Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 693: look deep into

Sticking to the pinch symbol and licking it. Looking for Zudan and Yuanying, all these things are familiar.


After a minute of blindness, Ning Tao's eyes had light. In his sight was a blue sky and white clouds, a red sunset and an endless sea. He stood in the sea, and the waves rushed under his feet without taking anything away.

"The energy structure here is really destroyed by the magic array of the treasure chest, and there is no soul energy left in the skull. It seems that my trip is white ..." Before he said a word to himself, A sailing boat appeared on the sea, entered his sight, and sailed here in the wind.

The white banner and the black crescent are exactly the ship of the Yinyue people crossing the east.

Ning Tao looked up at the sun in the sky, and then looked at the sailing boat. It should be traveling from the direction of Okinawa to the mainland, not from the direction of the mainland to Okinawa.

He remembered the past time and space in which he entered last time, and in that past time and space, the lunar moon's ship was sinking. The suspected captain's overcast man encouraged the crew's morale and said that they would definitely be able to return home. However, not long after that sentence, the sailboat sank.

This shows that the Yinyue people on the ship wanted to take the treasure chest back to the mainland, and naturally, the return to the mainland was to the Yinyue City under the dragon frame.

"The town time tower has nothing to do with Tang Zixian's previous life. The moon moon people on the boat took the town time tower back to the dragon dragon frame. Do you want to use the town time tower in the box to catch the Dan spirit? You can hear the legend of Dan Xian. Naturally, someone must have Dan Fang, and someone must know the legend. That means that before Fox Ji, someone was also interested in Xun Zu Dan and wanted to catch Dan Ling? "Ning Tao recalled, thinking However, it is a pity that it still feels like it is shrouded in a mist of fog, and the truth cannot be seen.

The sailing boat was getting closer and closer, and Ning Tao's thoughts came to the sailing boat. He saw the captain, and other crew members, there were Yinyue people, and he did not know whether it was the Qin or Han crew. Because it is not certain which period, the name of the Han people began from the Han Dynasty.

The Yinyue people on the boat do not work, they are all Qin or Han people.

A little boy came out of the cabin with a ceramic pot in his hand. The manufacturing process of the pot is exquisite. It is obviously not that the Qin or Han people at that time could burn it. It is obviously the porcelain of the Yinyue people.

The little boy was also a slave of the Qin or Han dynasties. He was dressed in clothes and had unhealed whip marks on his body. The ankle on one foot was swollen and ulcerated, and he walked on and off.

The little boy apparently came to deliver water.

When Ning Tao's heart moved, Yuan Ying pierced his head. The child's body suddenly stiffened, and his eyes were dull. But in a blink of an eye it returned to normal and he continued to move forward. At this time he is no longer "he".

Ning Tao didn't know who he was sending water to, but he believed that if he kept going, that person would call him.

Sure enough, a crew member of the Moon Moon snapped, "Little bastard, are you blind? Here!"

Although it is Yinyue, it is in the past time and space built by the town's time tower, building boards, and cloud ore, and he also brings a whisperer, so he can understand it without having to listen and understand. Just like breathing.

Ning Tao walked over and poured some water into the Yiner man's glass with a kettle.

The overcast man suddenly stepped on the little boy's sore foot, and then said fiercely, "The next time I am so dull, I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish, get out!"

Although the boy ’s feet are not his feet, Ning Tao ’s Yuan Ying controls the boy ’s body, and the boy ’s feet are equal to his feet. This foot really hurts, even his tears were rolling. But he could only endure, he didn't dare to scream, and didn't dare to fight back.

He is a true practitioner who almost touches the wall of Xiao Nirvana's realm, but that is his deity, not his original infant. Whoever his baby is on, he is equal to who he has become. If he is a child, he is a child. As a slave and a emaciated child, how dare he fight against the lunar moon with a slap?

What's more, to understand from the perspective of "the past", no matter who these people are, he wants the truth. What's the point of fighting fiercely with a dead person?

Ning Tao carried the kettle into the hatch and walked down the wooden stairs.

He walked cautiously, and his eyes were watching where he could see.

Under the stairs is a very wide cabin with several tables and benches, and a few wooden barrels stacked in a corner, a bit like medieval oak barrels. At that time, Europeans who liked to use oak barrels to store wine did not know where to play mud.

