Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 703: Gentleman doing something

Heaven spokesman.

If Tiandao is understood as a financial company, then Ning Tao is actually a wage earner who collects loans.

Hirano Mito is an old Lai who owes a debt to Tiandao, but after so many years, he probably has forgotten the debt, and must live with peace of mind, contentment and happiness. But heaven has eyes, and Skynet is restored without leak, who can escape?

Before he came here, how could Ning Tao never think that the gift that the father and son of the Yin family would give him would be an invasion of China, which seemed a coincidence, but who can be sure that it was not God's will? There seems to be a magical power in everything, which is not met.

"Are you a lawyer from Hua Guo, or the family members of the so-called victims?" Hirano's tone of speech has changed, feeling a little embarrassed and angry.

Ning Tao shook his head: "Neither."

"Then who are you, what do you tell me?"

Ning Tao said lightly: "I am also a practitioner, but I am practicing Tiandao, which is not the same as your practice of Buddhism. I say this to you just to talk casually. If you think that I am not reasonable, you You can refute me. You are too old. Do n’t just ignite it and hurt yourself. ”

Hirano was silent for a moment before he said, "I wo n’t deny the crime I committed, or I wo n’t confess before the Buddha. Should one go to **** if one makes a mistake, and we should give the person who makes a mistake Opportunity. The Buddha said that he would put down the butcher knife and stand on the ground, but why do you Chinese people hold on to history, even if I sentenced to death and sent me to the gallows, killing me would not change history. You should give me this An old man has a chance to reform. Do I hurt anyone now? No, I don't even want to hurt a fish. "

Ning Tao glanced at the fish floating in the water: "Don't you hurt yourself? No, you are actually hurting them."

"You talk nonsense!"

Ning Tao said lightly: "If you really think they need food, you can just throw the food in the water instead of hanging them on the fishing line and let them eat. By doing this, you will make them think that it is safe. In the village in the future People come to fish again, they will scramble to eat the bait hanging on the fishing hook. With this kind of mentality, I think you probably think that the practice is too boring and boring, so you have to make it a little more interesting, right ? "

"You are really an impolite Chinese." Hirano Mito has lost his fishing mood, he put away the fishing line and fishing rod and was ready to leave.

Ning Tao also stood up from the stone, and then asked again, "If now give you a chance to atone for sin, what would you do?"

Hirano Guangmin looked at Ning Tao: "I don't need anyone to give me any chance to make atonement. I have done a lot of good things in the past few decades and helped a lot of people. I eat the chanting every day. Life, I am very satisfied and happy, and these have nothing to do with you. I don't want to talk to you, and I don't want to see you again. Come on, don't bother me again. "

After that, he picked up the fishing basket and took a fishing rod and walked to his straw house.

Ning Tao looked at his back, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth: "Mr. Hirano, do you have a family?"

Hirano Mito stopped and turned to look at Ning Tao: "What do you want to do?"

"That's it, I just ask casually, goodbye." Ning Tao turned and left.

"Chinese people who are not polite." Hirano shook his head before leaving.

Ning Tao walked in the direction of the village. In the dim light, three people standing under a tree, the Yin family father and son, and the soft sky sound were faintly visible.

"Master," soft Tianyin greeted, his eyes full of concern and curiosity, "Who is that old man?"

Ning Tao said: "An officer of the Japanese army that invaded China."

Soft Tianyin seemed to understand something, and looked at the direction of Caolu by the side of the pond, his eyes were fierce.

The Yin family father and son also came over.

Yin Renjie said, "Ning Daoyou, what did you talk to him?"

Ning Tao said: "It's nothing, just talk about Buddhism."

The Yin family father and son could not help but glance at each other. The father and son apparently did not expect that Ning Tao would talk to Hirano Mitsuta about Buddhism.

Ning Tao smiled: "Did you think you would kill him?"

"Ning Daoyou ... don't like this gift?" Yin Renjie tentatively said.

Ning Tao said: "Like, this is really a special gift for me, but only if the gift is not packaged is not good."

"Packing?" Yin Xun said puzzledly, "Ning Daoyou also ask me clearly, what kind of packaging?"

Yin Renjie said: "Xuner, go and bring Hirano's light-sensitive family."

"Yes, father." Yin Xun suddenly understood and came away.

The light was on in a hut, and then there was the sound of knocking wooden fish, and there was a faint sound of chanting.

Hirano Guangmin has apparently stepped out of the unpleasant incident just now and entered the mode he is used to.

Put down the butcher knife, eat the chanting, and do something good, so that you can eliminate sin?

"You are so naive, if this is useful, I would not appear here." Ning Tao said in his heart.

On the way back, there were only three people. The darkness shrouded the forest path, and the village not far away was lit with lights. Maybe it's because of the strange environment. Soft Tianyin is next to Ning Tao, his arm is close to his arm.

"Ning Daoyou, I have heard that you are a decisive man. It was so true today, I hope we will never become enemies." Yin Renjie broke the silence between the three men.

Ning Tao said: "I never kill anyone who kills him. Hirano ’s crime is extremely serious, but if his family is innocent, I will not harm his family. I just need his family to promote him.

