Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 729: no way no money

Ning Tao's eyes quickly swept through this space. At this time when he killed Nicolas Kandi, the evil leader in Tiandao Medical Museum, he didn't know what happened here, but it wasn't difficult to see.

Blackfire's mercenaries, the new demon, and the blood demon of the Vettel family are all dead, and the body is lying on the ground. And those who are alive and dead, not many are alive. There was a **** killing here, but I don't know if it was Fox's and her three men's hands, or Niebona's.

But these people are **** people, it doesn't matter who killed them.

The important thing is that Nebona is clearly a trouble now. She destroyed the ghost ship, absorbed so much ghost energy, and in front of her is the same level as the Yinyue fairy. If she gets out of control, then it ’s definitely not a problem. Good thing.

Nebona strode towards Ning Tao. Her feet were a pair of golden boots, but she walked without any sound. She passed through the pool of blood, leaving no footprints in the pool of blood.

She is only in the form of a pure energy body, but it is different from Yuan Ying, because Yuan Ying is an energy body that needs a body to exist, and she has no body.

As she walked, she was chanting something. Although she couldn't hear her voice, Ning Tao could read it from her mouth. It was the spell he ignited the undead torch that he was very familiar with—sleeping in The undead in the dirt, I am the holder of the undead torch, the guide of the undead, I ignite this torch with blood and black fire oil, undead, listen to my call, fight for me!

With her chanting, the undead torch sparkled. Where she walked, strands of remnant spirits floated out of a corpse, and moths threw fire into the undead torch. What's even more weird is that those living dead, even the living dead, somehow fell to the ground, the residual soul was stripped from it, and then thrown into the undead torch.

The undead torch really has a powerful deterrent and lethal power to ghosts and undead.

The more the undead torch absorbs, the stronger Niebona ’s energy body is. The golden armor gives a slight golden glow, and the picture really looks like a Valkyrie.

Ning Tao felt murderous from her body, he scolded: "Nepona, what are you doing? You can see who I am!"

Nebona stopped, staring at Ning Tao with a burning look.

Ning Tao said, "I am your master!"

Niebona suddenly waved the undead torch in her hand towards Ning Tao, and a blaze of fire flew towards Ning Tao.


The blood-colored fire exploded, and suddenly there was a large pit on the ground, full of burn marks.

Ning Tao's feet fell to the ground, and the "shield" in front of him also disappeared. But even so, his clothes were burnt. Especially the hair, there was a plume of smoke on his hair.

The evil face awoke, and his eyes darkened instantly.

"Hard wings?" Ning Tao's voice was deep and hoarse, and it gave a cold feeling. "Did you forget that you are still trapped in the dark underground without me!"

Nebona's eyes seemed a little confused. She had no real mouth and vocal cords and could not speak, but this did not affect her ability to capture Ning Tao's voice. And she seemed to understand what Ning Tao was talking about.

"You are dead!" Ning Tao growled. "Do you think you are still alive? Without me, you would be trapped in darkness forever!"

Nebona's lips squirmed and seemed to mumble to herself.

She absorbs a lot of ghost energy. The energy body is unprecedentedly powerful, but after all, there is no "brain". Some behaviors are related to instinctual reactions, and some are related to the remnants of previous lives, and the remnants are unstable.

When Nebona was in the midst of confusion, a white shadow came across, and the blade generally cut through Nebona's hand holding the undead torch.

哐 Dang!

The undead torch fell to the ground.

Fox Ji was shot, and Ning Tao disturbed Nebona's mind, which was a good opportunity for her shot.

Nebona roared silently, and the severed hand was reborn instantly, grasping the undead torch that had fallen to the ground.

Fox Ji kicked the undead torch at Ning Tao: "Hold it!"

As soon as her words fell, Nibona's fist banged on her lower abdomen.


Fox Ji's body flew upside down.

Nebona rushed to the Fox Fox.

Ning Tao grabbed the undead torch, injected spiritual power, and blew at the beating flame.

The undead torch went out.

The fire was ignited by his blood and spiritual power, and this was the way to extinguish the torch.

Fox Ji's body suddenly froze in the void, it felt like the projector projecting her suddenly pressed the pause button.

Ning Tao scolded, "Come back!"

Nebona's figure flickered in the void, and she was already beside Ning Tao when she reappeared. The speed of the pure energy body is as fast as Yuan Ying's, and it can reach kilometers away in an instant.

Nebona seemed to be a different person. She hugged her arms, and seemed to endure the unbearable cold and fear.

Ning Tao is familiar with her changes.

