Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 896: Daughter of half fairy

She has really changed, and she would never have said it before, but this time she not only said it, but she spoke so naturally that there was no embarrassment.

What's wrong with her?

Looking at each other, the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

After a few seconds, Ning Tao couldn't stand the embarrassing atmosphere and said, "Your people say that you want to talk to me. It's a very important thing. I'm here, what's the matter?"

Fox Ji didn't answer his question, but said, "Can you remove the charm from your body? I want to see you, not yours."

Ning Tao said, "You know me, why do you want me to go back? That is very expensive, and the cost is at least 200,000."

"Just be for me?" Fox's voice was extremely gentle, with a magical power that penetrated into her heart.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly, turned around, stretched out his hand, and turned around again after a few seconds. By this time, he had changed back to his original appearance.

"You should tell me now?" He said.

"I'm leaving, I came to see you on purpose." Foxe said.

Ning Tao froze slightly: "You're leaving, where are you going?"

"Don't you feel it?" Fox Ji asked back.

Suddenly, Ning Tao realized something. He recalled a series of strange feelings just now, and then said in surprise: "You ... are you going to be robbed?"

Fox Ji nodded with a smile.

"No wonder I feel you changed as soon as I come, I can't feel the enchantment on you, even your six reincarnation maps have hidden the breath. Are these changes because you want to respond to robbery?" Ning Tao was very curious and excited. He wanted to know more, because one day he would also cross the sky, and now knowing a little more is to accumulate experience.

The fox-hide said: "In order to reach the great late stage of the Great Nirvana, spiritual instincts will reach a level of psychic similarity to nature. Everything in this world has words and connections, and sense their existence. Into them, your breath will be dilute and become a natural part of this heaven and earth. As you can see now, I didn't deliberately hide anything, but you can't sense anything at all, do you? "

This remark reminded Ning Tao that he had diffused his spiritual knowledge, like catkins in the wind, and fluttered to Fox Fox.

However, he still didn't feel anything, let alone the spiritual energy field, demon and evil spirits, he couldn't even sense her breath as a woman. She is clearly in front of her. She is suffocating and extremely fresh. From a certain angle, she is like a mass of air in this room. It is part of a futon, part of a wall, part of a table. It was even part of her clothes, but she was not alone.

Ning Tao retracted her spiritual knowledge, and she was surprised and confused: "What is going on?"

Foxhine said: "Thanks to the four blessings you found, I have touched that last barrier. I have already said that I didn't hide anything deliberately. This is what I did when I was out, but ... "

"But what?"

"I can conceal you, I can conceal everything in this world, but I can't conceal this day." After a slight pause, Foxhime looked up at the roof above her head, her eyes sparkling with excitement and expectations. Shenguang, "There is an eye in heaven, and nothing escapes its eyes. I can feel that it has found me, and there is a powerful energy accumulating in the void, and I think that is the heavenly calamity I want to cross."

Ning Tao also raised his head, but he couldn't see the sky and couldn't sense any powerful energy. He did see a spider web, a colorful spider hovering in the center of the web, motionless, waiting for the prey to throw itself into the web.

Without knowing why, he suddenly felt that the fox was the prey that the spider was waiting for.

"I brought you here because I wanted you to send me on my last trip, would you?" Fox Ji retracted his gaze and stared at Ning Tao.

"Where are you going to cross the robbery? When?" Ning Tao asked.

"I wasn't sure when it was, but the location is certain. I want to meet my **** on the highest mountain in the world."


"Yes, that place is closest to the sky, and it is very clean there, and I want to cross there."

"Okay, I'm willing to accompany you. I can now open the door and take you to Everest. There is a blood lock left by my son, and I can go when I open the door." Ning Tao said.

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