Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 711: The God of Money Laundering

A day later.



A cannonball exploded in a badly damaged building, and the building fell to the ground with a violent explosion. In a room, a young mother was carrying her child, she screamed, but used her body to protect the child under her body.

A cloud of ink and smoke suddenly broke through the torn wall, rushed out of the building with a mother and son who were about to be buried, and placed the young mother and her child on the street.

The streets were full of vehicles bombed by artillery shells and ruined buildings. People trapped in the battlefield rushed out of their hiding places, looking for safer places. But the sound of gunfire and bomb explosions everywhere, where to hide, and where is the safe place?

Then the young mother could see clearly the man who rescued her and her child from despair. The man was covering his face with a black cloth and could not see his face. He also wore a black trench coat, giving a cold feeling. The only thing I could see was a pair of eyes. They were dark eyes, not Arab eyes.

This person is Ning Tao who has traveled thousands of miles to "money launder".

Nowhere is money easier to launder than in a war where there are too many people in need.

"You are ..." The young mother seemed to want to ask Ning Tao's name, but because she was still in a state of shock, she couldn't even say a simple word.

Ning Tao said in English, "Ma'am, don't be afraid, I will take you to a safe place, wait for your child to follow me, can you?"

The young mother shook her head, she apparently couldn't understand Ning Tao's words.

Ning Tao beckoned, and a pair of young men and women ran over from the crowd.

The young mother looked at the pair of men and women, a young Arab, and could recognize them at a glance. The other woman, like the oriental youth who saved him, wore a black trench coat and covered her face with a black cloth. Only her dark eyes were exposed in the air, clear and bright.

This woman is the soft mute of the Meng family sister. Ning Tao came to Syria to launder money. Does she have no reason to follow? In fact, this kind of good deed, even if she doesn't want to come to Ning Tao, will bring her. The more she accumulates merit, the greater her blessing.

"Fahed, tell her and let her follow us. You tell her that we will prepare food and water for her and her children, and where to live." Soft Tianyin told the Arab who followed her The youth said.

The Arab youth known as Fahd has studied in China and knows Chinese. He recounted the words of the soft sky.

The young mother nodded and said a word.

Fahd said, "Mr. Hei, Ms. Hei, she asks your names. She has to remember the name of the benefactor, and will pray for you every day for the rest of her life."

He looked at Ning Tao and Soft Tianyin with anticipation. In fact, he also wanted to know the names of the oriental couple who fell from the sky.

Ning Tao smiled. "Tell her, we are the heroines."

"Grand Condor?" Fahd smiled sincerely, "We will remember the name, and we will all pray for you."

Ning Tao said, "Let's go."

Fahd ran towards the crowd, yelling and shouting as he ran. People on the street rushed over and followed Ning Tao and Soft Tianyin.

Ning Tao shot in the flesh with one hand, and refined the crust gun in the front of the line. Soft Tianyin followed Ning Tao, carrying a weapon assault rifle on his shoulder,

Walking with wind.

In her life, only these days have been the fastest.

A large group of refugees followed Ning Tao and Ruotianyin. There were hundreds of men, men, women, young and old.

The young mother hugged the child and asked Fahd around him, "Who are they and why do we help us?"

"Grand Condor, they are from China. I don't know why they help us, but I believe he will get help," Fahd said.

A blood-stained middle-aged Arab man said, "Several armed men are going to kill me and my wife. He saved me and sent those evildoers to hell."

"My child was injured. He was cured by the Condor Heroes ..."

The name "The Condor Heroes" was everywhere in the crowd.

Suddenly at the end of the street were several chariots modified with leather cars, with black flags on the roof. In each compartment of the car were several armed men with black scarves and black masks.

Rushing on the roof of a Great Wall pickup truck in front, the machine gunner operating the heavy machine gun shouted something.

The refugees who followed Ning Tao were suddenly caught in a panic. Some people screamed, and some people rushed to hide in a building that might collapse anytime.

It doesn't seem to ask who the other party is.

Ning Tao waved his hand and shot in the past.


The gun in the flesh left a brushstroke of ink in the void, flashed in the void, and was stuck on the Great Wall pickup truck when it paused again.


In the thundering impact, the front of the Great Wall pickup truck that rushed towards the refugees at high speed was torn open, the beam was pierced, and it was nailed to the ground alive. Under the action of inertial force, the parking space suddenly swelled up, bending the beams, and several armed elements sitting in the carriage were thrown to the ground and fell a horror.