Before she was a ghost, but now she is just a poor female ghost who needs warmth and needs the protection of her master.

Ning Tao said coldly, "Go back!"

Nebona turned into a green smoke and returned to the undead torch.

Ning Tao let down the undead torch, and she was relieved. If it wasn't for the fox's capture of the undead torch in Niebona's hands and let Niebona run out of control, I really don't know how things will end.

Fox Ji came to Ning Tao's side, with a look of anger: "Why don't you tell me you still carry such a female ghost, she almost killed me!"

Ning Tao was also polite: "At the time, you could stay on the boat and fight with me, but you watched below, and I won't let her out. Once the ghost ship has completely entered the water, we won't have the chance to kill Nicholas Conti! Then you give me an explanation, why did you hesitate? Do you think I will die! "

Fox's lips moved but did not speak.

Does she think so?

Only she knew it.

But she dismissed and explained to Ning Tao.


A gunshot.

Ning Tao and Fox Ji moved their eyes. In their sight, Charles fell down while covering his chest.

Li Chuyi fired, using only an ordinary assault rifle that he picked up.

In that corner, several blood demon of the Vettel family are giving their lives to protect Charles and Zuo Beiela retreating to a passage.

Bang Bang!

The assault rifle in Li Chu's hand trembled, and bullets flew out, and another blood demon fell to the ground. But he was still struggling, and even if he was hit in the heart, that couldn't kill him.

Charles had already risen from the ground, and ran towards Zuo Beila to the entrance of the passage. Blood flowed down his legs to the ground, leaving a shocking mark on the ground.

As soon as Li Chu aimed his muzzle at Charles's back, without any hesitation, the trigger was pulled as soon as the muzzle was locked.

A blood demon suddenly came across, blocking behind Charles.

Bang Bang!

Several bullets pierced the blood demon's chest, and one of them plunged from his forehead into his head. He fell down without moving again. The blood demon's fighting power is very weak, but only his head is fatal throughout his body.

"Don't kill him!" Ning Tao roared, sprinting towards the entrance of the passage.

Li Chuyi ignored the order of Ning Tao and continued to pull the trigger.

Kaka ...

No bullets were fired from the muzzle.

She just emptied the magazine just now.

She shook her head and dropped the assault rifle on the ground. Then he took a look at Fox-Hill, and Fox-Hill didn't give any instructions.

Zobela and Charles rushed to the entrance of the passage in an instant.

Suddenly, a cloud of ink and smoke came through the air, and one end was stuck on the stone wall at the entrance of the passage. With a bang, the stone wall collapsed. After a long gun with black and white patterns destroyed the stone wall, it still plunged into the stone steps in the passage, forming a "railing".

Zobela and Charles stopped in haste and stepped back.

Ning Tao probed his hand, flew from the ground and returned to his hands. He walked towards the brothers and sisters with a gun in his flesh and said, "You can't escape, Nicholas Conte is dead."

Zobela and Charles turned and ran, only to see the fox-kids walking slowly over here. Behind her were the three ruthless men. When passing by a still mercenary mercenary, Li Chu stepped on the mercenary's neck ~ ~ click The mercenaries were completely quiet.

Zobela and Charles stepped back.

Ning Tao continued to persecute Zuo Bella and Charles, and said lightly, "If you want to survive, you must cooperate with us and tell me, what are the origins of those stones?"

Charles and Zobela continued to step back.

"Did he not tell you?" Charles said.

There was a flash of black light in Ning Tao's eyes: "If he told me, would I still ask you!"

Killing out of the body.

"Hahaha ..." Charles smiled suddenly.

Ning Tao said angrily: "What are you laughing at? Do you really think I dare not kill you? I dare to kill Nicholas Conti, and I dare to destroy such a Vettel family!"

As Charlie stepped back, he said, "I told him that stupid Nicholas Conte, don't worry, but he didn't listen to me. He made the ancestral ancestor, and urgently started the ancestral quest. I suggest him It's not too late to kill you first. If he listens to me, how can we fail and how can he die? "

Ning Tao scolded: "Tell me what those stones are from!"

His eyes are completely black.

Charles and Zobela stopped and had no way to go, because behind them was the "door of fortune" made up of dozens of small and large pieces of gravel. On the other side, Fox and her three subordinates also stopped. Although they did not take any action, they have cut off their retreat.

The assets owned by the Vettel family don't know thousands of trillions, but now Charles and Zobela are in a dead end.

What's the use of money?

What good is the family that dominates Europe?

I want to talk with more like-minded people to "Open a Clinic to Cultivate Immortals", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature" to read novels, talk about life, and find confidants ~

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