problems on you, so that you will not be taken away by death, and even get powerful. Of course, this is for everyone I want you and your people to do one thing for me ... "

She did not continue.

Ning Tao was secretly anxious.

"What do you want us to do?" Francis asked.

Zuo Beiela stood up from the sofa: "You stay here temporarily, and I will tell you naturally when I arrange it. In addition, you are not the only person involved in this matter, there are many people like that come here."

"Who else?" Asked a tall, thin old man.

"You will know soon." Zuo Beiela looked at him and asked again, "Who are you?"

The tall and thin old man said, "Wolfgang, you won't know the name because it is the name of a mechanical engineer, but you should remember my other name, Himmler."

Himmler, the leader of the Gestapo, was second only to Hitler in the Nazi world.

Hearing this name, Ning Tao suddenly felt a little convinced that Zuo Bella had just said that the more powerful a person is, the stronger his soul will be, and there will be such an "opportunity". In front of these Nazi apprentices, all of them were the characters who set off a **** storm and controlled the wheels of history decades ago. There are also Wu Zetian and Han Xin. In their respective times, why are they not the characters who control the wheel of history?

It ’s totally different from Ning Tao ’s feeling. When hearing the name of Hilem, Zuo Beila just smiled lightly: “You are waiting here, it is safe for you to stay here. I have arranged it and I will see you again. At that time you will know what I want you to do. "

"You just left? We need food and money." Mueller said.

Zuo Bella said, "Food? There are foods all over this town. If you want to eat fish, I will be very disappointed."

This is to make these Nazi possessors prey on living people like blood demon.

After waiting for Zuo Beiela to reach the door, Ning Tao backed out of the wall, crossed the corridor and returned to his own room, then back to his body.

Yuan Ying came in, he went out.

Ning Tao just opened his eyes, footsteps came from the door again, and he closed his eyes again.


With a light noise, the door opened.

This time Zuo Beila came in alone, her pace was fast, but there was no obvious sound under her feet. It had nothing to do with the carpet on the ground, she had deliberately controlled the footsteps.

As she approached, Ning Tao's heart suddenly became tense. He has always endured these things. In the heart of the lake, even if the mercenary punched him, he did not fight back, so as not to fight the grass and scare the snake, brewing a plan to kill Nicholas Conti. This plan has not yet had a prototype, how can he make a big mistake and startle the snake?

If you didn't want to kill Nicholas Conte this month, Ning Tao would be able to poke Zuo Beiela at once at this moment. How would she be arrogant!

However, we still cannot do that.

Zuo Bella stopped at the bedside. She looked at the black kid version of Ning Tao who was lying on the bed. After a few seconds, she slowly leaned down and brought her mouth to Ning Tao's neck. Li suddenly revealed four sharp incisors.

There was a sudden sigh in Ning Tao's heart. This Zuo Beiela obviously wanted to **** his blood. If you don't think about contagion if you leave the meeting, he is definitely not willing to be bitten by a female blood demon around her neck. Even if it was for the patience of Nicholas Conte, it was limited. Zuo Beiela's move at this moment obviously exceeded that limit.

There seems to be a divine will in the meditation, and this trip to Huangshi Lake is destined to hit the grass and scare the snake.

However, killing Zobela was a worthwhile trip.

The right palm of Ning Tao's right hand was slowly recovered. To complete a grasping posture, this posture can be used to shoot Zuo Beila in the flesh immediately after the Zhenkai Tian version of Yingu Zhen Lingfu.

Zuo Bella's incisors are getting closer and closer to Ning Tao's neck ...

"What are you all doing there?" The sound of the shotgun, and the sound of him walking this way.

Zuo Beila's incisors shrank back instantly, straightened up, turned and walked towards the door.

In the corridor, two Mercenary mercenaries stopped the shotguns going this way.

Zobela stepped out of the door and reached for the door.

Ning Tao then opened his eyes, but he was still lying on the bed in a motionless posture, just listening to the sound outside the door with his ears.

"I heard someone falling in that room, and the door was hidden again. I thought he needed help, so I went in and looked at it." Zuo Beila said.

"That's Mr. Johnny's room. What's wrong with him?" The shotgun said with concern.

"He was drunk and fell to the ground. I put him on the bed. But I don't want him to know about this, can you keep it for me?" Zuo Beila's voice.

"Of course no problem." The sound of the shotgun.

"Okay, goodbye." Zuo Beiela led away.

The crisis is lifted ~ ~ This is not really a crisis, it is just a trouble.

Ning Tao breathed a sigh of relief, remembering the passage just now, and secretly said, "Was she trying to **** my blood or test me?"

This is really hard to judge, but what is certain is that if the shotgun didn't come upstairs, he would shoot out Zuo Beila in the next second.


There was a knock at the door.

Ning Tao did not respond, but also made a snoring noise with her nostril.

"Really drunk." The shotgun sounded, and he left.

Ning Tao got up from the bed, he went into the bathroom, bit his finger, drew a blood lock in a corner that he couldn't clean, and then developed the door of convenience to return to the Tiandao Medical Museum. After returning to Tiandao Medical Museum, he non-stop opened another blood lock, and then went in.

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