The rear chariots braked suddenly. The eyes of the terrorists were full of horror. No one dared to shoot for a while.

Ning Tao said aloud, "We are a civilian rescue team from China. Please give way, or let us kill you!"

Fahd then said, "We are a civilian rescue team from China ..."

Bang Bang!

A rapid gunshot sounded and an armed man fired at Ning Tao.

The ak rifle jumped, and bullets flew towards Ning Tao.

Ning Tao did not even dodge for a moment, raising his hand was a blast.

A low-key gunshot.

A low-key bullet.


The armed man's pickup truck shattered, the wheels, engine parts, and the minced meat of the driver sitting in the cab were flying in the air. Then it was detonated, and the fuel tank and ammunition generally exploded under the huge impact.

Refined crust bullets do not have explosive properties, but the impact is not what ordinary vehicles can withstand. In fact, what is said to be an ordinary pickup truck, even the world-renowned Leopard 2 tank cannot withstand its direct bullet!

The remaining pickup trucks turned around and ran.

Soft Tianyin raised his gun and was ready to aim and shoot. Jiang Hao once taught her to shoot, and the use of this type of weapon is not much different from ordinary firearms, except that it needs to inject spiritual power to activate the weapon.

With her shot, those pickup trucks were almost scrapped.

But just as she was about to fire, Ning Tao reached out and squeezed her flat weapon firearm down. "Let them go."

Soft Tianyin said in surprise, "Brother Ning, they are all wicked, why let them go?"

Ning Tao said, "This kind of wicked people are all over the ground. Can you finish the killing? Your hand is not used to kill people, even if they kill bad people, they will be stained with blood. Let them go and they will happen here. Pass it out, no one dares to interfere in our rescue operations in the future, and we will have more time to save more people. "

Soft Tianyin nodded, and she could feel her smile across the masked black cloth, as clean and bright as dawn.

Ning Tao waved a hand and continued to lead the refugee team forward. Passing by the fragmented pickup truck, he reached out and drew a flesh shot from the ground.

The eyes of all the refugees gathered on him, and their eyes were full of surprise and admiration. No one spoke, and even the children were quiet.

Along the way, Ning Tao, who was trapped by the refugees and injured, went out to rescue or treat him. The ranks of refugees are getting bigger and bigger, and in the end they have reached thousands.

When night fell, Ning Tao finally took the huge refugee team out of the city and came to a valley.

"Everyone take a rest." Ning Tao stopped.

Fahd called the refugees to stop, and Ning Tao's words were passed to the last person in the procession.

When the refugees were resting, Ning Tao pulled Soft Tianyin aside and said softly, "This operation is money laundering. I need your help, but it must be paid. I need you to give these refugees water. What do you want from me? ? "

Soft Tianyin took off the masked black cloth, raised his chin slightly, and said with a smile, "Kiss me, I will give you water ~ ~ This fairy.

Ning Tao bowed her head and gently caught her chin, then kissed her lips. When he felt almost about to loosen, she suddenly reached out and wrapped his neck ...

In terms of abilities in some respects, the Meng family's fairies are actually more powerful than the Lich King. Nothing else, just because she is mussel essence. Fairies who are not born to fight, God seems to take special care of them, giving a bunch of god-given mana to people who doubt life.

Just this, Ning Tao would definitely not tell her, this is his secret.

Some people applauded in the refugee procession, and then the applause spread somehow throughout the procession. Kissing here, thousands of people applauding, the scene is a bit weird.

Soft Tianyin was embarrassed, she let go of Ning Tao and ran towards the valley like a flee.

This valley was selected by Ning Tao early in the morning, and a large water pit was blown up in advance. All she had to do was put a pool of clean water.

Half an hour later, Soft Tianyin returned from the valley, and she came to Ning Tao's side "OK, brother Ning."

Ning Tao smiled at her and then shouted, "Fahd, let everyone follow me. Our refugee camp is in the valley, with water and food."

As soon as the news passed, the entire refugee procession was boiling, dragging children to follow Ning Tao to the valley.

In the valley, a large number of simple tents, bedding, food and general medicines have been prepared for a long time, all of which are made in China. There is also a swimming pool-sized cistern, with blue waves.

However, this is just the beginning. After the news spreads, more refugees will come here in the future. After money laundering, the good people of China Charity will come here.

ps had brain pain yesterday and went to the doctor today with only two chapters. Sorry, three more tomorrow.



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