From this small detail alone, it can be judged how advanced and powerful the civilization of the moon people at that time was.

However, the two are actually not comparable, because human civilization, including the West, is only a natural civilization developed by slash-and-burn cultivation, while the civilization of the yin and yang people is a true civilization.

How can we compare natural civilization and spiritual civilization?

This time is probably not the place to eat. The restaurant is empty and there is not even a figure.

Ning Tao walked through the restaurant and walked towards the aisle at the end of the restaurant.

There are several rooms on either side of the aisle, and at the end of the aisle is a downward staircase.

When passing by a room, a woman begging voice came out of the room: "No, please don't ..."

Poppy ...

If Ning Tao was just a kid, when he heard such a voice, he would probably think of beating his hands, and if he was more serious, he would think of slapping, and would not think of going elsewhere. However, he is a young man from the 21st world. When he hears such a voice, he hardly needs to think about and know what ugly things are happening in the room.

Ning Tao didn't want to peep, he continued to move forward.

There was a man's voice behind him, very irritable and vicious: "You be honest with me, or I will kill you!"

Poppy ...

If the deity was here, Ning Tao must have knocked open the door and shot the beast in the past, but he was just a child, and he could not do anything about such evil deeds.

To live is to practice. How many sufferings will one's life experience end?

Below the second staircase is a larger warehouse. A young human was nailed to a pillar alive, blood flowing down his chest, dyed his legs, and a large swath of red. Wooden floor.

A dozen human slaves curled up in a corner, all young women, unclothed and dirty. Their faces are pale and their lips are dry and cracked, which is obviously a symptom of lack of nutrition and dehydration.

Ning Tao could see the anger burning. He didn't have any bad feelings about the moon, but this time not only saw the ugly faces of the moon people, but even experienced the brutality of the moon people. Erupted the same.

But it was just a feeling. Even if he wanted to overturn the ship, he could do nothing. Moreover, the fate of this ship is doomed, and it will eventually sink to the bottom of the sea.

Ning Tao suppressed the anger in her heart, and walked towards a locked door in a stunned manner.

"Xiang Fei ... Can you give me some water?" A girl's voice came from behind.

Xiang Fei?

This is obviously a man's name, and there is only one boy here. He turned around and saw the girl talking to him. She was only about fifteen or sixteen years old, and looked at him pitifully.

Ning Tao couldn't bear it. He turned around and passed the kettle in his hand to the girl: "Sister, drink water."

The girl took a sip and passed the kettle to the other girl. The kettle was passed among a group of female slaves. The water was actually consumed by one person, but no one did that.

"Xiang Fei, you are so good." The first girl who drank water said a word of praise to Ning Tao.

"Are we ... Chu people?" Ning Tao asked, and the surname Xiang reminded him of a world-famous hero in history, that is, the Western Chu King Xiang Yu.

The girl nodded, tears bursting out of her eyes: "Stupid child, Chu is gone ... why are you asking such strange things?"

Chu is gone, so the slaves on this ship should be Han people.

"Sisters, you don't have to be afraid, all of this will end soon." Ning Tao said this, turning and walking towards the locked door again. He sympathized with them, but he also knew that under the given ending, no matter what he did, he could not change their fate.

"Xian Fei don't go there, it's dangerous!" The girl reminded, her voice full of worry and nervousness.

Ning Tao didn't stop. He came to the door and put one eye into a door slit to look inside. This was the look, and he suddenly caught the spot.

The treasure chest was in the room behind the door, with runes engraved on each side of the chest. But there was also an old man with white hair in that room. The old man saw it in the eyes of heaven ~ But such an old man had no palms in his hands and no soles in his feet, but even then there were still people with an iron chain around his neck.

Who is he?

Ning Tao was surprised and confused. When he was on this ship for the first time, he was just a rookie, and he only spent a little time on the deck. He did n’t even go to the cabin to take a look. . He could guess that the box was in the cabin below, but he couldn't guess such an old man was locked in the ship.

The old man with no hands and feet suddenly raised his head, and the two spirits gathered in the gap in the door at that moment.

He found it.

"Hey ..." There was a weird laughter in the old man's mouth, and it was whispered, giving a creepy feeling.

Ning Tao is not afraid at all: "Old man, who are you?"

"It's coming, hahaha ..." The old man said something inexplicable, and then laughed again.

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