Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 893: Good and evil advice

Ning Tao was dead, and the news swept through every corner of the world like a hurricane.

In different cities, the name "Ning Tao" appears most frequently on the streets. There is also the Internet world, and the name "Ning Tao" is everywhere. Even under the news that Adele is about to launch a new song, many people are talking about the number one terrorist being "beheaded."

Yes, the word "beheading" is used by most media in the Western world, just like beheading the lamp.

In the eastern folk, sadness and anger are flowing, and the Internet can be seen everywhere, such as "I would like to donate March salary to hit the lighthouse".

Some people say he is good, others are bad, and controversy keeps on.

But those who talk about him know that this is just a meditation play?

Chang'an University Lane.

Jingle bell, jingle bell ...

A middle-aged man carrying an electrician's toolbox was walking on the street, and his cell phone suddenly sounded a ringing call. He stopped and pulled out his phone to check.

On the screen is a call from Zhao Wushuang.

He hesitated and connected the phone: "Hey, may I ask you ..."

"Are you Brother Ning? I am Wushuang, you ... you are still alive!" Zhao Wushuang's voice was very excited.

The middle-aged man was silent for a while and then said, "Sorry, you made a mistake, I just activated this number at Telecom."

"You ... not Brother Ning?" Zhao Wushuang's mood dropped instantly.

The middle-aged man said, "Sorry, I have to work."


Before waiting for Zhao Wushuang to finish speaking, the middle-aged man hung up the phone, put away his cell phone, and continued to move forward.

He is Ning Tao, who uses Ning Tao, a magic charm of Yingu Town in the Tianzi version.

Zhao Wushuang called him back and forth several times. At first he sometimes answered it, but then he simply didn't answer it. This is also a lawless thing, who made him a crime? If Zhao Wushuang got anything back, he would be 666.

The Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce is here soon.

Ning Tao stooped to the gate.

A plainclothes guard stopped him and asked politely, "What are you doing?"

Ning Tao said: "I'm here to repair the circuit. A gentleman named Meng Bo made a repair call."

What the guard was about to say, Meng Bo stepped out of the yard, looked at Ning Tao, and said, "What is your job number?"

Ning Tao said, "1314, are you Mr. Meng Bomeng?"

Meng Bo said, "It's me, come with me."

He spoke, and the plainclothes guard stopped Ning Tao and let him in.

Upon entering the door, Ning Tao saw two blonde girls, Elizabeth and Angel from the Vettel family.

The two blonde beauties had already left the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, but Duke Mark asked them to investigate whether Ning Tao's death was true or false, and they returned. To fulfill the task assigned to them by the Duke of Mark, here is obviously the only choice.

Elizabeth and Angel were sweeping the ground with a broom. When Ning Tao came in, the eyes of the two blonde girls gathered on Ning Tao's body.

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