"I thought you were going to end up huh, huh, huh ..." In the laughter, Yin Yinjie turned sharply, "Ning Daoyou, did we have a deal?"

Ning Tao said, "It still depends on how it ends."

"What if everything is what you wish?" Yin Renjie's eyes hidden with excitement.

Ning Tao said: "Then I will do as you wish, but if I can go to the fairy world, you must return it to me."

Yin Renjie smiled: "That's natural. One day, Ning Daoyou came to ask, would we dare not give it?"

Ning Tao said, "Give us a place to live, and I'll probably stay here for a day or two."

"This does not require Ning Daoyou to explain. I have already ordered someone to arrange it properly." The smile on Yin Renjie's face was even stronger.

Back in the village, under the leadership of Yin Renjie, Ning Tao and Soft Tianyin came to a courtyard next to the temple.

There are three rooms in the yard, a kitchen, a tea room, and a bedroom. The coffee table in the tea room has been removed and replaced with a dining table.

The dishes are already set on the table, as well as the wine. The dishes are Japanese and the sake is Japanese sake. At the end of the table was a kneeling Japanese white geisha, holding a shamisen, waiting to play.

"Ning Daoyou, soft girl please." Yin Renjie made a pleased gesture.

Ning Tao said: "It seems that Yin Yin seniors like Japanese culture very much. These foods, as well as wine and geisha, have spent a lot of thought?"

The overcast man Jie gave a little hesitation. He seemed to hear something from Ning Tao's words, and then said, "Ning Daoyou, it's really a dog's negligence. It's all he arranged, and I'll let it go. Redo. . "

Ning Tao said, "It doesn't have to be that. It is just a meal. There are many people in Japan who like to eat Japanese food. I am not the kind of person who is prejudiced against food and customs. Let's eat Japanese food."

The words in his heart did not finish, which made him a little uncomfortable. In fact, it was not the Japanese food and geisha at this table, but the people of the Yin family, as descendants of the Han and Yinyue people, changed their habits. It has to be like a Japanese, which makes people feel a little bit like that.

However, such words must not be spoken in person, because even the most authentic Japanese culture is actually transmitted from the Tang Dynasty. Putting it through Yin Yinjie will definitely refute him like this, and he is not easy to refute.

"Then ... please." Obviously Yin Renjie didn't want people to redo. Although Ning Tao didn't say anything, how could he not hear the words hidden in Ning Tao's words. He must be uncomfortable in his heart, but Kai Shanyu hasn't got it yet. No matter how much Ning Tao says, he can only listen.

Ning Tao and Soft Tianyin entered the tea room and took off their shoes to sit on the seat. This time, without waiting for Ning Tao to pull the hem of Tianbao's robe to cover the pair of crystal clear and attractive jade feet, Soft Tianyin pulled it over and covered it. . Then she smiled at Ning Tao, bright and bright.

It seems to be the reason for Ning Tao's sentence, the atmosphere of the whole dinner seemed a bit dull, except for some polite words, the three did not talk about other topics. Only the white-faced Japanese geisha played the shamisen and sang an incomprehensible song.

At the end of the dinner, Yin Yinjie resigned and Ning Tao and Soft Tianyin also came to the only bedroom.

There is no bed in the bedroom, there is only one tatami mat, and the bedding is simple but clean. There is also a wardrobe and a coffee table, not even a chair, and there are only two cushions under the coffee table.

"Does the Japanese hate the chair?" Ning Tao smiled bitterly.

"Master, do you really want to give them Kaishan?" Soft Tianyin asked, but Yin Renjie was hard to ask in her just now, and now she is alone with Ning Tao, she can't hide anything in her heart.

Ning Tao said: "The father and son of the Yin family are very clever. They studied me and knew me well, so they gave me the Japanese invader as a gift. I must kill the Japanese invader, otherwise I would repair something. God? "

"But ... we can kill the invading Japanese army officer in other ways without giving them a mountain stream." Soft Tianyin said.

However, Ning Tao shook his head: "The gentleman has done something, he has done nothing. The father and son of the Yin family are indeed a bit cunning, but it is not the bad guy that I can kill if you want to kill. You also saw that they are very strong, If we do that, then we will turn them into enemies directly. I want to kill Nicholas Conti. During this period, I can no longer make strong enemies ~ ~ That Kaishanyu is the magical weapon of the Yinyue fairy, I It ca n’t be used normally, and it can only be used as a token. If I really have a chance to go to the fairyland in the future, I will just take it back. If not, I do n’t have to keep it, so I might as well be a good friend and change the gift . "

In fact, Ning Tao had already considered this while chatting with Hirano Mito, and this decision was made while chatting with Hirano Mito.

What kind of person Hirano Mito wants to atone for sin?

That's up to him.

"It turned out that, no matter what the lord's decision is, I support you. Whatever you want me to do, I will listen to you." Soft Tianyin smiled brightly, "But now you have to listen to one thing of."

"Well, what's the matter?" Ning Tao asked.

"It's getting late, let me wait for you to sleep." Soft Tianyin said with a smile.

Ning Tao: "..."

PS: I want to make an event today, only 2 more, issued early in the morning.

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